ONCE you have your TDEE and BMR...next step



  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Good Morning!!
    So two weeks ago I upped my cals to 1530 and ate back exercise cals. This week I set my goal to 1800 and I'm only eating back exercise to BMR (which is 1400). Do you think since I upped then went back down, I'm starting "over" again. Like does the higher calories for the first two weeks negate this weeks change?
    I have been feeling really horrible the last couple of weeks. Bloated, pants tight, measurements NOT great, etc. I can't wait for this to all be over!!!

    how much lower are your cals on average, now?

    We typically recommend trying to be consistent w/the cals for the first 4-6 weeks, so that your body learns to trust you again, and is willing to let go of the extra. if there is too much fluctuation, your body senses binge/purge cycles, and will hold on for dear life (which is why it probably held on those first 2 weeks, because it "knew" that you'd drop them again, and it wanted to be prepared).

    I set me calories to 1530 and last week dropped them to 1400 NET.

    My weight went up again this week, another 2lbs, so that's a total of 6. Does this typically happen every week for the 4-6wks or will it level off? My weight is the highest now then it has been in about 1yr. BUT my body doesn't look like it has.....granted there is some bloating and my jeans are alittle tight. Also, I have been burning my calories during my workouts since I upped my cals...pretty amazing!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Good Morning!!
    So two weeks ago I upped my cals to 1530 and ate back exercise cals. This week I set my goal to 1800 and I'm only eating back exercise to BMR (which is 1400). Do you think since I upped then went back down, I'm starting "over" again. Like does the higher calories for the first two weeks negate this weeks change?
    I have been feeling really horrible the last couple of weeks. Bloated, pants tight, measurements NOT great, etc. I can't wait for this to all be over!!!

    how much lower are your cals on average, now?

    We typically recommend trying to be consistent w/the cals for the first 4-6 weeks, so that your body learns to trust you again, and is willing to let go of the extra. if there is too much fluctuation, your body senses binge/purge cycles, and will hold on for dear life (which is why it probably held on those first 2 weeks, because it "knew" that you'd drop them again, and it wanted to be prepared).

    I set me calories to 1530 and last week dropped them to 1400 NET.

    My weight went up again this week, another 2lbs, so that's a total of 6. Does this typically happen every week for the 4-6wks or will it level off? My weight is the highest now then it has been in about 1yr. BUT my body doesn't look like it has.....granted there is some bloating and my jeans are alittle tight. Also, I have been burning more calories during my workouts since I upped my cals...pretty amazing!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Good Morning!!
    So two weeks ago I upped my cals to 1530 and ate back exercise cals. This week I set my goal to 1800 and I'm only eating back exercise to BMR (which is 1400). Do you think since I upped then went back down, I'm starting "over" again. Like does the higher calories for the first two weeks negate this weeks change?
    I have been feeling really horrible the last couple of weeks. Bloated, pants tight, measurements NOT great, etc. I can't wait for this to all be over!!!

    how much lower are your cals on average, now?

    We typically recommend trying to be consistent w/the cals for the first 4-6 weeks, so that your body learns to trust you again, and is willing to let go of the extra. if there is too much fluctuation, your body senses binge/purge cycles, and will hold on for dear life (which is why it probably held on those first 2 weeks, because it "knew" that you'd drop them again, and it wanted to be prepared).

    I set me calories to 1530 and last week dropped them to 1400 NET.

    My weight went up again this week, another 2lbs, so that's a total of 6. Does this typically happen every week for the 4-6wks or will it level off? My weight is the highest now then it has been in about 1yr. BUT my body doesn't look like it has.....granted there is some bloating and my jeans are alittle tight. Also, I have been burning more calories during my workouts since I upped my cals...pretty amazing!

    I don't think you should have dropped your cals...we say 4-6wks, but really like to see 6 wks because that is where you see how you are trending.

    You gaining...remember, if you are shrinking and gaining that means you are losing fat because muscle takes up less space...so really if that is the case, why focus on that scale? IT is NOT a good indicator of how you are doing when weight lifting is involved. The tape measure and visuals and clothes should be considered before that number on the scale.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    I don't think you should have dropped your cals...we say 4-6wks, but really like to see 6 wks because that is where you see how you are trending.

    You gaining...remember, if you are shrinking and gaining that means you are losing fat because muscle takes up less space...so really if that is the case, why focus on that scale? IT is NOT a good indicator of how you are doing when weight lifting is involved. The tape measure and visuals and clothes should be considered before that number on the scale.

    Thanks! The reason I dropped was to be more consistent with my calories. Those two weeks I was up to 1530, I was eating only that on my non workout days and thought it would be better to keep them streamlined....eat the same amount of calories everyday.
    Sadly, my clothes fit like crap and my measurements are not going down.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    I don't think you should have dropped your cals...we say 4-6wks, but really like to see 6 wks because that is where you see how you are trending.

