Introduction for New Members



  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!

    I joined MFP last month but didn't become serious until this month. I'm 33, 5'3 and about 141lbs. I'm very ecstatic to have found MFP and this forum.

    Here's my history.....been dieting since I was 10 years old. I saw my mother diet cycle and did it myself. I've tried low carbing, weight watchers, the no s diet, most of Ian Smith's plans, the cabbage diet and many more. I honestly feel that dieting has caused my weight gains and my insanity. If I would have allowed myself a treat here or there I wouldn't have binged so dern much. I can't even tell you how many last suppers I've had just to give up on the diet within days or weeks.

    At first it was difficult going from counting points to calories but counting calories just seems more honest. I thought I'd found the answer to all my problems when I joined MFP, but was quickly discouraged when regardless of how much weight I wanted to lose I was set to 1200 cals a day. Not to mention scared of touching the exercise cals. Then the real question to myself was "can you eat this little for the rest of your life?" Not a chance in h*ll. Funny thing is after seeing my BMR is 1403 it all clicked b/c I was great for the majority of the week then would have a unintentional all-you-can-eat fest for a day. Turns out when I do a daily average and include the eat-fest it brings me to a little over 1400 a day, which means those eating frenzies was my body screaming for help.

    So, my ultimate goal is my sanity. I want to eat normally and include foods that aren't ff or low-cal in my diet. It's been a long time since I've had a grilled cheese or pb & jelly sandwich using regular ole wheat bread. I pray that after several weeks of upping my cals I will still be able to fit in my clothes comfortably b/c the number 1200 will be the death of me.....

    Thanks again for this extremely informative and awesome forum!!!
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    Katie: age 37 in 1 week

    SW. 250 pounds in 1996
    CW 190 pounds

    I discovered I eat under calorie was eating between 1000-1100 calories

    I heard eating more to weigh less worked it was reccomended for me to try it. would love friends here to add me who can help me on my way

    my goal weight is 130 pounds I have no idea about percentage of body fat, tdee or any of that or how to figure it.
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    I think my numbers are here.....

    BMR 1466 calories.

    TDEE- 2009

    Scooby Website says




    Try the 15%cut. I have a feeling you are more moderate. If you bounce around a couple lbs sort of holding you will need to go up in Cals. Give it 6wks and be consistent. Is there any way you can start a lift program?

    I went and bought some hand weights today and will start including strength training in there somewhere.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    All righty, I went ahead and used that very interesting site...

    BMR: 1365 (5'2", 130 pounds, 27 yrs old)

    TDEE: 1772 (the only dial I touched was the sleep one, I do get about 8 hours of sleep per night, otherwise the number is 1975)

    15% cut: 1506 (from 1772)

    So... now what does this mean for me....?
  • StephGodsPrincess
    StephGodsPrincess Posts: 45 Member
    Hello All, I am new to this group, been on MFP for about 36 days now. I have lost 20 pounds so far but things have slowed down quite a bit. I have been hearing about this group in the forums and just from other in general about needing to eat more. I am 44 and at present weigh 311 pounds, was 331 when I started on MFP. I am only 5'2'' tall. I still have to read the info at the beginning of the group that explains how eating more helps but I know I need to give something a try, just trying to get how it all works with the BMR, the TDEE and mius 15% thing. I will post what the Scooby site said mine were I just not sure what to do with the numbers. I am to change my calorie count in the MFP food diary to reflect what the Scooby site said the minus 15 to 25 % totals are, for whichever one I choose. Also am I correct in the understanding that the Scooby website has already worked in the exercise so if I change the calorie intake then when I exercise I don't eat back the exercise calories? I hope I am explaining my questions clear enough. I want to make sure I am eating enough but not too much. Well here are the numbers that I got from Scooby:

    BMR 2089

    TDEE 3238

    -15% 2752

    -20% 2590

    -25% 2428

    Also not sure what percentage to go with. Because I have a large amount to lose, like another 180 pounds should I go with the 25%? Sorry so many questions just need the help:ohwell:
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    ok, just reset my calorie amount to what the 15% is..... I sure hope Im doing this right!! only time will tell if I have screwed this up!! :huh:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I lost about 40lbs four years ago on the starving-myself diet at 1200 cals or less, with intense exercise 5-6 days a week. I'm a really active person and I can't continue obsessing over food, or trying to eat like the skinny girls who eat nothing but salad and do their little cardio routine every day just for show. I have significant abs but they are covered with a big wall of fat. I don't know how much weight I have to lose, if any, but I want to get rid of my abdominal fat.

