Stage 1



  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Ya, I'm using that spreadsheet now, too. I'm moving up steadily in amount lifted, but it's because I've been in the dark about what my body can do (!) rather than actually advancing. I'm def getting more and more sore though!:laugh: That's a good thing.

    This is fun.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I did my first workout today and I really liked it! I love that the exercises are things that will not just (hopefully) make me look good but that they will make life easier since I'll be stronger.

    I'm also really excited because I've just been accumulating my weights off of craigslist and today I hit the jackpot. If it all works out I'll be picking up 300 pounds of weight, a barbell, two sets of adjustable weight dumbbells and a bench for $80!!

    I can't wait to start getting stronger.
  • bigbugboo
    bigbugboo Posts: 161

    What is everyone doing in terms of nutrition? I dont hear a lot of comments on that. That is a biggie for me especially at 48 yrs of age. It is no longer easy to lose weight unless I make good changes in my diet.

    Hi there

    I'm about to start Workout 1b today. I'm also (almost) 48yrs, and training at home. Would love some mutual support.

    Alf, I ate 2000 calories in total yesterday (a massive amount for me, as I usually only top 1200 - 1400). I felt fat, and was sure I would put on weight, but my weight this morning stayed the same!

    I think I might try around 1600 - 2000 a day depending on how hungry I am, but I did feel uncomfortable physically with 2000.
  • bigbugboo
    bigbugboo Posts: 161
    I also have resistance bands and can modify some of the pulley exercises using those.

    Hi. How would you use the resistance bands in lieu of the pulley machine? Would love to know as I'm also working out from home.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! I did B workout this morning. It felt great. I was a little wobby on the lunges and I was doing them stationary!!! :noway: :laugh: I need to concentrate on my form and getting low. I love how I feel at the end of each workout, kinda shaky meaning for me it was a pretty good one. I am doing 2 workouts a week for now. My schedule can get kind hectic and dont want to have the pressure of trying to squeeze in 3 workouts a week.

    bigbugboo, nice to meet you!!! Before starting this program I was usually eating anywhere from 1600 to 1800 calories but I have also eaten close to 2000 in the past. It depends on how much I eat and what I eat that I would feel bloated/fat, super full. I couldnt function eating 1200-1400. not even 1500. What I try to do is to eat more for snacks 200-400 cals and 400-500 cal meals.
    Regarding resistance bands, havent used them for this program but have used them when doing P90X. You could put them over a bar or something sturdy and then adjust them (shorten them) to create more resistance. You would also need to get on the floor on your knees or even sit down on the floor to again create resistance. Hope that helps.

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I tried really hard to stay within my calories yesterday but I was STARVING!! I did my lifting and I did Taekwondo (I go twice a week). Will this even out or am I just going to defeat myself with crazy eating? I tried to make sure what I did it was worth it (protein drink, almonds, chicken for the snacky stuff but I ate vegetables and fruit throughout the day too so I was pretty balanced. Plenty of good fat in there too. I was just HUNGRY!)

    I can't stand feeling like I'm starving so I eat something. I am not trying to eat at a deficit and had reset my MFP allowance to what I figured out using the book. I still have a bunch of weight to lose but want to focus on getting stronger right now but still, I don't want to gain a bunch of fat! If I keep eating like I did yesterday I worry that I will. I should note that my hungriness came on after the workouts and before that I was just fine. I'm pretty hungry at the moment too. :( Maybe it's just hormones or something and it'll go away soon.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I tried really hard to stay within my calories yesterday but I was STARVING!! I did my lifting and I did Taekwondo (I go twice a week). Will this even out or am I just going to defeat myself with crazy eating? I tried to make sure what I did it was worth it (protein drink, almonds, chicken for the snacky stuff but I ate vegetables and fruit throughout the day too so I was pretty balanced. Plenty of good fat in there too. I was just HUNGRY!)

    I can't stand feeling like I'm starving so I eat something. I am not trying to eat at a deficit and had reset my MFP allowance to what I figured out using the book. I still have a bunch of weight to lose but want to focus on getting stronger right now but still, I don't want to gain a bunch of fat! If I keep eating like I did yesterday I worry that I will. I should note that my hungriness came on after the workouts and before that I was just fine. I'm pretty hungry at the moment too. :( Maybe it's just hormones or something and it'll go away soon.

    I am no expert but if you only eat over what you need either for maintenance or deficit once in a while you will be ok. I guess it is best to listen to your body and truly analyze what is going on. Are you truly hungry? Could it be your are thirsty instead? Could it be your are just simply bored or tired? IMO, when you are very hungry and none of the previously asked situations exist it is truly a sign your body is asking for food. For me on a day like today, I worked out this morning plus I am teaching a Zumba class tonight, if I feel very hungry I will definitely eat cause that is a lot of physical work. :laugh:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm pretty sure it wasn't boredom or emotional because I was actually irritated and frustrated that I was still feeling hungry. I might have been a little dehydrated because I had a really tough TKD class. I was really hungry after that class though! Now that a few hours have passed and I've eaten a pretty high protein breakfast I'm feeling a lot better. I am hungry right now because for me it's lunch time but I don't have that ravenous feeling like last night.

