1st Trimester



  • tmartin42
    tmartin42 Posts: 13
    You know, I researched the core work thing a lot, and everything I've heard says it's okay. After the second tri, most sites recommended avoiding any exercises where you lay on your back, something to do with the vagus nerve?? My ob said it was fine and to keep doing everything I was already doing as much as I felt up to.

    You know, has anyone else found that exercising helps their nausea? I find I'm much less nauseous mid-day if I've exercised, and dinner will stay put more. Think I'm just imagining it?

    On a side note, I'm eating a handful of sour jelly beans and pickle slices, together, for a snack right now. It's staying put, and it's DELICIOUS. How pregnant is that!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    You know, I researched the core work thing a lot, and everything I've heard says it's okay. After the second tri, most sites recommended avoiding any exercises where you lay on your back, something to do with the vagus nerve?? My ob said it was fine and to keep doing everything I was already doing as much as I felt up to.

    You know, has anyone else found that exercising helps their nausea? I find I'm much less nauseous mid-day if I've exercised, and dinner will stay put more. Think I'm just imagining it?

    On a side note, I'm eating a handful of sour jelly beans and pickle slices, together, for a snack right now. It's staying put, and it's DELICIOUS. How pregnant is that!

    I have found that exercising really helps nausea and fatigue. I haven't felt too bad and I have a feeling that exercise has really helped that....jelly beans and pickles...interesting lol :) I am kind of upset I haven't had any weird food things like that yet!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    I'm also hungry all the time.. so I think this is normal.. I set my calories to maintenance calories and I find if I stick to that, I'm fine during the day.

    For your core, I heard it was super good to keep your core in shape and even strengthen in, because you'll be using it alot during delivery.. just don't do the exercises where you're laying on your back... Yoga, Tai chi, zumba, all great for that :)

    I'm feeling a little better, my nausea is waaaayyy down, and I feel like I have more energy :D

    I don't know if i'm imagining things, but I feel my baby bump already, and I'm in maternity pants all the way lol.. only gained 2 pounds so far, so I'm still on track - I'm at 10 weeks

    Dr. appt in 1 week!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    I'm only 4+ weeks and my boobs feel bigger already!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I'm only 4+ weeks and my boobs feel bigger already!

    I'm still waiting for that symptom! haha So is my husband, but I can tell he's keeping an eye on it!

    Thanks for the core advice ladies, I will go ahead and start my Prenatal Pilates. I watched it this weekend (while lounging on the couch eating goldfish crackers), and I can only hope to look like the instructor does at 36 weeks! (I know that's not likely!)

    The fatigue seems to have hit me today, and I have slight nausea occasionally, but that's really all except for the peeing all the time. I was feeling anxious today about all of it, because now all we can do is sit and wait until the ultrasound, so I had my hcg levels checked again. (I work in a medical clinic, so all I have to do is ask!) They have doubled quickly since last Wednesday! I think they have bets going at work on if there will be two in there!

  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm only 4+ weeks and my boobs feel bigger already!

    I'm still waiting for that symptom! haha So is my husband, but I can tell he's keeping an eye on it!

    Thanks for the core advice ladies, I will go ahead and start my Prenatal Pilates. I watched it this weekend (while lounging on the couch eating goldfish crackers), and I can only hope to look like the instructor does at 36 weeks! (I know that's not likely!)

    The fatigue seems to have hit me today, and I have slight nausea occasionally, but that's really all except for the peeing all the time. I was feeling anxious today about all of it, because now all we can do is sit and wait until the ultrasound, so I had my hcg levels checked again. (I work in a medical clinic, so all I have to do is ask!) They have doubled quickly since last Wednesday! I think they have bets going at work on if there will be two in there!


