


  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Don't thinK I ever introduced myself.

    Alix/Lex, 31, currently around 191 (haven't weighed in a while). Live in Cali. Just recently finished LiveFit and currently on a week break ... starting NROL4W on Sunday Jan 15th and can't wait. Really excited to be doing some more heavy lifting. Love it. My diet has been pretty clean and I plan on keeping it that way. Live w/ my partner and her 11 yr old son (such a good kid) ;) *note sarcasm*

    I do have some more weight to lose, but I want to work on gaining some more muscle, I know the weight will come off on it's own with a good workout plan and diet. I've done the quick results way and that's not an easy lift style. Going slow and steady on this one.
  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello, I'm so excited to join this group!

    My name is Micheal (pronounced "Michelle"), I'm 35 and am married with 2 children. I have just purchased the book as well as The New Rules of Lifting for Abs. I plan to read the books and develop my plan to begin February 6th. I'm going to be out of town the last week and a half of January hence the February 6th start date.

    I'm 5'3.75" and weigh 116. I've been lifting for a couple of months and am pleased with my results, but am just not seeing the definition that I would like. I am going to have my body fat tested in a couple of weeks. I believe I will need to reduce my body fat % to about 16 to see the kind of results I am looking for. I'm not sure how many pounds that means.

    I've been active and health conscience all my life, but in December of 2009 I was in a severe car accident. By some miracle I walked away with no more than a few scars, some soft tissue damage and 30 pounds of fat. It took me about a year to be able to even begin to workout again. And when I began I could do no more than 10 minutes at a time and lift no more than 3 pounds weights. I lost the first 20 pounds with diet alone and then once I began working out I lost the last 10. I moved in May and with all the transition gained 8 pounds back. That's when I joined MFP. Since September I have lost 11 pounds and don't pick up anything lighter than 20lbs at the gym. I've gotten a lot stronger these past few months and am hoping to take it to the next level with this program.

    I grateful to have this forum to encourage one other and learn from the experiences of all you who have gone before me and are mastering this program. :smile:
  • Hi, I'm new (as in still waiting for my book in the mail) and scared. Scared to eat so much for fear of fat gain and messing it up so I never end up gaining LBM.

    Biggest question right now other than cal intake is.....

    DO I HAVE TO GO TO A GYM? I cant so i have to at home. but is this book obsolete for me then? I hear everyone saying gym.
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    I'm am doing it at home. I find alternatives to anything that I do not have and it's seems to be working fine so far for me. I've seen several post they are doing it at home as well. I'm in the January start progress group. I like the program.
  • mom12
    mom12 Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning! I am starting Stage 1 today, and I am excited about it. I hve always loved lifting weights, but never really had much direction with it except to look up different excercises and try them. My biggest fear is that I won't stick to the calories. I love protein, no problem there, just the calories. It seems I am always hungry. So I am going to try my best! I have 2 kids, boy 14 and girl 12, and I am a nurse who works 12 hour shifts. I had a baaaad ankle injury last January, tore all the tendons and ligaments in my right ankle snotubing with kids, and broke my fibula up near my knee. The bone feels fine, but the ankly still hurts, cracks and pops and swells when I am on it too long. So for me, the constant pushing on a treadmill or elliptical is still painful. Looking forward to less of that, more weights. Molly
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Hello everyone

    My name is Hayley, I am 23, 6 foot tall and weigh 262lbs. I am looking to lose weight and become strong!
    I was eating 1500 calories a day and saw no change on the scale for about 4 weeks. Today I bumped my calories up to 2000 and never go below 1733. I bought the New rules of lifting and read the entire thing in a day. It makes so much sense to me.

    I am a university student studying towards clinical psychology. So I am quite sedentary except for when I work out obviously. I shall be starting the workouts next week after my midterm exam and I think I will love it. The only problem I will have is being able to do the exercises without somebody with me making sure I am doing them properly, but I guess that will come with time and experience.

