


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Hi! I'm Carrie. I'm starting NROL4W on Monday. My set back though is that I don't have access to a gym right now. I have a home gym but will have to make a few modifications and won't be able to follow the program EXACTLY. :grumble: Or at least until I get some more equipment. But I am all set up to do Stage 1 thanks to my hubby. :)

    I'm 28, married, and a mom to 2 boys ages 3 and 7. I have lost 25 pounds since January this year. I did mostly cardio and some strength training with lighter weights (5lb and 8lb). I did the Butt Bible (lol) 6 week program and it was great. Reading through the forums has inspired me to lift heavy and get STRONGER! I have been lifting heavier for a few weeks now and I'm ready to start a more structured program.
  • MaggieFit622
    Hi everyone!
    I am a college student...well community college @ the moment but I will be transitioning in the fall of next year to a four time institution (Gwynedd Mercy WHoot!!) and my goals are by that time I want to be stronger, leaner, and be more confident in my ability to be an independent and healthier woman.
    I am,as I have heard the term called, "skinny fat". I am in my BMI range, have been doing the cardio thing for a month now and I want to up my A game. I, however, have a layer of fat covering my zero pack (my affectionate term for my belly).. I want to remove that layer, gain some serious arm muscles, and be an overall healthier person.
    Right now, I am only eating about 1,300 per day, doing cardio and some weight lifting (I am limited to my hard ot understand machine at home that belongs to the man of the house). I have, however, joined Planet Fitness and I am going to use their machines to fufil the program that is offered in NROWL4W.
    To emphasize my sad zero pack, pics are on my profile. Just friend me :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,948 Member
    I have been lurking (here) for some time. But, I purchased my book last week and it should be shipped to me, shortly.

    I have the same (real-life) first name as lily!!

    I am 43 years-old, the mother of 3 and I have a high-stress, long-hour daytime profession. I have been a cardio-gym-rat for 25+ years, but became determined this fall to "change my shape". So, I have tossed (most of) my cardio for strength-training. Heavy lifting.

    On the advice of my husband, I have been doing body-for-life (the training-for-life portion) for the last 6 weeks. It is a 12-week program, so I need to decide if I finish training-for-life before seeing what Nrol4W can offer. (Until I read the book, I just won't know.)

    I am committed, in 2012, to toss the scale (which has bumped around plus- or minus- 5- or 10- lbs. for a couple decades, now...) and use the measuring tape. I *might* even take a picture of myself to kick-start 2012 and see what I can REALLY do to transform my body!!

    I am glad this thread is here. Good luck to all you fabulous women!
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi NROWL group! I am new to the group, just got my book and am still reading it. I am only half way to my goal but stoked to add this to my routine :) Been spending a few days looking around and reading posts and I think I am going to like it here ;) I suck at strength anything lol Looking forward to starting this soon (need to get some equipment since I have no access to a gym) and putting in some blood,sweat and tears to a rockin and strong body :)
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member

    My name is Laurie,married and the mother to two girls(22 and 17).
    I currently work as a rehabilitation assistant part time.
    I am starting with Stage 1 today,I'm so excited!:tongue:
    I just raised my calories to 1800/per day.

    I am going to be doing my workouts at home,at least for the time being. I workout 6 days per week.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi...I'm Jennifer, 42 years old, married for 24 years and the mom to two teenage boys. One is 16 the other will turn 14 the end of this month. I'm brand new to lifting but I've been with MFP 10 months. I'm glad I found this group! I definitely want to go out and buy the book. In the meantime, I'll be reading everything I can within this group as I begin my weightlifting journey :-)
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I am Raina. I am 21 years old, and have been married for 1 year and 8 months. I am 5'4", and I am 215 pounds.
    I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey, no where near goal weight, but I am not focusing on weight loss anymore, and I trust that the stronger I get, the more weight I will lose doing NROLFW. I am starting NROLFW tomorrow, and I am fully committed to staying with it and finishing strong. My lifting days are MWF and I am eating 1930 calories on non lifting days, and 2230 on lifting days.

    I would really love to have friends on MFP who are committed to NROLFW so that we can share our journey with one another. :)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hi I'm Anya. I'm 33 years old, 5ft 1 tall and I am 167 lbs.
    I'm in the process of reading the book. I say process as I've read most of it on the kindle on my iPhone. The pages are too small on there to read the charts without enlarging it and then it doesn't fit on the screen properly. :frown:
    I've ordered the actual book to take a look at the exercises better and work out what equipment I need to do this.
    I'm very nervous about doing this at the gym as I'm completely new to lifting and completely intimidated by the idea of heading into the weight lifting area at the gym.
    I'm not going to follow the diet plan as I'm an intermittent faster and will be following the 'Eat Stop Eat' method while doing this. I will however be changing my diet so that I am more in the 40/30/30 zone and upping my calories as the book says you should. I've gone into maintenance mode for my daily diet.
    My calorie calculations are complicated since I work 12 hour days and am fairly sedentary on days off, so as long as I'm lifting I'll be supplementing my diet with a 300 cal protein drink to deal with the variance.
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Beck. I'm almost 24, 5'7" and currently 143 lbs. I'm a full-time nursing student and I work part-time as a nurse's assistant. I've recently decided to stop worrying about the scale. (That thing wasn't budging anyways! lol) I've lost 18 lbs since I joined MFP last March. I'm now focusing more on maintaining and inches lost. I purchased the book from Amazon and I'm anxiously waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

    Along with starting NROL4W, I'm training for my first half-marathon in March. Thanks for this group. I've been looking through the boards and there are a bunch of committed, inspiring ladies here!! :flowerforyou:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    hello, I'm Jill. 30 year old mom of a 9 year old boy. I need to lose 50lbs, I'm engaged to the love of my life, and we are to be married in Mexico in three years (I want a house and a dog first lol).

