Hufflepuff Common Room



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Good morning everyone! love the challenges and here are my stats from last week
    0owls 2newts 47hp
    0owls 0newts 0hp
    1owls 1newts 46hp
    1owls 0newts 127hp
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning, Wow!! what great challenges this week CarolinaGirl and Bumflapassess, I can't wait to get started, will have to watch the videos tonight --thanks for including the links.

    Good luck Queeda, Hope you knock them over in your interview.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Bad week....I didn't indulge in a single dessert and I didn't over eat on Thanksgiving (much) but I still gained a few was that loaf of homemade bread and most of a pint of homemade apple butter I put on the bread that did me in. Whoops. 152.0

    Good luck Queeda! You'll do great!

    Great challenges this week.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    *Walks into common room with head hung LOW, trying to aviod eye contact*

    Ugh! 4 days and 7# gain. Grumble... grumble grumble. Might have something to do with the 3 Thanksgivings I had and no healthy food all weekend!!

    I did terrrible! * I am sure TOM and input/output problems are adding to the number, so hopefully I can drop a few quick ones this week. Weighing in at 173.2. Ugh! The shame. (LOL!)

    Back home and to my norms.

    Congrats to those Americans who did better than me!
    *** Yay for Monday!! ***
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs! If you haven't "weighed in" yet please do so by like 11:59pm please and thank you. I love the Hufflepuffs SO much! XOXOXO
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs! If you haven't "weighed in" yet please do so by like 11:59pm please and thank you. I love the Hufflepuffs SO much! XOXOXO
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    OK, sorry Queeda, I did weigh in but I think I forgot to post it, my weight for this week was 163.8 lbs.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I was under sodium again today! 2,102 but still under. I am VERY proud of that :smile:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    My stats for today 11/28

    Newts: 4
    Owls: 0
    House points: 0

    Well, not being a morning person by nature, I struggle to get out of bed early enough to exercise before I go to work, which is a fairly new thing for me, I think I started in September. I am not always successful, and this morning I was not. I told myself I would HAVE to exercise when I got home. Instead, I looked at all of the video links posted for our weekly challenge--great exercises!!! I am ready to try them tomorrow, unfortunately, no exercise points for today. I have never really paid attention to sodium intake, other than I try to drink extra water if I have a salty meal, so I am really looking foward to the sodium challenge as well. Great job again with the challenges guys.
  • enmajors1
    Hi! I just joined this group and I'm not 100% sure what I should be doing... Does the new week start tomorrow? Thank you fellow Hufflepuffs!

  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Queeda--I think I posted but I remained stagnant at 200 pounds (I did gain about 3 pounds, but got the fluid back off by weigh in!!). Best of luck...positive vibes...and yes even a prayer heading your way from me regarding your interview this week. Try to have a little fun while you are in New York.
    Jenn--Good attitude about getting yourself back on track. you can do it.

    I spent Thanksgiving eating about 3x more than I normally eat...then spent the weekend pushing my exercise regimen to make up for Thursday. I knew today I took on too much when I was sick to my stomach after my walk/run (haven't had that happen in a long time). I walked 2 miles to/from the gym and then I proceeded to add an entire mile for a total of 3 miles (5 miles total). I currently run one lap and walk 2 laps...AND then I went to do some arm weights/core work and even squeezed in a few of the challenge exercises today...and tomorrow, I know I should rest but it is my favorite spinning class...and I am going to miss a whole week of class, so I really want to I really ranting about exercising too much...I thought I'd never see the day! Exhausted, sore but feeling great in a strange way!

    stats for 11/27
    HP 113
    newts 5
    owl's 0 (too sore)

    stats for 11/28
    HP 136
    newts 5
    owl's 4
    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • msrobinson77
    :bigsmile: Welcome Emily, you are just in time for the new challenges. They run for one week and typically start on Sundays. Due to the holiday, we got started a wee bit later this week. Queeda is our Head of House and you can look back through the last few posts for info on this week's sodium challenge and exercise challenge. The challenges will help you earn NEWTS and OWLS which Queeda tallies to select prefects. Be sure to post your starting weight, current weight each weekend, and your exercise minutes each day for the House Challenges-which we kick butt in