    I think that this is going to help me lose fat and become the strong athletic women I am supposed to be :)
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    hi - just got the book and starting probably this week. I have been totally discouraged. I joined the y earlier in order to make use of the weights etc... They give you 4 fitstart sessions. The first one was mostly about measurements which is good to see where I am starting. But the PT assigned to me hasn't really pushed me to date. I guess I am not going to the gym in order to learn how to use kettle bells or floor exercises or even to use the nautilus (although I probably will use the rowing machine and ab/in ductor machine in order to strengthen my hips which tend to be the first place I feel it while waterskiing.)

    Anyway, I feel like she is treating me like a girl. UG. I have tried to explain that I have osteopenia and osteoporosis runs like a DEVIL in my family. I need weights. HEAVY weights and lifting. So, thoughts. Do I try again on the 3rd session to tell her that either we do weights (like she would treat a guy) or I need a different PT?

    Can I just start this program on my own and say screw the PT - measure me again in 3 months? LOL.

  • purplelipstick
    purplelipstick Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm a 36-year old mom to an amazing 4-year old boy. I read NRol4W last year but just finished my second week of work outs tonight. I've joined this group hoping to make consistent support a part of my journey. I've rode a roller coaster of athleticism or sloth-dom for much of my teens to now. I want to make that different and make healthy eating and exercise an enjoyable constant in my life.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Kim, and I'm a 29-year old law student. I used to love strength training, but fell out of the habit a few years ago when I moved. I've been hearing great things about NRoL and decided to request a copy from the library. It should arrive tomorrow! I'm pretty excited, because it sounds like Stage 1 is actually fairly close to a routine I used to do with a trainer. I've been working on eating cleaner, and am particularly working towards a Paleo diet.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Lifters!

    I'm new to this board. Just did my first workout today and it was really scary. It was my first time lifting and I was by myself trying to figure out how I was going to do the exercises in WO A. I know it sounds crazy, but I was surprised at how heavy the bar was and could just see myself trying to lift it up to do a squat and either falling over or just making a fool of myself :) I almost gave up but just decided to do WO B instead, which seemed easier. I really enjoyed it and my thighs are killing me from the deadlifts. So here's to not giving up! Maybe the second time will be a charm!
  • RunChinni
    RunChinni Posts: 149 Member
    Hey guys!

    I came across this group from another member and after having read so much about NROL4W, I decided that this is the program for me!

    I am 25 years old, 5'7" and weigh 139 lbs as of today. I already lift weights, but I am looking for something structured. I am waiting for my book in the mail and can't wait to start next week. I am not looking to drop weight as much as I am looking to become strong!

    Here's to my plan succeeding! :o)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm Jen, late 30s, I'm a Brit in Bahrain. Been on MFP about 6 months, I only had a few lbs to lose, my real goal was fitness and muscle (esp abs- my problem area!). I'm 5'5", very narrow build, weight fluctuates around 117-120lbs. I'd like to change my body composition to more muscle, my scale says I'm over 30% body fat!! I did Jillian's Ripped in 30 in Aug and was disappointed with the results, I think it's more use to those with lots of weight to shift.

    A gym is not really an option, none in my area, plus I prefer to workout at home (it's more likely to happen if I don't have to drive somewhere!) so I got the NRL4W book this week, bought a set of big weights (6kg barbell, 1.5kg dumbell x 2 with 50kg of various weights to stick on em), and I have ordered a weight bench with a rack on one end which i can raise to use as a squat rack I hope... I already had a swiss ball, I've been regularly entertaining my husband and cat with the prone jacknifes :bigsmile:

    I did workout 1A, used the hubby as a temporary squat rack (bless). Not bad! Those step ups are a b*tch. I'm no good at push-ups, so starting with my hands on the 3rd stair (approx 45 degrees?). Did a 20 min HIIT on the bike last night, rest day today then 1B tomorrow. I'll be doing 3 weight sessions a week and 1 or 2 HIITs.

    Feel free to friend me :flowerforyou: , I'm particularly interested in food diaries- having trouble getting 120g of protein without going over cals!! I've been a pescatarian (fish, no meat) for 20 years or so, but considering going back to eating chicken. I only really disliked red meat anyway.
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member

    I'm Cassie, and I'm going to be starting stage 1 on Monday next week. I just finished the book yesterday, and I can't wait to see how the first workout goes! I'm a little bit OCD, which is why I have to start on a Monday haha. Good luck to everyone!!
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I already had a swiss ball, I've been regularly entertaining my husband and cat with the prone jacknifes :bigsmile:

    Haha that made me laugh. I also entertain people at my gym with my prone jackknife.

