How tall are you?



    LENNJAM Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5"10....I wear heels as much as I can get away
  • mlucarelli74
    mlucarelli74 Posts: 22 Member
    5'8 and LOVE heels, but don't have the self confidence to wear them. I have tons of beautiful shoes in my closet that are just waiting until I lose weight and can take them out on the
  • I'm 6'5" and wishing I was 5'11" just to wear a decent pair of heels. What's up with all the stores carrying size 12 shoes with 4-6 inch heels....That's one heck of an Emergency Room visit for me.
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    5'9 and no heels for me anymore..:tongue:
  • I'm 6'1". I used to love wearing heels!! Then I feel in love with a man that is 5'9" so the heels don't come out of the closet very often any more, lol.
  • divainsneakers
    divainsneakers Posts: 397 Member
    I am 6'0 on the dot.
  • I'm 5"9 and I wear heels all the time, although not anything over about 2 inches because I look ridiculous and I can't walk! I love being tall and won't give up my heels for anyone :smile:
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    6' and I wear heels at least 3 days a week.
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everybody. For years I thought I was 5' 10", but the doc tells me that I'm 5' 8 1/2". I'm still taller than most other women that I know!

    I'd like to be about 155 pounds.
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    I am what I like to call 5' 12". Tee hee. My husband is 5' 7" and I will still rock out the heels when we go out. =)
  • I'm 5'11" and I wear heels everyday to work, so that puts me well over 6'.
  • 5'11" I always wear heels, 3 inch or more... if there cute , i love.... Plus , Fact is I'm tall if i wear tennis shoes and I'm tall if i wear heels... might as well look skinner and cute!
  • ElectricVeinsx
    ElectricVeinsx Posts: 2 Member
    Same, I'm about 5'8" (now that my posture has improved) and all my friends are about 5'4". I certainly feel tall!
  • 5'11 here. I don't do heels haha.
  • reddintx
    reddintx Posts: 3 Member
    5'9" and was a devoted fan of stilettos in the day. I have bad knees and hips now so it's mostly flip flops for me (I work at home) but my fav pair of flops are still two inches thick, putting me at close to 6 feet :D And I do love the occasional pair of heels for a night out, with CAUTION! (at my age I might break a hip lol)

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  • Meg30S
    Meg30S Posts: 3
    I'm bout 5'10" too. Love love to wear high heels :)
  • 5'10" but too scared of sticking out to wear heels!
  • Hi everyone,

    I am 6'3" and always wear flats.

    I am finally coming to terms with being so tall. I used to hate it.

  • tarahyde
    tarahyde Posts: 1
    5'9 and I don't wear heels a lot anymore because it causes my feet to hurt too badly. Also, when I wear them I can't help but feel like I stick out and I'm not the biggest fan of being noticed. I hope that as I lose more and more weight it'll be easier (or less painful) for me to wear heels again and also that I won't feel like so large while wearing them. I hate to feel like there's something I can't wear.
  • BreeShine
    BreeShine Posts: 26
    I'm 5'10" and i DO wear heels some days because i love it! I feel like giant but at the same time more classy and model- like than other women. My BMI is 18.2 and i feel good! Now i have to lose 6 kg (13lbs) to be happy and to get a job in modelling :)

    Girls u rock, ur doing it greeeeat! ;)