Weigh-in/Measurement updates



  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I started upping calories May 1st. Had my monthly weigh and measure at Curves last week. Down 2.5 pounds, -1.75 inches, no change in body fat %. I really thought I'd see more of a loss in inches and fat, I went down a pant size (the 1.75 was all off my abdomen, so I guess that's why, lol). I'll admit I'm disappointed, but I'm going to keep on with EM2WL!
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    I have been eating more for about 7-8 weeks. I'm only down a 1/2 pound but lots and lots of inches, 2 pants sizes and just finished stage 1 of NROLFW.

    Here is my before and after from when I started MFP at the beginning of the year. I think I might have been heavier than in the before photo by the time I started but hardly have any pictures of myself The after taken 2 days ago- and TOM is now so I'm even bloated :-)
    Still much work to do!!!


    Here is my before/after face shot. Admittedly an awful before picture. The after was from a few weeks ago, I think I may have thinned out a bit more, I can feel more bone structure when washing my face- ha!


    I have some before starting EM2WL but they are on my jefit app on my phone and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload. I think you have to have the pay version to upload and sync to your online account- bummer!!!
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Finally had a scale drop since starting this journey- only 1/2 pound but I'll take it. I've dropped all over in inches (finally in my hips too!) and dropped 2 pant sizes which I'm thrilled about!

    I've been eating more since mid April and things feel like they are really falling into place and my body is kicking into gear. So thankful for this board --- the information and support here is unrivaled!

    I just started using the BMF today and I may even need to up calories a bit- woohoo!!

    2 sizes?!?!?! That is amazing! I would take only a 1/2 pound loss if I could lose 2 pants sizes!

    I know right! I'm happy about it. I'm in a size 10 now and they are getting loose, looking forward to single digit clothing sizes!
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Woops- thought I put my photos on the before/after thread but put them in the wrong thread! That's what I get when trying to write posts on my phone!!
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    So I am just finishing up 4 weeks of eating more and wanted to share my success. To give a little background, I started MFP in September of last year. I started at around 312 lbs. I began the way many of us did. I lost weight and lost it quickly. I was probably netting around 1600-1700 calories a day. On heavy cardio days, it was even under 1000 calories. I lost about 35 lbs. Around the holiday season, I hit a plateau and managed to push myself to do even more cardio. I also cleaned up my eating some and managed to lose around 4-5 lbs before hitting another wall.

    So, after reading a post about eating more, I decided to start easing my calories up. After joining this group a bit later, I decided to just give in 100% to the idea of eating more. After going back and calculating my before and after caloric intake, I determined that my weekly, net caloric intake went up by 4-8k calories a week.

    So here are my results after about 4 weeks:

    Starting stats:

    Weight: 267.4
    BF%: 35.9
    Waist: 49.5
    Neck: 17.5
    Hips: 46

    Current stats:

    Weight: 265.2
    BF%: 33%
    Waist: 46.5
    Neck: 17
    Hips: 44

    I don't do as many measurements as a lot of people do. I am really just concentrating on my BF% number. I've lost almost 3% body fat in the last month. Over the past few months, I've received so many more compliments about my current progress (the 2.2 lbs) than I have for losing the previous 42lbs. That really does go to show that people notice the inches rather than the number the scale shows. I feel like I have my metabolism back for the first time in years.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Well, it's been 19 days since I last gave an update. I'm feeling pretty discouraged and ready to throw in the towel :frown: but on reflection I think perhaps I really haven't been consistent enough with *anything*. On the whole I've been pleased with my efforts this year (major changes...regular exercise, counting cals, upping my protein, trying to make better choices about portion sizes) but every now and again I can't help feeling that I'm just not making the progress that I see alot of you guys making, so I must be doing something wrong.

    I really, really would appreciate some constructive criticism and comments on why I don't seem to be getting much in the way of results (or maybe I'm just expecting too much now that I'm over 40 and my progress is as it should be?)

