Online Dating



  • coachpzizzle
    coachpzizzle Posts: 11 Member
    I have been online dating for about 5 years. I have used PlentyofFish, OkCupid, EHarmony, and Match. I have had way more success with the free sites, to be honest. I think it's mostly because the paid sites are chock-full of inactive profiles. You get matched and you send emails but never get one in return, turns out they signed up for the free trial and aren't really using their account anymore.

    I have had some wonderful relationships start on OkCupid and Plentyoffish. I fell in love with a man I met there and we dated for quite a while. Broke up because of some differences we felt were never going to be able to overcome. We're still good friends.

    I have had some TERRIBLE dates with men I've met online. The worst was a guy who showed up drunk and then texted me after the date to let me know his "second" date of the night was better than ours, so he wouldn't be calling me. LOL. I think it's the online format. It makes people feel disconnected enough from reality to treat others like they're not actually humans. So lame.

    I think online dating is great for people who aren't into the bar scene and don't socialize much outside of work. I am just super busy and all the people I meet through work are either married or women (teachers are often one of those two classifications). I feel like I'm still "out there" although I don't spend lots of hours trolling clubs/bars for men without wedding rings on.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I have been online dating for about 5 years. I have used PlentyofFish, OkCupid, EHarmony, and Match. I have had way more success with the free sites, to be honest. I think it's mostly because the paid sites are chock-full of inactive profiles. You get matched and you send emails but never get one in return, turns out they signed up for the free trial and aren't really using their account anymore.

    I have had some wonderful relationships start on OkCupid and Plentyoffish. I fell in love with a man I met there and we dated for quite a while. Broke up because of some differences we felt were never going to be able to overcome. We're still good friends.

    I have had some TERRIBLE dates with men I've met online. The worst was a guy who showed up drunk and then texted me after the date to let me know his "second" date of the night was better than ours, so he wouldn't be calling me. LOL. I think it's the online format. It makes people feel disconnected enough from reality to treat others like they're not actually humans. So lame.

    I think online dating is great for people who aren't into the bar scene and don't socialize much outside of work. I am just super busy and all the people I meet through work are either married or women (teachers are often one of those two classifications). I feel like I'm still "out there" although I don't spend lots of hours trolling clubs/bars for men without wedding rings on.

    Try Its a better way to meet people with simular interests. I am sorry tat happened to you. You are better than that and deserve better. Ive never had luck with the online dating thing. I have alot luck with going to events.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    My poofer contacted me! Oh I'm sooooo honored. :huh: NYE he sent me a text saying "Happy New Years Evaaaaaa" (evaaaa is an inside joke between him and I). I ignored his poofing *kitten*.

    I also had to cancel my meet and greet for tonight with new POFer. I ended up catching a stomach virus over the weekend and am barely starting to feel better. I'll get with him some time later this week or next.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    i tried the online dating thing once. it was POF. honestly it really wasn't that great. I didnt meet anyone on there and the ones that messaged me wanted just oneee thing smh. its hard for me to meet guys too so I would give it another shot. Hopefully I dont end up with crazy stories though!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    So I took the plunge and signed up for POF. Ive only been on there about 2 day. But I've already met some interseting people and some creepers. We will see what happens.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    It took me a week or 2 before I started getting messages from guys my age who wrote me nice messages and didn't give me the creep vibe.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Pof, never worked for me. Too many shirtless dudes sending penis pics to chicks and the women would get discouraged and delete their accounts before I get a chance to chat with them. D*amn those idiots.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Pof, never worked for me. Too many shirtless dudes sending penis pics to chicks and the women would get discouraged and delete their accounts before I get a chance to chat with them. D*amn those idiots.

    Really what is up with guys sending penis pics? It's not attractive at all.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I have no idea. Women complain that guys do that.
  • My first experience was great we dated for 5 didn't work in the end so I am back out there.

    Here is what I have found so far:

    Cross Dresser
    Swinger (didn't tell me till he took me to the club for dancing)
    A one night stand - after 3 dates
    One that only wants sex
    One that we have dated 6 times and now he isn't sure if he wants to keep going

    It has it's good sides and bad sides.
  • ArnonsaeJ
    ArnonsaeJ Posts: 41 Member
    There's this guy I've been talking to for a couple months now that I met through a mutual online game we play. I just hate finding myself liking people who live more than a week ends trip away. But I called him last night and he was making fun of me for playing mario and reading on new years to the people he was partying with. Was having a nice fun evening until I got off the phone. Alcohol probably didn't help the feelings any, lol. I'm not a go out to bars by myself kind of person and I don't show up to places I'm not invited to.

    This is the problem with the internet! I have met someone online (not from a dating site) and he lives so far away. There's not really a future there, yet we continue talking. And I was completely up front when we started chatting, about how distance was a deal breaker, yet the more we talk, the more we seem to like each other. This is headed for disaster! Gah! What do you do!!!!

