Hufflepuff Common Room



  • msrobinson77
    I'm not happy that everyone is making craptastic food choices but, at least I feel I'm not alone. Our wonderful PTO delived 15-20 homeade pies to school today to say "thank you" to the staff. I actually resisted until the very end of the day. Finally the pie won! I am such a weakling when it comes to anything homeade. Soooo that put me slightly over calories again today. I decided to change my weight loss goal until I can really get my head back in the game. Something about seeing that red number just makes me say, "I'm already over so I may as well eat some more." I now have 1500 calories allotted each day. I think that will be more manageable for me at least for the next week or two. I know I can do this it's just such a head game!

    For today:
    No exercise (except the crazy running around that I did during my 14 hour workday-blah!)
    NEWTS: 3- Red/Green/Orange
    OWLS: maybe tomorrow...

    Goodnight all!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I'm sorry many of us feel like we are having a bad self included. With the holiday coming up I fear it is going to get worse before it gets better (for me anyways). Hang in there Hufflepuffs...we can do this!

    Danizaga--Congrats on the 5K that is an awesome feeling knowing you finished, but a PR is just icing on the cake. Enjoy your victory!

    Today's stats
    HP 60
    Newts-4 (orange red, green, yellow)
    OWLs 1 learned a 10 minute abs routine using the big bouncy ball. Ouch...they were sore before I even finished. At least I know I was working them out tonight!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    points for the week so far:

    OWLS: 1
    NEWTS: 6
    House Points: 60

    last night i went to the shop and got crisps and chocolate and as i sat there eating it all, the temporary cap came off one of my bad teeth, which made me stop.

    I agree with molly, Jen W's 100 lost pounds are astonishing. I have had trouble enough losing 8 pounds. also I'm a single person with no kids, which means that I have less pressures than those of you who do have others you need to care for and reach an agreement with at the dinner table. I think we're all doing good (EDIT: Except I'm not doing that well considering yesterday's behaviour)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Congratulations on a new PR Dani, that is very exciting.
    My stats for yesterday: 11/21/11

    Newts: 2 (red/yellow)
    Owl: 0
    House pts; 0

    hopefully, will do better today 8 /
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    newts-1 (green)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    OWLS: 20
    NEWTS: 11
    House Points: 100

    I have decided that I need to make more use out of my gym membership and do other things other than just using the gym so I'm going to try aqua aerobics next week; apparently it's a killer class. I have found "rainbow" themed veg packs in asda so I'm eating those all week to knock up my newts! but I'm also trying to eat some fruit every day. apples and grapes are ok, only the apples need to be cut up. I feel like such a child!
  • Molly_Louise
    Sorry there's been no post from me today, I've been so stressed because I have a big and very important interview tomorrow. Today was an unintentional rest day because of it, which I really needed actually because I needed to focus on preparing for tomorrow, and I just needed time to rest! I did something every day last week so today was a very much needed day off.

    Therefore, no OWLs, NEWTs or House Points from me I'm afraid. Sorry to be letting the side down.

    Here's a confession though - I weighed myself yesterday and I had put on 2lbs. Didn't log it on MFP because I knew I could get it off. Re weighed today and it's gone! Back to 158. There we are, that's my confession for the day.
  • msrobinson77
    Good grief this pie consumption must stop!!!

    For today:
    Newts-4- yellow, orange, green & white-okay, okay white is not really a color of the rainbow but it was a veggie!
    OWLS...not today
    House Points- 30
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    ((((Big Group Hug)))))

    I heart you all! So, I made a list (when I should have been working) it was on one positive that I had to say about each of you. I then of course did some work at work and never posted. So here is what I can think of (IN RANDOM ORDER):

    Queeda - Seriously Lady. You are strong. You picked up when our first Head of House went MIA and have taken on the challenge beautifully. You are an excellent group leader and I am sure that shows through as a great teacher. Thank you!

    Molly - You are my MFP Little Sister! (LOL!) You are as sweet as pie. I adore you. You are so awesome. I think you are the only 18 year old that isn't out of their mind. For Real! I want every dream you have to come true. (Including the Irish-American. :P)

    bumflapassass - I don't know your real name. But you always make me giggle, on purpose or not. You are so real with us. They is never any BS from you and I truly appreciate it!!

