Introduce yourself



  • Amccordford
    My name is Amanda. I am a 30yo mother of 4 little girls, ages 5 and under. I have been overweight all my life and I once got down to 200#, but I am now at my all time highest weight of 300#. I don't want my girls to grow up the same way. While DD5 and DD2 are slender, and DD1 is too little, DD3 is the same body type I was as a small child. I want to model good habits for her so she doesn't grow like I do. She already shows a penchant for eating a lot, healthy and junk alike fortunately, but she has a definite sweet tooth. If I get my weight under control and keep it under control, I can help guide her to keep her body healthy too.
  • mudar146
    mudar146 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Alicia, I currently weight in at 352.4 (though this morning on the scale it said 348.0...but weigh in is tomorrow so fingers crossed it sticks! LOL)

    I've struggled with weight issues most of my life. Though now looking back on it when I was 16 and unhappy things really weren't that bad. I've been on and off the diet wagon for about 3 years now. It all started when my now Husband and I started to plan our destination wedding. But January 8th of this year something changed within me and I feel like a different person on a different path and I'm loving it! I would like to have children someday and know that I need to get heathier before this happens. I also want to feel and look as beautiful as my husband says I am (cliche right LOL)

    SW- 362

    I've also adjusted my ticker from being the full amount I want to lose to 50-60 LBS at a time. I think small goals will help keep my on track and when I see that ticker getting closer to the end I'll push harder on to the next goal! :) I would love to have more support and motivation along my journey and also give it right back!
  • Mijo88
    Mijo88 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello Everyone. My name is Mijo (pronounced Mio) and I live in London Ontario Canada. I am 34 years old and am currently in the middle of reconstructing my whole life. I have been married for almost 3 years. I have a beautiful baby boy who is 8 weeks old. I am in the middle of starting my own business as a Home Inspector and I am finally over all the issues I had with a surgery on my foot that helped me gain the last of my extra weight.

    I starting weight in at 410lbs.
    My goal weight is 250lbs.

    I am using the Think and Grow Thin program/book. I enjoy how simple the book makes it and it addresses some of my mental barriers to weight loss as well.

    I can't wait to be the real me for life!

    Add me as a friend if you would like to chat or to keep track of my progress.
    Cheers and Good Luck to All!
  • mammaFireBear
    mammaFireBear Posts: 23 Member
    Greetings and Salutations
    My name is Fire-Eyes (yes that is my real name) ...I am 38 and started this journey 2 weeks ago at 394.5 lbs. I have dropped 12 lbs so far.
    I am Gerry sick right now, but hope to be better soon.....
  • abuelazm
    Hey All, my name is Ahmed. I am 29 yrs old and am currently 320. I have 2 kids and I wanna be fit to have fun with them. I've tried several times but every time I return to my bad eating habits after a short time. This time I want to succeed and I will.
  • lokizmo
    lokizmo Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Cassie and I am 28 years old. I am currently 335. I started around 350. I have 2 little girls (1 and 5) that i want to see grow up.
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, My name is Cathy and I'm 31 years old.

    I just heard about this board and thought it would be a good place to hang out. I started my journey at 337 and now am at 315.8. I am really hoping to use MFP and really start hitting my goals!
  • dancalkins
    dancalkins Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My name is Dan. I am 25 years old and I currently weigh 370 lbs. I have a little 2 year old girl. Like many of you, I have been heavy most of my life. I feel that my weight is keeping me from many of the great adventures of life, especially with my girl.

    I am always open to another friend on MFP! I want you to reach your goals just as much as you do! I look forward to getting to know you better!
  • SheltiePam
    SheltiePam Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Pam. I'm 52 and I weighed 352 this morning. I know it was higher than than when I started but I am not sure how high because I didn't own a scale. The phone app is what's going to keep me on track. I am committing to entering every single thing I eat even if it's just one animal cracker. Hopefully that will help me keep on track. I'm already seeing some progress, my stomach didn't rub on the steering wheel this morning.:happy:
  • peppytwist
    peppytwist Posts: 25 Member
    Hello, My name is Dawn. I am 29 years old. I am looking for friends on here and support on my weight loss journey. I have been overweight my whole life and have tried dieting in the past without much long term success. I am determined to lose weight this time, mostly because I have some health issues that I need to get under control. Unfortunately these issues make it impossible to exercise at times. Because of this it is very important for me to keep track of my calorie intake. MFP has been a wonderful tool for this and I am hoping to find support from other people through here as well. I have horses and I absolutely love to ride. Unfortunately my health has prohibited me from riding the past year. I am hoping that weight loss with help to get some of my health problems under control so I can ride again.

    My heaviest weight was 315 pounds.
    I am currently 280 pound.
    My first goal is to get down under 200 pounds.
    My final goal is to reach a 'healthy' weight of 160-170 pounds.

    Please feel free to send me a friend request! Thank you.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey Gang. I started at 528 pounds a couple of years ago and I am now 9 pounds away from being in the 300's finally.

    Eventually I plan to pass to the 200's!