    I don't do any weight training currently (I used to lift heavy in the past) but I do a lot of outdoor running, kickboxing, boxing, and biking on weekends.

    Height: 5'6"
    CW: 139
    GW: 125?
    BMR: 1450
    TDEE: about 1700 (eating back all exercise calories rather than adjusting TDEE to account for activity level)

    Yesterday I ate about 2000 calories after two days of LOTS of exercise (4 miles of running, almost 30 miles biked in hilly terrain, frisbee/football at the beach, tons of walking). That was still slightly under my calorie allocation. This morning the scale says 142 and I feel so bloated and horrible.
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all! I'm Brittany. My stats:

    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 209
    According to, my BMR is 1760, TDEE is 3036, which puts my daily calorie requirement at 2429.

    I currently have a trainer, who has me on 1950 cals/day, so I'm definitely not starving. I have lost 19 lbs so far, but it has taken FOREVER (I'm talking 6 months or so), so I'm wondering if I really need to eat that 2429. I'm a little skurred, because my trainer views my diary weekly and quite frankly...I'm a little afraid of her :/ hahaha! The lady knows her stuff but reading other MFP forums and this group has me wondering what to do. I am CONFUSED!
  • Hi all!

    Just joined today, though I've been lurking, researching, and watching the videos for a week or so. :tongue:

    Just a little info. to let you know why I'm here. I'm 36 years old, mom of 2, and while I'm at a healthy weight, I would like to lose those last stubborn 5-10 lbs. I've been stuck at the same weight (give or take 3 lbs.) for nearly a year, and have tried about everything I can think of!

    I run for about 30 minutes 3x a week and then 1 long run for about an hour on the weekends. I also do ballet (class will end this week) and Jillian Michael's DVD's on my non-running days. Now that the pool is open, I hope to do some swimming as well. Would love to start working in lifting (beyond the DVDs), but don't have access to a gym/machines.

    Here are my numbers:

    BMR: 1389
    TDEE: 2153
    Cut: 1830

    From what I understand, I should be fine eating cut value everyday EXCEPT my long run day. Will have to add an extra 100 or so calories that day.

    I'm pretty nervous about this, but really REALLY hoping to see a change!! Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    Getting ready to go manually change my numbers in MFP!
  • Hi, everyone! I'm Michelle :)

    I'm a teenager looking to build a stronger, healthier body! I was directed here by some wonderful people in a thread I'd started about starvation mode. I'm determined to avoid reaching a plateau and hurting my metabolism!

    I thought I knew a lot about fitness, but wow! I'll be doing a lot of reading up on the things discussed in this group, so please be patient with me! I look forward to learning a lot! :happy:
  • chrmdone1980
    chrmdone1980 Posts: 10 Member
    HI! - My name is Heather, I am 31 years old. I have struggled with my weight almost all my life. Its gotten worse over the last 10 years because of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and just recently Hypothyroidism. I am hoping this works because i have tried the limiting of calories for a really long time with no success. I am beginning to think my metabolism is flatlined:sad:

    anyway - the jump in calories has my mind blowing and I am trying to figure out ways to eat that much everyday...any tips?
  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 97 Member
    My name is Jennifer , Im 34.