    I finished reading New Rules of Lifting for Women last night. I read each and every single exercise and the proper way to do them. I read every recipe even though I don't eat dairy or high protein meat. I read the motivational speech at the end that says no one can motivate you but yourself. And when I closed the book, I had an acute sense of anxiety. I want to do this. I want to learn how to do Romanian Deadlifts and different squats. I want to learn how to maximize my work outs and feel a transformation within 6 months. But then the excuses started flooding in my head. How am I going to do this with my kid in Karate and Football twice a week, plus I start Thai Chi twice a week, how am I going to do this by myself without injuring myself or looking stupid. How am I going to get through stage 1 when I can barely do one set of squats....on and on the thoughts went. I even went to sleep with anxiety. I admit it! I'M SCARED!!! I'm scared that I'll be doing the deadlifts wrong, or the bulgarian whatevers like an idiot. I'm afraid that the intervals on the bike will exhaust me so bad I won't be able to do the rest of the routine. What happens if the work out is more than an hour, and my son is sitting downstairs bored as hell??? What happens if I can barely walk on the days I'm suppose to train?

    And then I stopped...took a mental step back, and realized that I am more than capable of doing this. I'm not new to the gym, just the exercises. I just have to get my *kitten* in there and try it at least
  • mrshmiller9
    Hey I'm Heather,
    I'm 24, with two beautiful little girls- 7 and 1. I always was afraid of lifting because I didn't want to look like a man lol but after a bit of research I see that the probability of that is low. I'm still in research mode but I'm going to look up this and start.

    I want to be lean not skinny- and I want to be strong!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Hello! I'm Nikki
    "The Book" arrived on my doorstep about an hour ago --EXCITED-- :D

    I'm 29 (and a half!) with two kiddliwinks - one 2 year old girl who I hope to inspire when she's older, and one 5 year old boy who's already in awe of his mum when I told him I go to the gym to lift weights.

    Aside from being a mum, I'm also an Always Overweight Teacher Aide.. I'll be changing that this year :D
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Hi all. Name's Sherri and I've been an MFP'r for nearly a year now. Using a calorie deficit and primarily cario, I've shed 22 pounds so far. As I don't have much fat to lose now, I've decided to focus on strength training using New Rules.

    Also, I'm fairly new to running, with three 5ks under my belt so far.

    I'm even fairly newer with not smoking; one week in to date.

    I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the flow of the stage 1 I shall now pore in the message boards in the hopes of finding answers.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi all. Name's Sherri and I've been an MFP'r for nearly a year now. Using a calorie deficit and primarily cario, I've shed 22 pounds so far. As I don't have much fat to lose now, I've decided to focus on strength training using New Rules.

    Also, I'm fairly new to running, with three 5ks under my belt so far.

    I'm even fairly newer with not smoking; one week in to date.

    I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the flow of the stage 1 I shall now pore in the message boards in the hopes of finding answers.

    Congratulations on your successes! Welcome to New Rules.

    I don't know what your specific questions are so I'll just go ahead and try and sort out any confusion. All stages(except 7) are broken into two parts - Workout A and Workout b. You alternate workouts 3 days a week. If you start on Monday you'd do A then B on Wed, followed by A again on Friday. Repeat until you've completed the stage.

    The first exercise in the workout is meant to be done in successive sets with a rest in between sets. Then the next exercises are done in alternation with each other. That's what 1a and 1b means. You do one set of one, rest, then do a set of the second exercise. Rest and repeat. Do this throughout the whole workout.

    Does that clarify anything for you?
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Does that clarify anything for you?

    I didn't want to ask as I figured the answers would be in the Stage 1 thread and lo & behold I found them. But thanks for offering help!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Does that clarify anything for you?

    I didn't want to ask as I figured the answers would be in the Stage 1 thread and lo & behold I found them. But thanks for offering help!

    I'm glad you found your answers! Good luck on the program!
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    I'm Kate. 38. 3 kids: 7, 5, and 3. I'm really enjoying both this site and the New Rules. I'm halfway through Stage 2 and really loving it, except when I'm hating that front squat push press one :) But in general think it is really changing the shape of my body and it makes me feel strong.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Hi Im Katy, and i am 35 with one son 7, one step son 7 and a step daug 11. about 1.5 years ago I quit a 20 year smoking habit and gained a lot of weight. I have lost all but the last 15 pound and have been at a stand still for the last 2 months. 48 pounds lost were from change in diet and cardio 5-6 days a week, so not doing as much cardio sure does scare me.

    I love weight lifting and figured that I would give this a try. I hear great things about it and hope that it gets me over this hump. I would love to wear a bathing suit once Vermont warms up (july) I also would love to be able to show my kids that it is important to take care of yourself.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Greetings friends! I'm Hanna....I'll be 35 years old in July. Mother of four, ages: 14, 11, 8, and 2. I work full-time and hit the gym on my lunch hour. I started heavier lifting back in October but I've recently felt like my program needed some guidance. Then I got NROL for Christmas and here I am. My first workout was Monday, and in about 15 minutes I'm headed to the gym to workout# 2 B. Glad to be here!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm currently reading all the threads and posts about the program and considering starting it myself.

    I'm Rach, 23yr old, 5'3" and currently about 168lbs. Highest weight of about 205. My p90x is out on loan and the treadmill is getting a bit dull, so I'm looking to get back into lifting again. Just cleaned up my diet a bit cutting out a lot of processed food so I'm ready to add something else to benefit my health. This program sounds like a perfect fit so far.

    Please feel free to add me. Looking for some great women for support. :flowerforyou: