Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member

    There's a new link to the weigh in document. Sorry - this is turning into a lot of work, but hopefully it will help us all from now on. There were too many difficulties with formatting in the old document, so I made the following changes:
    1) took out members who did not weigh in last week
    2) added rows for new members to add their user names and stats - no more inserting rows!
    3) added new tab (bottom of screen) for weigh ins - this is the only tab that you will key information into. Formulas will carry the data to the other tabs
    4) weekly and summary tabs will automatically update when you enter information on weigh in tab

    Here's the link. Remember to delete your old bookmark and add this one! Sorry again for making it so confusing! :flowerforyou:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw peeps! I didn't get a chance to post, but I did get a moment today. I checked my weight this morning and WOW! I lost 4 lbs since last Tuesday. W@@T!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm BACK!! :glasses: so i cheated like CRAZY during the holidays, for about 2 weeks, and i gained a lot :ohwell: ....BUT i did this strict 7 day pure food/vegan diet/juice cleanse, which was basically eating super healthy for a week with some fresh veggie juices thrown in there, and it was pretty awesome. (they even delivered the food and juice to my house EVERY night) i didn't exactly "enjoy" it, but it did the trick, and i lost all that holiday weight, plus a little more. so i'd say it was well worth it. now that i got the cheating out of my system, and enough punishment from the cleanse, i'm SO ready to get back to eating my regular stuff tomorrow. i'm craving some coffee and a nice piece of salmon like you have NO idea!!!

    good luck everybody!!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Sadly, I had a gain this week, but it's not too unexpected. I've been having a really hard time getting my brain to kick back in. Ending this week at 220 (which has been updated on the sheet (thanks, Sue -- the new sheet is awesome!), which is up .4 from last week.

    I will say that Friday was amazing for me in terms of NSV's, though. Fridays are the only days I can wear jeans at work, and I am definitely not much of a fashion-focused girl, and I've always pretty much hidden myself under boy's jeans and big shirts. So lately, I've been feeling better about buying clothes and I bought a new shirt (a size down from usual) and some women's jeans to celebrate going down a size, and I wore them to work. I received at least 10 compliments during the day, and I was positively glowing over it. It's wonderful to walk around and not feel like people are thinking awful things about how I look, etc.

    Definitely a good day, and hopefully it'll be enough to get me on the right track again.

    Glad that your cleanse week went well, Sandra! And congrats on the awesome loss, Mish! :D
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    congrats to mish and craft on their losses.
    kelly, i am right there with you...just can't get back on track after being sick and the holidays. i really think getting back on track is harder than getting started in the first place was. today i have had really bad food choices but will end up under goal for the first time in awhile...assuming i don't do anything stupid before i go to bed!! i need spring to get here so i can get back out on my bike!!
    have a great evening everyone. :bigsmile:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    sorry-don't know why it double posted
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    Kelly and psb13, I am having the same motivation problem now that I am no longer sick and the holidays are over. I was pretty good at exercising while home for Christmas, but definitely not good with the eating. I thought I would just fall back into routine, but I haven't worked out or had a good food day since I got home last Wednesday. I just got a new Jillian DVD (Ripped in 30) and I am hoping that starting that tomorrow will help restart my motivation. Kelly, I loved 30 day Shred and it worked wonders for me. I was so sore I could barely move after the first couple days, but it got better and I lost not only pounds but inches throughout the month. I hope you like it. I didn't like Jillian either(still don't really), but now I recommend her videos to everyone.

    I had a good Friday in terms of boosted esteem, too. I finally got some clothes that fit me for Christmas so I decided to dress up a little on Friday. Just a skirt and sweater, but it was nice to have clothes in the right size instead of too big. I also got compliments at work and when I saw my boyfriend that night he made several comments about how good I looked, which really made me feel better about my little slip off track these last few weeks. It is good to really have it knocked home that a little loss of motivation for a few weeks isn't going to put those hard lost 30 lb. back on overnight. I may get depressed when I look in the mirror and see a suddenly see myself right back where I was a year ago, but that isn't what everyone else sees. I think it was the confidence I got from wearing a smaller size and not the clothes themselves that really brought on the compliments.

    Now to get focused and motivated again. Hopefully all of us that have fallen down a bit can get back on track this week :)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I can't access the spreadsheet with the link. Do I have the correct one??