    You gaining...remember, if you are shrinking and gaining that means you are losing fat because muscle takes up less space...so really if that is the case, why focus on that scale? IT is NOT a good indicator of how you are doing when weight lifting is involved. The tape measure and visuals and clothes should be considered before that number on the scale.

    Thanks! The reason I dropped was to be more consistent with my calories. Those two weeks I was up to 1530, I was eating only that on my non workout days and thought it would be better to keep them streamlined....eat the same amount of calories everyday.
    Sadly, my clothes fit like crap and my measurements are not going down.

    You need to do what makes you comfortable. There is a period of time where you just have to go through the process. If you are not willing to do that I understand, but my thought is why not just do it at the tdee-15% for the 6wks and then see where you stand...going from up to down ...really doesn't allow for any bodily adjustments..for the body to know it will receive food consistently...etc. But no pressure from me...I have been where you are, so I totally understand:-)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    I don't think you should have dropped your cals...we say 4-6wks, but really like to see 6 wks because that is where you see how you are trending.

    You gaining...remember, if you are shrinking and gaining that means you are losing fat because muscle takes up less space...so really if that is the case, why focus on that scale? IT is NOT a good indicator of how you are doing when weight lifting is involved. The tape measure and visuals and clothes should be considered before that number on the scale.

    Thanks! The reason I dropped was to be more consistent with my calories. Those two weeks I was up to 1530, I was eating only that on my non workout days and thought it would be better to keep them streamlined....eat the same amount of calories everyday.
    Sadly, my clothes fit like crap and my measurements are not going down.

    You need to do what makes you comfortable. There is a period of time where you just have to go through the process. If you are not willing to do that I understand, but my thought is why not just do it at the tdee-15% for the 6wks and then see where you stand...going from up to down ...really doesn't allow for any bodily adjustments..for the body to know it will receive food consistently...etc. But no pressure from me...I have been where you are, so I totally understand:-)

    I'm totally sticking with it!! I love the extra calories and my workouts have been really great the last few weeks.
    I'll be leaving my calories at tdee-15% which is around 1800 for me.

    I'm pretty sure my body will turn around I just wish I didn't have to go through the weight gains, you know...but I guess I'm to blame for keeping my calories so low for so long.

    I'll check in next week after my weigh in!
    Thanks Lucia!
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Hi Lucia and all!

    Okay.. serious confusion and the number crunching is making my head hurt. :frown:

    My BMR is 1905 and TDEE is 3310. After I minus 15%, that leaves me with 2810 calories a day I "should" be eating. I think.
    (Weight currently 272, height 5"7, age 22 - 100 lbs to lose)

    I lost 55 lbs from Nov 24, 2011 till the end of Feb 2012, but haven't really lost anything since then. To lose the weight I went very low carb, lean protein, no sugar etc. as I have a sensitivity to wheat and it seemed like it was really working. I didn't really exercise much during this time, other than some walking. The weight came off pretty easily.

    In the last couple months I've been doing a little more exercise and have been more active, but then I've also cheated a bit more on the diet too (mostly with some carbs and a bit of chocolate) I didn't think it was that much, but it seems like I keep gaining a bit of weight or maintaining at best. I'm not "hungry" on a constant basis or anything and still have good energy.

    The past few weeks since joining MFP I've paid more attention to calories, something I never really did before. MFP seems to indicate I should be eating about 1700 calories a day. But that is under my BMR of 1900+ .. so I'm confused.

    Now with no weight loss in a long time and this plateau (?), I'm wondering if my body has just gotten used to the lower calorie level and is hanging on to everything it can get? Do I need to eat more? As mentioned above, it seems to indicate that I should be eating 2800 calories daily, which is almost double. I'm scared to contemplate that!

    Help!? (and thanks!)
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Hi Lucia and all!

    Okay.. serious confusion and the number crunching is making my head hurt. :frown:

    My BMR is 1905 and TDEE is 3310. After I minus 15%, that leaves me with 2810 calories a day I "should" be eating. I think.
    (Weight currently 272, height 5"7, age 22 - 100 lbs to lose)

    I lost 55 lbs from Nov 24, 2011 till the end of Feb 2012, but haven't really lost anything since then. To lose the weight I went very low carb, lean protein, no sugar etc. as I have a sensitivity to wheat and it seemed like it was really working. I didn't really exercise much during this time, other than some walking. The weight came off pretty easily.

    In the last couple months I've been doing a little more exercise and have been more active, but then I've also cheated a bit more on the diet too (mostly with some carbs and a bit of chocolate) I didn't think it was that much, but it seems like I keep gaining a bit of weight or maintaining at best. I'm not "hungry" on a constant basis or anything and still have good energy.

