week 17/01 thru 23/01



  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    I had a long day with school and such. So, I am posting my squats late.

    02/27/2012 - 750 squats and 14,850 so far.
  • alltalk199
    me done today, here it is!

    Feb 28 – 500 squats – Day 66 – 34 Days to go for me.
  • sns101098
    Feb 21-27: Complete

    84 days down and 16 more to go!
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome davetecsgirl, you will love the challenge, good to see someone new posting, there's suppose to be over 100 members, not everyone post though, anyway I'm done today

    Feb 26- 500 squats – Day 64 – 36 Days to go for me - Total 14,400 that is a **** load of squats, I am so not going to stop when I reach the end of 36 days, absolutely awesome challenge

    Thank you... glad to be here

    Feb 27th.... 100 squats with 5 lb weights
    Feb 28th ... 100 squats with 5 lb weights
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: February 28 :bigsmile: 220 squats :bigsmile:

    It's my weight training day so I did some of them with weights :bigsmile:
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    02/28/2012 - 750 squats and 15,600 so far.

    I plan on changing up my routine and adding more weights to get a better workout with my squats. Then maybe I won't have to do so many in order to feel the burn.
  • alltalk199
    Here it is!
    absolutely exhausted today, really worked the legs yesterday and today, on top of that the squats, my favourite thing to do, couldn't miss those!
    Feb 29 – 500 squats – Day 67 – 33 Days to go for me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: We’re packing for a long weekend at a big event at a big hotel near Seattle and there’s lots to do. We pack some of our own food so the packing becomes more complicated. The hotel has a huge fitness center and I plan to make use of it. I’ll have my laptop but I won’t log food or exercise, just be smart and do the best possible job even with obligatory restaurant meals and long hours seated listening to presentations.

    I'll be doing my squats and carrying my pedometer :bigsmile:

    220 squats today :bigsmile: 26,000 steps :bigsmile: two hour line dance class

    life doesn't get any better than this :bigsmile:
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    02/29/2012 - 600 squats and 16,200 so far

    I am going away to a conference this weekend, and the schedule is packed. Hopefully I can fit my workouts in. I bought the Iron Gym Total Fitness Kit today and assembled it already. I plan on working my way up to get a full workout out of it.
  • alltalk199
    alltalk199 Posts: 275
    great workout this morning, absolutely pumped, with squats to finish.

    Mar 01 – 500 squats – Day 68 – 32 Days to go
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Feb 27th.... 100 squats with 5 lb weights
    Feb 28th ... 100 squats with 5 lb weights
    Feb 29th... 100 squats with 5lb weights
    March 1 ... 125 squats with 5 lb weights
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    03/01/2012 - 500 squats and 16,700 so far.
  • alltalk199
    alltalk199 Posts: 275
    rest day today, but still did my squats, couldn't help it, hehehe

    March 02 – 500 squats – Day 69 – 31 Days to go
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Feb 27th.... 100 squats with 5 lb weights
    Feb 28th ... 100 squats with 5 lb weights
    Feb 29th... 100 squats with 5lb weights
    March 1 ... 125 squats with 5 lb weights
    March 2 ... 180 squats with 5 lb weights

    5 days in a row.... 615 squats so far

    I am loving this challenge

    Thank you for the challenge
  • alltalk199
    alltalk199 Posts: 275
    Forgot to log yesterday, too busy running around with the kids, here it is though,

    March 03- 500 squats – Day 70 – 30 Days to go
    March 04 – 500 squats – Day 71 – 29 Days to go
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went out of town on Thursday morning and just got back a few hours ago. The hotel didn't have free wifi and I wasn't willing to pay the steep prices so I put my laptop away and did without it for a few days. The hotel had a great fitness center so I got up early every morning for long walks and great workouts. I did some of my squats with a 30 pound barbell on my shoulders :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: March 1 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 240 squats
    :flowerforyou: March 2 :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: 220 squats
    :bigsmile: March 3 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 200 squats
    :flowerforyou: March 4 :flowerforyou: 140 squats

    it looks like all the rest of you are doing great :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • alltalk199
    alltalk199 Posts: 275
    welcome back barbiecat, missed ya and you seem to have kept up with the squats, while away, great job!

    Mar 05 – 500 squats – Day 72 – 28 Days to go for me, hehehe
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: very busy today and did only 180 squats

    I usually do 100 of them during the early morning in the dark walk with the dogs one at a time, but since the dogs didn't come back from being boarded until 11 AM, I missed that part of the walk and didn't catch up
  • alltalk199
    alltalk199 Posts: 275
    Here it is, I nearly forgot to log, but here I am.

    Mar 06 – 200 squats – Day 73 – 27 Days to go for me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Tuesday March 6 :bigsmile: 240 squats :bigsmile: it's weight training day so I did some of them with dumbbells either held at shoulder height or with overhead raises :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: day 74 :bigsmile: it's hard to believe I've lasted so long