ONCE you have your TDEE and BMR...next step



    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I posted below in another topic, I think this may be the right place to post, copied below, any thoughts would be great:-)

    I am new to group-or new to posting in group;-) I am so confused about the numbers! I have always ate even while losing-1600-2000 cals-love to eat(never starve). I saw the post this am about eating more on boards. I agree you need food. But I did the calculation at fitfrog and was shocked, I eat more than I am supposed too. Unless I am doing it wrong.

    If you would be so kind to look at #'s.

    info-Lift heavy 2-3x week
    cardio 2xweek or mainly biking or something I enjoy to get my heartrate up.Not a fan cardio. All other days, walk dog,garden etc
    47 age
    115-117 weight-maintaining for a year-don't want to lose weight,just fat and gain muscle. The scale # is not that important to me, more muscle and strength.
    TDEE 1911 - 15%=1624 I eat more now,this part is confusing?
    BMR 1233
    Any input on this would be helpful? If this is correct I need to eat less;-) or calculate better:-)
    Thanks kindly in advance, What a great source of info this group provides!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I posted below in another topic, I think this may be the right place to post, copied below, any thoughts would be great:-)

    I am new to group-or new to posting in group;-) I am so confused about the numbers! I have always ate even while losing-1600-2000 cals-love to eat(never starve). I saw the post this am about eating more on boards. I agree you need food. But I did the calculation at fitfrog and was shocked, I eat more than I am supposed too. Unless I am doing it wrong.

    If you would be so kind to look at #'s.

    info-Lift heavy 2-3x week
    cardio 2xweek or mainly biking or something I enjoy to get my heartrate up.Not a fan cardio. All other days, walk dog,garden etc
    47 age
    115-117 weight-maintaining for a year-don't want to lose weight,just fat and gain muscle. The scale # is not that important to me, more muscle and strength.
    TDEE 1911 - 15%=1624 I eat more now,this part is confusing?
    BMR 1233
    Any input on this would be helpful? If this is correct I need to eat less;-) or calculate better:-)
    Thanks kindly in advance, What a great source of info this group provides!

    Keep in mind the calculator is an estimate. To get a truer figure you would need one of the body media devices. So if you were losing at 2000 then start eating 2100 and see how you trend. Eat it consistently for 4wks and see what happens, if still trending down, then add another 100.
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    YES! My bodymediafit tells me I burn between 2700-3000+ cals where as the calculator told me 2600. I've only worn it for a week so I'm waiting to find my 'average'.
  • Hi, hoping eating more is the solution to my 10 week plateau. I have lost 60 pounds over a period of a few years by the traditional 1,200 calorie diet and exercise. It is no longer working for me. I currently and training for an 8 mile race and going to the gym for weights and cardio 6 days a week. I average about 2-3 hours of working out every day and have not seen weight loss or inches since 3/16/12. Calorie burns between 600-1100 depending on workout based on HRM.

    Here are my BMR/TDEE Calculations:

    TDEE: 2131
    So that would make my CUT:1812
    (So I would make sure to never eat below 1812)

    At this point I am willing to try anything, I know that I don't want to live on a 1,200 calorie diet the rest of my life! I am getting married in 100 days and want to lose a few pounds and tone my arms and back! Feel free to add me, looking for advice and support on this new journey. Thank you
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Im confused
    Im female 42 5ft 2in 202lbs I do 6 zumba workouts a week my exercise calories are average 600 a day
    See I have set my TDEE as 3-5 workouts a week as I mainly do zumba and walking although its 6 days a week its not intense as I feel it would be intense if I was running lifting etc

    Do I eat -20% of my TDEE GROSS or NET?

    Take today my TDEE -20%i s 1785 Cal
    Exercise = 900 calories

    Do I eat 1785 Gross or do I eat a cetain Net amount?

    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I posted below in another topic, I think this may be the right place to post, copied below, any thoughts would be great:-)

    I am new to group-or new to posting in group;-) I am so confused about the numbers! I have always ate even while losing-1600-2000 cals-love to eat(never starve). I saw the post this am about eating more on boards. I agree you need food. But I did the calculation at fitfrog and was shocked, I eat more than I am supposed too. Unless I am doing it wrong.

