Hufflepuff Common Room



  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I will be around for the next few days, but not as active. I will still be posting the challenge on Sat (correct me if an am wrong, but I will be devising the exercise challenge). I am heading out to my annual medical conference. It is in Asheville NC at a great resort (about 4 hours from where I live). Scenery is beautiful as it is in the mountains...and bonus...I get Christmas shopping completed there! I always have a great time, as one of my best friends lives in the area. I am also really excited because there is snow there already! I grew up with the stuff (and loathed shoveling it growing up), but I rarely see snow here anymore, so when I get a chance to see it, I love it!

    That being said...I am very worried about staying on track this year. For the last 3 years with going to this conference I have always gotten off track, drug reps feeding us unhealthy meals and snacks, the healthy resort food is really expensive, and as much as I can try to plan, there are only so many snacks I can take in on my own. It is coincidence, at the very same time, I have also reached exactly 200 pounds. This is where I have plateaued out the previous 3 times, gotten discouraged and added back 15-30 pounds of weight. I realize just acknowledging this pattern is half the battle. I have also learned a lot about myself with previous failed weight loss efforts. I have been adding insane amounts of exercise this week and getting myself back on track so quickly after Thanksgiving to hopefully to compensate for these pitfalls. I really am scared of screwing up my efforts for a third time. It takes way to long to get myself back together and back to losing weight...Thanks for letting me vent! You are all the best! :smile:
  • Molly_Louise
    It's now officially December here in the UK, so does that mean we can all start thinking solely about Christmas? :laugh: Food wise, I'm dreading Christmas day :sad:

    Stats for 30/11

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 20

    Weight is back down to 158 so I'm happy!
  • msrobinson77
    Eek! Not doing so well with the sodium challenge. I really didn't think I ate a lot of "salty" foods but, I guess I eat more crap than I'd like to admit.

    Yesterday: 0 everything:sad:
    Today: 2 Newts, 0 Owls, 30 House Points

    Hope everyone is having a great week!

  • momie0205
    Hi everyone!!! I hope all is well. I have a goal to lose 10 pounds by christmas. I need to get off my booty and exercise. It has been a hectic week in my household. 2 of my 3 chitlins have been sick. One had strep the other had a sinus and double ear infection. I had to miss 2 days of work for it.

    How is everyone doing on their Christmas shopping? I hope to be finished by the end of the week!!!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    Queeda great job to date with the sodium. I feel like any decrease in levels is a victory. When I was strongly advised to decrease my levels, I had such a hard time complying, but I discovered that I started eating healthier "by default". would be correct. 5 newts, it seems to be a very low sodium consumption. If it is your baseline, nothing to worry about, and don't change your habits, but if you are decreasing the levels just for the challenge, please bring your consumption up to at least 1000mg.
    I have patients who drop their sodium levels that low for medical reasons (there is a diet called the RICE diet)and their levels drop down to about 300mg daily with medical supervision, and the side effects can be scary if your not prepared...mental confusion and muscle weakness/cramping are the effects of lowering your consumption that low, that fast over a short period of time. I don't want anyone experiencing those side effects just because of the challenge I posted.

    Molly, yes we have have advent calenders in the US. Growing up, we always had one we used. Since I am now on my own and do not have children, I have not used one in years

    Welcome to the group Emily!

    11/29 stats

    HP 116
    newts 4 sodium somewhere in the 1700's
    owl's 0--I have the exercises down though, and look forward to adding them while I am out of town!

    i log everything and thats what MFP says my sodium intake is, i dont use salt etc in my cooking as daughter is eating the same thing most my meals consist of veg and a bit of meat make all my own pasta sauces everything, i dont eat processed either, im not even sure were id find sodium lol. also never really find time for lunch so i wouldnt be getting sodium from that meal, oh no i havent lowerd them for the challenge like i said i wouldnt know were to find sodium i have never kept track of sodium untll now i just eat what i have always eaten just not as big a portions and log it in. if you want ill add you as a friend then you can have a look at my meals and you can tell me were im going worng. now you have said the side effects i think i had them when i was pregnant with my son one day i came home and just all of a sudden out of nowere i got really confused couldnt text my partner my words wernt making sence was quite scary it passed after a little while tho but mite not of been the same thing

    my points for yesterday

    owls- 0
    newts- 5 sodium 205
    hp-519 calories burned
  • momie0205
    I am back for round two today. I am doing loads better on my food today!! I hate impromptu lunches. Even though I tried to make healthier choices. I am hoping to be 162 by christmas!!! I can do it. One of the good things about my husband working two jobs right now is that I can use the tv to work out and not have to chase him away. I like to do it by myself. I just made my lunch even healthier I didn't eat any crackers with my soup. I was too hungry to open them up.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! Just stopping in to say hello. I am having an AMAZING time in New York so even if I don't get this job it was well worth the wait. Everyone is doing amazing!

    Edited to add:

    Wednesday 2286 sodium 9 glasses of water and no exercise I was traveling
    Thursday 2067 sodium 8 glasses of water and over 4 hours of walking around New York. That counts lol
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    My Stats from 11/27 to 12/1

    OWLs: 0
    NEWTs: (0+5+5+0+4) 14
    House Points: 370

    I lost track of last weeks stats but I will put in my HP's for the House.. 11/21-11/26 - 375 House Points

    **I am so far behind on the thread.
    Queeda, keep having fun.
    I haven't even looked into the OWLs challenge. Ugh!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member

    i log everything and thats what MFP says my sodium intake is, i dont use salt etc in my cooking as daughter is eating the same thing most my meals consist of veg and a bit of meat make all my own pasta sauces everything, i dont eat processed either, im not even sure were id find sodium lol. also never really find time for lunch so i wouldnt be getting sodium from that meal, oh no i havent lowerd them for the challenge like i said i wouldnt know were to find sodium i have never kept track of sodium untll now i just eat what i have always eaten just not as big a portions and log it in. if you want ill add you as a friend then you can have a look at my meals and you can tell me were im going worng. now you have said the side effects i think i had them when i was pregnant with my son one day i came home and just all of a sudden out of nowere i got really confused couldnt text my partner my words wernt making sence was quite scary it passed after a little while tho but mite not of been the same thing

    my points for yesterday

    owls- 0
    newts- 5 sodium 205
    hp-519 calories burned

    Overall, you are doing great by making your own sauces and minimizing your processed foods. There were a few things I found in your journal that probably have sodium, that woud raise yout totals it a bit higher, the milk, bread, cheese and doritio's, but with the normal portion sizes you eat, I am sure that the amounts you are still under the 1500 grams. As a general rule anything that is processed is going to have some sodium... I think when some people create foods, they do not load all of the nutrients. What you experienced with your pregnancy could have been many things, not sure if it was related or not. Looks like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    i log everything and thats what MFP says my sodium intake is, i dont use salt etc in my cooking as daughter is eating the same thing most my meals consist of veg and a bit of meat make all my own pasta sauces everything, i dont eat processed either, im not even sure were id find sodium lol. also never really find time for lunch so i wouldnt be getting sodium from that meal, oh no i havent lowerd them for the challenge like i said i wouldnt know were to find sodium i have never kept track of sodium untll now i just eat what i have always eaten just not as big a portions and log it in. if you want ill add you as a friend then you can have a look at my meals and you can tell me were im going worng. now you have said the side effects i think i had them when i was pregnant with my son one day i came home and just all of a sudden out of nowere i got really confused couldnt text my partner my words wernt making sence was quite scary it passed after a little while tho but mite not of been the same thing

    my points for yesterday

    owls- 0
    newts- 5 sodium 205
    hp-519 calories burned

    Overall, you are doing great by making your own sauces and minimizing your processed foods. There were a few things I found in your journal that probably have sodium, that woud raise yout totals it a bit higher, the milk, bread, cheese and doritio's, but with the normal portion sizes you eat, I am sure that the amounts you are still under the 1500 grams. As a general rule anything that is processed is going to have some sodium... I think when some people create foods, they do not load all of the nutrients. What you experienced with your pregnancy could have been many things, not sure if it was related or not. Looks like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!

