ONCE you have your TDEE and BMR...next step



  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    bump to read later ;)
  • I have received this question quite a few times so hopefully this will help (ofcourse please plug in your own numbers).

    Let's say your TDEE is 2300 then you subtract 15% so that you now have your cut value of 1955.

    Let's say your BMR is 1500.

    Ok, so now you know the numbers, I suggest you then go into MFP Goal custom settings and change daily calorie goal to 1955, carbs 40, prot 30, fat 30, and fiber 30.

    So, this takes into account your exercise so you shouldn't have to eat back any extra calories UNLESS (as in this example 1955-1500= 455) you burn over 455 calories. If you burn lets say 655 calories then you would need 200 extra calories on top of the 1955 to NET BMR.

    If you make that change to your MFP goals then you can input your exercise and on your homepage of MFP it will show you where you stand with your NET calories...as long as it is higher than your BMR on that workout day you are good to go...if not, then eat calories until you at least NET your BMR.

    The part of this that confuses me is: I thought, if you are working out that day, you should plan to eat (according to this illustration) 2300 calories, because that is your TDEE. Don't you eat your TDEE on work out days, and your -15% on non workout days (1955 for this illustration)?

    I don't see how the BMR fits into this all...I guess that's where I'm getting confused with all this info...it's great, but so new to me that the 3 categories and their purposes are messing me up :)

    So, clarify and correct me here. This is my understanding:
    TDEE-eat that calorie count ON work out days
    -15% number/cut number- eat THAT calorie count on NON work out days
    BMR- not sure what that is used for

    Thanks in advance :)
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Bump for GG
  • Just joined this group today. While I am not sick of eating 1200 calories a day, nor do I feel deprived when I do, I only have 5 lbs to loose and am looking more to tone up and see some muscle. I read through this whole thread and I think I get it, I just have a few questions. Here is my info though:

    TDEE = 2123
    I set my activity at moderate. I almost always play soccer 2 days a week and get to the gym 2 days a week, sometimes gym and soccer on the same day. I rarely get workouts in more than 5 days a week.
    TDEE - 15% = 1804
    My question. why 15%?
    I just want to understand that number.

    BMR = 1376

    More questions and clarifications.
    I know according to this post I should eat 1804 everyday regardless of whether I workout. Do I still plug in my workout calories?
    If I understand correctly if I burn more than 428 calories in a workout I need to eat those extra calories? Example I burn 528, I need to eat my 1804 + 100?

    Last question: How do I figure maintenance calories to consume?

    I think that is all for now until my questions are answered, thanks so much for this thread!!

    - JoAnna

    Hey JoAnna!

    Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    A 15-20% deficit is the max recommended for safe fat loss, and we recommend starting at the lower # so that you have leeway as time progresses, plateaus come, etc.. It's basically turning what we're originally inclined to think on its head. Usually we want to try to lose as much as possible, as quickly as possible, by taking the highest deficit possible, and then it all backfires on us. Because this is a lifestyle, and not a diet, we don't recommend anyone putting their bodily functions in jeopardy just to try to hurry the process along. :wink:

    You can still plug in your workout cals, I know I do, just don't eat them back unless you're netting below BMR/burning more than 428 cals.

    As for figuring out maintenance cals.......TDEE = maintenance (I think that's what you're asking, right?)

    Okay, before my prior post is answered, I think I have this cleared up by reading the response Kiki gave to another member :smile: SO, tell me if I have this right now:

    TDEE: what you eat to maintain your weight, whether you work out or not...when at maintanence, eat your TDEE (correct?)

    Cut Number (the -15% of TDEE): what you eat ON work out days, when you are NOT maintaining yet (still wanting to lose)

    BMR: what you eat when you DON'T work out; Also, the calorie count you want to get back to IF you burn more than the Cut number minus your BMR....so, for me:

    TDEE: 1945 (Maintanence eating)
    Cut Number (-15% of TDEE): 1654 (work out days eating)
    BMR: 1415 (NON work out days eating)

    IF I burn more than 239 calories (comes from Cut Number - BMR= 239) than I need to eat enough calories to get back to my CUT number....is that right??? Therefore, if I burn 439, I need to plan to eat 1854 for THAT work out day; eating the extra 200 so I am taking in enough fuel for my worked-out body, correct?

    You are SO patient and so helpful...I feel like a kid learning geometry...I need it explained again, and again, and again...yet, you all ARE doing a great job, it's just we all have a different mind that (obviously) gets "locked up" at different points on this thinking.

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have received this question quite a few times so hopefully this will help (ofcourse please plug in your own numbers).

