Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lcjensen83
    lcjensen83 Posts: 10 Member

    Owl: 0
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Internet Hugs for Everyone!!!

    (Too bad there aren't as nice as real ones...)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Jenn nice to have you back...Thanks for the hug... and I hope you can get your router fixed soon.
    I am going to see if I can be more faithful with posts by posting in the morning instead of the evening. I am back to barely getting things logged before I fall asleep with the computer in my lap!

    1/4 HP 40
    1/5 HP 100

    not sure what to do with owls and newts for this week! Happy Friday everyone!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Jenn nice to have you back...Thanks for the hug... and I hope you can get your router fixed soon.
    I am going to see if I can be more faithful with posts by posting in the morning instead of the evening. I am back to barely getting things logged before I fall asleep with the computer in my lap!

    1/4 HP 40
    1/5 HP 100

    not sure what to do with owls and newts for this week! Happy Friday everyone!

    molly so glad you are alright after the car accident. i have a friend who was in a car accident it was truly a freak accident and one of the passengers was not using the seat belt and didn't survive. my friend couldn't drive for years. praying for your and your friends.

    what are our owls and newts for the week? so lost....that's what i get for lurking. one more thing chanlleges are from sunday to saturday right?

    stats for the past week
    1/1 30 hp
    1/2 159 hp
    1/3 107 hp
    1/4 0 hp
    1/5 96 hp
  • Molly_Louise
    I've been slacking on my posts, sorry guys. Failed all of my new years resolutions too, aside from my weight one that is. Weight this week is currently 154, weigh in day is Sunday so I'll post my weekly weight then. I am expecting a gain, as I was out for dinner tonight, under my calories but ate a lot. I got EA Sports Active 2 delivered today and I am starting it on Sunday, so I am looking forward to it.



    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 30


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - I am over on protein, so not sure what my NEWTs are
    H.P - 30

    I am working an 8 hour shift tomorrow and I'm just so tired! :yawn:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    after biting all of my nails down to the quick I forced myself onto the scales and found myself to be 1.8 pounds lighter *throws hat in air*

    I went to Tesco and did some crazy impulse buying and ended up with a Zumba box set with some shaky dumbells or something so I've invited my sister round and we're going to fool around with that later.

    Yesterday was quite a good day because I got up mega early, went to the leisure centre before it got light (still in the clothes I slept in), swam 30 lengths and then went to work (got there on time for a change); then after work I went to a spirals class. Then I decided I'd been far too good and went out and drank cocktails and bubblegum shots. My sister rang me this morning to check on me because she had woken up repeatedly in tears last night having the same dream where I was dead and she was trying to hang out with my spirit or something. Too many bubblegum shots!
  • msrobinson77
    Hee hee... You ladies are quite entertaining!

    Dani- there isn't a challenge this week. Some of us are logging newts and owls from last week's challenge and some of us are still on a holiday eating extravaganza. Oh maybe that's just me.:bigsmile: I did drag my lazy bum out this morning for Zumba class which I'm hoping will negate the margaritas and Mexican food from last night.

    I know our head of house is über busy wih an international relocation right now so if prefects aren't chosen by tomorrow than maybe the rest of us can come up with some type of challenge in the meantime.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I AM SO Sorry. My life is crazy right now with this move. New Prefects are Carolinagirl and Msrobinson. Carolinagirl please start with the exercise challenge and Msrobinson please do the food challenge. I am positively exhausted ladies, but I WILL get caught up on the posts soon. Please have my mercy on me :flowerforyou:
  • loveangel03
    I'm new but I would like to be a part of Hufflepuff house!
    Can anyone fill me in as to what goes on and what to do here?
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Morning everyone I've not been doing NEWTs or OWLs but I'll start them for this week.

    House Points for last week: 280

    Hello Loveangel :smile:

    We weigh in weekly between Friday and Monday. Lost weight is totalled and averaged and entered into the inter-house championships for the House Cup at the end of each month.

    We record how many minutes of exercise we have done as house points. These are also added up and averaged each week and entered into the inter-house champs for the Quiddich Cup.

    We have prefects within Hufflepuff selected every 2 weeks. They set the House Challenges and we gain OWLs by doing the exercise challenge and NEWTs by doing the food challenge. The challenges change every week so it keeps it more interesting and encourages you to continually try different things. At the end of a prefect's reign, the next prefects are selected based on who got the most NEWTs and OWLs.

    We also try to keep the board as active, vibrant and interesting as possible because we are a friendly and supportive group and it's nice to feel like there's somewhere you can go for a chat if you're having a mid-week slump.

    Queeda (Ihurtubise) is our head of house but as Ms R has said, she's in the middle of some serious crazy stuff right now and is likely to be feeling quite harassed at the moment but if you want any more details or whatever the rest of us should be able to sort you out.

    GUYS, correct any of this if it's wrong!
  • msrobinson77
    Queeda-You are AMAZING! No apologies. I don't know how you are even finding time to log in the midst of all this....

    LoveAngel-Welcome to our group!

    You've probably heard some buzz about "superfoods." Although there is some disagreement among "experts" as to how beneficial these foods are, one thing experts seem to agree upon is that these foods are loaded with nutrients and very good for your body! This week's challenge is to add some of these superfoods to your diet each day. Good health is the key to feeling and looking good!