    The past few weeks since joining MFP I've paid more attention to calories, something I never really did before. MFP seems to indicate I should be eating about 1700 calories a day. But that is under my BMR of 1900+ .. so I'm confused.

    Now with no weight loss in a long time and this plateau (?), I'm wondering if my body has just gotten used to the lower calorie level and is hanging on to everything it can get? Do I need to eat more? As mentioned above, it seems to indicate that I should be eating 2800 calories daily, which is almost double. I'm scared to contemplate that!

    Help!? (and thanks!)

    MFP doesn't seem to account for going below a person's BMR, just for making sure they don't go below 1200, which is WAY below BMR for some. Also, it depends on how much weight you've selected to lose. Often people sign up for an MFP account, and immediately pick the highest "loss per week" option. Picking two lbs/wk, will often make the number that MFP gives, unrealistic for a person's specific needs. So if you have that option selected, that could be why.

    If you're at a plateau, then your body has absolutely gotten used to the lower cal amount, and has moved into survival mode. That's all your body cares about. Not your weight loss. So if it feels that you are not going to supply it the proper amount of fuel (which it has learned from the cal level that you've been at), and it will figure out how to run on less. And even the rare times that you do give it more, it will hold on, because it knows that you will just deprive it again.

    I'd recommend upping your cals and allowing your body the fuel that it deserves. Expect some hiccups along the way as things adjust, check out the sticky on what to expect when upping your cals so that you are prepared for the changes that will take place during that time. This is not a quick fix, but it is a permanent one. EM2WL is all about enjoying the journey. :flowerforyou:

    And be sure to ask any questions that aren't covered in the sticky topics, although, almost every question you will have, has probably been asked, somewhere, lol

  • ottarv
    ottarv Posts: 3
    Hi all,

    I've got a quick question regarding calculation of TDEE.

    When I calculate my TDEE I use the activity multiplier of 1.55 since I usually work out 5 times a week (3 times a week lifting and 2 times interval running) plus I walk everywhere but we're not talking serious distances. My question regarding TDEE is the following. If I know that an upcoming week will be with maybe 1-3 excercise days (happens occasionally) should I find a TDEE with another activity multiplier for that week or should I stick with the one I use when exercising hard?

    Thanks in advance!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Hi all,

    I've got a quick question regarding calculation of TDEE.

    When I calculate my TDEE I use the activity multiplier of 1.55 since I usually work out 5 times a week (3 times a week lifting and 2 times interval running) plus I walk everywhere but we're not talking serious distances. My question regarding TDEE is the following. If I know that an upcoming week will be with maybe 1-3 excercise days (happens occasionally) should I find a TDEE with another activity multiplier for that week or should I stick with the one I use when exercising hard?

    Thanks in advance!

    In the beginning consistency is the most important thing, so we'd recommend just staying with it. If it's just a random occurrence, it won't affect you in the grand scheme. Once your metabolism is fully established, it you find you want to incorporate some type of calorie cycling into your routine, that's perfectly acceptable, but for most people it's simply easier to just eat the same every day.....

    The beginning stages are ALL about getting your body to trust you again (consistency is KEY), and not to sense a binge/purge cycle, and react accordingly. More info on this is in the "what to expect" sticky....

  • ottarv
    ottarv Posts: 3
    Thank you so much for a quick response!

    I'll keep my calorie intake then at a TDEE-10 or 15% and ride it out and hopefully I shall see some progress :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I weighed in this morning (which I usually never do during the week) to see if another increase was popping up and my weight was the same it was on saturday SOOOOO I am hoping this is a good sign and the gain will start to level off and hopefully in the next week or two I can see some losses.

    Its so hard to accept that I gained almost 6lbs in a few weeks....plays games on my mind.

    Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    I've read through the bulk of this post and I'm totally glazed over. I've been at MFP since January this year. I figured go big or go home with weight loss.

    I was on 1200 calories a day, maybe 30 minutes total of exercise a week (I work full time, 2 hour driving commute, kids/husband so finding any kind of exercise time is a bit hard and I plan to change that) and lost about 11 pounds (5'4" and started at 175lbs).

    For the last month the scale moves from about 164-170. My caloric intake is about 1200-1300 calories a day. I try to make good food decisions and drinks tons of water. Then I started reading about BMR/TDEE. I'm now wondering if I've been going at this all wrong.

    My TDEE is 1782 (I chose sendentery because, quite frankly, right now, I am)
    BMR is 1485

    SO, with what I read, I really should bump my caloric intake to 1515 but never get below 1485? And if I exercise and burn like 500 calories, I should eat back enough to get to the BMR number? And obviously keep the calories as healthy as possible, correct?