    If you would be so kind to look at #'s.

    info-Lift heavy 2-3x week
    cardio 2xweek or mainly biking or something I enjoy to get my heartrate up.Not a fan cardio. All other days, walk dog,garden etc
    47 age
    115-117 weight-maintaining for a year-don't want to lose weight,just fat and gain muscle. The scale # is not that important to me, more muscle and strength.
    TDEE 1911 - 15%=1624 I eat more now,this part is confusing?
    BMR 1233
    Any input on this would be helpful? If this is correct I need to eat less;-) or calculate better:-)
    Thanks kindly in advance, What a great source of info this group provides!

    Keep in mind the calculator is an estimate. To get a truer figure you would need one of the body media devices. So if you were losing at 2000 then start eating 2100 and see how you trend. Eat it consistently for 4wks and see what happens, if still trending down, then add another 100.

    Thank you for the info and reply:-) I will add 100 today:-) I value the good information in the group, and just saw the you tube vids.Super info:-)Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    Im confused
    Im female 42 5ft 2in 202lbs I do 6 zumba workouts a week my exercise calories are average 600 a day
    See I have set my TDEE as 3-5 workouts a week as I mainly do zumba and walking although its 6 days a week its not intense as I feel it would be intense if I was running lifting etc

    Do I eat -20% of my TDEE GROSS or NET?

    Take today my TDEE -20%i s 1785 Cal
    Exercise = 900 calories

    Do I eat 1785 Gross or do I eat a cetain Net amount?


    If you are burning that many cals you need to eat more. You want to eat your GROSS TDEE for 4-6 weeks. EVERYDAY. then after 4-6 weeks you then eat your CUT. Just make sure to ALWAYS at least NET your BMR.

    The way I started was to aim to NET my BMR. :) I'm still in the process of upping cals myself.
  • kalynn88
    kalynn88 Posts: 5 Member
    ok, think I'm going to take the plunge here....Lost 12lbs since the beginning of the year, but it has slowed WAY down and I'm eating about 1200 calories a day, per MFP.

    Stats: 5/3-5/4, currently 138lbs, goal of 120
    Desk job, but work out 3-4 times a week, total of about 3-4 hours (elliptical, circuit training class, step class, and then elliptical/outdoor vollebyall)

    BMR seems to be aroud 1400-1450
    TDEE is 2200
    15% cut is 1870.

    So I'm supposed to eat 1870 calories a day unless my workout burns more than 330 calories? That's what makes me nervous.....right now my workouts (minus volleyball) all 'say' they are close to 470 (for the classes) and about 420 for the elliptical. But I don't know how accurate that is....

    And my head is so set on cutting 500 a day, that it is hard to imagine only cutting 330 and eating almost 1900 calories! Someone tell me this will work!
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    You can do that but it's more effective it you eat your TDEE for 4-6 weeks and THEN eat your cut for a few weeks and then go back to TDEE so your metabolism doesn't get used to eating at Cut. Repeat. Eventually your body will understand what you are doing. You just have to be patient and remain in control.
  • kalynn88
    kalynn88 Posts: 5 Member
    I guess I'm still confused - am I trying to net just above my BMR (1450) or my TDEE? (2200)
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    EAT close to your TDEE and NET AT OR ABOVE your BMR
  • kalynn88
    kalynn88 Posts: 5 Member
    sorry, I must seem really dense - but that confuses me! because isn't the TDEE already taking into account my workouts?

    If I'm supposed to start off the first 4-6 weeks at TDEE, I said I'm moderately active. That's in my TDEE. So I should ALWAYS be trying to eat at my TDEE.

    ok, from your post, I'm getting that I eat close to 2200 calories, and then subtract my workout. If working out drops me below my BMR, I need to eat it back. I get that - but I thought the TDEE already accounted for working out, so that would mean I'm double-counting it if I subtract it again.
  • Chasinadream
    Chasinadream Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the great info!! :)
  • sweiland1
    sweiland1 Posts: 183 Member
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    sorry, I must seem really dense - but that confuses me! because isn't the TDEE already taking into account my workouts?