    Msrobinson - More love for teachers, I couldn't do it. You always seem so chipper and upbeat. Thanks for always being so encouraging.

    danizaga - I am glad you lurk in the shadows (LOL!) You are always more than welcome to join in the randomness that I feel like I need to talk about. You rock for doing 5Ks. You keep pushing forward and kicking butt.

    momie0205 - I miss you dearest. You have so much going on and somehow you manage to get stuff done. I have told you before I have no idea how you do it!

    Skinnysuzie - I am so glad to finally see a picture of you. LOL! You are always so cheery and encouraging (Hum... I wonder if that is were your daughter gets it from?!) So glad you joined our group!

    Carolinagirl7 - You another newer one, but just as social! Which I love and adore! You are another super supportive House Member. I am jealous/amazed with your triathlon. You rock!!

    Wraiythe - You are so sweet. You can find the silver lining of anything! I need a few lessons from you!!

    Asltiffm - You are so active. Great work. I need to hang out with people like you to keep me busy on the weekends. LOL!!

    charlotte66 - I don't know you at all... But I can say that you are on here daily do your part. Thanks for being a good team member. (Hopefully, if you want, we can get to know you a little better.)

    I was very touched by all the nice things that were said about me and wanted to give the love back. I hope none of this offends or comes off negative in anyway. And If I forgot someone, I am truly sorry (I left my first list at work)!

    (((((Another Big Group Hug)))))))
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! (Forgive the intrusion!) I started a thread for all of us to all share our favorite HP clips and just wanted to post a link to the thread in case any of you have a clip you'd like to share with the rest of Hogwarts. I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    carolina & skinny- thanks for the props. i'm starting to feel like an athlete.

    jenn- loved the group hug and all the wonderful things you've had to say about everyone.

    haha i know i'm a lurker and i'm trying to post every day or at the least every other day but i've got to hide my screen from the wicked supervisor who isn't even my supervisor but walks around giving the evil eye to everyone she thinks isn't working. WTF! it's a trial working but i'm so THANKFUL and GRATEFUL i have a job and i've met all you!! meeting you has made a huge difference in my get healthy and fit journey.

    Fight On! Beat the bRuins!
  • Molly_Louise
    JENN I LOVE YOU!! Well I love you all but big love to my MFP big sis :wink: I hope the Irish-American dream comes true too :heart:

    So I can now relax, yay! The interviews and assessments I had for University are now done. I just have to wait for responses from three other Uni's, plus a decision from the 2 I've already been tested at. I had a very important interview today. I was so nervous, they asked me a really simple question and I just froze. I hope they can see past the nerves but I'm not so sure.

    Anyway, stats!

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 0
    House Points - 45

    Today wasn't a good day. I was out all day and didn't get in until late evening but tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I'll get some OWLs/NEWTs in for the team.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    hah, thanks jen, that was a good use of your work time and I think it's amazing that you manage to retain that much info about everyone on here - I'm afraid my talents lie in other (perhaps uncharted) areas.

    Molly, I have no doubt you'll have made a good impression on your interviewers and that you'll have no problem getting into whichever university you like.

    The week so far:
    OWLS: 30
    NEWTS: 16
    House Points: 150

    Did a new 50min Jillian Michaels DVD today with my sister. I really should stop smoking :grumble:

    By the way did I mention that I swam 1000 meters yesterday? I swam around 750 before that and haven't swum/swam/been swimming for years so I'm feeling almost like I could beat batman in a race.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    molly you probably did great! it's just the nerves and over-analyzing. okay finally starting my work out at 9:51pm pacific standard time- 30DS level 2 here i come
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    hello all

    happy thanks giving for all who are celebrating it. we dont here in scotland (or if we do no1 has told me!! i would love some turkey :laugh: )

    well i was well on my way to stopping smoking well 3 days but better than nothing lol but then my partner comes in with 200 *kitten* :noway: that his friend had got for him and he says they have to be smoked before we stop again, but on the plus point i dont feel so hungry smoking, the 3 days of quitting was terrible i was always hungry but i think it was because i was looking for somthing to do to replace it :grumble: shouldnt of started again anyways i made it thro 9 months of pregnancy i should of just kept going!!

    but anyway

    my points for yesterday


    newts- 3, orange,green and red
    hp- 244

    jenn- *hugs* thank you :happy: oh yes i would love to get to know you better!
  • msrobinson77
    Love u Jenn! To the Huffles that are trying to stop smoking-A few of my family members have stopped smoking after years of smoking and it's not easy but, your body will thank you! Good luck!

