Weigh-in/Measurement updates



  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
    I joined MFP at the end of March and was one of the lucky ones to have found this group early on (beginning April). I have been lurking for a while, but I think it is time to share my progress to also show why a woman can eat 2000 cals and lose weight. I have been eating 1900 - 2100 per day the past 4 weeks (aiming for 2000).

    Some stats:
    Age: 36
    Height: 168 cm / 66"
    BMR: Around 1500 (averaging various tools and methods)

    Current exercise routine:
    3x week strength training with a trainer for 60 min (some traditional lifting, other times closer to crossfit)
    2x week light swimming for 30 min after training
    3x week walk dogs for about 45 min

    25 Mar: 82 kg / 180.8 lb
    31 Mar: 80.8 / 178.1 (losing fast on 1500 - 1700 cals, but not feeling very well)
    3 Apr: 80.2 / 176.8 (started increasing cals here)
    13 Apr 79.2 / 174.6
    20 Apr 78.6 / 173.3
    27 Apr 79.0 / 174.2 (around here my trainer told me to stop doing so much cardio, I was doing Exercise DVD's at home in addition to the above because in my mind walking the dogs didn't count!)
    4 May 78.0 / 172.0
    11 May 78.0 / 172.0
    18 May 77.2 / 170.2
    25 May 76.7 / 169.1

    I feel I am in a happy, sustainable routine now. Unfortunately I don't have measurement stats on me (my trainer measures me once a month), but I can report I have lost at least 1 dress size.

    So thank you, thank you, thank you to Lucia and Kiki and all of the wonderful EM2WL guys and gals! :flowerforyou:

    Edit - I have also noticed that I am losing weight in a different "shape" compared to how I have gained. For instance I cannot really wear all of my old "thinner" clothes because although it fits across my thighs, it is way too big around my waist. Anyone else experiencing this?
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I new to this group so hi everyone. Today I have decided to increase my calories by 100 so we shall see how it works for me. I only do very moderate exercise so we will see what happens. I have no idea how long I am suppose to do this to see if it works. Any tips out there
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm comin back later to give my measurements at the start of Stage 2 of NROL. This will help me with accountability and measuring.

    Happy Friday!
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    tdee -15%... if you are only eating 1100 with an increase of 100 I think you will not find a lot of support here (i looked at your journal). most of us girls eat around 2000 +/- a bit. now if you are gradually increasing 100 every few days until you reach your number, that is a different story!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Before I started this I skipped meals and so I started low and yes I plan to keep increasing my calories but I am taking it one day at a time because this is all new to me. All I can say is I am trying to get to where I can eat normal and I just need to take it one day at a time. Thanks
  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
    Before I started this I skipped meals and so I started low and yes I plan to keep increasing my calories but I am taking it one day at a time because this is all new to me. All I can say is I am trying to get to where I can eat normal and I just need to take it one day at a time. Thanks

    Good luck!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Before I started this I skipped meals and so I started low and yes I plan to keep increasing my calories but I am taking it one day at a time because this is all new to me. All I can say is I am trying to get to where I can eat normal and I just need to take it one day at a time. Thanks

    Everyone needs to start somewhere! I bet you will start feeling better after upping them by 100....and soon you will want to up them even more! It can be a scary process. And I disagree with the person who said you won't find a lot of support here. You will absolutely find support here...but it might be in the form of people suggesting you eat more (when you hit a plateau).

    There are tons of people here to answer questions, offer advice etc. Stick around and enjoying eating a more normal amount of food!
  • Jonnelle06
    Jonnelle06 Posts: 53
    Well yesterday I had to go to PT and I weighed 164 so I lost 5 pounds and I went from a 36inch waist to a 33 So far so good!!!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Well yesterday I had to go to PT and I weighed 164 so I lost 5 pounds and I went from a 36inch waist to a 33 So far so good!!!!

  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Finally had a scale drop since starting this journey- only 1/2 pound but I'll take it. I've dropped all over in inches (finally in my hips too!) and dropped 2 pant sizes which I'm thrilled about!

    I've been eating more since mid April and things feel like they are really falling into place and my body is kicking into gear. So thankful for this board --- the information and support here is unrivaled!