    It's weird because usually the day after weights I'm more hungry but this time it was the day of and now today I'm feeling back on an even keel. I guess I'll just keep an eye on how things are going and adjust as I need to. I am much heavier than most of the people I see in this group (about 180'ish) so I still have quite a bit to lose but right now I just want to focus on gaining strength and feeling good so I don't have my calories slashed at all. Maybe I just need a little adjustment time. I had done two rounds of P90X but had several months off before I got NROL4W. Maybe my body is just having a moment. :)

    If I keep working at it I'll eventually get where I want to be though so I won't be quitting. I love lifting heavy things to much for that. I also love the look on the kids faces when I picked up my 11 year old son and curled him. Those boys in my Sunday school class are impressed with me anyway! lol
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Hi Ladies -

    Finally starting the workout tonight, now that I've finally figured out the proper sequence. Glad to see that I wasn't the only one thoroughly confused.

    I'm currently at 1600 cals (technically MX here on MFP) but I still have some body fat to lose, primarily in the belly/hips. According to the book I should be upping to 1900 on workout days, though that might be tough for me.

    I've changed my macros to 40/30/30. Does that sound about right.

    Not new to all of this - just new to this program. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    Scapez, I also changed my macros to 40/30/30. I'm finding it tough to eat clean and get those macros right, but adding whey protein to my post-lifting smoothies is helping. I also just ordered some PB2 off Amazon and it should get here tomorrow. I will start adding that to my oatmeal and smoothies to help boost my calories.

    Good luck starting the program. You are going to LOVE it. I'm on my 3rd week of Stage 1 and it's fun to watch my weights go up, up, up! :)
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    My macros are also 40/30/30. That feels right for me.

    knitnponder, $80? Score!!!

    Tomorrow I meet with the trainer my gym is giving me for free (for 1 session). I'm looking forward to his feedback on my form. I have an irrational fear that he will judge me (eg, cuz my form is THAT bad, or my weights are too light, or that girls shouldn't lift more than 10lb DBs or whatevs). Silly, I know, but I'm intimidated. Doing it anyway, but a touch nervous.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I'm glad you are going to the PT, grapenut. I kind of had the same thought-process as, I didn't want to be *duped* into paying for all these (expensive!) training sessions when I've already paid for my gym membership, new shoes, and all that time away from work - dedicated to this task.

    But, the session with the PT was worth it. No matter HOW much you read, research, look at videos and pictures, YOUR body is NOT the same as all the others out there! And, a PT can help YOU with YOUR form, so YOU get all the results YOU are looking for.

    I think that "personal" treatment means something. No, I dont' want to be RELIANT on a PT (i.e. I don't need him to "kick my *kitten*", i can do that myself!), but I DO want to get through this with excellence, for me!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    My macros are also 40/30/30. That feels right for me.

    knitnponder, $80? Score!!!

    Tomorrow I meet with the trainer my gym is giving me for free (for 1 session). I'm looking forward to his feedback on my form. I have an irrational fear that he will judge me (eg, cuz my form is THAT bad, or my weights are too light, or that girls shouldn't lift more than 10lb DBs or whatevs). Silly, I know, but I'm intimidated. Doing it anyway, but a touch nervous.

    It should be fun!
    I'm looking forward to hearing how it went!
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks guys. I'll report back!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    knittnponder, I'm a bit confused, are you doing taeknowdoe on the same days as you lift? I'd be starving too if I did both of those on the same day! If so, I'd suggest maybe you do those on alternating days if possible, that could help with your hunger. If it's not possible, definitely don't be shy to eat more on those days, your body needs it.

    I also agree with the other comment that working out in the morning can be better for soreness. If I workout after work, I go home, eat, shower and plop my butt on the couch and then my legs start cramping. I've been leaving my yoga mat on the floor in front of the TV for the past week to remind myself to stretch. After your workouts, take a really, really hot shower to warm up your muscles, and then as soon as you get out while you're still warm, do 10 minutes of stretches and that should help you some.

    Regarding all the calorie debate, the scale is not moving for me. I'm definitely getting stronger, but no changes in the way clothes are fitting (in fact, all my jackets are feeling tight - I think my shoulder muslces are growing!). I've been aiming for about 1300 on non-workout days and just eating back all my exercise calories. Most days I'm actually between 1300-1700 because if I'm hungry I eat. I've been scared to move my calories up, but I think I'm going to try and aim for 1800. I know it's possible the scale isn't moving because I'm gaining muscle, but considering my pants still don't fit, I don't think that's the issue. Anyways, I need to go to bed because I'm traveling for work so workout 5B is going to have to be in the AM tomorrow!!! We'll see how that goes with my typical morning grumpy face... :laugh:
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    I apparently need to check in more often!! Loved reading through this thread!!