    Sometimes I think I need someone with me all the time to draw me pictures so I 'get it'.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I've read through the bulk of this post and I'm totally glazed over. I've been at MFP since January this year. I figured go big or go home with weight loss.

    I was on 1200 calories a day, maybe 30 minutes total of exercise a week (I work full time, 2 hour driving commute, kids/husband so finding any kind of exercise time is a bit hard and I plan to change that) and lost about 11 pounds (5'4" and started at 175lbs).

    For the last month the scale moves from about 164-170. My caloric intake is about 1200-1300 calories a day. I try to make good food decisions and drinks tons of water. Then I started reading about BMR/TDEE. I'm now wondering if I've been going at this all wrong.

    My TDEE is 1782 (I chose sendentery because, quite frankly, right now, I am)
    BMR is 1485

    SO, with what I read, I really should bump my caloric intake to 1515 but never get below 1485? And if I exercise and burn like 500 calories, I should eat back enough to get to the BMR number? And obviously keep the calories as healthy as possible, correct?

    Sometimes I think I need someone with me all the time to draw me pictures so I 'get it'.

    Welcome to the EM2WL :flowerforyou:

    LOL. Sounds like you got it all down to me :wink:

  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you!!

    Is there a way I can change the numbers in my profile to show the correct # of calories, etc? I've been digging around and haven't been able to figure it out...if that's even possible to change that.
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Just joined this group today. While I am not sick of eating 1200 calories a day, nor do I feel deprived when I do, I only have 5 lbs to loose and am looking more to tone up and see some muscle. I read through this whole thread and I think I get it, I just have a few questions. Here is my info though:

    TDEE = 2123
    I set my activity at moderate. I almost always play soccer 2 days a week and get to the gym 2 days a week, sometimes gym and soccer on the same day. I rarely get workouts in more than 5 days a week.
    TDEE - 15% = 1804
    My question. why 15%?
    I just want to understand that number.

    BMR = 1376

    More questions and clarifications.
    I know according to this post I should eat 1804 everyday regardless of whether I workout. Do I still plug in my workout calories?
    If I understand correctly if I burn more than 428 calories in a workout I need to eat those extra calories? Example I burn 528, I need to eat my 1804 + 100?

    Last question: How do I figure maintenance calories to consume?

    I think that is all for now until my questions are answered, thanks so much for this thread!!

    - JoAnna
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Thank you!!

    Is there a way I can change the numbers in my profile to show the correct # of calories, etc? I've been digging around and haven't been able to figure it out...if that's even possible to change that.

    You should be able to make all your changes by selecting (from your home page) "goals", then "change goals" then "custom"
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Just joined this group today. While I am not sick of eating 1200 calories a day, nor do I feel deprived when I do, I only have 5 lbs to loose and am looking more to tone up and see some muscle. I read through this whole thread and I think I get it, I just have a few questions. Here is my info though:

    TDEE = 2123
    I set my activity at moderate. I almost always play soccer 2 days a week and get to the gym 2 days a week, sometimes gym and soccer on the same day. I rarely get workouts in more than 5 days a week.
    TDEE - 15% = 1804
    My question. why 15%?
    I just want to understand that number.

    BMR = 1376

    More questions and clarifications.
    I know according to this post I should eat 1804 everyday regardless of whether I workout. Do I still plug in my workout calories?
    If I understand correctly if I burn more than 428 calories in a workout I need to eat those extra calories? Example I burn 528, I need to eat my 1804 + 100?

    Last question: How do I figure maintenance calories to consume?

    I think that is all for now until my questions are answered, thanks so much for this thread!!

    - JoAnna

    Hey JoAnna!

    Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    A 15-20% deficit is the max recommended for safe fat loss, and we recommend starting at the lower # so that you have leeway as time progresses, plateaus come, etc.. It's basically turning what we're originally inclined to think on its head. Usually we want to try to lose as much as possible, as quickly as possible, by taking the highest deficit possible, and then it all backfires on us. Because this is a lifestyle, and not a diet, we don't recommend anyone putting their bodily functions in jeopardy just to try to hurry the process along. :wink:

    You can still plug in your workout cals, I know I do, just don't eat them back unless you're netting below BMR/burning more than 428 cals.

    As for figuring out maintenance cals.......TDEE = maintenance (I think that's what you're asking, right?)

  • so much info...so good...must read later!!!
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member

    As for figuring out maintenance cals.......TDEE = maintenance (I think that's what you're asking, right?)


    Yup, thank you! Now that I have asked that I could have probably figured it out. Haha. I think I will start this new plan next monday. Thanks so much!

    - JoAnna