Post-Workout Check In



  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    Completed Ripped in 30 Level 4 today. I did pretty decent today. My upper body strength still sucks, but I am see more definition in my back and shoulder.Woot Woot!

    I just started this DVD. Are you doing this workout everyday?
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Ripped in 30 Level 4 Day 6 complete. I am doing these workouts every weekday and I take the weekends off.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Completed Ripped in 30 Level 4 today. I did pretty decent today. My upper body strength still sucks, but I am see more definition in my back and shoulder.Woot Woot!

    I just started this DVD. Are you doing this workout everyday?

    I don't. The most I do it is probably 4x a week. Its taking me forever to complete it because Level 3 and 4 are so hard that I am extending them for 2 calendar weeks to get the greatest benefits.
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    Completed Ripped in 30 Level 4 today. I did pretty decent today. My upper body strength still sucks, but I am see more definition in my back and shoulder.Woot Woot!

    I just started this DVD. Are you doing this workout everyday?

    I don't. The most I do it is probably 4x a week. Its taking me forever to complete it because Level 3 and 4 are so hard that I am extending them for 2 calendar weeks to get the greatest benefits.

    Thanks. Well I am going to try it 3 days a week and 6 week 6 pack 3 days a week when I get back from my vacation. Sunday will be my last day on the first round of 6 week 6 pack. I am also doing strength training 3x a week.
  • k_braddock
    k_braddock Posts: 51 Member
    Just finished my first day on level 2 of 30 Day Shred. I did 10 days on level 1 with no rest days and I'm doing Zumba (it really helps with endurance). It wasn't that bad! I had to modify a couple of the exercises but I think that's the norm when moving up a level for a couple of days until you get the hang of it. I'm almost afraid to take a rest day. Scared it'll be twice as hard when I come back to it. Is anyone else going straight through or are most of you taking rest days?
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Ripped in 30 Week 1 Day 7 complete. Someone posted on another thread that Jillian herself recommended rest days on a podcast. I agree that I feel bound to my routine though because I fear that taking a day off will lead to many more.
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    6 pack 6 weeks - Level 1 Day 12
    Shred with Weights - Level 2 Day 6
    Kickbox Fastfix - Level 3 Day 6

    I always like ending my work out with the kickboxing video. I can't explain why, but despite how freaking tired I am, it always makes me feel energized. i think it's the movements and the music, I don't know, but I always feel GREAT after instead of tired. Although, today I did my work out a bit late, so I'm more tired than usual.

    I do these every day. I *know* you're supposed to rest, but I just can't. I feel uncomfortable and lazy if I don't. Although, if my muscles hurt too much and I'm in too much pain, I do cut out the "Shred with Weights" one, but that has only happen twice since I began. (Well, one time I did half of it instead of the whole thing and one time I didn't do it at all).

    Sometimes, if I eat more, or go over my carbs or fat, (I'm doing 40%/30%/30%) I add another level of Kickboxing at the end.
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 95 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 Ripped in 30
    15 mins of Level 1 Shred it with Weights
    4 mile run

    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Did Ripped in 30 Level 4 in addition to 30 mins on the treadmill.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Ripped in 30 Week 2 Day 7 complete!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Did Ripped in 30 Week 4 with 44 mins on the Cybex...Can't wait to be
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    6 pack 6 weeks - Level 1 Day 13
    Shred with Weights - Level 2 Day 8
    Kickbox Fastfix - Level 3 Day 8 & Level 2
    No More Trouble Zones - Day 1
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Ripped in 30 level lost count. I think Day 7. One more day to go. I weighed myself this AM, and I am 200.6..nearly 8 lbs since I started Ripped in 30.Woohooo!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Yesterday I completed Ripped in 30 Week 3 Day 7, and today I completed Ripped in 30 Week 4 Day 7. I have completed 28 total days of this DVD, working out on the weekdays and taking the weekends off. We'll see how I do over the next week with the kids home from school and with family from out of town staying over . . .
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Ripped in 30 Week 1 Day 8 complete!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Ripped in 30-DONE!!! I was so happy to be done I did the cool down for the first time was very much worth it though! I am going to be starting Insanity for two months, but I will check in to see how everyone is doing. I will be doing NMTZ and 6week6pack starting in July.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    I have completed and did Ripped in 30 everyday except 4 days (3 had to go out of town for a family emergency and 1 day off after I actually listened to her talking in her intro and she said to take a day off!). I too felt like I would fall off the workout wagon if I missed a day. I always paired 45 minutes or more of cardio on the treadmill each day. I had great results!

    I currently did 30 day shred week 1 day 4 complete. I don't burn as many calories via my HRM on this level but i'm going to stick with it for 10 days and really push myself. I did listen to her in her intro to see if i needed to take a rest day and if i didn't miss anything she didn't say to take a day off. Although I know it is ok I personally get anxious when I do! I'm also upping my intensity or duration on the treadmill to make up for the calories I was used to burning in RI30.

    I really like her workouts. RI30 was the first one I have ever done and I probably wouldn't have completed it without this site. Well I know I wouldn't because I'd never heard of it until I got on here and got some ideas and support. So glad I did!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Another one crossing the Ripped in 30 finish line! Week 2 Day 8 complete. 30 days total complete, over a span of 6 weeks because I took weekends off. I did a week at each level, then the remaining two weeks I did a different level each day. I am moving on to 30DS next. Great job everyone and I'm happy to be participating in this lifestyle with you. Fitness rules!
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    6 pack 6 weeks - Level 1 Day 18
    Shred with Weights - Level 2 Day 13
    Kickbox Fastfix - Level 3 Day 11 & Level 2
    No More Trouble Zones - Day 4

    Two more days of Shred with Weights, and Kickbox Fasfix. Then, I'm replacing both with Killer Buns & Thighs!
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    4:45-5:20am before work: BFBM Circuits 1-4, half 5-7 ...felt really strong and good...worked up a good sweat!!!

    I plan on walking in the afternoon with the kids! :)