Stage 1



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Bah, no one answers my questions! :ohwell:

    Does everyone do stretches after every workout? How long do you stretch? I can't remember reading anything about stretches in the book

    I stretch very briefly, mostly because my hips are really tight right now. I'm thinking of adding some yoga to my weekly exercise routine (if I can fit it in!), to work on flexibility.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Bah, no one answers my questions! :ohwell:

    Does everyone do stretches after every workout? How long do you stretch? I can't remember reading anything about stretches in the book

    Not always, but I did today. You are supposed to stretch 10 minutes for every hour you exercise though (not per the book, per group ex classes).
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Just finished reading the book going to start stage one tomorrow but kind of confused about the work out A and B thing. Is it doing A one day than the two days later doing B or do you do both A and B on the same day?

    So the first work out is Stage 1, workout A. You do Exercise A (squats), rest 60 seconds and then do your next set of squats rest 60 seconds. [Then Exercise B1 (push-ups) rest 60 seconds, then Exercise B2 (seated row) rest 60 seconds] repeat, and so forth. It may help to go into the weight room with a prepopulatd workout log (I know that helped me understand it. These are from the Nrol4W top page:

    prepopulated logs in case you're new to lifing logs:
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    OK, did my first workout yesterday. I have a few questions if anyone can help....

    My gym is a little limited in the equipment area. They don't have a squat rack tall enough for me to get under. Any ideas on how else to get the bar up to my shoulders?

    Medicine balls? Do you think they will work for things like squats and step ups? Their hand weights go from 5 to 15 lbs(no 10lb), but they do have 10 and 12 lb medicine balls.

    I am having tons of trouble staying balanced during the Prone Jackknife. Could this be because I am tall? (5'10") Any tips?

    Thanks for this group...I'm looking forward to learning more. You can check out my blog for my goals and plans...
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    OK, did my first workout yesterday. I have a few questions if anyone can help....

    My gym is a little limited in the equipment area. They don't have a squat rack tall enough for me to get under. Any ideas on how else to get the bar up to my shoulders?

    Medicine balls? Do you think they will work for things like squats and step ups? Their hand weights go from 5 to 15 lbs(no 10lb), but they do have 10 and 12 lb medicine balls.

    I am having tons of trouble staying balanced during the Prone Jackknife. Could this be because I am tall? (5'10") Any tips?

    Thanks for this group...I'm looking forward to learning more. You can check out my blog for my goals and plans...

    I am surprised that the squat rack doesn't go high enough for someone your height, there has to be even taller people that would like to use it. Are you sure it isn't adjustable? I would ask someone at the gym about that. For squats medicine balls will not be heavy enough, maybe for step ups, but for me holding dumbbells would be esier. If you need more weight for step ups at some point maybe you could try the oly bar.
    I had trouble with the prone jackknife at 1st but eventually as your core gets stronger it's easier to balance. I find that the closer the ball is to your knees when starting the move, the easier it is and easier to control. If you start with it down near your ankles you need more balance and core strength.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Here's some Workout A Phase 1 Results!!

    I did the very last workout A yesterday! It's crazy to think how far I've come.

    Squats -
    Started at 50 lbs of a preweighted barbell. Did 135 lbs on the squat rack yesterday!

    Seated Rows-
    Started at 60 lbs. Did 105lbs yesterday!

    Started with doing them on a weight bench, so about a 30 degree angle. Did them with my feet on the squishy part of a Bosu ball yesterday and did all 8 reps without stopping to rest.

    Started with holding a 10 lb medicine ball. Did them with holding 2 25lb kettlebells (50 lbs total) yesterday.

    Prone jackknives-
    Not too much progress on these. I started doing 15 reps each and I've been trying to keep my legs straighter when doing them to make it harder.

    I'll redo my measurements tomorrow or Thursday to see what the change in those is. But my pants definitely feel better and I've gone from 158 to 156 during Phase 1. Not a big drop, but I think the inches will tell a different story. Handheld body fat thing told me 29.7% when I started and 28.9% yesterday, but I don't know how much trust to put in that number.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @cloudbustr - I don't typically stretch, but I'm starting to get more DOMS, so I may start.