    If I'm supposed to start off the first 4-6 weeks at TDEE, I said I'm moderately active. That's in my TDEE. So I should ALWAYS be trying to eat at my TDEE.

    ok, from your post, I'm getting that I eat close to 2200 calories, and then subtract my workout. If working out drops me below my BMR, I need to eat it back. I get that - but I thought the TDEE already accounted for working out, so that would mean I'm double-counting it if I subtract it again.

    Welcome to the group!

    You're right. TDEE does account for working out, and if everything is calculated correctly, then you *won't* net below BMR, thus you won't eat back any exercise cals. But that's why you are keeping an eye on it at first. Because if you are eating 2200, yet burning 900, then you will know that your TDEE was not calculated with the right activity level. Because your TDEE is only figuring in you burning 750 (2200-1450=750).

    So you shouldn't really have to eat back cals. It's used as a measuring tool. If you have a crazy high burn like 900, once in a while, then you just eat back 150 to make sure you net BMR that day. But if it happens 8 days in a row, or something like that, lol, then you need to recalculate. This tip really comes in handy when you go back down to your deficit, in which your daily burns are only figured to be 420 (1870-1450=420). :wink:

    Did I make any sense, lol? :huh:

  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I've given myself a headache reading for the last hour. And I know I'm asking questions that many other have asked already. I had been eating my NET BMR for 3 weeks, gained two pounds, then realized I had figured it out wrong and wasn't eating enough and on exercise days I was eating way too much - but still under TDEE. I increased my calorie limit in MFP to 1917 last week - now I'm aiming to eat 1917 per day, whether I work out or not. I"m watching my NET too - to make sure that I am above my BMR every day. I've gained two more pounds.

    Two weeks ago I was on my bike or working out with a DVD 6 days, this week was only 4. I was a complete idiot and ate back my exercise calories last week, thinking I needed to NET my TDEE cut, but it only works out to 800 calories extra in total.

    1. I know that consistency is key . . . will EM2LW still work for me within 100 calories above or below my TDEE cut?

    2. Some weeks I am exercising an hour a day 6 days a week (strenuous level, I guess, on scooby) other weeks it's only a moderate level. I figured my calories based on a moderate level . . . leaving them at that level will I make up the difference in a strenuous week by watching my net and keeping it above my BMR?

    3. I'm hoping both gains were water weight from increasing calories each time - but it doesn't seem to be leaving. My waist measurement is up about a half inch, everything else is the same. I can attribute a pound to TOM coming up, but I don't usually gain more than that. I totaled my calories for the last two weeks and ate a total of 1800 calories above my TDEE. Is it possible I'm gaining back fat at that level?

    4. I never did a full metabolism reset, I was netting 1650 calories a day before starting EM2LW, so didn't think I would need to. Maybe I do need a reset?

    Thank you all for your answers and your patience.

  • Valley83
    Valley83 Posts: 78 Member
    I have been reading the posts on here, I read about 5 pages of replies trying to figure out my own situation but I can't seem to get my mind around it.

    I have been on MFP for 5 weeks now and have lost 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks but now it has stalled. I have been eating 1490 calories plus eating back my exercise calories but I noticed in this last week or so I have been netting too low so I found this group.

    I am 28, 5'5, 189 lbs. I am a stay at home mom and now I am doing Ripped in 30 5 or 6 days a week.

    I put in the calculations on Scoobysworkshop.com/caloriecount and got the following:

    BMR - 1645

    1 - 3 hours light exercises -

    TDEE - 2262
    15% reduction - 1922

    So if I understand I am to eat 1922 each and every day (whether I work out or not) and I only eat back exercise calories if I net below 1645.

    I have ordered a HRM so I can accurately calculate my calories burned but I don't understand how to put this information into MFP (including exercise) and how accurate can this be as I'm sure calories burned from day to day will change.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't I put my activity level as sedentary:

    TDEE - 1974
    15% reduction - 1678
    and then eat back my exercise calories on the day I work out according to my HRM.

