Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks CarolinaGirl, i agree that stretching is beneficial; I used to get really awful cramps in my legs and feet but since exercising and stretching more I don't suffer half as much as I used to and I'm sure it's helping me not get shin splints too. I'm also able to touch the ground and impress people with my bendy-ness. I think stretching can also straighten you out and lengthen your limbs but that may be my imagination.

    By the way I don't think spelling mistakes are a massive problem; although it's good to check what you're putting out there, luckily there aren't any obnoxiously vocal spelling and grammar fascists in Hufflepuff :happy:
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    my points for yesterday

    owls-0 sorry i did rubbish
    newts- 5
    hp- 900 calories burnt
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I LOVE the challenges for this week. How creative! I did so well with the sodium challenge. I was under everyday. The exercise not so much. Can I blame it on my trip to New York? The interview in New York was definitely the hardest one I have ever had in my life. (I know I am only 24, but I have been on quite a few interviews). I have always received a job offer after an in person interview and for the first time in my life I am doubtful. I really do not feel as though it went well with the last administrator that I interviewed with. A gentlemen in the front office assured me that this was just her personality, but she seemed quite cold and unwelcoming which is VERY unusual in elementary schools (at least in my experience). Most people are usually bubbly and smiling all the time. Anyway I will find out tomorrow for sure so I am hoping they send the e-mail out earlier rather than later so that I do not have to wait and suffer all day. I had an amazing time in NY though so I am very happy I went. I also didn't want to regret not interviewing for this position in like a year so I can check that off of my list ... On to the next adventure. Everyone that participated in the 30 day shred challenge please post your stats when you get a chance there is really no rush. I am thinking of repeating this challenge for December. I only actually did the 30 day shred 12 days in November. Oops :ohwell: I am getting caught up on post right now, but everyone is doing well!
  • msrobinson77
    Good morning Huffles,
    As of yesterday, I am finished with my graduate class:drinker: I feel great about my final exam and presentation that I completed yesterday-I can finally breathe and get back to focusing on my weight loss goal.

    On a not so positive note, I went to a friend's holiday party last night and couldn't stop eating. She made little baked pretzels with hersheys and an M&M melted on top and I must have eaten 10 of them. Once I got started it was like I was in some sugar induced trance and I literally couldn't stop munching! Woke up this morning feeling chubby and guilty. Glad we didn't start our new snack challenge yesterday-I'd owe the group NEWTs!! Here's my stats since my last check in:

    110 House points
    0 OWLS
    11 Newts
    Weight: 136.5

    Good luck Queeda and have a great Sunday everyone!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well, I was pleasantly surprised, I did lose this week 8 )

    Here are my stats for yesterday:

    Newts: 4
    Owls: 0
    House pts: 15 (Yikes!)

    I must be better about exercise this week, I am planning on trying Zumba tomorrow night--am going to try really hard to be home from work on time to make the 7pm class--msrobinson keeps telling me how much I would love it--I did get Zumba 1 and 2 for Wii and can not wait to give them a try as well 8 ).. Hope everyone has a great week.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Oh, Queeda, here is my weight: 162 lbs.
  • Molly_Louise
    Aloha Huffles!

    I hope you've all had a wonderful day. Today was my last day off until December 19, so I have spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing! It was great :laugh:

    Stats for 4/12

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 16 points, so is that 16 NEWTs?
    H.P - 0

    Weight is down 1lb to 157, yay. This week I am working in a school, which is a 1.5 miles away from my house. I will walk home from it and I can do the walk in 30 mins so hoping to lose weight through that. :smile:

    Best of luck to you all for a new week!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone! dani the lurker here updating my stats weight this morning 296.4
    monday 109hp 3 newts 0 owls
    tuesday 0 0 0
    wedesday 90hp 4 news 0 owls
    thursday 0 0 0
    friday 99hp 0newts 0 owls
    saturday 0 0 0

    lately i've been do fatigued. i think it might be this new dose of blood pressure medication or i'm not getting enough sleep at night. i just laid down to take a nap before i went to the gym about 4p and i woke up about 1 in the morning. nsv i fit into a size 20 jeans now.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Yes, Molly - 16 NEWTs is correct :smile:

    My numbers for today are:
    OWLs - 32 (I stretch a lot!) - 8 of these were the same stretch on different limbs so do they count? If not I need to recalculate...probably to 28.
    NEWTs - 19 (and feeling proud!)
    House Points - 60

    We're dangerously close to Christmas and I've just looked through my diary; looks like I'm committed to 8 separate celebrations in the next 3 weeks (not including my niece's birthday) so things are going to get difficult!

    By the way, for those that are interested the toilet seat was a roaring success :drinker:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I did well with the snacking challenge today. I need to hop on the stretching though.

    18 NEWTs
    0 OWLs
    187 HP

    If you haven't already don't forget to "weigh in".
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    weight 204--many factors for the gain this weekend...Hope I can get it off as fast as it came on !

    11/30 HP 20 OWL's 4 NEWETS 0
    12/1 HP 40 OWL's 0 and NEWTs 0
    12/2 HP 105 OWL's 0 and NEWTs 0
    12/3 HP 55 OWL's 0 and NEWT's 0
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    weight 204

    11/30 HP 20 newts0 owls4
    12/1 HP 40
    12/2 HP 105
    12/3 HP 55

    no additional owls and newts
  • msrobinson77
    I had 3 "unhealthy" snacks yesterday so that leaves me with 17 "snack points" left. How are we converting points to Newts? Does this mean I have 17 Newts?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Weigh-In - 161.8

    I am starting to get sick.... Blah!

    I quit mid-day tracking on Saturday and haven't tracked since. I suck at weekend's!! So no anything for 12/3 & 12/4.

    Yay for Mondays!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I had 3 "unhealthy" snacks yesterday so that leaves me with 17 "snack points" left. How are we converting points to Newts? Does this mean I have 17 Newts?

    Yes you do!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all,

    I'm awfully ill once again. I've always been susceptible to illnesses and I know at this time of year illnesses and viruses etc are going around, but I want a break from it all. My body aches, and now I have conjunctivitis to top everything off. Gahh.

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 18
    House Points - 50

    Sorry if I'm not active on the common room for a few days, I'll probably only be logging in from my iPod app. Love to you all xox
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    hello everyone


    newts- 19
    hp- 510


    hp- 369
  • Timtam_slam
    Timtam_slam Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just found the groups feature on MFP so this is my first post.

    Sunday 12/4/2011: HP=0, OWLS =0, Newts= 19
    I was flying home from a visit with my friend in Denver, CO. In the morning we went window shopping downtown and walked around for about an hour and a half. We were strolling pretty slowly so I wasn't sure if that counts as exercise.
    Monday 12/5/2011: weight= 161.8lb, HP=60, OWLS= 4, NEWTs= 19
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I had 3 "unhealthy" snacks yesterday so that leaves me with 17 "snack points" left. How are we converting points to Newts? Does this mean I have 17 Newts?

    Yes, that's how i'm doing it. :)

    My numbers for the week so far:

    OWLs - 58
    NEWTs - 36
    House Points - 120

    Got the dentist tomorrow. Getting 2 teeth fixed for Christmas from my parents so with any luck I'll stop getting toothaches!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well, I did go to my first Zumba class today and my beautiful daughter, msrobinson, was right..I did love it, even though I felt really uncordinated (sp?). I did get to leave work on time however, left work undone, and brought work home on top of it EEECCCHHHH!!! So, here are my stats for today:


    Newts: 18
    Owls: 18
    House Pts: 60