

  • cathyc71
    cathyc71 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi All! I'm Cathy and I think my superpower is baking..... no one can seem to resist. Oh, and common sense, it seems to escape some people. :laugh:

    Oh, I'm also a big Dr. Who fan :love: , love Dr. Sheldon Cooper :blushing: , and can spend hours on end watching Star Treck Next Generation.
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Hello all! I'm Brandi and my superpowers are sarcasm and master of the art of chopsticks!
  • fels123
    fels123 Posts: 44
    Hi, I'm fels and my superpower is eating entire tubs of nutella. Oh, wait, is that something every girl can do? I guess it'll have to just be something boring like my laser vision instead.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I love reading these...and mmmm nutella...hush you! Back to your laser vision!

    Welcome to all newcomers :)
  • ajelove
    ajelove Posts: 97 Member
    I'm Amanda and my super power is to turn chip crumbs into a whole chip.
    *sigh* really wish I could do that.

    I guess my real super power is the ability to learn things at a faster pace than average.
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    Hi! my name is Katie. mine would be seeing through people being able to tell whether they are sincere or full of hot air
  • JC565
    JC565 Posts: 17
    Hi! I'm JC (no not THAT JC), I am new to MFP and this is the first group I found (must be karma). My super power is to be able to locate things in my house when I'm not in my house. I think this is important.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm Mandy, my superpower makes me a master of disguise, I hope to be as good as Mystique someday

    I'm a geek but most people wouldn't know it. I have an unhealthy relationship with Harry Potter, LOTR, Star Wars and most of all history. I am fascinated by the styles and cultures of the Victorian, Tudor and French Revolution Eras. I also enjoy studying any American war. I suppose I am a bit of a history nerd.

    I am also a self-proclaimed scholar of classic rock.

    Anyways, hello!
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    Hello fellow Geeks!

    I'm Ann & I'm most definitely a geek. Books (anything, I really honestly don't mind what genre/type/size), sci-fi, fantasy, RPGs (computer & pen 'n' paper), Board Games, crochet, needlepoint, jewellery making, computers.... Currently extremely happy because I have a new home PC. I even work in IT for a living & I can out-geek most of my colleagues. I don't like excel though... (mostly because I work with Business Intelligence software, they teach us to dislike excel!!)

    I think I have two super-powers. 1) I can spot typo's more or less instantly 2) I have an attraction to small shiny beads, I must accumulate these... I'm not sure if this is a super-power or a fatal flaw. Only time will tell (If anyone ever sees a news article about a woman buried alive under a hoard of small shiny beads, its' the latter). :bigsmile:

    Anyway, yay! Happy to be here :bigsmile:
  • AeiriMuse
    AeiriMuse Posts: 254 Member
    Hiyaz! My name is Natalie Rae -- Nick name is Nona. My superpowers are my abilities to catch details onto paper in images and words and my picture perfect memory. It comes in handy for tests, I just have to read black words on white paper over and over and when I'm in the testing room, I'll look at a blank wall and through my eyes it will show up as if it was painted there. :) I'm also extraordinarily empathic and can usually read people's emotions as I observe them, even when they are trying to act like everything is alright. Most all of my friends have pointed out that it's one of my best qualities as a friend. I also have the ability to get just about any stranger to tell me their life story. Maybe it's how I express myself when talking to them that I make them confident that I am honest and trustworthy.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Hello, my name is Mel... I suppose my superpower would be being animal whisperer of sorts, because I own at communicating with animals....

    I also have the ability to make any man or woman fall in love with me by way of my cooking.. MUAHAHAHA
  • rainbowfaye
    rainbowfaye Posts: 68 Member
    Hello, I am Krystal and my super power is useless knowledge emphasis art. And judging by the last 15 minutes my utter weakness is coming up with a super power for myself. :tongue:
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    My name is Tom and I have two super powers. My first is that I can function just fine off of 4 hours of sleep. I don't like to show that one off, so I pretend to sleep 8 hours like the other mortals. The second one is that I can fall asleep within seconds at any time of day, no matter what I'm doing. Other people who drive at the same time of day that I do don't appreciate that power too much.
  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    Hi, my name is Crystal and my superpower is that I manage to take care of my two toddlers, my man, my dogs, keep my house clean, my mom's house clean, my moms office building clean, and still have max level characters in at least 4 mmorpgs (I switch games a lot, and of course don't have time to raid or even group much, but at least I get to play!) and I read at least a novel a week. So I guess my superpower is running on very little sleep and multitasking!
  • violetpimpernell
    I'm Violet, and my superpower is creating a mess out of absolutely anything. What? You just cleaned that room? No worries, give me ten seconds and it will be back to looking like a typhoon hit.

  • Geek__Girl
    Hello fellow geeks, my name is Jessica and my super power is an ability to insert silly songs into people's brains. Hmmm, let's see if I still can swing this..................

    Chim chiminy, chim chiminy, chim chim cherrie, a sweep is as lucky as lucky can be. (No? Ok.) *rolls up sleeves* :grumble:

    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go *insert whistling* hi ho, hi ho. (still nothing? hmmm) :huh:

    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Even though the sound of it is simply quite atrocious. If you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. *breathing heavily* :flowerforyou:

    Did it work? :tongue:
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hiya peeps, Im Alli Wan Kenobi, the force is always with me! My superpower (besides...you know...'the force') is i have a pretty decent photographic memory, love to organize and am great at tetris (thx ocd).
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hello fellow geeks, my name is Jessica and my super power is an ability to insert silly songs into people's brains. Hmmm, let's see if I still can swing this..................

    Chim chiminy, chim chiminy, chim chim cherrie, a sweep is as lucky as lucky can be. (No? Ok.) *rolls up sleeves* :grumble:

    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go *insert whistling* hi ho, hi ho. (still nothing? hmmm) :huh:

    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Even though the sound of it is simply quite atrocious. If you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. *breathing heavily* :flowerforyou:

    Did it work? :tongue:

    Nope - I used the ultimate counterspell.

  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    Hey fellow awesomes! My name is Jenny and my superpower is getting people to work together! I lead raids with a sexy voice and firm hand, organize larpers with the finesse of a kindergarten teacher, and direct stagelighting hangs like nobody's business.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    I'm Doug. My superpower is slaying dragons and running through the beautiful countryside of Skyrim while pedaling on a recumbent bike!