    I just started using the BMF today and I may even need to up calories a bit- woohoo!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Finally had a scale drop since starting this journey- only 1/2 pound but I'll take it. I've dropped all over in inches (finally in my hips too!) and dropped 2 pant sizes which I'm thrilled about!

    I've been eating more since mid April and things feel like they are really falling into place and my body is kicking into gear. So thankful for this board --- the information and support here is unrivaled!

    I just started using the BMF today and I may even need to up calories a bit- woohoo!!

  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I also finally had a scale drop this morning. I'm down .4lbs. It is the first loss in several weeks. I am 3 weeks into eating more. I've been working harder to hit protein goals and I believe that really helped. I've become a big fan of Cliff bars.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Finally had a scale drop since starting this journey- only 1/2 pound but I'll take it. I've dropped all over in inches (finally in my hips too!) and dropped 2 pant sizes which I'm thrilled about!

    I've been eating more since mid April and things feel like they are really falling into place and my body is kicking into gear. So thankful for this board --- the information and support here is unrivaled!

    I just started using the BMF today and I may even need to up calories a bit- woohoo!!

    2 sizes?!?!?! That is amazing! I would take only a 1/2 pound loss if I could lose 2 pants sizes!
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I started slowly upping my calories on 4/19/12 and on 5/3/12 I upped them to my cut #'s. While my weight initially dropped it started increasing by about 3 lbs, but since I have been consistent with my calories I have dropped a pound as of yesterday . But I'm not about the numbers on the scale because I'm all about inches lost.

    Well since I've started em2lw I have lost a total of 3.75" and yes they went up when I started, but I stuck with it and it has paid off :drinker:

    I just have to say it was a bit unnerving at first to do something that was against everything I've been taught about losing weight. But now I feel this something that has renewed my enthusiasm for actually being to able reach my goal of a healthy BF% :love:

  • Jonnelle06
    Jonnelle06 Posts: 53
    Well since I have upped my calories about a month ago I have lost about 4 inches
    last Thursday I weighed in and lost 4 pounds and 3 inches so I'm really happy with all of this
    Best of luck to everyone
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    Well, it's been 19 days since I last gave an update. I'm feeling pretty discouraged and ready to throw in the towel :frown: but on reflection I think perhaps I really haven't been consistent enough with *anything*. On the whole I've been pleased with my efforts this year (major changes...regular exercise, counting cals, upping my protein, trying to make better choices about portion sizes) but every now and again I can't help feeling that I'm just not making the progress that I see alot of you guys making, so I must be doing something wrong.

    I really, really would appreciate some constructive criticism and comments on why I don't seem to be getting much in the way of results (or maybe I'm just expecting too much now that I'm over 40 and my progress is as it should be?)

    Here's some background info and also some stats that I've been keeping track of both here on MFP and on a spreadsheet.
    Age 43, 5 ft 7, TDEE for a moderately active me, minus 15%, is around 2180

    My workouts consist of up to 3 days at the gym doing circuit training on the cross trainer and with dumbells (up to 11 pounds in each hand) and body weight (squats, lunges, planks) for an hour. Lately I've cut back a bit on exercise hours due to work commitments and a cold/flu which has left me a bit drained. If I don't make it to the gym I'm doing some Turbofire or other DVD workouts a couple of times a week and some gardening at the weekends. Other than that I'm pretty sedentary as I am a tutor. There are a couple of big gaps on my exercise report, the latest being when I felt too ill to exercise and the one in April was when I went to Spain. There are gaps in my records of calories consumed for these periods but on the whole I ate reasonably sensibly.

    Anyway, here's the stats, please feel free to offer advice, I just feel like it's me against my body at the moment and it's a lonely struggle!


    Quite a few peaks there, a bit too high. PMT cravings and generally feeling tired and in need of a boost -> eating too much.


    Since following EMTWL I've made sure I net above my BMR of approx 1650. I've always loved my food so I never really have a problem eating up to my TDEE.

    The only other thing perhaps affecting my progress could be my water intake. Most days it's at 4-6 cups with a few cups of decaff coffee and the odd soda (only lately, mother in law bought me some!). My food diaries are open too.

    What do you think? Be totally honest. I think I know the answer, not enough focus, maybe I'm confusing the hell out of my body by not sticking closely to numbers and routines, but I need to hear it from others with experience.

