Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening, stats for today:

    OWLS: 1 (did gardening which I wouldn't normally do very often so I'm counting it as "new" exercise)
    NEWTS: 3
    House Points: 60

    EDIT - By the way, how's the 30DS challenge going?
  • Molly_Louise
    Wow, I am exhausted today. Sunday is usually my rest day, as it is my only day off in the week but I had to work it today. I don't get a day off until next Sunday so I'm almost counting down the hours until I can relax! Though I am skipping school on Tuesday in order to prepare for a uni interview the following day. I know I'll feel a whole lot better once that's over and done with.

    Great new challenges btw!

    OWLs - 0. Not the best start but I've had no time to do any exercise today. I logged 150 minutes of walking purely for house points, but I was doing a very hectic 5 hour shift at work so in all honesty and fairness, I probably did do that amount of walking and burn those calories.
    NEWTs - 1 - peas were my something green!
    House Points - 150

    Is it possible that we can include fruit in the NEWTs challenge too? I don't know about others, I find it easier to grab fruit as a quick snack rather than veg as generally speaking, there's less preparation involved in it. Or, shall we just stick with vegetables and do an 'eat the rainbow in fruit' challenge at a later date? Sorry to try and cause trouble! :laugh:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Good morning,
    I didn't realize that we prefects were switching duties after a week, so I had my exercise all picked out......
    Sooooo, trying to come up with something different for newts, boy eating clean is going to be difficult to follow, but after a little thought this is what I have come up with..

    Newt challenge: Since we are supposed to "Eat the Rainbow", try to eat as many different colors of vegetables in a day as you can. 1 Newt for each color eaten per day.

    I just want to say that I love belonging to this group with the different challenges every week, helps me to be successful in my weight loss/health gain process. Thanks to everyone.

    My stats for Friday and Saturday:

    11/18/11 11/19/11

    Newts: 0 Newts: 0
    Owls: 1 Owls: 0
    House Pts: 25 House Pts: 0

    Todays weight: 160.8, yayyy!!!!!! A loss 8 ) Going to be a difficult week coming up with the holiday. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving.

    Going to get a picture posted today Ugggghhhh,

    YAY a picture! I love it!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Oh Hufflepuffs I am having a ROUGH week. The last 8 days have been some of the most surprising and painful days of my life. Trying to shake my funk, but I am seriously depressed. I am hoping things will turn around soon. I have lost weight but I am afraid is because I am starving myself ... Not really starving so much as I forget to eat and lack an appetite. Really trying to be strong for my kids but I feel like a horrible mom. I haven't done 30 day shred at all this week. Really hoping to jump back in it today. I need a kick the *kitten* to get moving again. I hope you are all having a better week than I am! I am DREADING Thanksgiving. My only sister called me stupid today so I am thinking about not even going to the dinner just to avoid the drama.
  • Molly_Louise
    Oh Hufflepuffs I am having a ROUGH week. The last 8 days have been some of the most surprising and painful days of my life. Trying to shake my funk, but I am seriously depressed. I am hoping things will turn around soon. I have lost weight but I am afraid is because I am starving myself ... Not really starving so much as I forget to eat and lack an appetite. Really trying to be strong for my kids but I feel like a horrible mom. I haven't done 30 day shred at all this week. Really hoping to jump back in it today. I need a kick the *kitten* to get moving again. I hope you are all having a better week than I am! I am DREADING Thanksgiving. My only sister called me stupid today so I am thinking about not even going to the dinner just to avoid the drama.


    I just felt like that had to be said :smile:

    I know I speak for everyone when I say I'm (well, we're) always here for you. I'm only a message away if you need me.

    I'd love to get to talk to you all sometime - would anyone be interested in Skyping at all? I know Jenn has Skype, but what about the rest of you? It may be difficult because of time differences and schedules, but we can work something out!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Yeah Queeda, I hope you feel better soon; you are a great leader and I'm sure you're also a fabulous mum too! ignore your sister; sisters can be idiots.

    Molly, as for the skype thing, I'm not good on the phone let alone video link so I probably wouldn't join in.

    By the way I just realised that I skipped the word "vegetables" and substituted it for "food" when I read the newts challenge earlier so I only get 1 newt today.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I don't have skype, but I can definitely look into downloading it. I never had a use for it before now.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Ok I'm afraid I have not been the best Hufflepuff ever. i have kinda let life grab me up and drag me along. Work and school have been crazy the last couple weeks and i haven't been on here. Can someone please fill me in on the challenges this week please please? I need a kick in the pants and to get back on the ball!!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Queeda---hang in there Your making the best of things, and that is all anyone can expect.
    I'm old fashioned and I don't have skype at this time.
    I am trying to get myself together for the next few days before the holiday hits. It will be easier to recover from two days vs the 6 days I am trending towards.

    I am with Molly...can we include fruits as well as veggies in the challenge this week?

    11/20 stats
    HP 105
    NEWTs 4 (tomatoes, corn and green pepper in chili and sweet potatoes)
    Owls 2? can judge. I usually cycle on Sundays, but I rode most of the route in a harder gear (a first), AND I added a new segment of where I am rode this week, which added 2 more hills and about an extra 20 minutes. My quads are yelling at me now...but it is all worth it.
    Happy Monday to all! It is a short week, at least for our American members of the group!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Queeda, sorry to hear you are having a bad week. You do a fabulous job for us here and I know we ALL appreciate it. Things will get better.

    I think it would be fine to include fruits as well as vegetables for our newts.

    Here are my stats for today: 11/20

    Newts: 2
    Owls: 0 ( I did try something new--jogging instead of walking, however, I only made it 5 minutes but, it did get me out of my comfort zone.)

    House points: 40

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • msrobinson77
    Good morning all,
    Had a little "girls day" with my niece yesterday. She picked the movie and lunch spot. We ended up with lunch at Chipotle followed by a trip to Starbucks. Went a pinch over calories because of it but, spending time with her was worth it:-)

    I weighed in at 138 this weekend. I'm about 10lbs from my goal and I know that's the hardest to lose. This will be a tempting week for all of us. Let's just enjoy the time and try not to eat so much we have to loosen our pants:noway:

    Love the new challenges ladies and a big HUG to you, Queeda.

    Happy Monday

  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I lost 2.8 pounds this week! 148.2. I am only 2.2 pounds away from my lowest weight in at least 10 years. I am really hoping I can get below 146 this time around.

    It's been a busy end of the week trying to get ready to go on a weekend getaway. So here's the rest of last week's stats:

    11/16 - 11/19
    Newts - 22
    Owls - 1 (1 set of pushups)
    HP - 135

    Newts - 4 (apples, blueberries, cocunut & dates)
    Owls - 1
    HP - 510 (I went on my first backpacking trip this weekend. So it counts as my owl and I got plenty of hiking in. I had a blast!)
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I'm sorry... I got a little too busy last week and completely forgot that I had joined this group, so I wasn't adding up my points and didn't report them in time. :( I'll try to do better this week!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I shared this link in our 'other' common room, when I was trying to 'color' my daily diet:

    It might help you find foods you normally wouldn't think of...

    On to my Mess of a weekend stats...

    Weight 164.8 (UP AGAIN!! Because I am eating like crap!)

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 4
    House Points - 121

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 0
    House Points - 45

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 2
    House Points - 35

    I am becoming very discouraged with myself and my progress. I am having a debate if I want to do another round of the HCG diet, because I had great success before. However, I like to eat and only 500 cals a day is not enough for me/a body to function on. Plus I don't think I have the disipline anymore.
    This day last year I weighed 210. I was driven to get healthy... Now I am somewhat healthy, no longer obese (just overweight), and very active 5 days a week - I want the magical/easy way out! I need to do a lot of soul-searching!

    **THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!** (Not that you all had a choice!)

    Have an amazing week. All my Friends, I am thankful for you and your support!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I shared this link in our 'other' common room, when I was trying to 'color' my daily diet:

    It might help you find foods you normally wouldn't think of...

    On to my Mess of a weekend stats...

    Weight 164.8 (UP AGAIN!! Because I am eating like crap!)

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 4
    House Points - 121

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 0
    House Points - 45

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 2
    House Points - 35

    I am becoming very discouraged with myself and my progress. I am having a debate if I want to do another round of the HCG diet, because I had great success before. However, I like to eat and only 500 cals a day is not enough for me/a body to function on. Plus I don't think I have the disipline anymore.
    This day last year I weighed 210. I was driven to get healthy... Now I am somewhat healthy, no longer obese (just overweight), and very active 5 days a week - I want the magical/easy way out! I need to do a lot of soul-searching!