    Had a pretty good day yesterday then went out for a drink with my girlfriend and one drink turned into two plus a little snacking:tongue:
    For yesterday:
    30 house points
    4 Newts (Red/Green/Orange/Yellow)
    No owls yet....

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    good morning and happy thanksgiving to everyone including those in the UK like molly!

    stats so far for the week
    4owls 0newts 81hp (took a class with a new zumba instructor)
    0owls 1newts 104hp (ate pink)
    1owls 3newts 86hp (10 mins on the rowing machine killer/ ate red green & orange)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Jenn--Hugs back to you. Thank you!--Hope you and your son have safe travels to St Louis and have fun!
    Molly--"freezing" is a sign of analyzing your response before you answer (that can be good)...I am sure you did great! I don't know you very well, but I can't believe you are only 18, your maturity is incredible.
    Charlotte--best of luck stopping quit once, you WILL do it again
    bumflasspassass--great job with your of my favorite forms of exercises...until the cold winter sets in, then it is hard for me to get motivated to get into a pool when I brave temps below freezing to get to the pool
    mrsrobinson--sounds like you had a fun day with your friend
    danizaga--good luck with level 2 30 day shred--you are stronger than me:) I flunked out at level 1
    Queeda--Hope your Thanksgiving went well and your kids put a smile on your face!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all (for those who celebrate) and in the tradition of Thanksgiving--- a big thank you to you all. This group is comprised with incredible members, your support is amazing to me and I am honored and proud to be a
    Hufflepuff :smile: go and eat dinner, go out on the bike, shower, decorate the Christmas tree and watch the Polar Express...Life doesn't get much better than this. Will post my stats later today when I am finished with the day!
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy Thanksgiving all! We don't celebrate it here in the UK and it seems like such a great holiday, so I wish we did. However, I have thought about some things I'm thankful for and you should all be pleased to know you're all on my list! My MFP friends, I wouldn't be half way to where I am without you all, so thank you. It's not something I talk about often, but I don't have a good relationship with my mum and step dad, it's not good at all. They aren't supportive of my weight loss, so being able to have the support from you all, as well as the friendships I have with you all is great, so I love you all.

    Also, I've noticed a fair few of you aren't on my friends list for some reason. So, if you're not, I'm going to add you. I hope this is okay :smile:

    Some of you know, some of you don't, but I'll share anyway. I had an assessment at a University last week, testing my English and Maths knowledge. (NOT the interview I had yesterday, just to clarify) It was hard, really hard, and I knew I'd be lucky to get recalled for an interview for the Uni. Today they got back to me and I was unsuccessful at getting an interview. I can request feedback from my tests, so I'll do that, and hopefully learn from it. The University wasn't exactly one of my top choices (here in England we can apply for up to 5 Uni's), but one I still would have liked to have gone to. It's competitive to get into though, 600 applicants, 120 are interviewed and only 22 are selected to study on the course. I knew I had a slim chance of getting in, but while I am disappointed, I'm honoured and feel happy that they saw enough potential in me to call me to the tests, as they don't have to and some people can an automatic rejection. The University is one of the best in the country too, so I knew it'd be hard to get into. We have to "leagues" of Uni's, similar to the US I suppose. Like the Ivy League, we have the "Oxbridge" consisting of Oxford and Cambridge, along with a couple of others, and then there's just the other "regular" Uni's. The one I'm talking about is very high up in the list of "best Uni's" so again, I'm honoured they saw even the slightest potential in me. Anyway, moving on....sorry that was so long :laugh:


    OWLs - 0 - Gah, sorry
    NEWTs - 2
    House Points - 45

    I promise I'll do so much better on the next set of challenges, I'm definitely slacking this week.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    OWLS: 30
    NEWTS: 18
    House Points: 180

    Didn't make my spin class today - I fell asleep and ate a lot of chocolate instead. Fellow Huffles can add me too if you want but be warned that I'm not too interactive with the whole "woohoo"s and "wtg"s although I do try:smile: