Stage 1



  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    5B today!
    So tired... I can tell that this is such a different way to work out than running 5-10k. 30 minutes of this program puts me on my *kitten*!
    I'm trying to eat more protein but I still haven't made it up to 120g/day. I do my darnedest to hit 100g. getting closer to 120g is my goal.

    Deadlifts... tried 95# but couldn't get the bar off the ground :tongue: settled on 75# (with bar of course) and it was good. Next time I'll do 75 for the first set again and then add 5# on each end and see if I can do it.

    Lunges still suck.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    So, is everyone doing the warmup exercises and sets? I keep forgetting to do them. Does it just help prevent injury or does it actually help you lift more weight?
    Also, what is the deal with overhead presses and pushups being so tough? I am progressing fairly well in all the other excercises but I still so weak when it comes to these exercises. I do pushups on the smith bar (second notch from the bottom) and overhead presses with 15 lbs. I can complete half a set with 20's but that's it. I'll be doing 6B tomorrow.
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Yeah, pushups are still the hardest thing for me in stage 1! I am still doing them on a 45 degree and don't see that changing anytime soon :wink:

    Today I tried moving from 10# to 15# for overhead presses but it was too much. I found 12# weights on the shelf and they were just fine. Next time I'll do a set with 12# and then try the 15# again.

    As for warmup exercises... not really :ohwell:
    I do a few leg stretches before I start the squat or deadlift. I also use the recumbent bike for 5 minutes before I start lifting.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Wow.. I read this thread from the very beginning there are some great links to excel worksheets and video's on proper form.. I found out i was doing the Romanian Deadlift instead of just a deadlift. Will correct that pronto, and that my step up step should be higher.

    I have been randomly lifting for a few weeks now following some of the suggested exercises, actually read the book about a month back, but just decided to commit to the program this week, as my cardio is sidelined due to a glute strain that's slowly healing.. I was running (10k training) and Muai Thai Kickboxing 3 days a week.

    I just did Stage 1 Workout 1B today, but in fact I read the wrong page and ended up doing stage 2 workout B by accident.. Oh well.
    In any case, Im loving it. I'm currently eating at TDEE-15% (and losing weight) so ladies make sure you are fueling your body. I know it seems scary to jump from low call to close to 2000 or more, but our bodies need it!!

    If anyone is close to the same starting point as me, feel free to add me.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member

    Starting out stage 1:
    Squats - 25lb weight behind my neck - haven't tried the smith machine yet.
    Seated Row - 75lbs
    Push ups - on knees, but full range of motion
    Step ups - Was using shin high step at 20lbs dumbells
    Prone Jackknife - very wobbly

    Deadlift - 65lbs
    Dumbell shoulder press - didnt do this one becasue i did 2B instead of 1b by accident
    Wide lat pull down - 75lbs
    Lunge - 20lbs dumbells
    Swiss ball crunches. - body weight.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all,

    I completed workout 2b today.

    Dead lift - 30 lbs, I'm really concerned about form here and really afraid of hurting my back as I have a weak back to begin with.
    Shoulder press - 10 lbs increased from 8
    Lat pull downs - 45 lbs up from 30
    Lunges - 30 lbs (15 lb dumbells)
    Swiss ball crunch - with 10 lb weight (much more of a challenge)

    Some one asked about a warmup. I do a warmup but not the one on the book. I do squats, lunges, some lower and upper back stretches and jumping jacks to get my heart pumping.

    Ok so for workout 3A the idea is to increase weight, while decreasing reps, right?

    And one side note, I was watching a lady do squats on the Smith machine today. Her form was better than mine, so I think I might give it a try. Anyone use it, that has any tips.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I did stage 1 5a yesterday and finally felt like I busted a/ss in a workout (not that the others weren't hard, I just have that kill-myself cardio mentality). It makes a BIG difference adding that 3rd set! I finally got the squat rack at the gym today (it's been occupied FOREVER so had to do the hack squat). I did 95lbs but couldn't see my form very well -- just from the front mirror. I don't think I went down far enough. I think I'm going to reduce to 75 lbs and see if I can get my butt low. I think it's more of a flexiblity thing than a strength thing.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    OW.. are my thighs ever hurting from the accidental weighted split squats i did yesterday..
  • llujan88
    llujan88 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm kinda new here as well. I just finished B4 last night. I love the program so far, but I don't have access to some of the equipment since I've been doing this at home. It looks like I may have to head into the gym to finish out this stage.

    This is what I've done so far, I also have a weak back so I've have started off slow with the squats and deadlifts. I plan to increase all weights when I can for workout 5.

