2nd Trimester



  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    I've seen the business of being born in its entirety on Netflix. I watched it a few years ago and should watch it again but its a good discussion piece that's for sure. Much like each baby, each woman's birth experience is completely different so you do have to keep that in mind when you watch it and make your own decisions based on where you live and the support you will have around you.

    My dad came up thursday evening to start reno's on our house. We have that old dated "beer bottle" stucco on our house and old tin windows. The stuff is ridiculously labour intensive to take off and super heavy. I feel so useless as mentally I think I can be helping and hauling the demo materials to the dumpster but physically I know that's a terrible idea. So instead i pick up small pieces, look for nails and screws on the ground and make food for the friends that stop by to help. Of course it snowed again, halting construction for the last weekend day we would have lots of help....typical prairie spring. I can't wait for this to be done!

    We finally get to go for an ultrasound on Friday afternoon. My husband works away M-F so it was hard to get an appointment he can go to. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and show us what it is! This week will take forever to end as I'm so excited for Friday.

    I also busted my zipper on my spring jacket. Apparently they can only hold so much. :laugh: Must be my belly's awesomeness trying to bust out.

    Have a good week everyone. I have a good feeling about this week.

    Melissa 20w 3d
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for the well wishes! My arm is still in a slab cast but feeling much better! We went for our ultrasound on Friday, I was a little nervous because of the fall, x-rays and not feeling the baby but all went well. Turns out my uterise is quiet big and i have lots of amniotic fluid so it may be a couple more weeks before i feel anything consistant. Baby flipped from head down in pevic area to head up by belly button and i didn't even feel it. Anyways, feeling pretty good and looking forward to a happy, healthy pregnancy!

    Wishing everyone a good week!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm having a hard time keeping up with my family and my house let alone the group! I'll try and do better. Yesterday I finally got a support band for my belly. I tried it out this morning and it worked great! Since I had to go to a bigger city a couple hours away to get the band (I wanted to try it out before buying it) I ended up doing some shopping and spending wayy too much money! I don't think my husband will ever let me go shopping alone again. But I think I have enough maternity clothes now for each season that I'll never have to buy any again if we have more kids. At a maternity clothing store I went to they gave me a gift bag with a whole bunch of coupons in it and vouchers for a free nursing cover, car seat cover, and a sling. I went to the websites and I don't know how trustworthy they are. Have any of you bought from uddercovers.com, sevenslings.com, or carseatcanopy.com? Hope you all are doing great, I'll try and check in better soon!

  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone!! I just found you all!! Oh how I wish I found you earlier!! I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant and have been working out 5 to 6 days a week doing Body by Trimester 3 x a week (circuit training) and then running/walking every other day with yoga thrown in the mix....I recently though had to give up my running because of shooting pains down there!! So I switched to a workout video by Leslie Samsone...power walking and it really was been a much better workout then my treadmill....anyway I'm looking for more mommas that are to help keep me on my toes with workouts and just connecting with YOU!!! I found out were having our 4th baby girl!!!! I swear I was carrying a boy this time....!! This is our last since I am 36 years old and my husband is 43 so last experience being pregnant and I have to say that I love this pregnancy!!! I have always really not enjoyed being pregnant...i always gained 50 lbs everytime ....lost it all everytime but carrying that much weight is soooooo hard on me....plus it's like when I got pregnant my fit routine went out the window...I told myself NOWAY...not this time...So with excersise and eating really clean I love this pregnancy!!! If feel really good and know now how much better you feel when you do. So I everyone!! Sorry I'm so late to connect with you but hopefully I can get to know you all well!!!
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Sugarbabie – Congrats on the girl! Glad you had a great weekend! Don’t feel insecure! You’re busy growing a human inside you and your weight gain will balance out!

    Jayln – I’m right behind you headed to the 3rd trimester board! Yippee!

    Destiny – I don’t pay attention to the doctor’s scales! Fully clothed, with shoes and usually a ton of water in my belly so I can leave a urine sample! Not accurate if you ask me! Lol! Hope your plans are going well for Olivia’s birthday party! Glad that the belly band is helping you as well

    Misslouisiana – Congrats on the baby boy!!!

    Helen – My weight gain is catching up! I’d only gained half a pound up until 20 weeks, so I’ve gained 9.5 in the last 8 weeks, which I supposed isn’t too bad really. I’ve had a big sweet tooth lately and I’ve had a hard time saying no! Mmmmmm, battenburg! Lol! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s husband, I can’t even imagine what she must be going through, makes us realise how lucky we are. As far as chairs, I have a glider and I loved it with DS! It was awesome for rocking baby to sleep and for breastfeeding.