    Here's some background info and also some stats that I've been keeping track of both here on MFP and on a spreadsheet.
    Age 43, 5 ft 7, TDEE for a moderately active me, minus 15%, is around 2180

    My workouts consist of up to 3 days at the gym doing circuit training on the cross trainer and with dumbells (up to 11 pounds in each hand) and body weight (squats, lunges, planks) for an hour. Lately I've cut back a bit on exercise hours due to work commitments and a cold/flu which has left me a bit drained. If I don't make it to the gym I'm doing some Turbofire or other DVD workouts a couple of times a week and some gardening at the weekends. Other than that I'm pretty sedentary as I am a tutor. There are a couple of big gaps on my exercise report, the latest being when I felt too ill to exercise and the one in April was when I went to Spain. There are gaps in my records of calories consumed for these periods but on the whole I ate reasonably sensibly.

    Anyway, here's the stats, please feel free to offer advice, I just feel like it's me against my body at the moment and it's a lonely struggle!


    Quite a few peaks there, a bit too high. PMT cravings and generally feeling tired and in need of a boost -> eating too much.


    Since following EMTWL I've made sure I net above my BMR of approx 1650. I've always loved my food so I never really have a problem eating up to my TDEE.

    The only other thing perhaps affecting my progress could be my water intake. Most days it's at 4-6 cups with a few cups of decaff coffee and the odd soda (only lately, mother in law bought me some!). My food diaries are open too.

    What do you think? Be totally honest. I think I know the answer, not enough focus, maybe I'm confusing the hell out of my body by not sticking closely to numbers and routines, but I need to hear it from others with experience.

    Edit: some of the data has disappeared on the right of the images, I can see it by right clicking and selecting view image.

    ok, so it's another week on and I'm hanging on for dear life, soo tempted to drop my calories but trying to keep the faith!
    I've upped my water to over 9 cups the last few days, changed up my exercise from doing 4 or 5 circuit training sessions at the gym to one or two gym sessions, one long jog at the weekend and 3 different DVDs (Turbofire, The Firm and Sparkpeople).

    I also tried upping my calories from an average of 2200 to 2500 per day for this last week and upped my exercise calories burned from 2400 to 3100 for the week. I've gained again, so I guess upping calories isn't the right thing. Now at 208 pounds this morning. I didn't exercise yesterday and I am hoping if I weigh two days after I work out I won't be seeing fluid retention on my scales. I have also gained a little around my middle: 1.5cm at my natural waist and 3cm around the widest part of my tummy. I'm just about mid cycle so it can't be a TOTM gain, and surely after upping my water intake it can't be fluid retention??

    Basically, I'm more or less right back to the same measurements as I was in February! Surely there should be something more positive than this after 3 months of being mindful of calories, working harder, watching and waiting! Can't tell you how frsutrated I am right now! ::grumble: :sad:

    Please can anyone advise what I should be doing differently, if anything?

    I definitely agree with the other poster that you when you upped your calories, upping your exercise too was counterproductive.

    From what I can see you are trying the TDEE -15% cut right? Have you considered the full reset? If you are not seeing results, and especially if you are gaining at tdee cut value, then I highly suggest that you consider a full metabolism reset and then drop back down into your cut. We have a support thread for those that need it who are doing their full reset.

    You may find that you gain a little in the reset before you stabilize, but once you drop back into your deficit again you should start to see the results you are hoping for! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/612353-metabolism-reset-eating-at-tdee-support-thread
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Start date 30th april 2012
    old cals 1500 netting 1100-1200
    new cals for workout and nonworkout days - 2150 or net at least bmr of 1670

    one month later lost my first pound. yay its begun

    I upped to my cut value and at first was a struggle to eat so much but i swapped my light options for regular ones. Had protein powder after my workouts some days and made homemade protein balls to get in some extra protein. Tempting to get those extra cals with junk food but i find i don't really want it now and so go for fruit usually. But of course i don't limit myself if i feel like a treat ... I just have some restraint now!

    i eat every 2-3 hours and am hungry every time. I do 30 day shred x3 week and elliptical/cross trainer x2 week.

    I recently ran a 5km and got my best time ever ... managed to shave off 10 mins off my previous time.