    Stage 1: 4A
    Squats - 20lb dumbell total > 40lb dumbell
    Seated Row - I do inverted row 20 lb dumbell > 40 dumbell
    Push ups - 45 degrees > 30 degrees
    Step ups - 20lb dumbell (24") > 30lb dumbell (24")
    Prone Jackknife - wobbly > getting more stable

    Romanin Deadlift - 30lb curl bar > 40lb dumbell
    Dumbell shoulder press - 20lb dumbell > 30lb dumbell (I can only do 10 with two 15lb dumbell)
    Wide lat pull down - I do dumbell pullover 10lb dumbell > 15lb dumbell
    Lunge - 20lbs dumbell > 30lb dumbell
    Swiss ball crunches. - 10lb dumbell > 20lb dumbell
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I'm introducing a co-worker to the program tomorrow. I will teach her 1A while doing my 2A.
    I hope she wills tick it out with me, but actually I'm not too confident she will.
  • KariShoe
    KariShoe Posts: 6 Member
    I am off to do workout 5B today - and I am still having so much trouble with Dead Lifts - especially after meathead at the gym told me I was going to hurt my back but didn't offer anyway to correct it. So now I am terrified of them -- UGH! Any suggestions for this problem?
  • Snapplejac
    Snapplejac Posts: 65 Member
    I've added an extra two works out in the middle of stage one and repeated another week of 2 x 12 lifts, upping the weight a bit, but I barely ache today (after an A workout) so I'm definitely needing to lift more I think.

    Squats - I added another 5kg / 11lbs but might add the same again next workout.

    I am really not advancing with the press ups my arms are so shaky :( Thinking about trying to some press ups at home daily.

    Seated rows - I really don't feel this in my shoulders arms are too weak I think.

    Step ups - I'm now stepping onto one of the seats of the seated row machine. It's a lot higher and requires more balance and alot more effort - have dropped the weight down for now.

    Jack knifes - Again, not sure I'm doing this right I should be in agony today. I tried looking in the mirror but couldn't really see what I do different to the videos/books.

    Roll on next workout!


    Hey Kari, can you get an instructor at the gym to show you how to do it properly? there's lots of links to videos in various threads on here, but nothing beats real life instruction imo :) Shame the meathead didn't bother to fill you in!

  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    @Loricolwil & Juicemoogan: I've seen others mentioning NOT using a smith machine or getting away from using it. Maybe others will chime in with some info on that. Thought I'd mention it before you started on it.

    Nice to see so many others getting on Stage 1! I'm on 6A tomorrow so I'm still a newbie and have loads to learn. I'm not sure that I can call what I'm doing as "lifting heavy" quite yet but I'm slowly getting there :)
    Just last week I finally graduated to using the Olympic bar for squats and deadlifts!

    Good news: I ate more than 120g of protein today!!! First time in years probably.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    @Loricolwil & Juicemoogan: I've seen others mentioning NOT using a smith machine or getting away from using it. Maybe others will chime in with some info on that. Thought I'd mention it before you started on it.

    I would love to hear some people's experience with it good or bad....because this is what is in my head....I've seen videos and other forum posts about how it's not good to use for squats because it changes your form. BUT isn't that what it was made for? And the fact that the lady I watched the other day had much better form than I do without using it (but that may not be saying much :smile: ) made me wonder about it. I'm not trying to be argumentative...just trying to figure out what my best option is.

    Would love to have some other share their experience. (Yes, I had to fight the urge to say "would love to have some others weigh in about it" :tongue: So tired tonight.)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've never used the Smith machine but I think this is what most say : You aren't using your body/core to balance therefore you aren't get the full effect of the exercise.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Starting Stage 1 on Thrusday! Wish me luck!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    I'll be doing 3A tomorrow. I'm kind of on the lowish end of weights. I tried going up on weights on a few things but I feel like my joints (knees, shoulders) are going to fail on me and I don't want to hurt myself.
    Anyone else?
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    I'll be doing 3A tomorrow. I'm kind of on the lowish end of weights. I tried going up on weights on a few things but I feel like my joints (knees, shoulders) are going to fail on me and I don't want to hurt myself.
    Anyone else?

    Right there with ya. I feel like a weakling compared to some of the others on here, but I just try to listen to my body and challenge but not overdo. I've been sore after most workouts so I know I'm not going too light.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Doing workout A3 tonight. So down in reps. This means upping the weight, right?

    So question about squats...with the weight I'm currently using I'm not quite getting to parallel, let alone lower. So should I keep the weight the same and continue to work on proper form or go a bit heavier and keep doing what I've been doing?
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    @Loricolwil & Juicemoogan: I've seen others mentioning NOT using a smith machine or getting away from using it. Maybe others will chime in with some info on that. Thought I'd mention it before you started on it.

    I would love to hear some people's experience with it good or bad....because this is what is in my head....I've seen videos and other forum posts about how it's not good to use for squats because it changes your form. BUT isn't that what it was made for? And the fact that the lady I watched the other day had much better form than I do without using it (but that may not be saying much :smile: ) made me wonder about it. I'm not trying to be argumentative...just trying to figure out what my best option is.

    Would love to have some other share their experience. (Yes, I had to fight the urge to say "would love to have some others weigh in about it" :tongue: So tired tonight.)

    You know, I started my workout (?) when I was 16 which included a smith machine. I got to where I could squat 380lbs on it (could squat about 280ish without it). As far as injuries go, I never had them and that's some serious weight -- even if it was via a Smith machine. Squats are better as far as working out more muscles, balance, etc but from my experience (which is pretty extensive), they aren't the devil either. If my gym didn't have a squat rack, and I outgrew what I could do with dumbbells, I'd use the smith no problem.