    Bru – Glad to hear the cerclage is holding well :)

    Brandy – It’s been over 4 years since my first glucose test, and it was syrupy and very sweet! This time I got the fruit punch flavor and it looked like Gatorade, smelled like fruit punch, but just had a funky taste! I had a hard time drinking it and thought I might hurl, but once I got it down I was fine! I don’t know if maybe I had issues because I typically only drink water and I’m not really a fan of juice, etc. anyway? Glad you enjoyed your cheeseburger! We ate Mexican the other day and it was deeeeeee-licious! We rarely eat out so it was a nice treat and I stuffed myself!!!

    Jcgutierrez – Sorry to hear about the headaches. I never had any problems with swelling with my first until after I delivered, then my ankles and feet swelled up like crazy! As far as carrying kids, my son is around 35lbs and I still pick him up and carry him when he needs to reach something or see something, etc. I am starting to have issues picking him up to put him in the cart when we go grocery shopping though.

    Melissa – Glad to hear you passed your glucose test! How was your weekend with your mom? I’m still below average but gaining so quickly all of a sudden! I have to admit my diet hasn’t been the best for the past couple of weeks, mainly staying within calories but tooooooo many sweets!
    There’s nothing really stopping us from getting married and we already see ourselves as married, it’s just not official. See you on the third tri board!!

    Sas – How are you feeling? I hope that you’re feeling much better!

    Amber – Congrats on the girl! I know what you mean about being an economy baby! This is boy number two for us, and I already feel sorry for him because the poor child isn’t going to get half the new stuff that his brother got!

    Becca – Good luck with the FCAT! What grade do you teach?

    Melissa (Mpederson) – I hope the weather cooperates so you can get your renovations completed! Good luck at your ultrasound Friday! Can’t wait to hear what you’re having!

    Speedy – Glad to hear your arm is feeling better!

    Dawn – Welcome! Great job on the exercise! Wow, girl number four! I’m actually one of four girls myself! I’m glad that you’re enjoying this pregnancy!

    AFM – Exercise wasn’t too great last week, just managed to get 2 days in which is better than nothing I suppose. I had an appointment today and they checked my placenta and it’s moved! Hooray! I’m thrilled! I also got my RhoGAM shot and did my glucose test, and they’ll have the results tomorrow and I was told if I don’t hear from them all is well, so fingers crossed! Well as of tomorrow I will be in my third trimester so I’ll be switching over to that board! Everyone take care and I'm sure I'll 'see' you all soon!

    Have a great week ladies!

    27+6, +10lbs
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Welcome Dawn :) great to see you on here. Your workouts put me to shame! I'm very envious :)
    I'm 36 too and hubby is 45 - I have a daughter from prev marriage who will be 13yrs old this Friday so quite the gap for us! It's like doing it all again for the first time :)
    Best of luck with your 4th pregnancy xx

    25wks +1 day
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi Emily,
    Feeling MUCH better now, thank you. I had my 25wk check up yesterday morning and everything is 'normal' - next appt in 3 weeks. I've been slacking on the exercise front too and now it's awful weather over here in UK, gale force winds and downpours of rain so I have to take the car to work :( hopefully the April showers will go away soon so I can get back into the swing of things.
    Have a great week,
    Sarah xx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all

    Sas - defo right on the weather - its awful here - very wet and windy. I have a 24 week appointment next week. Hopefully all will still be ok.

    Dawn - Hi - Im hoping I can follow your lead and keep up with my fitness. I feel a bit awkward at the mo - just look blobby rather than having a proper bump - hoping it will all come together in a few weeks. Im also 23 weeks pregnant - due 14 August. Congrats on a little girl, I presume you wont need to buy too much stuff. My brother and sis in law have 3 girls and I think they will try for another in a year or so. I dotn know how you find the time with 3 girls etc to exercise.

    Emily - I was looking a few few gliders last night on internet so going to my Mums tonight and we both going to have a look. Dont want to spend a fortune but want something comfy. Glad your placenta has moved and enjoy the 3rd tri - hopefully see you there soon.

    AFM: Had a busy night last night, finished work at 5pm and made supper for the farm workers (boyfriends farm), then popped to Morrisons for the weekly shop and took dogs for a walk. Then served supper and tided up. Got home at 9pm and was ready to sit! Hopefully tonight wont feel so hectic.