    My stats for yesterday:
    O Newts or Owls
    30 House Points

    For today:
    0 Newts or O Owls
    60 house points

    I think I posted my weigh in-but just in case: 137.5. I haven't been monitoring my sodium-looks like maybe I should!!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member

    Well, not being a morning person by nature, I struggle to get out of bed early enough to exercise before I go to work, which is a fairly new thing for me, I think I started in September. I am not always successful, and this morning I was not. I told myself I would HAVE to exercise when I got home. Instead, I looked at all of the video links posted for our weekly challenge--great exercises!!! I am ready to try them tomorrow, unfortunately, no exercise points for today. I have never really paid attention to sodium intake, other than I try to drink extra water if I have a salty meal, so I am really looking forward to the sodium challenge as well. Great job again with the challenges guys.

    Be patient, and stick with it. It is a great habit you are attempting to form. I managed to make myself a morning person for about a year now. Up by 5 am and to the gym by 530am on the weekdays. I struggled getting out of bed for months, forcing myself to go, some days on only a few hours of sleep. (battling shift work change from nights to days). I finally told myself, I can lay here, be miserable and delay the inevitable or I can get up and workout. It is now like second nature to me.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    hello my points



    newts- my sodium was 252 but shall have to go back and check how many points

    edit: i get 5 newts
  • Molly_Louise
    Hello my beautiful Huffles, I'm back!

    I haven't been on MFP properly since Sunday, so I felt like I missing a limb :laugh: Welcome to our new member Emily! I hope you enjoy being part of Hufflepuff as I do.

    I really like the challenges, especially the food one regarding sodium. The exercise challenge is great too!

    Yesterday I had a cheat day and didn't log anything due to having a girly day with some friend's at a friends house, and then a night out in the local town. We were dancing in a club for around 6 hours, so I'd like to log part of this as my exercise contribution towards house points. I haven't logged it in my MFP diary though, does that matter? To be fair, I'll put it as 240 minutes of dancing, rather than all 6 hours!

    I'll post my stats for today later once the day is over! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I feel like I haven't spoken to you all properly for such a long time :cry:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs! If you haven't "weighed in" yet please do so by like 11:59pm please and thank you. I love the Hufflepuffs SO much! XOXOXO

    sorry i forgot to weigh myself i'm completely out of it this week. i'll not going to weigh myself until 12/1 because that's when i'm going to take my measurements.

    skinny and carolina- i'm not a morning person either. the days i can get up and work out before i go to work i do but if i can't get up earlier i don't stress. it takes time for your body to get used to resetting your circadian rhythm.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    my todays points

    newts- sodium was 182 so 5 newts somone correct me if wrong :laugh:
    hp- 316

    welcome emily!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! If you are not already my friend please add me! So you can see my updates about the group and I can support you in more ways than one.
  • Molly_Louise
    I didn't manage to complete any of the OWL exercises, but I did get in 45 minutes of walking so I hope that makes up for it!

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 4 - 1570 of sodium
    House Points - 45

    I can't believe it's almost December! This is a really silly question from me, but in the US/Canada, do you have advent calendars? :laugh:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Queeda great job to date with the sodium. I feel like any decrease in levels is a victory. When I was strongly advised to decrease my levels, I had such a hard time complying, but I discovered that I started eating healthier "by default". would be correct. 5 newts, it seems to be a very low sodium consumption. If it is your baseline, nothing to worry about, and don't change your habits, but if you are decreasing the levels just for the challenge, please bring your consumption up to at least 1000mg.
    I have patients who drop their sodium levels that low for medical reasons (there is a diet called the RICE diet)and their levels drop down to about 300mg daily with medical supervision, and the side effects can be scary if your not prepared...mental confusion and muscle weakness/cramping are the effects of lowering your consumption that low, that fast over a short period of time. I don't want anyone experiencing those side effects just because of the challenge I posted.

    Molly, yes we have have advent calenders in the US. Growing up, we always had one we used. Since I am now on my own and do not have children, I have not used one in years

    Welcome to the group Emily!

    11/29 stats

    HP 116
    newts 4 sodium somewhere in the 1700's
    owl's 0--I have the exercises down though, and look forward to adding them while I am out of town!