    Its frustrating, lol. The communication barrier is def a hard one sometimes. I"m horrid at worrying about what this and that means. Doesn't help I sooo have issues being patient! lol. I'd be awesome if he was a weekend trip away, but 12 hrs is a long drive. A road trip to visit a bunch of friends is going to be my goal weight reward, so I have that to look forward to making a stop to meet him then! Until they'll I'll try to not get too attached, if its possible, lol, and keep reminding myself to chill out and not be so crazy, haha.
  • trudemeanor
    trudemeanor Posts: 60 Member
    Ive set up a few profiles on various websites, only to take them down after a couple of days. I have heard of many succes stories of people finding their husband or wife on dating sites as well as the horror stories. The funny thing is my mom suggested I try online dating a few weeks ago. Perhaps I will give it a try once again, but after I prayer about the decison.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    This is very random but I just thought it.

    I look at my online matches every day. I'll look at the person's first photo and be curious to see the rest. When I look, I realize the person has chosen the main picture to be one that makes them look weird/different, whatever, and that they're actually really attractive. This always surprises me!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    This is very random but I just thought it.

    I look at my online matches every day. I'll look at the person's first photo and be curious to see the rest. When I look, I realize the person has chosen the main picture to be one that makes them look weird/different, whatever, and that they're actually really attractive. This always surprises me!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    This is very random but I just thought it.

    I look at my online matches every day. I'll look at the person's first photo and be curious to see the rest. When I look, I realize the person has chosen the main picture to be one that makes them look weird/different, whatever, and that they're actually really attractive. This always surprises me!

    Maybe they are trying to show their personality in their first picture, trying to stand out from just the face shot?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I went out with my poofer last night. Ha! I had just gotten home from dinner with a friend yet it was still early. We had been texting and so it came up.

    He's defintely not Mr. Right but we had fun. We made out for 2 hours!! I got over that poof fast apparently haha. :drinker: :drinker:

    Oh and NYE was still on... it was ME who assumed wrong (um you don't contact me for 4-5 days before something as huge as NYE and I'm supposed to assume it's still on.. ok). I told his *kitten* off and then drank my beer. :bigsmile:

    So now I can't decide if I want to bite his head off like a widow or keep him for future makout sessions.
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    This is the problem with the internet! I have met someone online (not from a dating site) and he lives so far away. There's not really a future there, yet we continue talking. And I was completely up front when we started chatting, about how distance was a deal breaker, yet the more we talk, the more we seem to like each other. This is headed for disaster! Gah! What do you do!!!!

    Its frustrating, lol. The communication barrier is def a hard one sometimes. I"m horrid at worrying about what this and that means. Doesn't help I sooo have issues being patient! lol. I'd be awesome if he was a weekend trip away, but 12 hrs is a long drive. A road trip to visit a bunch of friends is going to be my goal weight reward, so I have that to look forward to making a stop to meet him then! Until they'll I'll try to not get too attached, if its possible, lol, and keep reminding myself to chill out and not be so crazy, haha.

    It's difficult to not get attached though. I know for me, I find myself wanting to talk to my guy all the time. We've already talked about the distance thing and, even though we don't know how it would work, we chose to ignore that fact and continue getting more intimate with each other. A weekend meeting is in the works for the spring and then possibly again in the summer. Very hard not to get swept away. I hope you find a way to make it work.
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    I went out with my poofer last night. Ha! I had just gotten home from dinner with a friend yet it was still early. We had been texting and so it came up.

    He's defintely not Mr. Right but we had fun. We made out for 2 hours!! I got over that poof fast apparently haha. :drinker: :drinker:

    Oh and NYE was still on... it was ME who assumed wrong (um you don't contact me for 4-5 days before something as huge as NYE and I'm supposed to assume it's still on.. ok). I told his *kitten* off and then drank my beer. :bigsmile:

    So now I can't decide if I want to bite his head off like a widow or keep him for future makout sessions.

    oops. I vote for retaining him for the makeout sessions! lol
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    This is very random but I just thought it.

    I look at my online matches every day. I'll look at the person's first photo and be curious to see the rest. When I look, I realize the person has chosen the main picture to be one that makes them look weird/different, whatever, and that they're actually really attractive. This always surprises me!

    Maybe they are trying to show their personality in their first picture, trying to stand out from just the face shot?

    I get this, but seriously, I'd rather a nice looking photo rather than glaring at the camera or something, half the time I then don't bother looking at their profile, if they couldn't take the time for a decent pic... sigh.
  • edhima
    edhima Posts: 2
    Its hard for guys to meet great women because there are way more men than women on there. But then again with my profile, no wonder why I never met anyone.

    I just died laughing..and now I have to pee - yes, women like to pee a lot.