Stage 1



  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I forgot to log my last workout but I am still hanging with you all.

    Wednesday - A3
    Today - B3

    Right on target!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Hey ladies, I have a question for you. I just finished stage one, and I made super gains in the deadlift and the squat, and I know I can keep gaining steadily on those. But I completely stalled out on the dumbell overhead presses. I started light, but made it up top 20 by about the 4 week or so. And it got easy by the 6th week, but when I went to try the 25s, nothing. I have kept trying to use the 25s and then settling for completing my reps at 20, so I guess my quesiton is, is it normal to not be able to make the jump from one weight to another sometimes? And how can I push through it?

    Have you tried pressing the Oly BB overhead instead of using the two 20 lb DBs? That would be a good intermediate weight to go before trying for two 25 lb DBs (since it's 45 lbs). That's where I'm at right now - I can handle the 20s, no prob, but can't complete the sets with I'm gonna stick with the BB for a short while and then give the 25s a go again.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    With regards to push-ups....grrrrr....I can lift a bunch of weight but when it comes to push-ups I'm still trying! This past workout I started my first set with 4 on-the-toes push-ups and had to switch to doing them off the smith machine (not sure of my angle but I have the pins at the 4th hole from the bottom, so it's still pretty low), 2nd set I did 3 on my toes then back to smith for the rest, and the last set I had to do all on smith. Boy has my chest/shoulders/arms felt the effects from those stinkin' things!! I'm determined to do them ALL on my toes at some point...but I'm just not strong enough yet. :/ I am really happy that he wrote the book to say NO ON YOUR KNEES PUSH-UPS! I could do those until the cows came home and I never knew what I was missing out on by doing them at progressive angles! WHAT a DIFFERENCE! So seriously ladies - if you are on your knees, get off of them. You are seriously cheating yourself. Find different surfaces/bars to do the angled push-ups until you get to your toes. :)

    I'm exactly the same! My left shoulder, in particular, is really weak, and regular push-ups just kill me. I've been removing risers on the step bench to decrease the angle, but I'm still not on my toes yet...and my shoulder still kills me after the push-up workout.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    completed 4B today. I am not excited about increasing reps next week. The lunges :sad:

    I did increase my weights on all exercises except for the lat pull down. The next weight would have increased 12 pounds and I can barely pull down 60 lbs right now.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm excited to start Level 1 on Monday. I plan to do a few weeks at home before I enter the gym. Unfortunately the only time I can get to the gym is when it is super busy plus I want to feel more confident. My hubby usually goes to the gym with me on Wednesdays so he can help get more familiar with all the weights/machines.

    So my question is, what modications do you make when you don't have access to do seated row or lateral pull?

    I use resistance bands for the lat pull down, I wrap them around the top of the squat rack. I bought some with more resistance than the ones I originally had. For the row I have done bent over rows and/or used a resistance band.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I wish I had stronger shoulders like some of you ladies! I am still struggling with 15 lb dumbbells on overhead press.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Oops, I don't remember seeing the thing about not doing pushups on knees. I was doing that. I would do as many as I could the regular way, then when I couldn't do more I'd finish on knees. I still progressed to being able to do 3 sets of 8 real pushups.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    OK, so I took today off from paddleboarding to see if that helps (it was chilly and windy anyway).

    I do have a lot of stress right now, so that could be contributing -- I have an addict niece who lived with me from Nov til last month. She had 6 mos sober, but she relapsed into heroin again and the last few weeks have been horrible with her on the street in Vegas, detox back in San Diego, 5150ed, rehab--then she got kicked out of rehab for violence, went to a shelter then ran from there. So she's on the street again and refusing to go to a medically supervised facility. We're kind of at our limit with her and the family is united in tough love -- hopefully her mom can hold out bc my niece is playing the sympathy "I'm scared on the street" crap even as she refuses to go to rehab.


    Anyway, how's that for off-topic! I'm planning to do 6A tmo and Sunday another off day.
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    WOW That sure is a lot of stress!!

    And for those interested, I just posted my weights from my first two weeks on my blog:
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    OK, so I took today off from paddleboarding to see if that helps (it was chilly and windy anyway).

    I do have a lot of stress right now, so that could be contributing -- I have an addict niece who lived with me from Nov til last month. She had 6 mos sober, but she relapsed into heroin again and the last few weeks have been horrible with her on the street in Vegas, detox back in San Diego, 5150ed, rehab--then she got kicked out of rehab for violence, went to a shelter then ran from there. So she's on the street again and refusing to go to a medically supervised facility. We're kind of at our limit with her and the family is united in tough love -- hopefully her mom can hold out bc my niece is playing the sympathy "I'm scared on the street" crap even as she refuses to go to rehab.


    Anyway, how's that for off-topic! I'm planning to do 6A tmo and Sunday another off day.