    **THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!** (Not that you all had a choice!)

    Have an amazing week. All my Friends, I am thankful for you and your support!!

    You can do it! Remember slow and steady wins the race. It will be easier to keep the weight off if you move slowly. My personal trainer told me 80% diet 20% exercise. Focus on what you are eating. I tried the HCG thing and ended up the hospital. As a teacher I am WAY to active just walking around the classroom and 500 calories is not enough to keep my body moving. Passing out in front of my kindergartners NOT CUTE! They didn't care how much weight I was losing. I too have been making craptastic food choices. I need to pre-plan my meals and I think everything will get better.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    You can do it! Remember slow and steady wins the race. It will be easier to keep the weight off if you move slowly. My personal trainer told me 80% diet 20% exercise. Focus on what you are eating. I tried the HCG thing and ended up the hospital. As a teacher I am WAY to active just walking around the classroom and 500 calories is not enough to keep my body moving. Passing out in front of my kindergartners NOT CUTE! They didn't care how much weight I was losing. I too have been making craptastic food choices. I need to pre-plan my meals and I think everything will get better.

    I did 3 rounds (40day/21 day/30day) lost 80-90# and then one trip to a crap ER, visit to my PCP, then an ambulance from the PCP's office to the Hospital for a 7 day visit and huge battery of test. In 7 months a 90# loss, I knew my gallbladder would be an issue but I am sure my body was worn down, barely ate any food and I ran or biked during lunch. (Now the 7 day visit can't all be blamed on the diet.... I had fluid in my lungs, ovarian cysts from my IUD, fluid around my intestions, and gallstones. Infections galore. I never got my gallbladder removed because I was on drugs for a month after the stay. Still don't know exactly went wrong, I was completely honest about my diet and no one ever blamed it.... But...)
    I can talk myself out of it with no problem; I just miss those big number drops in pounds... DAILY. I have been working out pretty regular since I moved (6 months ago) but I guess I have been eating for that time I didn't eat anything. Sigh. Slow and steady wins the race.... Ugh!! Thank you dear. I am needing pep-talks like crazy lately!! :0)
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    had a craptastic day in terms of food choices on saturday but on sunday i did another 5k and set a new PR!! time 44:21 and pace 14:16!! i shaved off more than 2 minutes off my PR from the 5k i did in october. but i'm pissed because when i weighed myself i was up 299.8. i'd like to think it's all muscle but at this point i not focusing on the scale.

    owls 4
    newts 0
    owls 0
    newts 1
    hp 110

    don't get discouraged! when i get discouraged i come on to the tread and read about everyone's struggles and success and realize i'm not alone in this crazy journey of life changes. still on 30DS level 2 but i realize my goal is to punch jillian michaels in the face if i ever see her in person.
  • Molly_Louise
    I can completely related to everyone being discouraged, but we can all do this! Slow and steady definitely wins the race.

    Jenn, you're a huge inspiration and motivation for me. You've lost 100lbs and so seeing you reach that milestone, and go on to lose more is such an inspiration and motivates me to do well with my weight loss. Obviously you're all big inspirations and motivations to me, not just Jenn, but I think we can all agree her loss so far is amazing.

    Stats for 21/11. I kinda suck at the challenges recently, so I'm sorry :(

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 2
    House Points - 20

    SKYPE - I have a Skype now! My Skype name is Molly_Louise93, so add me if you have it too. If your Skype name is not linked with your MFP name, or a name I may know you by, please write that in the little box (you'll see it when you add me, if you don't already know what I'm on about! :laugh:), so I accept you :smile:
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    my points

    newts- 5
  • momie0205
    Ok I am weighing in at 171.2. That is an .8 pound loss. Not much but something. FOOD sucks it is my downfall lately. I have had a lot of stress on my plate. My boss was fired on friday out of the blue. Which means no one is safe. My two year old refuses to sleep in his own bed now a days and kicks and smacks me while he sleeps. Lately I just feel like a failure when it comes to dieting. I have the willpower and the determination but it is like the minute I get home it all goes out the window.

    I have 105 min from last week. I had two different colored veggies today.