    ok thats great thank you for taking a look, yea i was thinking that when i logged it in and it said 0 but when i looked on the back of the pack it would have mayb 0.5 or somthing like that. thank you good to know im not doing anything wrong thanks again!

    owls- 0
    newts-5 sodium 100
    hp- 656 calories burned
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5 (When I try, I kick sodium's butt!)
    House Points - 127

    I am working overtime tomorrow, taking my son to the office. I think our whole design team is working overtime, praying my son is in a great mood.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Morning hufflepuffs. This week i stayed the same weight and I was busy and so, so tired. As a result of my busy tiredness I didn't get much exercise done. Also I wasn't logging my food so I may have got a big fat zero on the newt challenge only I did log yesterday and ended up with 383mg total sodium. Unsure what that means!

    for the week so far I have
    NEWTS - probably 0
    OWLS - 20
    House Points - 120

    During the week I had a falling out with a guy at work. He would always comment on what I was eating, how much and how often, saying things like "wow, you must be hungry" and openly saying that I eat so much that I should share my food with him! So this was making me feel very self concious and I told him to shove it, shut up, and buy his own sandwiches. He said I was being unfair and he suggested that I may have "issues with food", which was nice considering he is a mental health worker. Anyway I basically told him to eff off and he hasn't spoken to me since.

    Another (nicer) thing that happened at work was someone said that my weight loss was really noticeable and that it makes me seem taller. Im pretty tall anyway so I'm not sure I want to get any lankier but it was nice to have the comment.

    Today I'm going to try and change the toilet seat on my own; I'm sick of waiting for my boyfriend to do it and I'm fed up of it slipping and jarring my back every time I sit on it! Wish me luck...
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    yesterdays points

    newts-5 (sodium 3)

    hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Today I'm going to try and change the toilet seat on my own; I'm sick of waiting for my boyfriend to do it and I'm fed up of it slipping and jarring my back every time I sit on it! Wish me luck...

    Good Luck! :0) Sorry about the issue with the guy at work. If you weren't eating enough, than maybe he could comment. But telling you, you eat too much?! He is an *kitten*. Don't focus on it.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone, I had had a tough week as far as MFP goes, I haven't done so well with the diet, and haven't logged on as I should, but I resolve to do better this week. Also, no exercise to speak of this week -- A BIG FAT 8 ( --but will do better with that as well. I don't expect any surprises when I weigh in tomorrow, but persistence is the key and I will persist.

    Queeda- glad to hear you are having a great time in New York, hope your interview went well. I am not sure exactly how to add you as a friend, will work on that. Have a safe trip home.

    Bumflap--Jenn is right, that guy you work with is an jerk..

    CarolinaGirl--you have a safe trip home as well, hope your conference was informative. What conference did you go to? I would love to find a conference to attend next year.

    Well my stats for this week:

    I am not sure when I posted these last so will just repost,
    Monday 11/28 Newts: 4
    Tues 11/29 Newts: 0
    Wed. 11/30 Newts: 4
    Thurs 12/1 Newts: 3
    Friday 12/2 Newts: 2

    Zero Owls/House points for the ENTIRE week (Boo!!) Tomorrow though, starts a brand new week 8 )
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone!

    Sorry I've been absent for the past few days, illness amongst other things have been stressing me out so I was only updating MFP from the app and didn't have the chance to post in here. I hope you're all well though.

    Stats for 2/11

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 45


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 60


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 240

    I haven't yet weighed in, but expecting a gain due to TOM, stress and not particularly good eating. Gahh.