    Height: 5' 2 & 1/4".
    SW: 326
    CW: 291
    GW: 199
    BMR: 2049
    TDEE: 2459

    I started using MFP (consecutively) 1-1-12. Eating 1600 cals a day. Walking 2 to 3 hours a week, and eating my exercise calories back. I had lost 35lbs by April 1. I continued this for the next two months, even stepping up the cardio, and I havent lost a thing since 4-1-12. Soooo Im trying to reset. Been eating 2000+ a day for over a week now and I plan to continue for a while still. For the 1st few months of the year I had trained myself to eat healthy enough to make sure I was full off of 1600 calories. Now Im trying to eat 2400 a day and its been a struggle. Not making the best choices either, ya know, just trying to cram in a few extra calories to get to that number before bed.

    Ive not gained anything, so I have no guilt about going up, I mean, I wasnt losing anything and I was working hard for what seamed like nothing. Im a BIG girl and you'd think 1600 cals a day would have to result in some loss, if nothing but lean muscle. Nope, nothing!!! I have been doing light weight training as well so maybe that has played a part too.

    I have one of those *door way pull up bars* and its in my kitchen, laundry area, and ladies, Lord knows how many times we go in and out of the kitchen, laundry area a day. Any way, every time I go in/ out of that room... I grab on to it and ofcourse I can lift 291lbs but over time I have been able to lift myself about an inch off the floor. My biceps look almost ridiculous because they are well defined and then there's a huge sack of fat hanging from them.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    everyone here is welcome to add me who hasn't. I am on my 2nd day on eat more to weigh less
  • avalon4712
    avalon4712 Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Danielle and I'm going to try to convert from being a calorie counter. I'm 29, 5'4 and 150lbs. I'm a long time yo-yo dieter and have tried every fad diet out there. I've always managed to get results to get me down to about 133 but I've never been able to get lower then that and I always float back up to the 140's. 150 is the heaviest I've been and it's really frustrating because I'm at my most active. I've been jogging/incline training 3-4 times a week since the beginning of the year (this is in addition to the 20-30 min walks with my dog each day) and a first I lost about 8 lbs and though I could feel how much more toned my muscles were underneath the fat on top wasn't going anywhere. I chalked this up to feeling like I could eat more since I was exercising and started to count calories at a net of 1200 a day well since then I've gained it all back and I had no idea why (I tended to splurge on the weekends and assumed that was my problem). Everything I've read about eat more to weigh less makes a lot of sense and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next 6 weeks have in store for me.

    Just as an FYI - my calculations from scoobyworkshop

    TDEE - 2263
    Cut Value (15%) - 1923
    BMR - 1460

    I've been netting usually a little over 1250 calories a day with exercise so I'm going to gradually increase my calorie intake to 1923. I'll be starting at 1500 and adding 100 calories a week.
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member

    I've been "dieting" for years but instead I've steadily gained weight. I recently started "dieting" and exercising again and have not lost a single pound. This doesn't make sense! How is this possible? Well, I have to say, while I am skeptical about the whole "eat more to weigh less" concept, I've read a lot of your success stories and am ready to make a change. I've changed my daily nutritional and exercise goals manually and hope that I can meet them successfully. I have been struggling with depression recently and although I've been exercising, it's been difficult to really push myself through it. Please wish me luck!

    ~ Jacquie
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Hi all I started mfp on Feb 27th, 2012 due to my daughter talking me into it because since I turned 50 what I used to do didn't work for me anymore. I used to basically not eat supper during the week but pig out on the weekends. I could always lose the 5 I gained on the weekends the following week but once I turned 50 I noticed I would keep an extra pound on and then the folowing week the same so my daughter convinced me to join. I will say it was the best thing I ever did. I started out at 1000 calories a day because I was used to not eating much already. I only exercise very moderately walking 25 minutes about 4 days a week. I lost 16 pounds pretty fast. I finally decided to join in the eat more weigh less because I want this to be a life changing eating habit not a diet and I want to be able to eat more. I did finally increase my calories to 1100 last Friday and I lost 1.2 pounds just by increasing my calories 100 more a day. I was so very pleased with this. I plan to up my calories by another 100 in a week or two and will keep doing this til I get to a maintenance level as my husband says I don't need to lose any more weight lol. I am looking forward to finding out what my maintenance level is gonna be. This is a very very supportive site and I am so glad to be a part of it.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Hi I am 45 and have been on MFP since Jan 2nd. I have lost just under 10lbs with 10-12 to go to my goal weight.

    My starting weight was 142.5 currently 132.75. I am set for 1/2lb per week as I don't have much to lose. MFP originally had me set @ 1200 cal / day (shocker I know! !) After a week of starving & being cranky i increased that to 1300. Did that for about a month then upped to 1400.

    After reading more & more here I upped about 2 weeks ago to 1535.

    My BMR (katch-mcardle) is 1283. I used my Fitbit info for TDEE my avg for May has been 1988 burned per day. Some days more some less but pretty close to that.

    So IF I understand all this I should eat between 1590 (1988-20%) and 1689 (1988-15%) and NOT eat back my exercise calories (in my case Fitbit adjustment) UNLESS my net is below 1283?

    My other question is do I need to reset if I have been pretty close on calories (when @ the 1200, 1300 & 1400 I was eating back exercise calories)? If I need to reset do I need the full 8 weeks & does my net then need to be my TDEE #?

    Thanks! !!!
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    I'm new to this eating more to weigh less, but so far it has been very beneficial!!
    I was (and still am) with a personal trainer and eating less than 1200 calories and gained weight. He has been teaching the ways to eat more and everything else and to add, I should have been eating at least 1990!!. Glad I found this group :)
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Hi I am 45 and have been on MFP since Jan 2nd. I have lost just under 10lbs with 10-12 to go to my goal weight.

    My starting weight was 142.5 currently 132.75. I am set for 1/2lb per week as I don't have much to lose. MFP originally had me set @ 1200 cal / day (shocker I know! !) After a week of starving & being cranky i increased that to 1300. Did that for about a month then upped to 1400.

    After reading more & more here I upped about 2 weeks ago to 1535.

    My BMR (katch-mcardle) is 1283. I used my Fitbit info for TDEE my avg for May has been 1988 burned per day. Some days more some less but pretty close to that.

    So IF I understand all this I should eat between 1590 (1988-20%) and 1689 (1988-15%) and NOT eat back my exercise calories (in my case Fitbit adjustment) UNLESS my net is below 1283?

    My other question is do I need to reset if I have been pretty close on calories (when @ the 1200, 1300 & 1400 I was eating back exercise calories)? If I need to reset do I need the full 8 weeks & does my net then need to be my TDEE #?

    Thanks! !!!

    Hi! and yes, you have the basic concept down regarding your numbers. :smile:

    In regards to the reset, it is recommended for anyone who has come from a VLCD for any long lengths of time. If you only Netted under your BMR for a short time, then you may do just fine just upping your calories to TDEE - 15% (we don't usually recommend the tdee-20% because it tends to put people below their BMR after exercise and a smaller deficit has been shown to be more effective in the long run for better losses overall)

    At some point, most people 'reset' to some degree, either with the full 8 weeks (or more depending on the damage done to their metabolism) or with shorter 'diet breaks'. If you start at tdee -15% and find that you gain and then stabilize, it's usually a sign that you should up your calories to maintenance (tdee #) and do a reset, then drop back down into your TDEE -15% deficit. If you lose at first on the TDEE - 15%, then plateau, take a diet break (up to maintenance) for a week or two, then drop back into your deficit.

    Make sense?
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hey guys, I am new. I did join up about a week and a half ago but lurked a lot :)
    I am Cassie, almost 20 and live in Australia.

    I am vegetarian and part of the reason why I gained so much weight was getting take aways and working in fast food. Potatos are my favourite and its been hard letting them go! I have lost to date 9.9kg (22 pounds) since April 1st 2012.

    Starting weight: 115kg (253lb)
    Current weight: 105.1kg (231lb)
    Goal weight: 80kg (175lb)

    I am eating around 1700 - 1800 calories a day. 45% carbs 30% protein 25% fat.
    My main exercise is walking and situps. :drinker: nice to meet everyone.