    Yeah, that could be contributing to exhaustion! Hang in there. Good for you for supporting her (even in the tough-love way) and for supporting her mom...I really hope things work out well.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    So I am half way through stage 1. I am enjoying the workouts so far but I miss my running. I tried to run after workout 1A and I thought I was going to die my legs felt like lead. I have not cut off all cardio except for the races that I had registered for before I started the program.

    Yay me:
    I will hit the 100# mark on squats, seated rows and deadlifts this week!
    I can see those vertical lines on my stomach!
    I am eating more!
    I feel stronger!

    Not so yay:
    Still cant do a real pushup. Grrrr
    Have been stuck at 40# and struggling on my lat pulls for since 2B.
    Swiss Ball crunches are not a challenge. My last workout I did them holding an 8# medicine ball over head and still felt nothing.

    Not sure if I will do AMRAPs yet and I hope to start running again soon. I am running out of outdoor weather here in the desert.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Well I finished my last official stage 1 workout this morning and here's how I came out:

    Squat-12 lb DBs to 85 lbs barbell
    Pushup-30 degree incline to all three of my last sets on the floor (!!!)
    Seated Row-40 to 85
    Step Up- 12 lb DBs to 20 lb DBs w/10 in step to 15 lb DBs with the 20 inch step
    Jacknives-got through them all :smile:

    Deadlift- 45 to 85
    Shoulder Press- 8 lb DBs to 15 lb DBs
    Lat Pulldown- 35 to 85 (only one set at 85, but I got through it)
    Lunge- 12 lb DBs to 25 lb DBs
    Swiss ball crunch-10 lb weight on chest to 6 lb medicine ball overhead

    So I probably really started my first A workout with way too low of weights, but overall not bad progress! I'm so happy I actually made it through all three sets of push ups on the floor for my last A workout! I'm going to give my body a couple days rest and then weigh in and take measurements.

    After reading a lot of people talking about the AMRAPs I've decided not to do them and just repeat workouts 8A&B and then take a week off before starting stage 2. I need to have the extra week of workouts to time a break for a 10K in May, otherwise I would just take my break and move on. Planning to get in some yoga and running while I'm on my break and hopefully a massage because my muscles are so tight right now!

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • jlynnbrooklyn
    jlynnbrooklyn Posts: 9 Member
    16 Days on the workout routine...not following the eating plan. I will begin the eating plan tomorrow, since I have gotten such great results without it, I cannot wait to see what changes will come after doing the workouts and eating by the guidelines laid out in the book :)

    Also, I need to loose 50lbs. I am currently 224-219 ish and I am 5'9".
    Current measurements size 18 (36" waist, 49"hip)
    Goal measurements are to fit in a size 10 (30" waist, 39.5"hip) via american eagle

    progress pics
  • jlynnbrooklyn
    jlynnbrooklyn Posts: 9 Member
    oops did it twice....sorry
    progress pics
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    jlynn, you are looking good!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Yay for those of you who've finished Stage 1, and to everyone else making such great progress!

    I did WOB5 today, am still loving the 3 sets. Finally got up to the "big" plates for my deadlift (ie. 2 25lb plates, for 95 lbs total). Thanks to whoever suggested using kettle bells for lunges--they make a HUGE difference. Much easier to hold (though they do swing around a lot, lol). My left shoulder's still killing me in shoulder presses, so I haven't been able to move up in that exercise, which is annoying, because 15 lbs is getting pretty easy for my right shoulder...but, eventually they'll even out, I guess!

    I really love this program. I get excited to go to the gym!
  • Koketa0510
    Lunges are the death of me. I can't describe just how much I dislike them but I do. I seriously dislike doing lunges. It's like my legs and knees weren't made for lunges.. Other than that. so far so good. Havent lost any weight though.. I do see small changes in my body and clothes fit just a tad looser so that's a great sign for me.
    I really want to step up my cardio on days I dont lift.. (no more than 30mins if I'm jogging) but I'm finding it hard because Im to damn tired...
    Also.. ladies ... what protein shakes do you make/buy???
  • Koketa0510
    16 Days on the workout routine...not following the eating plan. I will begin the eating plan tomorrow, since I have gotten such great results without it, I cannot wait to see what changes will come after doing the workouts and eating by the guidelines laid out in the book :)

    Also, I need to loose 50lbs. I am currently 224-219 ish and I am 5'9".
    Current measurements size 18 (36" waist, 49"hip)
    Goal measurements are to fit in a size 10 (30" waist, 39.5"hip) via american eagle

    progress pics

    You are looking goooood!!
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    I picked up a pair of the Nike Cardiofit gloves. Working well so far!

    I did 7B today. I'm almost done Stage 1! I can't believe the gains I've made in strength. Deadlifts today at 75lbs, lat pull downs at 85lbs, shoulder presses up to 22.5lbs (per arm). And I don't want to speak too loudly in case I scare them away, but I think I saw my deltoids the other day.

    Koketa - I hate lunges too. I mutter and curse my way through them, but I hate them.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    jlynn your progress so far is amazing, you look great! glad to see some pics of it working so well for someone, thanks for posting!