    That is also what my husband seems most concerned with...lol...men! The fatigue sucks, just hang in there. That's really the main symptom I had, I feel a little naseous if I don't eat regularly but nothing too bad.
  • tmartin42
    tmartin42 Posts: 13
    Hey guys, tzatziki sauce and min sweet-gherkins. YES!!!!!
  • Hi I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I found out yesterday that I am 9 weeks pregnant!!! I am a little terrified because although i was a healthy weight with my last pregnancy 5 years ago i developed pre eclampsia so this time around i am quite concerned. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not gain more weight than i really need to. I am aiming to walk, cross trainer and swim on alternate days with rest days too. I was thinking i might try zumba too. Glad there is this group : )
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I found out yesterday that I am 9 weeks pregnant!!! I am a little terrified because although i was a healthy weight with my last pregnancy 5 years ago i developed pre eclampsia so this time around i am quite concerned. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not gain more weight than i really need to. I am aiming to walk, cross trainer and swim on alternate days with rest days too. I was thinking i might try zumba too. Glad there is this group : )

    Welcome and Congrats! :)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hi I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I found out yesterday that I am 9 weeks pregnant!!! I am a little terrified because although i was a healthy weight with my last pregnancy 5 years ago i developed pre eclampsia so this time around i am quite concerned. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not gain more weight than i really need to. I am aiming to walk, cross trainer and swim on alternate days with rest days too. I was thinking i might try zumba too. Glad there is this group : )

    Congratulations!! I understand about not wanting to gain more weight than what is needed. I think I'm off to a bad start already!

    chickybuns - I went to bed last night at 7pm!!!! I told my husband "I do NOT feel guilty, my body is busy growing a baby!". I guess I did wake up at 8:30 to eat a cupcake that he brought home with him...
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I found out yesterday that I am 9 weeks pregnant!!! I am a little terrified because although i was a healthy weight with my last pregnancy 5 years ago i developed pre eclampsia so this time around i am quite concerned. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not gain more weight than i really need to. I am aiming to walk, cross trainer and swim on alternate days with rest days too. I was thinking i might try zumba too. Glad there is this group : )

    Welcome and congrats!

    ajsdream-I'm glad you woke up for the cupcake...lol!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hi I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I found out yesterday that I am 9 weeks pregnant!!! I am a little terrified because although i was a healthy weight with my last pregnancy 5 years ago i developed pre eclampsia so this time around i am quite concerned. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not gain more weight than i really need to. I am aiming to walk, cross trainer and swim on alternate days with rest days too. I was thinking i might try zumba too. Glad there is this group : )

    Congrats and welcome!!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome : )
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    Hi I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I found out yesterday that I am 9 weeks pregnant!!! I am a little terrified because although i was a healthy weight with my last pregnancy 5 years ago i developed pre eclampsia so this time around i am quite concerned. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not gain more weight than i really need to. I am aiming to walk, cross trainer and swim on alternate days with rest days too. I was thinking i might try zumba too. Glad there is this group : )

    Welcome! Sounds like you have some good goals.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Hey guys, tzatziki sauce and min sweet-gherkins. YES!!!!!
    I could spoonfulls of tzatziki sauce and be filled with joy. Now I'm craving falafel.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Welcome to everyone that is new! :smile: I'm 12wks4d and some people say the 2nd trimester starts at 12wks and some say 13wks and then others say 13.3wks, but I'm stickign here for a bit longer if that's OK.

    Still having night sickness more than anything. If I don't stick with eating only grains for dinner (bread, rice, crackers, etc.) then I throw up a lot. :frown: I can eat a great lunch, but dinner is out of the question, so I went to Whole Foods and bought a big and yummy rosemary sourdough bread roll to last me for a few nights. :laugh: If I'm stuck with bread I want to eat the good stuff!

    I still haven't told my boss at work I'm pregnant. I need to do that soon because I'm already showing and just trying to hide it and stay away from people. My boss is the owner of the company and it's just hard to find him in the office to tell him, but hopefully later this week or next week I'll spot him and just step in his office quickly and let the news slip. This is my 3rd pregnancy in less than 3 years with this company and I'm the only one that does my job here so it's always a struggle figuring out what to do while I take 12wks off work. :ohwell:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Welcome to everyone that is new! :smile: I'm 12wks4d and some people say the 2nd trimester starts at 12wks and some say 13wks and then others say 13.3wks, but I'm stickign here for a bit longer if that's OK.

    Still having night sickness more than anything. If I don't stick with eating only grains for dinner (bread, rice, crackers, etc.) then I throw up a lot. :frown: I can eat a great lunch, but dinner is out of the question, so I went to Whole Foods and bought a big and yummy rosemary sourdough bread roll to last me for a few nights. :laugh: If I'm stuck with bread I want to eat the good stuff!

    I still haven't told my boss at work I'm pregnant. I need to do that soon because I'm already showing and just trying to hide it and stay away from people. My boss is the owner of the company and it's just hard to find him in the office to tell him, but hopefully later this week or next week I'll spot him and just step in his office quickly and let the news slip. This is my 3rd pregnancy in less than 3 years with this company and I'm the only one that does my job here so it's always a struggle figuring out what to do while I take 12wks off work. :ohwell:

    Of course you're welcome to stay for a bit longer. It sucks you still have the sickness, but at least you have figured out how to remedy it, rosemary sourdough bread sounds amazing! I had such a hard time telling my boss, good luck, and that's great you get to take 12 weeks off, I'm still not sure, I want to take at least 6, but am hoping for more, will have to see what I can afford.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Welcome to everyone that is new! :smile: I'm 12wks4d and some people say the 2nd trimester starts at 12wks and some say 13wks and then others say 13.3wks, but I'm stickign here for a bit longer if that's OK.

    I'm 13w2d, and I'm still here, too! I'm thinking I should maybe transition to the 2nd tri board this week....

    Not much new going on here. Need to get back on track with logging my food, I'm already up 7-8 lbs. :blushing: Hubby pointed out I've been eating crackers and pita like crazy (my baby likes its carbs!), and cutting back on that stuff was a big part of my weight loss last year. So, trying to cut back in that area again. The fatigue hit me really hard the past 3-4 weeks so my gym time has been almost non-existant. We had been getting out for evening walks, but we just had a rainy/chilly spell that kept us indoors for the past week.

    We've finally started telling people about the pregnancy. We were on Skype with my parents last week and told them to check their email, where we had sent the u/s pic. Mom's jaw dropped and she was speechless, Dad sat there tilting his head back and forth saying "What is it? I don't get it?". It was hilarious! They're super excited, it will be their 1st grandchild, they had a really hard time keeping it in for another week (we didn't want to go "public" until 13w). Still a lot of people left to tell, my two best friends know, as does my brother's best friend who is basically a second brother to me, and we're planning to tell everybody else when we're home for a visit in a week and a half. Our inlaws are thirlled, it will be grandchild #4, and #3 is going to be a scheduled c-section about 6-8 weeks before us, so they're looking forward to two new babies.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I had such a hard time telling my boss, good luck, and that's great you get to take 12 weeks off, I'm still not sure, I want to take at least 6, but am hoping for more, will have to see what I can afford.

    Thanks! The 12wks I'm taking off is unpaid - I just have to use my paid time off and vacation I have and then my company has a benefit that my co-workers can donate their time to me if they want so I'm hoping to get a few that have a ton of time (my company is generous with the amount we get) to throw it this way so hopefully at leat 8wks of mine will be paid. I also pay into disability insurance so that usually covers the cost of the delivery so I won't have to worry about that. Gosh, if I did I'd drive myself nuts! :laugh:
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Hiya ladies! Welcome to the newcomers! Anyone else feel like the first few weeks went by sooooo slow, but now it's going by faster? I'll be 11 weeks on Friday, and it seems like the second tri is coming up quickly! I'm starting to get more energy too, though that might be due to the beautiful weather we're having lately, and all the work that comes along with it! (We have big food gardens, and right now are raising 50 baby chicks, so lots to do around the homestead!) I've noticed my queasiness is much rarer these days as well, which is awesome. This pregnancy is a world different from my last (terrible m/s from week 6 to 26), and it's a very welcome change :wink:

    At my appointment last week, my midwife asked me to do an early glucose tolerance test along with the regular bloodwork, which I'm not looking forward to. I'm not sure why she's having me do one so early this time, so now I'm all nervous what if I don't pass, I don't want GD! I know sometimes they'll do an early one if there's a history of diabetes in the family (My dad has type 2), but I didn't have to do an early one last time so maybe it's my age difference? (I was 25 with my first pregnancy, I'm 29 now, will be 30 in July) Anyways... They don't schedule you at the lab, you just go in, so I'm thinking I might just get it over with on Friday since I have errands to run anyways. Has anyone else had to do the glucose test so early?