Introduce yourself



  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    LOL Hey Kalyn!
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Currently 322 lbs at 5'10". After maintaining my weight at about 190 lbs (perfect for my pear-shaped build) for 6 years by recording every single morsel in my Palmpilot, my father died. I stopped recording calories and gained over 100 lbs over the next 5 years! I'm finally ready to get back to my normal weight.

    I'm a geek-girl so using technology to record my ins/outs works well for me. Thank God for MFP and FitBit. So far, I've lost about 8 lbs. From my personal experience, I know that alway recording calories is the best way to keep my weight under control. I'm so excited to get back in shape. I fully expect to be around 200 lbs by 2013!

    Thanks for letting me join this group.
  • katwj76
    katwj76 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy. I'm 35 and a wife and mom of two girls ages 6 and 9. I gained 130 lbs on psych meds for my bipolar disorder, but am at 327 right now. My first month on here I gained 12 lbs because I was still on the evil med. Now I am off and lost the weight back to my starting weight in the last few weeks. I love MFP, and have been going strong for 61 days. I'm also fitter than I have been in a long time, logging 45 minute to an hour and a half sessions at my gym. I've never done that before. I'd like to be 250-200, but I'm not opposed to getting smaller. I was 236 after the birth of my second daughter and looked and felt pretty good about myself then. If I have extra skin then I'll just get plastic surgery! I am a coffee addict, and I love hoarders because it makes me feel better about the mess that comes with tow little girls and a messy husband! :drinker:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hi, this is my second time past the 300 mark. In January I was about 310-315, currently I'm at 305. I know I'm kinda just over the 300 mark but its nice talking with others who understand what you're feeling and what you're thinking, because its a completely different ballpark than those who just want to tone up or lose 10 pounds. So hello, and good luck to all of us!
  • Welshcakes
    Welshcakes Posts: 19 Member
    Hey sexies,

    I'm John, I'm weeeeeell over the 300lbs mark, have been for years (not helped by crushing depression). I enjoy lying on my back and looking at the stars, setting fire to things and cooking.

    Looking for a few more people on MFP to help me keep on keeping on with logging food and exercise.
  • Hey! My name is Jaime. I joined MFP 10 days ago, and had been making changes prior to that as well. It'll be nice to have a group of people to talk to who know what I'm going through.

    SW: 338
    CW: 317.75
    GW: 165

    Anyone who's looking for friends, please feel free to add me - Motivation = goodness!!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Welcome and good luck to new people!! I have only been on FB for a month and in group almost two weeks, great people!! You will enjoy it. :flowerforyou:
  • Welshcakes
    Welshcakes Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Kalyn!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    oops, MFP ...not FB LOL getting my social medias mixed up late at night..i need more sleep!
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Decided today to look for a group to join that had a long way to go because i can sure use the support! I noticed katwj76 and StacySkinny, two of my MFP friends are already here.

    I have been over 300lbs for several years. I am 25, have lost weight 2 times before in my life but this time is for good!
    SW- 350
    CW- 325
    GW- 180

    I never really made excuses for my weight, I am simply just lazy and love food. I got really comfortable in my relationship with my boyfriend and that's when I got into the 300's and just let it keep climbing. I just want to feel physically comfortable in my own skin, have the ability to walk long distances without getting winded and feel better. I'm doing this for me, no one else and I think that is an important first step. I am SO glad to be here! I know I'm joining a little late but hope this is a good place for me :)
  • Hi Everyone! My name is Jo.

    I joined this webiste a few weeks ago, happily by accident as an app on my BlackBerry. When I started I was at 365.5. I am currently at 347.2. My weight gain started when I was a teenager, and it accelerated after the birth of each child. Then it took off again with illness.

    So, now, I have decided that I am taking control of my and get my weight and health under control. This seems like such a wonderful group of people in here. Anyone who would like to do so, please feel free to add me as a weight loss buddy!

  • Mahragha
    Mahragha Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I'm Brandon I'm a 25yr shut-in weighing 392lbs. Thank you for inviting me to this group I started MFP yesterday but Ive been losing this weight about three months ago at a starting weight of 443lbs. I love the support I'm getting so I can push myself harder and so I can break out into the world Ive been casting aside for the longest time.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi Brandon and Jo! Congrats on both of your weight loss so far, glad to see more new people joining. We can do this and having support makes the world of a difference!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Jackie. I'm 31, mom of 4, married to the poolman cuz he made my heart skip a beat! HAHA! I started at 389lbs after having 5 kids, and have been working out with Curves Gym for 2 years this April and finally hit my 100lbs lost last month! I'm currently going through the Curves Complete Program and it's been hard. It's not any idiotic fad thing, just basically weekly coachings, weigh ins, talking about what we've done wrong (ie bad food choices, not making steps, sleeping all day I'm addicted to food. After being in this thing for around 9 weeks, I am less so than before, but I'm still not cured. Food is my happy, my security, my ooey gooey yummy. lol I love my family, husband etc, I just have issues with food. I'm not trying to compensate for anything I supposedly lack. LOL Anywho, I'm down to 282-4 (fluctuating forever) now, and am hoping to get to 175ish so I have a ways to go. I love this site, been on it over a year. Just new to the community part. Happy to meet you all!! :D
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Jackie that is awesome! It's so awesome seeing your pics and knowing that we all can do it! I'm ready to get under 300 eventually myself. It will be nice to say goodbye to the dreaded 3 :)
  • Hello. I am Erica. Wife and mother of 4. I had RNY 9 years ago, lost 130 pounds in a year. Gradually, I have ganed and lost over the years, but now find myself 10 pounds away from my pre-surgery weight. Starting over without surgical intervention :embarassed:
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Welcome Jackie, Brandon and others that have joined and not posted! I see our group number growing every day :)
  • Hi everyone, my name is Kaitlyn and I just turned 35 a month ago. I started using MFP over 6 weeks ago and it has really helped me. I have always struggled with my weight and my self-image but I am resolved to fix both! My starting weight was at least 320 (I say at least because I avoided scales like I was allergic to them. I probably was heavier than 320 before I broke down and faced the truth.) I am now just under 297 and I feel amazing! My boyfriend and I get up at 5:30 and walk 3-5 miles every morning. The first few times, I thought I was going to die but my stamina has certainly increased since then...I am even jogging now! (Not too much, but a few blocks interspersed with the walking)

    It's nice to feel welcomed and shared a common struggle, and common goal, with you all.
  • Hey everyone, my name is Jennifer or Jynn. Like most of us here, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. In 2/2002, I signed up with e-Diets weighing, at the time my highest, 384. By my birthday, just 8 months later I managed to take off 85 pounds, seeing a "2" in the front for the first time in a long time.

    It came at a price though, my gallbladder couldn't keep up with the weight loss, so soon after my birthday I had to have it removed. Due to complications in the surgery they couldn't do it with the less invasive surgery and had to split me open. Six-week recovery led to the breaking of all the good habits I formed and over the past then years I have found all 85 of those pounds and they brought 82 friends back with them.

    My starting weight is 466 and I began on this journey Sunday 3/11/12. MY first goal is to no longer see that "4" in front of my number. That will be a big step!! I think a healthy weight for me would be in the upper of my range, around 170. But for now I will be happy to be closer to 200. I will reevaluate then!

    I started a blog that I post my stats to every day. Feel free to pop by and say hi! I also will be adding recipes I have found and various nutritional articles too.

    I look forward to walking on this journey with everyone!
  • motheroftwins93
    motheroftwins93 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All!! my name is Anitra and I am the mother of twin girls...I weigh 348lbs..I recently started eating healthy.... so far I lost 4lbs...I know this journey is going to be a rough one..but I am determined this year to get it right... :)