    Sorry I've been awful at the OWLs challenges, I know I'm letting the team down, so sorry guys.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening all, just checking in with my stats for the week:

    Having properly researched the points for NEWTs I can proudly say that I earned 9.
    OWLs have gone up to 30
    House points 140

    Now I believe I owe you all a new NEWT challenge to start on Sunday. I find the food challenges quite difficult to think up so apologies if this one is naff. If anyone has any better ideas speak up!

    Snacking is something I do a lot although it's not necessarily a bad thing - just depends what you're snacking on. So the game is:
    * You start off with 20 points each day
    * You get one minus point each time you snack on something unhealthy like chocolate or crisps (potato chips), sweets, cake, biscuits etc.
    * Also a minus point for each glass of fizzy pop (soda) that you drink.

    I considered extending it to caffeine but decided not to because of mixed research around whether it's good for you or not.
    This is not a ban on snacking, more of a challenge to make healthier choices.

    This week I have found that my sodium intake is actually not as bad as I thought it was. Hope everyone's having a great weekend :glasses:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    By the way I'd like to draw your attention to this article which someone posted in one of the other parts of MFP - talks about why we might feel hungry even after eating.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I need to take lessions on the sodium challenge from many of you this week. It looks like many of you did great, and achieve numbers I thought were near impossible to meet!

    bumflapassass--great challenge! Just what I need to get myself back on track after the trainwreck of food this weekend. Sorry about that guy at work...he sounds like a far as the toilet seat is concerned, I hope you got it replaced.

    skinnysuzie---It is the NC Family Physician Conference. I admit...I go to this one for the value (and the fact I have a free place to stay). $225 for 25 CE's I can't pick any of the sessions. Overall it was pretty good this year but long. The conference still has the MD feel to it, though the amount of students and midlevels have been increasing every year. I have gone to several national NP conferences: NPACE, AANP, NCNP conferences. They are all focused to the NP's and have all been great. NPACE has several conferences throughout the year and the AANPand NCNP each only have 1. They are all in Orlando next year. My friend and I are thinking we are going to the NCNP conference next year. It is May 16th-19th at Disney's Coronado Springs resort. The agenda is not out yet, we will make a final desion once the agenda is out.

    Jenn--hope you survivied overtime and glad you did well with the sodium towards the end

    As far as I'm concerned this weekend ended up being a failure for me. And I was trying so hard to be positive. I know I have gained weight...Plan to weigh tomorrow. On the upside...I walked the mountain roads every morning with my flashlight and Buddah (my friends dog). My job was to get exercise and his job was to ward off any potential threat of bears (no they are NOT hibrinating yet). This dog has the most amazing memory...he remembers that I take him for a walk whenever I visit in the morning. I visit about about 3x a year.

    I'll post the challenge shortly. I want to find some online references before I post...but I am going to gear it to stretching.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    This may show as a double post, but I gave it about 20 minutes and my challenge did not post

    We have spent the last few challenges on strength training and changing cardio rountines. I wanted to switch gears this week. The focus this week is stretching. The jury is still out on whether it is beneficial. I believe that it is. Though regular stretching and yoga, I have greatly improved my flexibility. The result, muscles that are less tight and less prone to injury, and additionally if you "misstep" you develop a greater range of motion for response so you are less likely to sprain something.

    Give yourself 2 OWL's for every stretch you hold for 30 sec. If you attend a yoga class give yourself 5 OWL's. There is no limit to the number of OWL's you can earn.

    I am going to post an article on the benefits of stretching. The 2nd and 3rd links are stretching rountines, one for stretches focused after exercise and one for stretches focused if you work in an office and sit or stand for long periods of time. This is only a baseline of stretches to try, and remember any stretch held for 30 sec can count.

    I apologize in advance for any misspellings on past current and future posts. It seems that the spell check feature on posts is no longer functioning (at least on the computer I am using this weekend). I have triple checked this post...but sometimes I still miss things!:smile: