Introduce yourself



  • Ink_girl85
    Ink_girl85 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone. My name's Jen and I'm 26. This is my first day on MFP also my first day towards getting healthy and finally losing this weight. As hard as it is to say out loud ( or type) I am currently 308 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been. My goal weight is 150. I would really like to meet some other people on here who are struggling as much as I am due to their weight, and maybe we can motivate eachother.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member

    Craig here.


  • Mirdir
    Mirdir Posts: 39 Member
    Hi my name is Elizabeth. I just turned 25 earlier this month and I've pretty much been obese my entire life. I have a picture of my first day of kindergarten and I pretty much look the same as I did then except taller and slightly more round xD The highest I've ever been was 363 but I've been working on it for the past few months prior to finding this site so i'm starting at 329. I'm probably not going to be the most talkative person here since my weight has lead to years of non stop bullying in my school days which I have never really fully recovered from mentally so i'm very anti-social but I'm pretty friendly when I warm up to people.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi my name is Elizabeth. I just turned 25 earlier this month and I've pretty much been obese my entire life. I have a picture of my first day of kindergarten and I pretty much look the same as I did then except taller and slightly more round xD The highest I've ever been was 363 but I've been working on it for the past few months prior to finding this site so i'm starting at 329. I'm probably not going to be the most talkative person here since my weight has lead to years of non stop bullying in my school days which I have never really fully recovered from mentally so i'm very anti-social but I'm pretty friendly when I warm up to people.

    Don't be shy Elizabeth! There are some people on this site who tend to troll and/or be rude but for the most part the people here are nothing but supportive. I don't think I would have made it as far as I have without my MFP friends. I am close to your age, i'm 25 and have always been obese as well. You are more than welcome to add me as a friend. I am very close to your weight as well, i'm at 325/326 at the moment bouncing between the two.
  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    Hello everyone! Gosh is it so great so find a place to be myself! I am a 39 year old mom of 5. I have been married for 13 years and work at a steady midnights job.

    My highest weight was 323lbs and I am currently at 301lbs!

    My backstory - I have always been a plus size girl, from the time I was young I self soothed or comforted myself with food. As I got older and life occasionally beat me down, my emotional eating escalated. After 26 pregnancies and 5 children my weight was out of control as was my depression. Last year I finally sought help for the depression and anxiety that had found me hiding out in the house during the day. This year instead of a New Year's resolution I decided to dedicate the year to me. 2012 is the year of ME! This is the year I spend some time focussing on me and getting myself healthy in all ways. I have already lost 20 lbs by making simple changes like eliminating my beloved cafe mochas, drinking more water, and tracking what I eat. Now I have started to attempt staying within my calorie count as well as becoming more active.

    I have also begun a hypnosis/meditation program to help be get past some of my personal hurdles and it seems to be very beneficial. I have a new blog that I am ridiculously proud of, please feel free to go on over and have a read!

    Ultimately my end weight is not going to be the biggest indicator of my success - it will be how healthy and energetic I feel. I want to be able to play with my kids and set a good example for them.

    Looking for new friends and lots of support to give and receive!
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello fellow 300 pounders! I have been over 300 pounds for most of my adult life! In 2008 - 2009 I dropped 70lbs and got down to 270lbs! It was the lightest I have ever been. I have bad knees and had some issues with my right knee and I was unable to run any more because of degenerative arthritis! Well that sucked because I was only 34 at the time I found out. Now I'm 37 and my starting weight this time is 349lbs! It is the heaviest I have ever been. Currently I'm weighing in at 326 and have lost 23lbs. The difference this time around is that I'm really watching my food intake with MFP and I'm hoping that I can start to do some bike riding and weight training once I become a little lighter! My goal weight is 270lbs. Once I get there I will reevaluate and set new goals.

    Age: 37
    SW: 349
    CW: 326
    GW: 270
  • Alice_in_Wndrlnd
    Alice_in_Wndrlnd Posts: 47 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Alice and I have decided it is finally time to lose the weight. I live in Australia so we measure in Kg's but I know I'm over 300 pounds. I am 32 and I have been overweight since I was about 15. At one point in time I did actually lose 40Kg (88lbs) but now I have put it all back on again. I didn't actually do it on purpose though, I was just poor and had no car so I had to walk everywhere.

    I have only just started to use MFP today but I have been trying to lose weight for about 2 weeks. I have been calorie counting and MFP just makes it soo much easier.

    It's good to find people who are starting from a similar point. This is the first time I have EVER been on a 'diet' or whatever you like to call it so it's a little confronting, but I know that I can do this. I'm just so sick of everything being a struggle.

    Anyway, nice to meet you all.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Welcome all new people!! I really enjoy the 300+ and hope you do too!!
  • I need to loose half my body weight = 150lbs! I don't have big bones. I have no illness. Fat does not run in my family. I am fat because I eat too much and never exercise. I am 42 years old have been obese for twenty of those years. I love my family, hate myself. I can feel the fat clogging every inch of my being. I have a love for life, a wonderful husband and three beautiful children. I know that I am cheating myself out of living because of my relationship with food and this body. A body that I so despise and yet seem unable to let go screwed up is that? I know what needs to be done - eat less exercise more - simple....why then do i find it so impossible?
  • Hi My Name is Marshe I joined the site back in Dec 11my highest weight that was around 364 Jan 11. Then was 322 when i started this site Dec 11. I am now 302. My loss though even though i am proud and happy about it, has been slow compared to what i see others doing on here. I have really been trying lately to step it up and push a little harder. Maybe joining a group and getting some more support will help me with that push. I am just taking it one day at a time and enjoying this new lifestyle change.
  • diamondtransform
    diamondtransform Posts: 22 Member
    HI!! mah name is Diamond and im 361 pounds nd 5'2 tall. Long story here to lose weight nd get fit!!! Add me!
  • Hi. I'm new to the group. My name is Morgan, but my friends call me Mori. I joined the site in Dec. of 2010, but didn't do much with it at the time. I've always been an over-weight kid. It runs in the family. While I was thick in high school, I was still healthy and active. It was a car accident in 2002 that put me off my legs for a while that was the straw that broke the camel's back, as it were. I couldn't really walk for about six months, and began retaining water. The weight piled on. I must have fluctuated between 350 an 400 all through my early 20's.
    I'm now 29 going on 30. I weigh 330. My knees are shot from the car accident - which left me with out cartilage but added bone spurs and arthritis to my knees. I want, and need to lose weight so that the pressure on my knees goes away. So that I can go out and do things with my boyfriend and my friends and enjoy our time together rather than being tired all the time, or easily winded.
    I was doing really well with my weight when my boyfriend and I moved in together. I was exercising regularly and he managed to get me on a regular diet (for a long time I was only ever eating once a day, now he makes sure that I eat at least 3 meals).
    Over the holidays, however, we both put diets on pause (though, to be honest, he doesn't need to be on a diet. He's in his weight range, and is rather muscled). Of course, this break put me in a slump. I re-gained all the weight I had previously lost, and totally lost my motivation for keeping up with my exercise routine.
    I'm the kind of person who needs a push now and then, some reassurance that I'm doing well and that I should keep going. I need the extra pat on the back now and then to make me feel good about what I'm doing. Otherwise I just stop.
    I'm hoping that by being in a group with people who are in similar situations will be beneficial all around. I will definitely try to support you all, if you give me a gentle nudge now and then. :)
  • Hi All! My name is Rachel and I am once again an MFP member. I originally joined about a year ago for a couple weeks, then stopped. Then, in mid-January I started this again and have been on a great path in the right direction. I am 29, married, and looking to expand my family at some point in the near future.

    I am looking for supportinve friends who are going through the same struggles as me at this high weight. In return, I will try to be supportive as well.

  • leighjack
    leighjack Posts: 12
    Hey ya'll! My name is Leigh and I am 36yrs old and married and we have a 3.5 yr old. I have been overweight my whole life and since the birth of my daughter; I have really packed on the pounds. We are a military family and move every 3 or so years. I am very happy that a dear friend of mine encouraged me to start MFP and has been pushing me a little each day. I hope to be able to keep up with my daughter and one day run with my husband.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Hello to all the new people! :)
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I get really happy as I see the group number grown and grow...welcome new friends. I find it so much easier to relate to people with the same issues.

    Special shout out to my good friend Leigh that just joined. WELCOME!! So excited we are going to be doing this together on here. If you all have any cooking questions she is the one to ask, she is a master in the kitchen and knows everything about everything!!!
  • Hello, Im Crystal and am currently weighing in at 297 lbs. I have no idea how I let my weight get so out of control but it stops here! I have a 2 1/2 year old little girl that I plan on living a LONG time for so its time to get in shape & live healthy. The weight I carry has damaged me in so many ways but I am going to change that. My ultimate goal weight is 163 lbs or less, as this is the highest weight I can be and join the Navy. I plan to reach this goal in less than a year. I know its not going to be easy but the sooner it happens the happier Ill be and the faster ill reach my goal to becoming a sailor! Nice to meet everyone, and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • keribugs
    keribugs Posts: 4
    HI, my name is Keri I am 39 yrs old and was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My husband and I have tried for 7 years to conceive and have been unsuccessful. Im tired of being tired. I am putting my big girl panites on and doing what i need to do to get healthy! It's time...
  • squishy82
    squishy82 Posts: 12 Member
    i'm rob 30, starting weight309lb. live in peterborough uk. married with 2 kids.
  • RahRahRiotSC
    RahRahRiotSC Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachel. Starting weight (as of 2.5 weeks ago) was 326. I don't know what I'm at right now. I feel like I've been doing a great job of logging all my food over the past 2 weeks and staying around my calorie goal (under most of the time!) and I've been discovering that my sense of portion control was all wrong. I'm trying to eat more sensible portions and find healthier snacks. I am having the worst time getting exercise in. I really do hate walking. I bought new batteries to start up on the wii fit again. I lost about 30lbs before doing the Wii Fit Active. I also love the Just Dance games. Did anyone else have a hard time working in exercise? I feel so tired a lot of times, especially after work and I'm totally not a morning person. I'm also taking crazy vitamin D pills, iron supplements and on synthroid for my thyroid problems. My doctor is trying to get me all balanced out. Anyway, Looking for new friends who can relate to living in a 300lb body. Would love some tips on how to work a little exercise in or ways to increase energy.