    Welcome everyone! :flowerforyou: I hope you enjoy it, it's a lot of fun. :smile:
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all of you strong ladies! My name is Jennie and I am a 47 year old married mom of 3 adult daughters. I am on workout 3A of stage 1. So far, so sore, haha :) I am less than 10 pounds from my weight goal and have lost 46 pounds since June. Time to firm things up, so to speak. My husband is doing the NROL for men plan. We get to our gym at 5 am with our spreadsheets and look like we are on a mission. I have been reading the converstions going on and learning from all of you. Looking forward to the journey.
  • Hi I am Jessica,wife and mommy to 3 girls,ages 20,15,and 2.5.I have done Beachbody programs for about 1 1/2 years and love them.However they all were cardio based and not alot of weight lifting! I have been doing the Les Mills PUMP from BB and I like it but feel like I am not getting a good enough workout when I am done.So I am starting to cut out Oxygen workouts and make a book.I have a TON of these mags..Upper,lower,and full body.I don't have the time to get to the Gym right now...but that will change soon.I am pulling things from Tone it up,Jamie Eason and Oxygen mag and trying to do a workout a day.I found a workout from Jamie Easson in a mag this month and I will be doing that starting monday,30 Day Knockout total body workout.I will be going to ISSA for Personal Training in a few weeks and am REALLY excited to learn more about fitness!! If anyone has any advice or would like to be friends I would love to connect with you!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    My name is Jennifer (myboysmomx2), wife and mom to two great teenage boys. I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary on MFP and I'm ready to begin weight training the right way. I loved the NROL4W book, and I can't wait to get started. I'm beginning my first Stage 1, Workout A workout today. I'm very excited. I look forward to checking back here often. =)
  • Hey everyone! My name is Rachel. I'm 32, and I'm an elementary school teacher in southern Minnesota.

    I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2005, and I subsequently gained a lot of weight and became very depressed. My weight has yo-yo'd a bit, but it was never back to where I wanted it to be. This summer, I decided to start working out a lot, and I lost about 20 lbs. I did Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis program, but after 90 days I had had enough of it. I've also tried some Beachbody workouts, but found them pretty annoying.

    I got this book for my Kindle a couple days ago, and read through the whole thing. It made so much sense to me, and I couldn't wait to get started! I ran out and joined a gym, made my workout log, and went grocery shopping.

    Today was day 1, and it was great! I'm under my calorie recommendation for the day, but I honestly can't eat anymore. I just have to say that the prone jackknives were horrible. I'm going to work on them with the trainer I get for my free gym orientation next week, and see if someone can help me with those. :)

    Feel free to friend me!
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! I just realized that there was in introduction thread, so I should probably be polite and introduce myself. :smile: I'm Sarah, 28, and super excited to finally gain some muscle! I'm about halfway through Stage 1 and I've been doing the program at home with my brother's old weight bench and weights. I'm loving the workout so far!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member

    I'm Sarah, and I'm starting this program today. One of my friends told me about the group, so here I am! I can't really read through the threads right now, since I'm at work, but I wanted to at least introduce myself real quick.

    I'm super excited to start, and also super nervous. But I'm determined to stick with it. Looks like there is a lot of great info in this group!!

    I'm 36 years old, married, three children, two dogs, two cats, and a bird, I work, and I commute for a total of 3 hours every day (roundtrip), so I have very little extra time. I am a member of the YMCA here, so I can workout on my lunch break. So I often go over there and jump on a treadmill or an elliptical for about 40 minutes or so to get in some cardio. My weight loss has stalled, and I have make little to no progress since August. Granted I haven't been as strict with my eating because of the holidays and some birthday parties, but still... it's time to get back to it. I know that I am lacking in strength, so I thought I would give this a try.

    I tend to forget the groups are here, so I'm gonna do my best to remember to come and check in here regularly!! Looking forward to getting to know you all!!