    Depending on where you live in the world, your list of superfoods may be slightly different. Here is a list of superfoods that seem to appear on just about every doctor/nutritionist/author/expert list across the globe:

    greens (collard, kale, spinach, etc.)
    green tea
    olive oil
    yogurt (low fat)

    So give yourself one NEWT for each serving of a superfood!

    Blaaagh! Almost forgot weigh in: All week I've been sitting at 136, this morning I weighed in at 137.5. My sodium has been pretty high this week. I'm sure it's just water retention... I have got to get that under control!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Exercise Challenge

    We need extra activity to burn off those holiday pounds, but we also need something fairly simple to remember to add on to our workouts

    1. After 60 minutes of exercise give yourself 1 newt for every 10 minutes over 60 minutes completed (e.g 70 minutes 1 newt, 80 minutes 2 newts and so forth)
    2. 10 sit ups give yourself a newt (20 situps 2 newts etc.)
    3. 10 jumping jacks give yourself 1 newt
    4. 30 sec of plank pose held 1 newt
    5. 10 sec of Superman exercise 1 newt
    6. 10 squats 1 newt
    7. 10 lunges 1 newt

    Lets focus on adding just a bit extra to our workouts. I know we rock on house points...but lets give just a little bit more We can do this!
  • loveangel03
    Wow, thanks for the welcome and all the explanation! Awesome!! :) Yay! Cant wait to start!

    And thankfully, I live in the lovely state of California. :) We have every kind of food. <3 (I'm an agriculture major, so excuse me if I give ag some love. Hahaha)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    KaBOOM! Sunday stats :

    NEWTs 2
    OWLs 4
    House points 10 (bit pathetic I know but y' Sundays are generally lazy!)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome LoveAngel, we are glad to have you in our house.

    My stats for this past week are not so good,

    1/2/12 through 1/7/12

    I didn't really keep track of owls and newts : (
    House Points: 45
    Friday I helped move the office I work in from one location to another, surely that counts for some points but as I wouldn't
    begin to know how to count it, I'll just be happy knowing that I still reap the benefits of the extra exercise.
    Todays weight 163.2
  • Molly_Louise
    Good evening all! Well, with it being 11:40pm here in the UK I feel like I should say goodnight :laugh: I hope you all had a great weekend. I have no sixth form on Tuesday which I am looking forward to. Back to reality tomorrow though.

    Stats for 7/1

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 240


    OWLs - 2 (low fat yoghurt and strawberries. Does strawberries count under the 'berries' category on the superfoods list?)
    NEWTs - 0
    H.P - 21

    Weight is now 153!! Woo, 1lb down which I wasn't expecting. BMI is rapidly dropping too, which I am delighted about.

    Today I began using the EA Sports Active 2 game I bought in the week. Wow I underestimated the game! It's a lot harder than it looks, but I love it and can't wait until I use it again tomorrow. I've signed up to do the three week programme on it, I decided it'd be an easier start than jumping in with the 9 week one! I definitely recommend it if you haven't got it. If you're in the UK (I think there's only me and bumflapassassin, sorry if I am wrong!), Game have it on sale on the Wii for £7.98 including free delivery, so it's worth getting. I saw it there and that's why I bought it!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
  • msrobinson77
    Good evening all,
    Molly, yes, your strawberries count.
    Queeda, I love your new pic-I am definitely team Edward!
    Suzie/Mom, glad to see you back on here. I think we all had a rough week so we can all just look at the coming week as a fresh start.

    For today: 2 newts, 0 owls, 30 house points.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome loveangel!
    Suzie--I like the powerfood challenge. It is nice to see I already am eating a couple of the powerfoods but look forward to adding a couple more this week!

    I am so sorry about screwing up the wording of the exercise challenge, meaning throughout my entire post I put NEWTs in It is supposed to be the OWL challenge. See what happens when hubby tries to rush me out the door to go hiking and I don't reread it before posting...Sorry all!

    1/6 stats
    HP 105

    1/7 stats
    HP 77

    I had quit totaling owls and newts since I wasn't sure what we were doing
    My weight maintained this week at 199. Since I lost so much weight last week, I don't think it is a bad thing :smile:
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Hello Friends! - I have finally went back through my HRM and got my stats for House Points since the first of the year. (Since I have done a poor job at tracking anything!)

    HP - 355

    This seemed terribly low for me... I remember posting 600+ most weeks. Sigh! I have really got to kick up my game! Cycling back & forth to work doesn't take as long as it used to and I haven't been to the Y yet this year. I do hate those big crowds that are at gyms in January... waiting for those ppl to give up.... I am still avoiding the scale, even more so since I had Taco Bell (for the first time in 6 months) yesterday.

    My son is finally home from his holiday with his grandparents... With him come back my 2 little dogs (& chaos - Te he he he!). Beyond the death of his father, we are dealing with the fact that he is VERY far behind in his reading & writing. (Coming from a small town with lower standards then moving to a Chicago Magnet school with an accelerated reading/writing program.) I am stressed that he is going to fail first grade. Agh! The joys of parenthood! I get paid in giggles, hugs, & kisses!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    House Points for the week so far

    NEWTs 5
    OWLs 7
    House points 100

    My friend's being kicked out and wants my "spare" room (which is actually where my niece stays when she visits so not actually "spare") but I know if she moves in our days as people who are civil to each other are numbered (hence my resolutely living alone). Obviously if she gets desperate I'll have to help her out but it's killing me to tell her it's a last resort. gah!