    I was also very consistent with hitting my cut value every single day so my body and i now know when to expect its next meal and trusts me to fuel it properly.

    thank you Lucia and kiki

    My next week and I am bouncing around within the same kilo but i am not worried about that. i decided today to only go by measuring for the next month and ignore the scales as this is what really matters. The scales have been put away!

    Well in the past week I have lost another 2cm/0.8 inches. That is a total of 6cm/2.4 inches in one month. Whoop whoop!!!!

    Scale may continue to bump about but my clothes are looser and I am losing cms/inches and feeling quite proud. Yay for me!

  • angsellis
    angsellis Posts: 44
    I started April 26th and I am down 8lb and 15 inches so far. I'm not starving myself, I'm not depriving myself and after doing the shred for 25 days I feel so much stronger!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I started April 26th and I am down 8lb and 15 inches so far. I'm not starving myself, I'm not depriving myself and after doing the shred for 25 days I feel so much stronger!

    That is amazing, wtg! How much of a cut are your aiming for?
  • angsellis
    angsellis Posts: 44
    I'm currently 179 lbs and I'm eating 1800 calories daily. That is based on a 15% cut from scooby.
    I should mention that only 3 of those lbs came off during emtwl, the other 5 were my first week on mfp.

    I don't really care what number is on the scale but I would like to get into a size 8 eventually if possible. I started in size 14 pants and am now in 12 and some are baggy.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    YAY Ang!!!

    I was down another 1.4 this week for a total of 6.4 since starting to eat more at the end of April.
  • angsellis
    angsellis Posts: 44
    That is a great loss. WTG HH!
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    Almost a month into EM2WL and the initial 1 to 1.5 pound gain (which happened to come at the same time as TOM...so who knows what really caused the gain) is gone. I'm giving it a few more weeks before I take measurements again, but so far, my biggest fear - gaining a BUNCH of weight from upping my calories - has not come true. Whew.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    Hey Y'all....do you recommend taking measurements every 1 or 2 weeks? just wondering if a week is enough time to see inches lost....im on a scale free regime at the moment and dying for some numbers
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hey Y'all....do you recommend taking measurements every 1 or 2 weeks? just wondering if a week is enough time to see inches lost....im on a scale free regime at the moment and dying for some numbers

    If you can hold out...monthly would probably be better. I do think it depends on how much you have to lose though. I have seen a difference in inches from week to week but I have a lot to lose.
  • I started my fitness challenge in March, after my birthday on 02/22)

    These are my current stats and the changes are in parentheses.

    Weight - 158.00 (down 11# from beginning @ 169#)

    Waist - 35.75 (down .25" from beginning @ 36")

    Hips - 42.50 (down 1.50" from beginning @ 36")

    Bust - 40" (no change from beginning @ 40")

    BMI - 29 (down 4 points from beginning @ 33)

    Thigh - 22.75 (down 2.25" from beginning @ 24")

    Arm - 12.25 (down .75" from beginning @ 13")

    Chest - 34" (no change from beginning @ 34")

    So the scale is staying the same lately, but the inches are changing a little bit. I'll take that.

    Just got reassessed by the trainer at the YMCA and will begin using the weight machines on Monday, 6/11. Yay! At last I am fit enough not to hurt myself in the gym. (I know, pitiful.)
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    I have been increasing my cals for quite a while now - yes I am one of those who rips the bandaid ever so slowly! :)

    I weigh in on Wednesday. Last week I showed a 1.4 gain - was irritated - but thank you to the sticky posts I stuck it out - and didn't worry about it. Still kept with my heavy lifting days (NROL4W) and C25K in between (3 days of each and one rest day).

    Anyway - today I had a loss of 5.4 lbs! :) Woo hoo! :) Even better - the scale - a Withings scale which shows fat lbs - showed 4 lbs loss of fat! Woo hoo! I'll take it!

  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    been eating more since March 25th.

    My results this month, not great...
    Only .4 lbs down. and 1 inch off my waist.. Everything else remains the same.

  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    Only .4 lbs down. and 1 inch off my waist.. Everything else remains the same.

    Whaaaa?!?!?! An inch of the waist is heavenly!! WAY TO GO! if you lost an inch every month...just imagine!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I agree! An inch of the waist per month is amazing!