Slytherin Common Room



  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Tomorrow I will be posting this house's results for March. Lets see who gets sent to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. Quidditch Captain is also going to be awarded to the person with the highest weight loss percentage for the month so make sure you add your past weights onto the form. Start at week 1 and fill in any missing information that you know so that you can be included in the Quidditch Captain award. The "perfect" award will also be posted tomorrow. This is your last chance to add those past weight for March. I should be posting the results today but believe every person deserves one last change. If you want your hard work included make sure you add all your missing information.
  • ljcruz
    ljcruz Posts: 18 Member
    I'm new and want to join slytherin, I've read a lot of the posts and stuff but still a little confused, can y'all tell me everything I need to do?
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    I'm new and want to join slytherin, I've read a lot of the posts and stuff but still a little confused, can y'all tell me everything I need to do?

    Sent you a welcome message. Let me know if you need any help. What are your goals?
  • ljcruz
    ljcruz Posts: 18 Member
    My goals right now are to cut down on fat, I'm looking to get a six pack, I've got about 20 pounds to lose I think. I'm going by a calorie deficit and have cut out snacks and sodas. Well I still do some snacks but I'm trying to stop that. Snacks like cake and cookies, I'm ok with healthy snacks like fruits. I am trying to eat better but not much control over my food to be honest. I don't eat fast food at least. Working out six days a week ranging from 30-90 minutes a day. Three days cardio and three days resistance. My weight loss goal is to lose 1-2 pounds a week, but sometimes I don't make that full pound
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    My goals right now are to cut down on fat, I'm looking to get a six pack, I've got about 20 pounds to lose I think. I'm going by a calorie deficit and have cut out snacks and sodas. Well I still do some snacks but I'm trying to stop that. Snacks like cake and cookies, I'm ok with healthy snacks like fruits. I am trying to eat better but not much control over my food to be honest. I don't eat fast food at least. Working out six days a week ranging from 30-90 minutes a day. Three days cardio and three days resistance. My weight loss goal is to lose 1-2 pounds a week, but sometimes I don't make that full pound

    Again, welcome to Slytherin. This group really helps you to push yourself. Competing with each other for the rewards helps you to work your hardest. The way I saw it when I joined is that I was not doing this for only me. If I missed a day of exercise the entire house would lose points, not just myself.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Tomorrow I will be posting this house's results for March. Lets see who gets sent to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. Quidditch Captain is also going to be awarded to the person with the highest weight loss percentage for the month so make sure you add your past weights onto the form. Start at week 1 and fill in any missing information that you know so that you can be included in the Quidditch Captain award. The "perfect" award will also be posted tomorrow. This is your last chance to add those past weight for March. I should be posting the results today but believe every person deserves one last change. If you want your hard work included make sure you add all your missing information.

    I will not be including myself in the awards for the month.

    Awards for March:
    Troy67 needs to go to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. He earned a total of 2835 points!
    trina614 is the Quidditch Captain.
    Nobody received the PERFECT award this month. I do not have all the information filled in for March on everybody.

    Congrats to all of you!
    Trina614 you can get your Slytherin badge here:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Tomorrow I will be posting this house's results for March. Lets see who gets sent to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. Quidditch Captain is also going to be awarded to the person with the highest weight loss percentage for the month so make sure you add your past weights onto the form. Start at week 1 and fill in any missing information that you know so that you can be included in the Quidditch Captain award. The "perfect" award will also be posted tomorrow. This is your last chance to add those past weight for March. I should be posting the results today but believe every person deserves one last change. If you want your hard work included make sure you add all your missing information.

    I will not be including myself in the awards for the month.

    Awards for March:
    Troy67 needs to go to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. He earned a total of 2835 points!
    trina614 is the Quidditch Captain.
    Nobody received the PERFECT award this month. I do not have all the information filled in for March on everybody.

    Congrats to all of you!
    Trina614 you can get your Slytherin badge here:

    Do you mean Prefect? I don't know how you would be judging being perfect, I'm just confused.

    You need to send me your numbers every week, and on week 4 that includes sending me the name and number of house points they earned for the month for the head boy/girl nominations. Normally, you should try to send me the message before the end of Tuesday if possible so I can post on Wednesday. If you don't have everyone's numbers for March, it's ok. There's a lot of missing numbers all around Hogwarts and we'll start fresh in April.

    Great job, everyone!
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Tomorrow I will be posting this house's results for March. Lets see who gets sent to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. Quidditch Captain is also going to be awarded to the person with the highest weight loss percentage for the month so make sure you add your past weights onto the form. Start at week 1 and fill in any missing information that you know so that you can be included in the Quidditch Captain award. The "perfect" award will also be posted tomorrow. This is your last chance to add those past weight for March. I should be posting the results today but believe every person deserves one last change. If you want your hard work included make sure you add all your missing information.

    I will not be including myself in the awards for the month.

    Awards for March:
    Troy67 needs to go to the head mistress for earning the most house points this month. He earned a total of 2835 points!
    trina614 is the Quidditch Captain.
    Nobody received the PERFECT award this month. I do not have all the information filled in for March on everybody.

    Congrats to all of you!
    Trina614 you can get your Slytherin badge here:

    Do you mean Prefect? I don't know how you would be judging being perfect, I'm just confused.