    Let's say your TDEE is 2300 then you subtract 15% so that you now have your cut value of 1955.

    Let's say your BMR is 1500.

    Ok, so now you know the numbers, I suggest you then go into MFP Goal custom settings and change daily calorie goal to 1955, carbs 40, prot 30, fat 30, and fiber 30.

    So, this takes into account your exercise so you shouldn't have to eat back any extra calories UNLESS (as in this example 1955-1500= 455) you burn over 455 calories. If you burn lets say 655 calories then you would need 200 extra calories on top of the 1955 to NET BMR.

    If you make that change to your MFP goals then you can input your exercise and on your homepage of MFP it will show you where you stand with your NET calories...as long as it is higher than your BMR on that workout day you are good to go...if not, then eat calories until you at least NET your BMR.

    The part of this that confuses me is: I thought, if you are working out that day, you should plan to eat (according to this illustration) 2300 calories, because that is your TDEE. Don't you eat your TDEE on work out days, and your -15% on non workout days (1955 for this illustration)?

    I don't see how the BMR fits into this all...I guess that's where I'm getting confused with all this info...it's great, but so new to me that the 3 categories and their purposes are messing me up :)

    So, clarify and correct me here. This is my understanding:
    TDEE-eat that calorie count ON work out days
    -15% number/cut number- eat THAT calorie count on NON work out days
    BMR- not sure what that is used for

    Thanks in advance :)

    BMR is your basic caloric needs to support your life...if you didn't move in the bed for a 24hr period...basal metabolic rate. So, the moment you step pout of the bed, you are burning more than your BMR. Losing weight is about running at a deficit, but we never want to give the body less than BMR. TDEE is maintenance cals, so you daily activity plus your BMR. SO, we make a small deficit daily and then on workout days if you have a high burn you will have a bigger deficit because you must strive to net your BMR. So, it is all a numbers game...so on avg you are running at a deficit weekly. BUT, not such a huge deficit your body thinks it must hold everythign because it is starving.

    We suggest tdee-15% cut for consistency, to let your body know it can trust that you will fuel it everyday. Plus it is so easy to remember, this is my amount I eat this rain, sleet or shine...and when I workout if I haven't netted BMR, I need to eat a little more...
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    LOL, I sure didn't see Kiki responded already...:-)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Weight still the same this morning WOOHOO...not that I am happy to see the number on the scale BUT I am happy at the thought of stabilizing!!! Saturday is official weigh in so hopefully its the same or even better down!

    I love all the info in this group. So glad I joined. Thanks Ladies :happy:
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    Please help I am still a little confused. I have been playing with this 1 pound lost and gain for the last 3 weeks and it is getting frustrating. I have gotten some suggestions but not sure if I am plugging in the right numbers. Any help is greatly appreciated here are my numbers. I used Fat 2 Fit to come up with them.

    I have a desk job so at sedentary my TDEE- 1700, however I have been doing Jillian Micheal 30DS 7 days a week so at light activity my TDEE- 1948

    My BMR- 1322
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Please help I am still a little confused. I have been playing with this 1 pound lost and gain for the last 3 weeks and it is getting frustrating. I have gotten some suggestions but not sure if I am plugging in the right numbers. Any help is greatly appreciated here are my numbers. I used Fat 2 Fit to come up with them.

    I have a desk job so at sedentary my TDEE- 1700, however I have been doing Jillian Micheal 30DS 7 days a week so at light activity my TDEE- 1948

    My BMR- 1322

    Subtract the 15% from the light activity. If Shred is all you are doing and you aren't very active during the day otherwise, then that is the number to go by. That cut is 1655 which seems so low...most really don't qualify for "light", but I don't know much else about your daily activity...so eat 1700 and see how that goes for 4 weeks, if you bounce up and down the same couple pounds, then I think recalc your activity to moderate.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Weight still the same this morning WOOHOO...not that I am happy to see the number on the scale BUT I am happy at the thought of stabilizing!!! Saturday is official weigh in so hopefully its the same or even better down!

    I love all the info in this group. So glad I joined. Thanks Ladies :happy:

    Yay you!!!
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    Please help I am still a little confused. I have been playing with this 1 pound lost and gain for the last 3 weeks and it is getting frustrating. I have gotten some suggestions but not sure if I am plugging in the right numbers. Any help is greatly appreciated here are my numbers. I used Fat 2 Fit to come up with them.

    I have a desk job so at sedentary my TDEE- 1700, however I have been doing Jillian Micheal 30DS 7 days a week so at light activity my TDEE- 1948

    My BMR- 1322

    Subtract the 15% from the light activity. If Shred is all you are doing and you aren't very active during the day otherwise, then that is the number to go by. That cut is 1655 which seems so low...most really don't qualify for "light", but I don't know much else about your daily activity...so eat 1700 and see how that goes for 4 weeks, if you bounce up and down the same couple pounds, then I think recalc your activity to moderate.

