Hufflepuff Common Room



  • msrobinson77
    :huh: Thanksgiving: ate myself into a stupor and ended up on the couch moaning and groaning for two hours. I haven't eaten like that in the 4 months I've been logging. I had such a good plan-I had planned to fill up on salad and just take a little taste all the other goodies. Got to my in-laws' and discovered there wasn't a salad- nor was there anything remotely resembling a vegetable (oh except the ones that were smooshed in with ooey gooey sauces.) I'm going to have to log some serious gym time today!

    NEWTS: 3- orange-green-yellow
    House points: 35
  • Molly_Louise
    Aloha! I hope you all had wonderful thanksgivings. I had the chance to look at some of my US friends' diaries for yesterday, the food sounds great! Pumpkin pie is something we don't have here, so I'd love to try it one time.

    Thanks to Jenn, I learned all about what black friday is, so I hope if you ventured out into the sales at 5am, you got what you wanted!!

    Stats for 25/11

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 4
    House Points - 60

    I set myself a challenge to complete 1000 exercise minutes in November and I'm almost at 2000, so I'm really happy with how many I've managed to complete so far!

    Have a great Friday and I'll talk to you all tomorrow :smile:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I have been SOOO lazy at posting stats this week. Slowly working down the sodium from yesterday's feast...Thank goodness my hubby got to the rest of the leftovers before I could ruin a second day worth of eating...the only thing left is the pumpkin cheesecake and as far as the cranberry relish goes...I just may have to buy a bit more turkey to go with it :smile:

    HP 95
    newts 4
    owls 0

    HP 65
    newts 4
    owls 1 I jogged 1/3 of my 2 miles---finally an increase :smile:

    HP 80
    newts 3
    owls 0

    HP 106
    newts 3
    owls 0

    Molly great job with the exercise have every right to be proud!

    My Black Friday shopping was at the bike store and it didn't open until 9am! I treated myself to a device that tracks mph and distance, and a nice (thick) pair of riding shorts. ..not the best for triathlons, but great for spinning and longer rides on my bike! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening everyone, I was going to try pilates with my mum tonight but when we got there they said that the pilates teacher had left and it was going to be a "spiral" class or something but mfp has never heard of it. it was ok though - focussed on balance and stretch and I reckon I'll try it again next week - maybe after a spin class (if I don't fall asleep and eat a big pyramid of chocolate again)

    My numbers for the week so far are:

    OWLS: 40
    NEWTS: 23
    House Points: 252

    Hope you're all good guys :wink:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    morning. just hopped on the scales and 1.1 pounds lost. Hope you all have a pleasant day
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    owls- 1
    newts- 1


    owls 4- started doing zumba
    newts- 0

    also have now lost 2lb so weighing 169lb
  • msrobinson77
    For Yesterday:
    Owls 1-Tried some new weight machines at the gym, felt like a dork doing them.
    Newts-3 Green-Yellow-Red

    Happy Saturday!
  • msrobinson77
    Charlotte, I am sooooo addicted to Zumba. I actually pout like a kid when I have to work at night and can't go to class. Hope you enjoy it-it's a great workout!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    I am a mess. I will try to get back on later to get updated with everyone. I have so many people to visit this weekend. I am all over the town.

    Hope everyone is eating better than me.... which wouldn't be hard....
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am being a bad Head of House ... Sorry! I will announce the new Prefects by the end of the night and we continue with the same challenges for now. Once the new Prefects are announced please post a challenge by Monday. I have such a bad headache, but I will get it together! I have been having a Twilight marathon at my house lol starting with the 1st one and ending with the new one which I have seen 4 times in the theater. I think I may have a problem!

    My name is Queeda and I am addicted to Twilight!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    11/26 stats

    HP 55
    newts 3
    owls 0 just glad I got some HP's today :smile:
    Weight still at 200.0---I WILL be posting a loss next week...Okay that is really laying it out there considering I am going to be out of town for weigh in next weekend!

    bumflapassass and charlotte great job with the weight loss this week!
    msrobinson--I love zumba, but I feel as uncoordinated as you felt with the weights!: The feeling of being a dork gets less and less as you continue the weights and settle into a routine. I am going to get the WII version of Zumba for Christmas smile:
    Queeda--never seen Twlight, but you are peaking my interest
    Jenn hang in'll be back to your normal routine soon
    Everyone have a great Sunday!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    Charlotte, I am sooooo addicted to Zumba. I actually pout like a kid when I have to work at night and can't go to class. Hope you enjoy it-it's a great workout!

    omg i love it!! its great and the time dosnt drag on atall as when im on the cross trainer it half an hour seems like forever :laugh:

    yesterdays points

    newts- 1

    was having a family day so no excersice from me
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all of my MFP friends, I hope everyone had a greeaaat holiday. I didn't celebrate a holiDAY, I celebrated a holiWEEK!!!! I was scared to step on the scale this morning, and it was what I expected. I am up three pounds. I am thinking of this as a temporary gain, and am going to work hard this week to get back to a loss status. Why does it take three weeks of hard work, carefully planning meals, watching what you eat, exercise and exercise, to lose three pounds but just a few days of "bad" eating to put it right back on? *Sigh* How many of you live outside of the US? Well, just wanted to say hi to everyone. I have not been on in a few days, and as far as my stats: I did not earn any, well probably some newts, but no exercise points. Well, I will be back on track tomorrow. Take care everyone.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Announcing new Prefects! Bumflapassassin and Carolinagirl7

    So Bumflapassassin please choose a exercise challenge and post the requirements plus the OWLs and Carolinagirl7 please post a food challenge with the NEWTs! Thank you ladies
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy sunday everyone!

    Tomorrow I'm having another cheat day as I'm out in the evening with some girlfriends, and we're having pizza etc for dinner.

    Suzie, I'm outside of the US. Across the pond in England :drinker:

    Well done Bumflapassassin and Carolinagirl7 on becoming our new prefects.

    Sunday is my rest day so no OWLs, NEWTs or House Points for me I'm afraid. Gained 1lb too, so hugely disappointed. Grr. Hoping to be back to 158 by the time I reweigh myself on Tuesday.

    That's all from me until Tuesday, take care and much love to you all :heart:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I can't believe I'm a prefect honored!

    the challenge for the week is something that affects me directly on a daily basis, but I think it is an appropriate for all us especially after a holiday weekend.

    Drum roll please: the weekly challenge is...

    Ever wonder how you gain weight overnight? It is usually related to the amount of sodium (Na) you consumed the day before. Sodium is a nutrient that is in every food that we eat. Most of our processed foods provide us way more than than we need. One tsp of table salt gives in 2325mg daily of Na, more than the recommended daily amount (RDA).
    If you are an individual that can completely process it out of your body, you are fine, and I am jealous. Most of us are unable to eliminate out the entire amount of Na. This leads to fluid retention, which can ultimately lead to high blood pressure, heart, kidney and liver damage.

    Below is an article about sodium levels and tricks to curb it.

    The RDA is 2300mg of Na daily and 1500mg for those individuals who have high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or are black. MFP is generous and allow us 2500mg daily. The challenge will be based on Na intake for the entire day. Lets focus on keeping our Na in the green and NEWT's will be awarded based on the following daily values.

    If you consume greater than 2500mg of Na that is 0 NEWT's
    If you consume 2300mg-2500mg of Na daily that is 2 NEWT's
    If you consume 2000mg-2299mg of Na daily give yourself 3 NEWT''s
    If you consume 1501mg-1999mg of Na daily give yourself 4 NEWT's
    If you consume 1500mg or less than 1500mg of Na daily give yourself 5 NEWT's

    Try not to go to far below 1500mg. drastically lowering levels below 1000mg daily can lead to confusion, drowsiness, increased thirst, dry mouth, and muscle cramping.

    Trickier than it sounds, I have spent the past 6 months shopping around, reading labels and learning which foods I can and can not eat without gaining weight (a Chinese restaurant meal will give me 5 pounds of fluid within a few hours of eating it). After 6 months, I can still screw things up and miss a Na source. For those of you challenged by Jenn's clean eating challenge 2 weeks ago, this can be a good first step towards eating clean.
    Good luck everyone!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hello hello,

    Numbers for Sunday:

    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 1
    House Points: 120


    So for the OWL challenge I have done some research into strengthening exercises for the core muscles and I have selected 8 exercises to form a mini-workout.

    1 OWL for each set completed ::: OR ::: 10 OWLs if you complete the full workout in one go (i.e. not throughout the day; my understanding is that you get more out of it if you do it all at once).
    This means that you can choose what you want to do if you don't like or can't do all of the exercises in the list.

    The exercises:

    1. The Plank (I reckon around 30 seconds is a good amount of time to hold this. If it's too difficult, hold for 10, rest and repeat x3)

    2. The Side Plank (Aim to hold for at least 30 seconds. If it's too difficult, hold for 10, rest and repeat x3)

    3. Hip Lifts (10 per set)

    4. Bicyle Crunches (10 per set but I suggest that you do them much slower than the dude in this viedo)

    5. The V-Sit (Again, aim to hold for at least 30 seconds. If it's too difficult, hold for 10, rest and repeat x3)

    6. The Kneeling Swimmer (10 per set)

    7. The Superman (10 per set at whichever level you feel comfortable with)

    8. The Bridge (10 per set)

    You do not need to do them in this order.

    I hope this is not too complicated or boring for everyone but apparently a strong core can help with bad backs and your overall performance when working on your fitness. Comments/suggestions welcome :smile:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I can't believe I'm a prefect honored!

    the challenge for the week is something that affects me directly on a daily basis, but I think it is an appropriate for all us especially after a holiday weekend.

    Drum roll please: the weekly challenge is...

    Ever wonder how you gain weight overnight? It is usually related to the amount of sodium (Na) you consumed the day before. Sodium is a nutrient that is in every food that we eat. Most of our processed foods provide us way more than than we need. One tsp of table salt gives in 2325mg daily of Na, more than the recommended daily amount (RDA).
    If you are an individual that can completely process it out of your body, you are fine, and I am jealous. Most of us are unable to eliminate out the entire amount of Na. This leads to fluid retention, which can ultimately lead to high blood pressure, heart, kidney and liver damage.

    Below is an article about sodium levels and tricks to curb it.

    The RDA is 2300mg of Na daily and 1500mg for those individuals who have high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or are black. MFP is generous and allow us 2500mg daily. The challenge will be based on Na intake for the entire day. Lets focus on keeping our Na in the green and NEWT's will be awarded based on the following daily values.

    If you consume greater than 2500mg of Na that is 0 NEWT's
    If you consume 2300mg-2500mg of Na daily that is 2 NEWT's
    If you consume 2000mg-2299mg of Na daily give yourself 3 NEWT''s
    If you consume 1501mg-1999mg of Na daily give yourself 4 NEWT's
    If you consume 1500mg or less than 1500mg of Na daily give yourself 5 NEWT's

    Try not to go to far below 1500mg. drastically lowering levels below 1000mg daily can lead to confusion, drowsiness, increased thirst, dry mouth, and muscle cramping.

    Trickier than it sounds, I have spent the past 6 months shopping around, reading labels and learning which foods I can and can not eat without gaining weight (a Chinese restaurant meal will give me 5 pounds of fluid within a few hours of eating it). After 6 months, I can still screw things up and miss a Na source. For those of you challenged by Jenn's clean eating challenge 2 weeks ago, this can be a good first step towards eating clean.
    Good luck everyone!

    We have had sodium challenges before but I absolutely LOVE the way you set this one up. It will be a true challenge! Excellent choice!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello hello,

    Numbers for Sunday:

    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 1
    House Points: 120


    So for the OWL challenge I have done some research into strengthening exercises for the core muscles and I have selected 8 exercises to form a mini-workout.

    1 OWL for each set completed ::: OR ::: 10 OWLs if you complete the full workout in one go (i.e. not throughout the day; my understanding is that you get more out of it if you do it all at once).
    This means that you can choose what you want to do if you don't like or can't do all of the exercises in the list.

    The exercises:

    1. The Plank (I reckon around 30 seconds is a good amount of time to hold this. If it's too difficult, hold for 10, rest and repeat x3)

    2. The Side Plank (Aim to hold for at least 30 seconds. If it's too difficult, hold for 10, rest and repeat x3)

    3. Hip Lifts (10 per set)

    4. Bicyle Crunches (10 per set but I suggest that you do them much slower than the dude in this viedo)

    5. The V-Sit (Again, aim to hold for at least 30 seconds. If it's too difficult, hold for 10, rest and repeat x3)

    6. The Kneeling Swimmer (10 per set)

    7. The Superman (10 per set at whichever level you feel comfortable with)

    8. The Bridge (10 per set)

    You do not need to do them in this order.

    I hope this is not too complicated or boring for everyone but apparently a strong core can help with bad backs and your overall performance when working on your fitness. Comments/suggestions welcome :smile:

    I like this challenge a lot! Great choice. Love the variety!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I didn't know this was the challenge but my sodium was around 1200 today so 5 newts for me! Yay I know I don't count in the Prefect race but I'm still accountable to all of you! I plan on doing some planks before I go to bed also!

    Edited to add: I have the biggest interview of my life on Friday! It's in New York so I am leaving Wednesday night and I won't return until Saturday morning so excuse my absence. I need the Hufflepuffs to cross their fingers, toes, and anything else you can plus send good vibes and wish me luck and pray if you believe ( no offense to anyone). I really want this job and it would be an excellent opportunity for my family plus a pay raise!