    Again I'm sorry that this has been asked over and over again but I can't figure out what will work for me.
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Well, I tried to delete/edit my above post . . . but it's not letting me. So I'll just write an update. Please ignore the above post by me. I've continued to do a lot of reading and chatting with other members of this group. I somehow missed that I really need to do a full TDEE (maintenance) reset. So I've just raised my calories to TDEE level as of today. My goal is to eat at that level every day. The only time I'll worry about eating extra calories is if I don't NET my BMR that day. Like today, I took a 3.5 hour bike ride and burned 1200 calories. And have to eat 1000 of those. No problem, I'm having steak, potatoes, veggie for dinner, a cocktail with a friend and had a big glass of milk with my snack. I've missed milk! I've set it in my calendar to do this for 8 weeks then go back to my TDEE cut value. It only makes sense, I need to reset my metabolism - reteach my body what my maintenance intake is supposed to be, then cut the calories to lose weight.
  • I have been reading the posts on here, I read about 5 pages of replies trying to figure out my own situation but I can't seem to get my mind around it.

    I have been on MFP for 5 weeks now and have lost 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks but now it has stalled. I have been eating 1490 calories plus eating back my exercise calories but I noticed in this last week or so I have been netting too low so I found this group.

    I am 28, 5'5, 189 lbs. I am a stay at home mom and now I am doing Ripped in 30 5 or 6 days a week.

    I put in the calculations on Scoobysworkshop.com/caloriecount and got the following:

    BMR - 1645

    1 - 3 hours light exercises -

    TDEE - 2262
    15% reduction - 1922

    So if I understand I am to eat 1922 each and every day (whether I work out or not) and I only eat back exercise calories if I net below 1645.

    I have ordered a HRM so I can accurately calculate my calories burned but I don't understand how to put this information into MFP (including exercise) and how accurate can this be as I'm sure calories burned from day to day will change.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't I put my activity level as sedentary:

    TDEE - 1974
    15% reduction - 1678
    and then eat back my exercise calories on the day I work out according to my HRM.

    Again I'm sorry that this has been asked over and over again but I can't figure out what will work for me.

    I'm trying the same thing but am assuming a "light" exercise instead of sedentary to account for walking the dog, going up and down stairs, etc. My stats:

    Age: 35
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 167.7
    TDEE: 2100
    Cut: 15% 1785

    I figured I would try Netting my Cut since I don't exercise every day. I'm nervous - not sure how it will work out. I had a hard time understanding all the gross/net/cuts and how you were supposed to figure out your TDEE when you don't exercise every day. We'll see if it works out.

    Any suggestions from people who've tried this method would be greatly appreciated!
  • pnut80
    pnut80 Posts: 77 Member
    Metabolism raises or lowers to meet your eating levels. So, essentially, those were all "maintenance," seeing as your body adjusted to a certain amount of cals, and plateaued. We hit plateaus at high or low levels, so when we under-eat, our body responds by lowering metabolism to meet it, giving us a lower "maintenance." once the body adjusts to that level, anything that we eat above it will be considered surplus. Until we continue to eat that amount consistently, then the body adjusts to the new level and *it* becomes our maintenance. So, when a person undergoes a metabolism reset, it's usually recommended that they get the cals as high as possible, and allow the body to plateau at the higher amount. Weight gain is an expected casualty during this process. Once the body stabilizes at the new level, cals can be lowered, and loss will re-occur at higher levels than before. Then the person is recommended to take diet breaks (a week of maintenance eating) every 12 weeks or so throughout the duration of their weight loss journey in order to prevent it from re-occurring.

    So the weight will fluctuate, but you have to ride it out until it stabilizes, or at least a month or two, so that when you lower cals again, you will begin losing.

    Also, if you've always fluctuated 2 lbs or so, then that is just your natural trend. Maintenance still involves fluctuation. You never actually stand completely still.

    Here are some links that you may want to check out:

    Also, the author of the the above blog, Leigh Peele, has a book called the Metabolism Repair Manual. You may want to look into it, as she goes in to much more detail than I have here.

    thanks so much for posting this! i think i actually half way understand all this now! :happy: