Introduce Yourself!



  • Hello all,

    I am scheduled for the VSG on Jan. 31st, 2012. I am excited but also nervous. I'm looking for support "friends" on here so feel free to "friend" me :D
  • mswhite76
    mswhite76 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello!! I was sleeved on 1/17/12 by Dr. Gregory Schroder in Richmond, VA. Since surgery, I have lost 17#.

    I have had some complications since having surgery which is causing me to be unable to intake many fluids and I am soooo afraid of becoming dehydrated. :sad:

    I really would like some support, so please friend me if you'd like. :happy:
  • Hi! I'm Leah, from Minnesota... Had VSG from Dr. Alvarez in Mexico on January 5, 2011. I've lost 90 pounds. I have never counted calories, but am just starting to count to lose my last 30 pounds.
  • I had VSG 1/26/12 and starting to use this app to track intake.
  • Hi everyone. I am scheduled to have my VSG on 3/14 and I am super excited. I have lost 36lbs so far preop and I'm on MFP to keep accountable and find others going down the same path as me for help and support. Friend me if you like =):bigsmile:
  • Hi, I haven't had my surgery yet as I am still in the pre - op evalustion phase. My insurance mandates a 90 day wait where I have to attend classes and get clearances from other MD's I already have my PCP's blessing and a clearance from my cardiologist. I've attended the 1st of 3 scheduled counseling sessions/classes. My last is set for mid April, so I assume my surgery will take place in June perhaps? I joined this group for insight into what lies ahead for me. I can't wait to get this done!
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm so excited to have found this group on MFP and I look forward to getting to know you! My name is Bettina and I had my sleeve done on July 13, 2010 by Dr. Christina Li here in Baltimore. I've lost 98 lbs and am steadily working on the last 13 to get me to my "happy weight" of 150. My doctor, NP, nutritionist and I have all agreed that will be a good weight for me and that if I want to go lower I can always work on that.

    I'm 38 years old and work in health care (non-clinical) and have battled with weight for many years. In 2002 I lost 110 lbs. with weight watchers and a personal trainer (and a ton of time in the gym) but as soon as I let up on the strict routine I gained it back and then some. I finally decided on surgery so that the work I was doing would have some significant and long lasting results! I am really happy with my decision to have the sleeve done and know it has changed my life in countless ways, big and small.

    I feel like the more time I spend on this site and the more people I connect with the better chance of success I will have so I hope to "see" lots of you!
  • blondeelocks
    blondeelocks Posts: 1 Member
    HI everyone! I will be 1 year post op from VSG on April 7th. I had my surgery in West L.A. here in california. I started at 252, day of surgery was 234 and today I'm 164. I'd like to loose another 30lbs but I've been at a stall for 3 months. I'm getting a little frustrated because I can eat more and I'm hungry all the time. I'm probably taking in too many calories with bites & tastes. I look forward to meeting all of you and getting support and tips.
  • gypsymo
    gypsymo Posts: 2
    Sleevers on MFP!! who knew? :happy:

    My name is Maureen, I'm 58 yrs old and I had my sleeve done in Toronto, by Dr. Maryanne Aarts on June 22, 2010 which puts me 20 months out. I started at 292lbs and hit 225lb about November that year....and that's where I've been (give or take a few pounds) ever since. I went through some serious issues during that time but now it's time to get serious again. There is a very strong chance that I'll be having bilateral knee replacement done this spring, and I KNOW I'll have to drop some more weight. It's going to be tough since I'm now in a wheelchair so my mobility is severely limited, but I figure if I'm diligent about my diet, it can't hurt, right? Oh, I'm also gluten-intolerant so that's added a weird wrinkle
    Looking forward to meeting everyone, and to sharing the support and encouragement that comes from like-minded folks.
  • Hello All, Im Shaah! I was sleeved on 1/4/12. At my heaviest i was 238 lbs and i am 5'1. a week before my surgery i was 230lbs. since the surgery i have lost 30 lbs. i was in the hospital for a few days after surgery, went home with that horrible drain and had to get a blood transfusion after surgery. everything has been smooth but the stalls are really a bummer. i have a very hard time getting 74 gms of protein in, which i think keeps causing the stalls. but i try my best. the most difficult part of this journey is i feel really alone at times. i cant keep talking about the weight loss with my family because they dont understand. some think i took the easy way out, others think i am just in a rush to get rid of the weight too fast. i dont have a REAL support goup in my area. my surgeon is useless. my dietician is telling me i should only have 500 calories a day and i would starve if i did that. at first it was hard to get those 500 but now its easier and other sleevers seem to have a higher intake at the same stage as me. i love MFP, it is a great tool and I am really looking forward to making friends with other sleevers and keeping each other encouraged, moving, and getting rid of the weight and meeting our goals.
  • Hello fellow Sleevers! I'm new here. Hoping to reinvigorate myself. I'm 16 mos post op. Had my surgery at Westchester Medical Center in NY by Dr. Thomas Cerabona & Dr. Anthony Maffei. From the day of surgery I needed to lose 64-69 lbs. I lost 42 lbs in 5 months. Then nothing happened for a long time. And now I've put 16 lbs back on. I'm trying every support group I can and utilizing all the tools I can find to get back on track. Today was my first day using myfitnesspal and boy am I surprised at how quickly things add up! I'm getting too much protein and I only have 20 more calories to reach the day's max - and I haven't had dinner! Well, I didn't reach my water goal, so I guess that's going to be dinner. Wish me luck! & Let's talk....
  • dont beat yourself up. like they say.."its a tool" at least MFP shows you how many calories you are eating and you can see where you need to cut down. think of the happiness you felt as you were losing the weight before and fight to get back to that place. we are here to support you and i wish you lots of luck
  • Morning! I got my sleeve 2/10 and I really have only lost a total of 24# preop included. I am kind of slow it seems so I am restarting myself and trying to eat all I am supposed to. For a while I lost interest in anything related to food. Eating is a chore that I dislike. Ha I know that sounds weird coming from somebody who looks like Jabba the Hut but whatevahhh... I dont care about eating but I know that I have to eat to lose. MFP is helping me to track my intake and its the easiest thing I ever used - at first I resisted using MFP because it was different from what I was used to. What a closed mind I had. Sorry I was so stubborn. Looking forward to a great week. My goal for March is be down 10# and exercise 4x a week for minimum of 45 minutes and drink 64 oz water daily. That's the best I can gun for right now. I have to start somewhere people.
  • springbound
    springbound Posts: 7 Member
    I'm starting out at 334. My goal is around 170 or so. I've been on the diet rollercoaster most of my life. WW was my usual methods, though I've branched off into south beach occasionally. The most I've lost was about 60 lbs. a few years ago and now I'm about 50 lbs. heavier than my top weight then. I finally decided that enough was enough.

    I'm the middle of the pre-op and in the process of getting all my clearances and losing the 20 lbs. required by the surgeon before they'll operate. (7 down,13 more to go!) I have never seen so many doctors in such a short time in my life. It's really good to read other people's experiences so I will have some idea of what to expect. Maybe then it won't see so scary. I'll be having my sleeve surgery in Albany with Dr. Trivedi provided everything goes well.

    MFP has been a great help with tracking. So convenient! (And so cheap!) Anyway, feel free to friend me. :-)
  • Hi, my name is Melissa Park. I'm a 33-yr-old nurse from Columbia, MD. I had vertical sleeve gastrectomy on January 3 at Johns Hopkins Bayview and I'm down 34 lbs so far!!
  • Hi there! I had my sleeve August 29, 2011 in Tijuana, Mexico by the amazing Dr. Pompa. I have lost 50lbs to date however I have done nothing to assist my sleeve and that 50lb is also a 4 month stall... so here I am - getting back on track! And hopefully using my sleeve as a tool and not a magic fix!!!

    Im in Canada and as far as I know - the surgery is not readily available the way it appears to be in the U.S! So glad to hear docs in the U.S are performing it!
  • sonjakp
    sonjakp Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone , I'm having my Surgery March 30th with Dr Aceves in Mexicali Mexico....
    Can't wait for my New journey :bigsmile:
  • My name is Carol and I had my VSG on 2/23/12. I was intending to have a DS at Duke but due to complicaitons from previous surgeries, when they went in they could not complete it so Dr Sudan did only the first part which is the VSG. This is the surgery I might have chosen in the first place but Medicare does not cover the sleeve. It was very disorienting to go under thinking I would wake up with one surgery and to have another one. But due to all the mess I had internally, I don't intend to let them open me up again unless really necessary so I will stay a sleever and learn to ROCK THIS SLEEVE !! :happy:

    And it has been working really well for me. I lost almost 20 pounds pre-op to get my fatty liver smaller by doing a couple of protein shakes a day and a small meal per day. But I have done well since surgery and am walking every day despite a bad knee. I did great during the 3 week liquid phase immediately post-op but am having a little difficulty moving on to soft foods. I do great with scrambled eggs or string cheese but if I move on to anything like chicken or tuna salad I get extreme nausea and have even thrown up. That plus getting in my pysch medications (a couple of which are large) that get stuck cause me trouble. :angry:

    But the great news is that I am off all diabetic meds (and I was having 5 insulin injections a day plus pills), my cholesterol med and as of last Wednesday, now my blood pressure meds. My pill minder is looking almost skimpy compared to pre-op.:bigsmile:
  • Good After Noon... My name is Wanda. I am 35 years old. I had my surgery done on September 29th At St. Joseph's Health Center in Hamilton, Ontario. My doctor was Dr. D. Hong.

    My heaviest weight was 355 lbs.
    My Pre-op weight was 340 lbs

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Welcome - I have had one knee replaced at about your weight but my weight continued to climb and climb so I had the VSG. Now the other knee really bothers me if I walk much at all but I am really trying. Of course, the docs taking me off NSAIDs did not help