What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • searlesa1
    searlesa1 Posts: 3 Member
    I eat when I am angry. I just give up on trying to be good about what I'm eating because I'm upset and I will eat nothing but carbs for the whole day.
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!
  • traysee81
    traysee81 Posts: 4 Member
    Eating is my addiction. It used to be drugs, then cleaning, now i'm addicted to food. I think about it all the time. I sit and think about what toi make for lunch and dinner forever. Like what meat to defrost and what marinades or sauces to use. I make myself hungry all day!
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    For me, it's either stress or boredom.

    Having foods I tend to overeat on in the house is awful too. The kids aren't bad eaters, they just like granola bars, and other little treats I shouldn't be eating.

    To be quite honest, I think I have a sugar addiction too! I can down so much sugar it's crazy. I'm actually going to try Sugar Busters or Atkins to try and rid myself of those cravings.

    Ditto on the reasons. I am also addicted to sugar (spice drops, swedish fish and chocolate) and baked goods (doughnuts, muffins, bagesl...you name it!)...mainly a bad habit that I need to break because main meals are usually pretty healthy (thanks to my wife! :-)
  • Fairybird
    Because I am right now facing this problem, I have to say that time of the month. Also when I am feeling sad and lost like I do right now. I have the worse cravings for the worse food right before my period for a few days. Sometimes during and some times after for a few days too. Golly I want to eat everything it's just awfully.:sad:
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I notice now I really want to eat so I can avoid working. Like if I am really stressed because I have to get the whole house clean for a party all of a sudden all I want to do is just "eat something first."
  • lademoiselle
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    i know exactly what you mean... have you been able to overcome it or curb it since you posted this? i'm trying.. but when you work with foodies (and it's so damn good), it's so hard to stop!!! (esp when it has been going on for so long...)
  • zeikiya989
    I overeat when i am stressed, angry, sad and sometimes bored or lonely.
  • annelie3
    annelie3 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to overeat when there was a work I needed to do, I'd say "I am hungry"... it was like this ever since I was little. Also, if there's something tasty in the house, I'd not calm down until it's gone. And, I'd overeat when I'm sad or worried about something. Anything can cause a binge... Other thing, I didn't know much about portion sizes, so I kept eating more than I needed. But I'm proud I didn't overeat for 10 days now, since I joined MFP. :smile:
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    1. Working 3p-11p not sure why but it does . When I work other shifts I'm fine.
    3.Church potlucks
    4.Family dinners
    5.Eating to big of a breakfast. Then I'm starved the rest of the day.

    Today I had 1,2,3 & 5 against me :(
  • spudlovie
    spudlovie Posts: 56 Member
    Hey I joined your group today. I overheat when I am bored or stressed or happy or sad. I just love food.
  • cindylocks
    cindylocks Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined this group today!
    -I overeat the day after my weigh in.
    -I also have a hard time controlling my cravings for chocolate, fatty foods, and carbs. Especially if they are combined in any way, shape or form lol.
    -I also overeat when I am stressed out or if I haven't remembered to eat for a really long time.
    -I over eat when I don't drink enough water
    -And, I also tend to over eat on the weekends when more eating out is involved rather than home-cooked meals.
  • duchessglencairn
    I don't seem to have one trigger--happy, sad, stressed...the only change is what kind of emotional eating i do.
  • Julieslimx1
    LOL I have to agreeeeeeee !
  • jlg6599
    jlg6599 Posts: 162 Member
    I overeat when Ii feel depressed
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    I eat when I'm REALLY upset, like if my husband and I are fighting or I'm stressed about money.
  • pinksrh
    pinksrh Posts: 2
    I eat when I am lonely. Late at night when the rest of the world is asleep and I am all alson I eat and I don't stop. Food is my friend, it keeps me busy so I am not bored, it comforts me when I am sad, it gives me and escape when I am stressed.
  • jellojiggler26
    I overeat when I'm feeling stressed. Last semester I put on 15 lb due to stress. I was working full-time in a stressful job and I was going to school full-time simultaneously. I was exercising during that time but I became so isolated and lonely that I would eat to make myself feel better. Now I'm 200+ and 15lb more than when I started on MFP. It wasn't worth it. I always felt gross afterwards but during the time it made me feel better. I'm trying to do better now and prevent myself from getting to that place by not putting so much on my plate. Now that school is over I'm feeling much happier with life.
  • kerbear48185
    kerbear48185 Posts: 35 Member
    My triggers are stress (emtional pain, fear, feeling overwhelmed, etc.), fatigue, and boredom/lonlieness. It seems like overeating to cope originated for me around junior high school. In order to distract myself from a dysfunctional family life and being bullied in school, I escaped into books and the tastes of high fat and sugar foods.
  • kerbear48185
    kerbear48185 Posts: 35 Member
    Ellivort wrote: "I also tend to want to grab a greasy/unhealthy lunch if I am having a rough day at work - either really busy or stressful. This makes no sense afterwards because I feel better while eating it, but terrible afterwards because its unhealthy an because I know i caved."

    This is so true. I've only recently realized through reading 'Women, Food & God' by Geneen Roth that the food is a means to distract myself from these problems. It's what I do to turn away from those feelings that are causing me pain (like work stress). But as you said, the pain is still there after the moment of distraction with food comes to an end.

    For me, this journey is about finding new ways to deal with my feelings, cope with the things that are out of my control, and take back my body. It's about changing my behavior so that I can use my body to live a high quality of life, instead of using as a trash dump for painful emotions.