    I'm still not used to doing 3 sets and totally forgot to do my 3rd set of squats today and didn't realize it until I was almost completely done with my workout!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @00trayn - great improvements on the weights!! Can't wait to see what you're measurements are!
  • jbrown78
    jbrown78 Posts: 78 Member
    I did the first workout yesterday and love it! This morning I can feel it in my legs, arms and abs. Yesterday when I was doing the prone jackknife i was thinking "man this isn't much for ab workout" holy I don't know how long I would have to do crunches to have my abs feel like they do today. I am going to a kickboxing class this am. Have a good day everyone:laugh:
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member
    I can feel the soreness in my shoulders after yesterday's first workout. I wasn't sure how much I got out of the pushups, but I guess I was doing something!
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    OK, did my first workout yesterday. I have a few questions if anyone can help....

    My gym is a little limited in the equipment area. They don't have a squat rack tall enough for me to get under. Any ideas on how else to get the bar up to my shoulders?

    Medicine balls? Do you think they will work for things like squats and step ups? Their hand weights go from 5 to 15 lbs(no 10lb), but they do have 10 and 12 lb medicine balls.

    I am having tons of trouble staying balanced during the Prone Jackknife. Could this be because I am tall? (5'10") Any tips?

    Thanks for this group...I'm looking forward to learning more. You can check out my blog for my goals and plans...

    I am surprised that the squat rack doesn't go high enough for someone your height, there has to be even taller people that would like to use it. Are you sure it isn't adjustable? I would ask someone at the gym about that. For squats medicine balls will not be heavy enough, maybe for step ups, but for me holding dumbbells would be esier. If you need more weight for step ups at some point maybe you could try the oly bar.
    I had trouble with the prone jackknife at 1st but eventually as your core gets stronger it's easier to balance. I find that the closer the ball is to your knees when starting the move, the easier it is and easier to control. If you start with it down near your ankles you need more balance and core strength.

    Thanks for the tip on the jackknife, I'll be sure to try that next time. And I'll ask too about the rack. Plus, I just heard they will be adding some new classes to the gym, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for more equipment.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I can't get my bottom up in the air on the jackknife. My body is more of a straight line the entire exercise. What I am doing is helping though. My abs are sore!

    I really want to do cardio on my days off but my body is so tired and achy. I know I need to listen to my body but I want to push through. I want to be stronger, fitter, and "smaller." What would you do?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I can't get my bottom up in the air on the jackknife. My body is more of a straight line the entire exercise. What I am doing is helping though. My abs are sore!

    I really want to do cardio on my days off but my body is so tired and achy. I know I need to listen to my body but I want to push through. I want to be stronger, fitter, and "smaller." What would you do?

    I had to really focus on getting my toes on the ball and lifting my butt in the air, it took a few tries.

    I really want to do cardio on my off days also, but have been too tired. Right now I'm listening to my body, but hoping it will become more adapted so I can start soon.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I can't get my bottom up in the air on the jackknife. My body is more of a straight line the entire exercise. What I am doing is helping though. My abs are sore!

    I really want to do cardio on my days off but my body is so tired and achy. I know I need to listen to my body but I want to push through. I want to be stronger, fitter, and "smaller." What would you do?

    I do cardio in between, but it really varies what I do. I've gone running outside, done Turbo Fire workouts, or just gone to the gym to use a cardio machine for 45 minutes. I'm taking a day off today because I have a 5pm dentist appt, but on Thursday I intend to run outside or run at the gym.
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    00trayn - Congrats on your amazing strength gains! Love it!

    cloudbustr - I try to stretch before and after. Last time I did the NRoWL I didn't focus on stretching and I ended up having IT band issues 3 months in.

    Everyone - Jackknifes are so hard. Also, I look like such a hot mess doing them. :-)

    So I finished my first day (restart) on the program.