    Thanks so much Lucia!!! I am going to try that. I have been going to the gym as well but some days I burn more than the other so I was just looking for a steady number to go by. My diary is viewable if you have a moment to take a look. Thanks again!!
  • deirdre049
    deirdre049 Posts: 6 Member
    So my BMR according to the calculations at the beginning of this thread should be around 1389 (35yrs old, 140lbs, 5.3"). However I just paid for the BMR test where you breathe into a tube for 10minutes and it came back saying my BMR was 1210. I figured this because I've been competing in figure competitions for two years along with many years of low calorie or low-carb dieting and now my metabolism is sluggish :( Even though 1210 was in the 'normal' range (according to their terrible program) with the amount of muscle I have I should be at or above the calculated BMR of 1389.

    Would you suggest I figure out my TDEE with the calculated BMR of 1389 or my tested BMR of 1210? I was going to go with the 1210, when I do that I end up with a 1750 cut value which is about what I've been eating for months (with a cheat day on the weekends) now but I'm not losing weight. I keep my cardio to only 20-30 minutes (HR at 140~) about 5x a week but I lift for an hour 5-6x per week.
  • mari5283
    mari5283 Posts: 28
    I just joined this group today and love all the great info!! I have been eating 1200 calories for 2weeks, almost 3, and though the scale says I've lost 8 lbs I don't see any changes within my body, so I am thinking I have been eating way too low. That and I've also felt sluggish and light headed so Im pretty sure it's from the low cal amount! Anyway, I definitely want to go about this the right way so that it is a permanent change! I'm still debating if I want to classify myself as sedentary, lightly active or mod because there is such a range in calorie amounts but we will see...
    Lucia has already helped me a great deal with some things and I've been reading through the posts but need some clarification. If I enter my custom calorie goal in MFP, this number already takes into account exercise, correct? But do you enter your calories burned into MFP to keep track? I just feel that if I don't, how will I know if I need to eat more to net BMR? How do you guys do it?
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I set up my calories goal to 1800 and log my exercise calories BUT only eat them back if my net goes below my BMR (1400). The home page shows what your net is and you can work from there.
    Good luck!
  • Nyree_JA
    Nyree_JA Posts: 4 Member
    Having read the entire thread this is begining to make sense to me. I have been loosing weight but have also been battling with feeling constantly hungry, particularly on workout days (i spin 3-4 days a week).

    TDEE - 2451
    TDEE cut (15%) - 2083
    BMR - 1581

    Using those numbers i need to up my daily caloric intake about 600 calories a day (at least). My question however is what do I eat?? I'm assuming that a hamburger is not an option :smile: What are good healthy options to up my calorie intake ???

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    I'm excited to try this and see what happens
  • deirdre049
    deirdre049 Posts: 6 Member
    Having read the entire thread this is begining to make sense to me. I have been loosing weight but have also been battling with feeling constantly hungry, particularly on workout days (i spin 3-4 days a week).

    TDEE - 2451
    TDEE cut (15%) - 2083
    BMR - 1581

    Using those numbers i need to up my daily caloric intake about 600 calories a day (at least). My question however is what do I eat?? I'm assuming that a hamburger is not an option :smile: What are good healthy options to up my calorie intake ???

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    I'm excited to try this and see what happens

    unprocessed foods: lean proteins, complex carbs (sweet potato, yams, brown or white rice) and good fats (raw nuts, natural nut butters avacado, EVOO, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, salmon, etc)
  • dizzymomma
    dizzymomma Posts: 11 Member
    I have my TDEE (2588) , my 15% cut (about 2200) & my BMR (1675) - my big question (concern) is do I now immediately jump from eating 1600 calories to 2200??? Of course my fear is that I will gain 10 pounds (or more) immediately, get frustrated and quit altogether. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I have my TDEE (2588) , my 15% cut (about 2200) & my BMR (1675) - my big question (concern) is do I now immediately jump from eating 1600 calories to 2200??? Of course my fear is that I will gain 10 pounds (or more) immediately, get frustrated and quit altogether. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

    That's how I'm feeling at the moment...up 7lbs in 4wks. I am really trying hard not to cut them back down. I'm holding the thought that good things will come from this!

  • willis84
    willis84 Posts: 86 Member
    What do you mean by "as long as it is higher than your BMR on that workout day you are good to go". What is IT? Calories burned from excercise?