    Regarding the calories, I also just recently upped my daily intake (and by recently I mean yesterday lol). I was eating 1400 and most of my workout calories, but did not see the scale move at all - so I upped them to 1600 (for non workout days) and plan on eating all my exercise cals on workout days (to put me somewhere in the 1950 range). I know I should focus on changes in my strength and inches and such, but I really want to drop these pesky last 10-15lbs!

    I have just about completed the first 4 weeks of stage 1 and I have been able to increase my weight from just the bar to an additional 40lbs on the squats and an extra 20lbs on the deadlifts. Definitely feeling stronger already!

    I think I'm addicted! :laugh: I'm going away for a long weekend tomorrow and I'm a little upset that I will miss 2 of my lift days! So what do you guys think - when I get back, should I do an extra week of the first half of stage 1? Or just move right along into the second half?
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Darkangeleyes, I can so relate to the scale issue. I very much want to disregard it altogether. Not even look. I don't know if it's conditioning or just genuinely craving information that will serve me, but it's really hard to stick to the no looking. And it never makes me happy to look.

    Has anyone poked around the threads for the later stages to see if women there are gasping about how much the fat is just dripping off week after week & their bodies look and feel transformed, etc???? This is my hope, but I haven't checked.

    I know what I'm doing is healthy, and I want that to be good enough. But alas.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    DarkAngel - I would just keep progressing with Stage 1 when you return to the program. One of the things I DON'T like about Stage 1 is the early piece has 15 reps and 12 reps in it - when, in reality, muscle-building happens (imo) at 5-8 reps. Only the FINAL week of Stage 1 reverts to 8 reps, which, frankly, is where I think the program should have started. But, that's just my opinion.

    As for the scale, I'm like kelsey/grapenut - I'm sure the scale reads the same - so I'm just staying off it. In accordance with the "challenge" rules (on another forum), I'm only to weigh-in once-a-month, so my next weigh-in isn't until February. So be it.

    I'm not losing inches, either. And, I upped my calories to maintenance 2 weeks ago. I'll leave it there for at least another 2 weeks and then make a decision. I really think a whole bunch of us, on this thread, are STARVING our bodies by keeping the calories TOO LOW. I know this is ALL very counter-intuitive....but, I think good results come from following the book's advice on nutrition. During Stage 1 - make sure your calories are at maintenance and eat back your exercise calories.

    As for "later stages", like you said you wanted to, grapenut, I *did* go through ALL the threads....and, there doesn't seem to be any "A-HA" moment where the women say, "....and then in Stage 4 all the weight and inches just dropped off me..."

    But, there is this thread:

    And it seems to indicate that, by doing everything by the book, she LOST 25 lbs (on the program) and, very obviously LOST a gazillion inches. So, that thread gives me *hope* and I look back at it frequently.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Unlike "weight loss", where you (often) CAN see some IMMEDIATE results: "...oh look, it's week 1 and I've lost 3 pounds on the cabbage soup diet, already!!!!..."

    Strength-training is different. The results aren't "immediate". But, the END results are life-transforming.

    I still have 10-15 *pesky* pounds to lose, too. But, I believe that *now* is just not quite the time. Does that tick me off?? Heck ya!! I'm in Hawaii in less than 8 weeks and I do NOT think my bod is going to be super-duper-hot. I could *choose* to go off NROL4W and just diet for the next 8 weeks and I'd be looking "thin"....but, just skinny-fat without any muscle tone. So, the trip to Hawaii, I'll have to buy appropriate cover-ups, etc., and just ask my husband to be "kind with the camera" and not catch me at any angles I'd be ticked off about.

    I also have a gala on Feb. 3rd that I had hoped to be in my size 8 Vera Wang gown for....I don't think that's going to happen, either. (That would be a matter of inches, not scale weight.) Okay, so I'll wear a different gown. It isn't the end of the world.

    My *goals* towards FAST RESULTS have been tempered extraordinarily. But, my LONG-TERM *goals* have been super-PUMPED.

    I TOTALLY believe that, by June, I'll be looking like WifeMom from this thread:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ...and, next year (2013), they'll be another sunny trip to someplace warm and my bathing suit body can debut at that time.

    That'll mean more to me than trying to get bathing suit ready by Feb. 29th. Disappointing?? A little.

    But, I think the long-term vision, of this program, and of strength-training in general, has really transformed my whole outlook on fitness and exercise.

    It took 25+ years of steady-state cardio to get my body into this (skinny-fat) state. It'll probably take a few months to change it, now, to the shape I'm really after!!