    Workout A (1)
    Squats: 75lbs
    Seated Rows: 70lbs
    Pushups: ~50 degrees
    Step Ups: 30lbs (15 in each hand)
    Jackknife: Ouch but done

    Question: What do you use to step up on when doing step ups? At frist tried the bench but I really am a bit too short for it. So now I put together two broken steps (like from step class) and haul myself up on those. Don't worry they are only broken in that their legs don't extend like they should hence why I need to stack two of them. It comes out to being about 3 inches shorter than the bench. Does everyone use the bench? I just found it super unstable as I went up in weight for the lifts.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    00trayn - Congrats on your amazing strength gains! Love it!

    cloudbustr - I try to stretch before and after. Last time I did the NRoWL I didn't focus on stretching and I ended up having IT band issues 3 months in.

    Everyone - Jackknifes are so hard. Also, I look like such a hot mess doing them. :-)

    So I finished my first day (restart) on the program.

    Workout A (1)
    Squats: 75lbs
    Seated Rows: 70lbs
    Pushups: ~50 degrees
    Step Ups: 30lbs (15 in each hand)
    Jackknife: Ouch but done

    Question: What do you use to step up on when doing step ups? At frist tried the bench but I really am a bit too short for it. So now I put together two broken steps (like from step class) and haul myself up on those. Don't worry they are only broken in that their legs don't extend like they should hence why I need to stack two of them. It comes out to being about 3 inches shorter than the bench. Does everyone use the bench? I just found it super unstable as I went up in weight for the lifts.

    My gym has 3 "steps" varying in height. The shortest being about 12-18 inches (I don't know the height but it is plenty for me) and tallest about 42 inches which I use for pushups.

    Many have said on here they use the aerobic steps. Which sounds like a good idea since you can add as many as you want.
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    I use the low step that people use for box-jumps. It's not very high, but I'm only 5'0", so it feels plenty high.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ladies, I am having horrible reservations about this program. I have only lifted for 3 days and I am eating like a heifer!!! Today was a non lifting day. I couldn't do cardio because my knees and ankle joints would not allow it.

    I am so scared I am eating too much!!! According to the book, I should eat 2000ish on non days and 2300 on lifting days. Today my cals are like 1660.

    What if I gain 10 pounds this month!!! :noway:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    Hi all,

    Up until 8 weeks ago, I was at my goal weight and doing cardio 6 days, including dance, road cycling, spin and paddleboarding. Then I had a ski accident and went sedentary for 3.5 weeks, gained 5 lbs, and have been easing back in. I can only really do spin now until my torn MCL fully heals and can handle lateral movement. This seemed like an opportune time to start lifiting, bc even I, as a spin instructor, do not want to spin every day.

    So . . . . I'm into the 3rd week of NROL, but I do cardio on off days. I'm a spin instructor, so it's "excessive", as the book would say.

    At the moment, I'm lifting 3 days, spinning 2 days (avg. 550 cal burn each), gimpy paddleboarding (sitting on the board) (avg. 250 cal burn) 1 day, and 1 day off.

    I thought I would set up my calories at TDEE minus 10%, which is about 2000 calories for me (5'4, 44 years old, 132 lbs.), and NOT eat exercise calories since TDEE already includes them. I've upped protein to 30% and eating well (this is somewhat more than I would eat if I put in maintenance + exercise calories, bc lifting doesn't burn that much.

    Anyway, I am looking F-A-T, especially in the face, and OMG, my underwear was tight today. What?! Am I eating too much? This is a drastic drop from the typical amount of calories I used to burn with my "excessive" cardio 6 days/week before the ski accident.

    Should I keep it up and keep calm, or cut more calories?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    What if I gain 10 pounds this month

    Then you gain 10 pounds. I doubt you will but if you do it's not the end of the world. What is your maintenance calories?

    Sleepytexan it could just be water retention. I highly doubt you're gaining weight. It's normal for that to happen when starting a new progam.

    I did 7A two days ago and upped all my calories. I can barely walk right now! Hurts even to sit. I'm going to the gym later hope I'll be able to Di my exercises!