    Edit: some of the data has disappeared on the right of the images, I can see it by right clicking and selecting view image.

    ok, so it's another week on and I'm hanging on for dear life, soo tempted to drop my calories but trying to keep the faith!
    I've upped my water to over 9 cups the last few days, changed up my exercise from doing 4 or 5 circuit training sessions at the gym to one or two gym sessions, one long jog at the weekend and 3 different DVDs (Turbofire, The Firm and Sparkpeople).

    I also tried upping my calories from an average of 2200 to 2500 per day for this last week and upped my exercise calories burned from 2400 to 3100 for the week. I've gained again, so I guess upping calories isn't the right thing. Now at 208 pounds this morning. I didn't exercise yesterday and I am hoping if I weigh two days after I work out I won't be seeing fluid retention on my scales. I have also gained a little around my middle: 1.5cm at my natural waist and 3cm around the widest part of my tummy. I'm just about mid cycle so it can't be a TOTM gain, and surely after upping my water intake it can't be fluid retention??

    Basically, I'm more or less right back to the same measurements as I was in February! Surely there should be something more positive than this after 3 months of being mindful of calories, working harder, watching and waiting! Can't tell you how frsutrated I am right now! ::grumble: :sad:

    Please can anyone advise what I should be doing differently, if anything?
  • ehs5mw
    ehs5mw Posts: 65
    I am sure someone with more knowledge/experience will come along with better advice, but I would say try to drink a lot more water, first of all. Secondly, you increased calories in but you also increased calories out. Part of what Kiki and Lucia are recommending is less of the cardio type work, which you actually increased. I would seriously make sure you are lifting, slow down on the cardio, and stay the course.

    You are clearly a very dedicated and self-disciplined person if you have stuck with a program you were not entirely confident about for this long. I am certain you can keep up your effort! Now, it is just a matter of fine-tuning.
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    Just thought I'd do a one month update! Just fyi, I'm 32 years old, mom of 5. If you'ev ever thought you couldn't lose the "mom pooch" YOU CAN!! Cause after a month of eating basically what I want, my stomach is dissapearing...

    Starting Stats
    weight 141
    Neck: 12.5
    Bust: 33.25
    Bicep: 11.75
    Waist: at smallest point 28.5
    Hips: 41
    Thigh: 24
    Calf: 15

    2 weeks

    Weight: 140.5
    Neck: 12.5
    Bust: 32.75
    Bicep: 11.75
    Waist: 28
    Hips: 40
    Thigh: 22 (OMG)

    4 weeks...
    Weight: not sure, batteries died an I'm too busy eating to find new ones ;) but the last time I weighed I was about the same (140-143)
    Neck: 12.5
    Bust: 31.5
    Bicep: 11.5
    Waist: 27 (real close to being 26 something!)
    Hips: 39.5
    Thigh: 22

    So as you can see, the top half of my body is already pretty small...the bottom half, nother story, LOL That batwing thing under my arms is gone and I can't imagine losing any more from the bust area SO that can only mean one thing, the hips/thighs are next to go!! Hopefully ;)
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hey everyone! i am happy to report that after about a month of EMTWL plan i have lost 1 pound and a few inches! Which is a big deal since i haven't lost anything in months!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    I'm over a month into the process and up 4-7 lbs depending on the day. I just started lifting weights last week and will begin New Rules next week. I do feel better physical.

    I'm at 1969 calories a day, and I'm not gonna lie........ it's hard to see the scale and feel myself getting bigger. I've decided to track weight daily on the hacker site to notice trends associated with weight training and sodium, etc. As the scales holds a lot of power over me and I need to change my relationship with it :)

    Hopefully my next update with be with some inches or pounds down.

    Ruby, trust the process. In two weeks, follow up with me and give me all details...ok?

    Hi..... Completed 8 weeks at the reset of 1969. Depending on the day, I'm up 4-6 lbs.....my measurements havent changed.
    Considering I was traveling 3 of those weeks (with two being in another country where I wasn't able to track my food) I'm not horribly surprised by the numbers.

    My bloating took weeks to subside.....

    I'm on my 3rd week of NROLFW and loving it.......noticing changes in my body already.:smile:

    Now I'm cutting down to 1866, I'll update in a few more weeks. I'm hopeful for a downward trend, check back soon.