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I found the right link.....I can fill it out now

  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hi guys, just done my weigh in on the spread sheet, could someone tell me what the week 1 OWL challenges were? Sorry, I've scrolled through the last few pages and I've obviously missed it. Also horrendously tired at the moment sot hat probably contributed :sick: .

    How has everyone been doing this week so far?
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. happy monday :ohwell: . not interested in going back to work. just a quick check in before i go. hope everyone has a great day. :bigsmile:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Good morning everyone! Had an off day yesterday just a bit, but back on track today. I was hoping to lose 5lbs by Feb 9th (girls cruise) and 20lbs Mother's Day, looks like I should do that and maybe more!

    Congrats to all who lost this week!

    Everyone has a bad meal, don't make it a bad day because of it. Everyone has a bad day, don't make it ruin your week. Sometimes you have bad weeks, don't let it discourage you. If you have a bad day, don't say I will start again on a particular date, start the next day. There is no reason to wait until that date just because you had a bad day/week.

  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Hi guys, just done my weigh in on the spread sheet, could someone tell me what the week 1 OWL challenges were? Sorry, I've scrolled through the last few pages and I've obviously missed it. Also horrendously tired at the moment sot hat probably contributed :sick: .

    How has everyone been doing this week so far?

    The Week 1 and 2 challenges are below, but just in case you need them in the future, Sue has added the challenge information to the spreadsheet as well. It's on the bottom of each of the Week X pages (hope that makes sense):

    Food: 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: 5 mini workouts each day
    House Spirit: Post!

    Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, too :/
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Monday Ravenclaw! I was getting hungry but couldn't remember what I packed for lunch this morning. When I got my lunchbox out of the fridge, all I had packed was a little side salad - no protein or anything else!! Duh! I had to go to our little cafe and buy the least offensive thing on their menu. Settled on a chicken/bacon wrap, but it was still pretty high cal. Come to think of it - I ate the whole thing. I bet I need to double what mfp showed. Hmmmm - that will put that lunch close to 1000 calories! YIKES! I'll be doing some exercise tonight!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Edit: I just put all of the ingredients of the chicken wrap into a recipe and thankfully mfp has it pretty close to what I calculated! Yay!! I can breathe a little easier now!
  • Another quick check-in for me at 284.6. Up a little bit which I'm sure is because of lazy choices and busyness at work and home. Nothing else to add, I'm afraid.

    Anyway, keep it up guys! You're doing great!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    I checked in on the spreadsheet but not on here! silly me :smile:

    TOM moved out until next time, so all of that water weight is gone and then some! Lost 2.2 lbs, but I'm .2 up from my last weigh-in right before Christmas. Not too shabby!! :smile: Some may have noticed that I changed by Jan. starting weight from 272.4 to 275 because 275 was my weight on Dec. 31, my normal weigh-in day, and 272 was from the week before. Silly me :tongue:

    Current weight: 272.8 (-2.2!)
    OWLS: 3
    House Points: 231
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Yay for the 2.2 loss, blackhawkgirl! :)

    I just can't wait for my winter blahs to be over with. I'm calling it that, but I have no idea what's up with me. Had a good eating day yesterday, but I've been sick-ish the past couple days, and I know several others are as well. I usually like winter, but this one seems to be sapping everything from me.

    Ah well, getting ready for work now. Hopefully it'll be a good night!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    kellyisfat, lottee1000 and emmie-rene have all volunteered to assume the post of Head of House. They will be sharing the duties, so watch for their announcements! Thanks guys!! :flowerforyou: I will be working behind the scenes for the next week or so making some changes to the googledoc, but then I'll turn everything over to them. After that, I'll get to join the rest of you competing to earn the Prefect badge each week!! :wink:

    I added all three of you to the group moderator list, and took Sue off to make it official :) I don't know if you guys are going to name a spokesperson between the three of you or if your duties will rotate. Let me know if I should update the HoH link in the rule blog with one of you or all of you, please!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    nice loss blackhawkgirl!!
    kelly-i'm right there with you in the blahs!! can't seem to get back on track. so far so good today, but i seem to have more trouble in the evening and can't seem to make myself workout since i was sick. honestly, today is the first day i've felt 100%.
    thanks to lottee, kelly, and emmei-rene for stepping up to take over as hoh!!:drinker:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Hello everyone. Just doing my thing and waiting for 5 so I can get home to my boys. Way, way tired today. I think I may pull out my Wii Fit and see how that goes.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    arrgh! - I just lost my post because the previous post locked.