    Starting work in 5mins so best get on.
    Helen 23 weeks 18/20lb up!!)
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Sarah – I’m so glad to hear that you are feeling much better! Happy to hear that your check up went well! Sorry the weather is not good over there at the moment. We have rain forecast here this afternoon and tomorrow so I doubt we’ll be getting up to too much outdoors! Have a fab week!

    Helen – I peeked at gliders online last night and holey moley, they are expensive over there! I couldn’t believe it! I did see one on Amazon that was reasonably priced and it didn't have a bunch of reviews, but what reviews were there were mainly good! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sereno-Natural-Nursing-maternity-rocking/dp/B004OW2KHG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
    Hope you get to relax a bit tonight!
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    SAS 6567- I actually had my first girl at 19 and then didn't have anymore till i was 32!!! SO i know excactly what your going to be going thru...it's actually quite wonderful ...your 13 year old will be a wonderful help! 4 girls is our gift :O) I do remember my pregnancy with Lucy was extremely hard!!! That's why I'm really really focused this time to NOT give in...i know I feel better because of my excersise and eating clean but it's SO HARD!! lol

    Helenmelon29- Really don't need to buy anything unless a boy pops at at delivery lol! My girls are a handful yes!! I wonder how we all do it anyway but they are so stinkin cute which makes its super easy i guess lol! I hope to keep up with my excersise...yesterday was brutal on me....thank God i'm doing my powerwalking today....i felt like the baby was putting a ton of pressure down there...she moved and i'm hoping to get her to move today possible!! poke her a lot!!

    EEjeewejie- 4 girls!! I know...i thought 4 sure i was having a boy....i have many girls cousins and many are all girls 4 girls from my uncle and 3 girls from my aunt so i'm definaltey in the norm for me!! Girls rock!!

    Dawn 23 weeks and up 12 lbs!
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, Happy Tuesday! Thank you to all that have responded to my questions. I was wondering, I have my 20 week ultrasound next week, but I wanted to ask if this had happen to any of you. At the beganing of the pregnancy I was really hungry all the time and craved everything. Now my craving have gone down and I do eat but I do not feel as hungry as I did before. I have felt the baby move but the movements are still not constant therefore I am feeling a little scared. Please let me know if this is normal. In all the sites that I have read I read that your appetiate could go up since the baby is growing.

    Thank you for your support ladies, I hope you are all doing better than me, have a wonderful day!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All,

    You ladies sound like you are doing fabulous...I am just popping in to say keep up the good work.

    Destiny - I have a sevensling and an uddercover. I didn't like the sevensling was very uncomfortable and it put pressure on my neck and it was akward to put my son in when he was tiny and when he grew I used it mainly to help carry him on my hip...if you get it for free...it's nice to have in a pinch but I wouldn't pay for it. Just my opinion though I know people who like it. As for the the uddercover, I used the one I had often to breatfeed in public ( think church, mall, in the car) and I used it a few times when I had to pump...It's not the greatest as you have to get the fitting just right but I was glad I had one. Sounds like your shopping trip was productive...you can always consign or sell the items on ebay when you are done...so no worries..

    Sas - glad you are feeling better.

    alright...just popped in for a sec...

  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    jcgutierrez- I can't say my cravings or hunger have gone down (I wish they would lol), but I have felt my baby move a few times, mostly in the late afternoon or night when I'm laying down is when she likes to be active. But it's not consistent, some days I don't feel her move at all, then a couple days later I'll feel something. My GYN said that this is completely normal, expecially since I'm still at around 19-20weeks, the further your progress in your pregnancy, the more movement you'll feel. I'm sure tyour baby is just fine, but I know how hard it is to not worry. I'm in mom-mode already, I'm such a worry wart, just like the stereotypical FTM, thats me lol

    AFM- Everything is going pretty good pregnancy wise. I still get some nausea right before lunch time, then it fades away. My boyfriend has been having HORRIBLE asthma attacks lately, because pollen has been at an all time high here in MD, and his HR dept messed up his paperwork so they never signed him up for insurance (I'm just finding this out today), so needless to say I've been pretty stressed, bc when he doesn't work bc of his asthma he doesn't get paid, and we need to make rent/groceries/bge/bills etc. WOOSAHHHH I've gotta de-stress myself.

    Anyways, other than that my only complaint is that I canNOT stop peeing lol Everytime I go to the gym I can only stay on a cardio machine for up to 10 minutes and then I have to run to the bathroom lol I think I burn more calories running to the bathroom than on the actual machine.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, Happy Tuesday! Thank you to all that have responded to my questions. I was wondering, I have my 20 week ultrasound next week, but I wanted to ask if this had happen to any of you. At the beganing of the pregnancy I was really hungry all the time and craved everything. Now my craving have gone down and I do eat but I do not feel as hungry as I did before. I have felt the baby move but the movements are still not constant therefore I am feeling a little scared. Please let me know if this is normal. In all the sites that I have read I read that your appetiate could go up since the baby is growing.

    Thank you for your support ladies, I hope you are all doing better than me, have a wonderful day!
    I go through spurts of hunger as baby grows through growth spurts herself. I couldn't get enough food last week but this week it's much less. At 20 weeks it's completely common to not feel the baby a lot. Doctors in my area don't seem too concerned about movement as much til 28wks on. That's when they will give me a chart to write down movements, they said from that point on I should feel 10 or more in 2hrs time. If it starts to become less as the weeks get higher to call them and we'll go from there. Have you heard of or checked out thebump.com ? There's usually some great, friendly people on the forums there.

    If all else fails and you are still very concerned, give the doc a call and they will help you.
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you ladies for the reply, Last night I was really tired, I went to bed and the little pumpkin was moving so much. So that makes me feel better. Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated :)

    Have a great day!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Thank you ladies for the reply, Last night I was really tired, I went to bed and the little pumpkin was moving so much. So that makes me feel better. Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated :)

    Have a great day!

    I wouldnt worry too much about how hungry you are as long as you are eating. I go through phases - somedays im starving some days Im not.

    Im 23 weeks and dont feel alot of movement - a few times a day, it was on the right hand side but now behind my belly button, so guess the baby is moving about. My midwife said I would notice more from 24 weeks - so sounds about right.

    Emily - I know expensive arent they! Yes thats the one Im thinking of getting from Amazon as have pretty good reviews and dont want to pay double! or even triple the price. My Mum thought it looked ok so will prob try it out. We order quite a lot from Amazon so Im happy with that.

    Kelley - hope you are doing well too. Cant believe the weeks are flying by.

    AFM: Had a good day, managed 60 mins of Pilates DVD and walked dogs. I made supper for farm again - bacon and veg soup plus roast pork sandwiches - enjoyed it. Only working half a day tomorrow so hoping to go swimming, do fitness DVD and walk dogs - but will see how it goes!

    Night everyone xx
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    HI Everyone!

    Crazy week! Super excited we found our crib and dresser this past weekend. So just waiting for it to be delivered. :) Also are going to try and get registered this weekend. I have gotten some friends who just had babies to give me some advice on what to register for.

    I have been horrible with my eating this past week. :( So now I am up about 8 lbs. Which is about 2 lbs more than last week! Still feel baby move- but just random movements- nothing constant. My doctor said that is normal- especially since I am a first time mom!

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

    21 weeks
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hey ladies,
    And a very happy Friday to you all! Today is extra special for me as it's my daughters 13th birthday! I can't believe I'm going to do this all over again after a 13 year gap! Quick question - (this may sound silly!) as it's such a long time ago will my body 'remember' what to do during birth from last time or will it be like starting all over again?
    Well my healthy eating is going down the drain later - no doubt I'll not be able to say no to birthday cake and all things scrumptious!
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
    Take it easy :) xxx
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Hi 2nd Trimester folks :flowerforyou:

    Today is day one of the second trimester and I'm feeling great! Had my genetic screening yesterday and everything looked good, have another one at 20 weeks to verify the results and to find out the sex of the lil' kiddo. Glad to be here!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi all, I am now officially in my 2nd trimester at 13 weeks. Yay! Hi FaugHorn!

    For those well into this trimester, when did you do the 300 calorie increase? Did you do it immediately? I've heard so many different things (increase right away, wait until 20 wks, wait until 3rd tri). I am so disappointed with the weight gain from the first tri, 9 lbs!!! I know that part of it was my hypothyroidism getting under control, but it still is partly my fault too since I was always hungry and went over each week by 500-2000. I've had hypothyroidism for 13 years. My endocrinologist, who happens to be my dad lol, has me get it tested every few weeks when I'm pregnant. It has to be this perfect level so he adjusted my meds, then rechecked 3 wks later, & I was worse. Ugh! So I blame him for a few of those lbs! I'm hoping the gain slows down now, but am worried about that with the increase in calories.

    P.S. Our gender ultrasound is in a few weeks on 5/9. We are planning a gender reveal party that weekend. So excited!