    You need to send me your numbers every week, and on week 4 that includes sending me the name and number of house points they earned for the month for the head boy/girl nominations. Normally, you should try to send me the message before the end of Tuesday if possible so I can post on Wednesday. If you don't have everyone's numbers for March, it's ok. There's a lot of missing numbers all around Hogwarts and we'll start fresh in April.

    Great job, everyone!

    Thanks for calling out my dyslexia bravo. How about you take care of this group as well...
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Good luck to each and every one of you. This weight loss group is like 0 fun for me. I honestly did better before joining. Removing the group. Keep the spreed sheets and good luck.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    Thanks for calling out my dyslexia bravo. How about you take care of this group as well...

    That was 110% NOT my intent. I was confused as to how people would earn a perfect score since some things are open ended.

    It's your choice to leave, but I was only trying to help. I didn't expect you or anyone else to just come in and know everything. I'm sincerely sorry.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    Does anyone else have the time and motivation and step up to be the Head of House? You would HAVE to follow the guidelines that are specific to all the Houses, other than that, you can run it how you wish.

    If I don't have a volunteer by the end of this coming Wednesday, I'm going to disband Slytherin (temporarily) and ask you to join another House (preferably Hufflepuff since they need members, but I won't force you) if you'd like to keep competing, or leave. Your choice.

    Keep in mind, there will be a thread for challenge ideas by the end of the week, so that part would be easy. It would mostly be watching the spreadsheet so you can send me the numbers each week, and trying to keep the spirit alive :)

    I really can't take on the whole of Slytherin House on top of Gryffindor and the Headmistress duties, so please don't think this is anything personal. I hope it doesn't come to disbanding your House, tho.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Thanks for calling out my dyslexia bravo. How about you take care of this group as well...

    There is no need to be so crappy, it was an honest mistake on Bron's part. Plus we haven't even discussed who exactly will be taking over this group, you took it upon yourself to do so, so there is no need to act like this.

    I do work better in a more active group, but surely we should talk about it openly? I feel bad for MacSkillz, esp if she's having a tough time, so I'm not about asking her to stand down unless she wants to, but we do need to put temporary measures in place and we are all adults, let's talk about it. With the spreadsheet, it will make it all easier going forward, especially if we lay out the challenges a month in advance and also if challenges are shared between houses, like a resource? If it's too much for one person to commit to do, let's definitely get three / four people to help take charge / send over stats to Bron?

    Bron, I think with the group being a bit wishy washy not everyone has checked in every week (myself included) so yes, Slytherin may take a hit on the stats this month, but a new month starts on Sunday, can we get everything sorted out for then, maybe we can post in the main forums / our walls, to see if we can drum up some more active members?

    I'm going to stop now, as I'm beginning to sound like Hermione.... ;o)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member

    Does anyone else have the time and motivation and step up to be the Head of House? You would HAVE to follow the guidelines that are specific to all the Houses, other than that, you can run it how you wish.

    If I don't have a volunteer by the end of this coming Wednesday, I'm going to disband Slytherin (temporarily) and ask you to join another House (preferably Hufflepuff since they need members, but I won't force you) if you'd like to keep competing, or leave. Your choice.

    Keep in mind, there will be a thread for challenge ideas by the end of the week, so that part would be easy. It would mostly be watching the spreadsheet so you can send me the numbers each week, and trying to keep the spirit alive :)

    I really can't take on the whole of Slytherin House on top of Gryffindor and the Headmistress duties, so please don't think this is anything personal. I hope it doesn't come to disbanding your House, tho.

    We posted at the same time! I absolutely don't want us to disband but agree we need to be more active. I wouldn't want to be solely responsible, but I'm willing to pitch in with others?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Actually, Lesley informed me yesterday that she is stepping down as Head, but would like to try to stay active in the group as a participant. I don't want her to be involved in the leadership until she's ready. I was going to post about it later today!

    Poorcopies, thank you for offering! I want every house to at LEAST have a Head and a Deputy Head from here on out, so that is a marvelous idea. I'm going to post again in the hopes of drawing more people, too.

    There's been so much confusion, I'm not even going to worry about March except what's already there. We'll start fresh with some new tools in April and hope for the best :)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    If she wants to step down that's fine, let's crack on, I'd just hate for anyone to feel forced out! Like I said, I'm willing to help out, but at the same time, I am the first to say life can get hectic with my job etc, so rather than let people down, I'm being up front and saying I'd be up for helping alongside one or two others, so it's less pressure on us all and amongst ourselves we can sort out who will submit you the figures etc.

    I think starting afresh for April sounds good!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    If she wants to step down that's fine, let's crack on, I'd just hate for anyone to feel forced out! Like I said, I'm willing to help out, but at the same time, I am the first to say life can get hectic with my job etc, so rather than let people down, I'm being up front and saying I'd be up for helping alongside one or two others, so it's less pressure on us all and amongst ourselves we can sort out who will submit you the figures etc.

    I think starting afresh for April sounds good!

    So at most, you can commit to a Deputy Head. That's a good start!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yep, or joint HoH with someone else and a deputy.

    So we aren't forced to disband I can definitely commit to looking after the group for the whole of April if no one else wants to get involved. Going forward, I wouldn't like to be the only person with that responsibility!
  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    i am wanting to join slytherin however i dont know who to send a message to?? this is kinda new to me
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    i am wanting to join slytherin however i dont know who to send a message to?? this is kinda new to me

    Slytherin doesn't have an official Head of House at the moment, but we're working on it! Just hang tight, and keep your eye on the group. We're reorganizing a bunch and things will become clear before next week :)