    Starting over - I'm sure this is shorter than my previous post, but maybe that is to your benefit. :wink:

    Thanks to Kelly for sending me an email to post my weight. I needed that kick in the pants. I put the Ravenclaw house discussion back on my browser toolbar.

    I feel completely lost. I'm reposting the challenges for this week so *I* can find them.

    Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5.
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop by the common room and leave a post.

    Inter-house challenge: Earn 1 House Point for each minute of exercise

    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 1/2
    Exercise: 0/2
    Spirit: 0/2

    House Points: 200
  • ahh, yes..my first week in the house and I'm afraid I didn't do so well. I also forgot to weigh myself this morning before I started eating! I will get numbers together and post in a little while.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
  • Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5.
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop by the common room and leave a post.

    Inter-house challenge: Earn 1 House Point for each minute of exercise

    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 0
    Exercise: 0 (I exercised, but not in breaks - how long does an 'exercise break' need to be?)
    Spirit: 3

    House Points: 65
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey everyone, having a good week?

    So, I'm back in Bangkok, flew on Monday, arrived Tuesday night, back to school Wednesday morning. Man I need sleep! Have managed to exercise everyday though, although food was whatever the airline gave me so probably calories wrapped in fat. Oh well!
    Well done everyone who lost last week, especially blackhawkgirl91, cherubcrnp, craft 338 , mish3131 WhatsEatingYou and Matchamatcha!!!

    Anyway, as for the prefects, the two people with the highest number of OWLs last week is.... drumroll please... Aszuzi and mish3131!! Well done you guys, as your reward, if you'd like to message me with the challenges for next week please let me know, I think if Aszuzi sends me a food challenge (so you can motivate yourself out of your old eating habits) and mish3131 comes up with a fitness challenge?

    If either of you don't want to, just let me know and I'll come up with one. I need them by Thursday to post on Friday, please!

    Enjoy your Wednesday guys, Lottee x
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning. I just realized that TOM is going to arrive next week. Meanwhile this week I was wondering why my back started to hurt and feeling a bit bloated! ICK! I hate weighing in when TOM is here. It really adds pounds (close to 5 or more) in bloated weight. Anywho, I am staying on track and it looks like everyone else is doing well.

    Have a great day all!

  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Congrats new prefects!

    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 2/3
    Exercise: 0/3
    Spirit: 1/3

    House Points: 230
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    OK, DON'T REPLY HERE, FOLKS! You can reply (it seems) but it continues to another thread at the bottom, too. It's very weird, but ONLY reply to the sticky thread called Ravenclaw Common Room Part 2, not the unsticky one!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Transferring comments from the weird in between thread to this thread (that seems to be the ultimate Part 2 thread after much testing of links):


    did we roll over again!!! WOW that was fast!! good morning to all. had a chinese food binge last night. i've been craving it so hopefully that's over and done with! i must say, it was really yummy :tongue: . hope you all have a happy "hump day". :bigsmile:

    I'm happy to have my info listed on the HoH link, so you can feel free to add me, and then of course Lottee and Emmie can speak for themselves, lol. So far, I think the current plan is for Lottee to handle most of the in-house stuff (challenges, prefects, etc.), and I'll be handling the weigh-ins and reporting numbers, reminders and all that (so most of the external reporting stuff). Emmie said she would be free in February to either help out or take over, whichever we all decide at the time, so for the most part, you'll probably hear from me most often with the house info.


    I think I'll list you (kellyisfat) in the Rules blog, so if new house members have questions, they'll come to you first instead of wondering who they should go to out of the three of you. I'm just going to name you the official HoH (to avoid confusion) and the other two will be Deputy HoH's. Does that sound ok to you three?

    Also, what's with your Common Room rolling over twice? It's driving me batty, so I'm gonna see what I can do to condense. :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I feel completely lost. I'm reposting the challenges for this week so *I* can find them.

    Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5.
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop by the common room and leave a post.

    And I'm including the link to the weigh-in doc so *I* can find it at work!


    I got so busy yesterday that I didn't get a chance to say hello - and then I get here today and find that we're on a totally new thread!! Way to go Ravenclaw! I love that we have so much going on here - it's really motivating! :drinker:

    I'm still struggling with the extra snacks - especially the chocolate. Dementors must be hovering about again... But I am doing better with getting in some exercise each day, so I think things are slowly starting to get back to normal.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!