    We can do this!
  • stevearter
    stevearter Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Team. Started at 305 at the first of the year. Set a goal weight of 220. Current weight 270. Not looking for the 'Thrilling days of Yesteryear' just want to be healthier for life.....Take care all....Keep ur feet movin'
  • AlbionLass
    Hi, My name is Mandy. On January first this year I weighed exactly 300 pounds. I now weigh just over 271. At my heaviest in 2007 I weighed 322. My lightest recently was just under 200 in Spring 2010. I'm a pretty active person and enjoy cycling, walking and running. I find losing weight quite easy if I'm honest but unless I'm regularly involved in some kind of fitness or sporting activity I get distracted and fall back into bad habits. This year is my once and for all lose the lard keep it off year as I'm 40 in August and intend to look and feel better than I ever have in my adult life.
  • carpicke
    carpicke Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, I am new here looking for friends to help me along the long road of getting healthy and to obviously lose some weight. I have been overweight all my life. I used to tell people that I think I weighed 190 at birth, lol

    But I am getting close to 50 years old and have a 20 year old daughter that I want to see get married and have some grand babies for me to SPOIL, I love kids and all kinds of animals we have a dog, cat , bunny, Quaker parrot, two Muscovy ducks, two rats one blind and the other is 3+ years old and is the others grand mother, a bearded dragon and some fish...yes, for real. Most of them were brought here from my daughter and never left. But when you fall in love with them they become family.

    My heaviest weight was 476, current weight is 386 and my lowest adult weight was about 240. I am not looking for model body, just the healthiest I can be!

    I need someone to help me with staying on track, which is daily and to vent with and bounce things off of, is that you???:smile:
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    It's so liberating to find a place where you can be completely honest about yourself, your weight, your feelings and failings.
    My name is Cheryl. I'm 32 years old, 5'3", 304lbs currently, 338lbs heaviest, and I've never been happier to be on this journey!
  • BrokenAlice
    BrokenAlice Posts: 49 Member
    Hi folks! I'm Alice, 37, single, childfree and live in Seattle. My current weight is 346. I had some great success with MyFitnessPal 2 years ago and made it to 303lbs. Sad to say I am starting over but I am EXCITED to be starting again and look forward to continued success with the help of this fun website and community.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • reree6898
    reree6898 Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Rachel. I am 33 and a mom of 3 wonderful kids. I have been on MFP on and off for several months and after buying a new scale and realizing just how heavy I have become I have decided that its now time to really get serious about losing this weight. I started off life big (10.4 at birth) and really have never been 'skinny'. The smallest I have ever been as long as I can remember was when I was a size 12/14 when I was 18 and that was only due to losing 70 pounds at that time. I hope and pray to be able to make it back there again and stay there.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Hi I'm Kalyn...Have lived in Wi since 1998, originally from Florida. I've been heavy all my life, remember being maybe 180 or so at high school graduation, 220-250 in my mid twenties...about six yrs ago when my dad passed away I was at 330..But I got my wake up call Jan 24th 2012 when I went to my heart dr and weighed 378.6 and he sent me to the kidney specialist the following week because of my blood work. Kidney Dr said I had to go on low sodium, low potassium diet, and if things didnt improve in a week he wanted to discuss dialysis. yikes!! Well it took me the drive home after crying and wondering who would take care of my cat when I died to decide I was going to do whatever the doctors said. The heart doctor had been telling me for 2+ yrs that I should watch the sodium and I would nod my head and agree that I should and I would try, then never do a damn thing about it.

    I've stuck to the low sodium thing since and as of today am down 30.3 lbs. I'll be the first to admit that probably more than half of that was extra fluid I was carrying around, but hey, weight is weight and I feel better! Kidneys after one week went up from functioning at 12.9% to yeah! Cant wait to go in for blood work in a few more weeks to see if they have imrpoved more. I really wish I could start to exercise, but When I try to walk more than normal or do more around the house I get light headed and my ears fill with preasssure like I am on an airplane. The heart dr did a treadmill stress test yesterday and he says the lower half of heart is not pumping blood like it should, he wants to do chemical stress test next week to see if it is blockage or I'm just really out of shape. Either way he didnt seem to be too concerned, and he said my heart was healthier than the last time he looked in 2010 so thats good news.

    Long term I'd like to get down to 140 lbs and stay there forever, that seems like a good weight for me since I'm 5'1" and bigger boned, heavier chested like my patneral grandma. Having to limit sodium forces me to eat heatlier like it or not, and I'm coming in around average of 1400 calories a day, so its doable for me. I'm learning so much now that I'm trying to cut processed, canned stuff out and no longer sweat about fat intake as long as is healthy, natural fat. I'm type 2 diabetic and have controlled it for years with diet somehow to get off meds, but now I'm doing even better, not stressing too much about carbs from fruit and veggies and trying to limit breads/pasta to one-two servings a day.

    I'm so glad to have found this group today while I sit home sick with a bad cold (thanks coworkers that came in sick last week and snotted all around me, GRRRRR!!!!) I was really starting to struggle with those posting that only need to lose 5-40 lbs (ok i know its valid for them)...and starting to feel alone and abnormal and "the only fat one" LOL. I know thats not true but its great to be with like minded/goaled people. I enjoyed reading everyones intros, thanks for being brave and posting your stories!! And hi Hoss! Didn't see you were in group until reading through them all. :)
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    Hello I am Estee. I am new to myfitnesspal. I started at 360 before joining the site and am currently at 345.
    I want to get down to 155 ideally. I have been overweight for my entire life and am looking forward to taking control of my life, my weight and learning to live a healthy life.
  • heatherlbeebe
    Hi all. I'm Heather and I am 27. I am married with two kids, 3 and almost 2. I weighed 250 ish right after I had my oldest and that was pretty much the norm since college. I gained 50ish pounds while pregnant with my youngest. It's been almost two years and the weight hasn't gone anywhere! Since I joined MFP, around 10 days ago, I have lost 4 pounds and 4.5 inches! I started at 307, and I am hoping to get to 165ish.