1st Trimester



  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    1985Freckle - I'm glad your doctor is working with you and not just believing what the test said!! I hope your next appointment will confirm what you've believed all along :)

    We had our first ultrasound today! I measured at 7 weeks on the dot...such a sweet little heart beat. Due date moved to Jan 24th now - I go back in 3 more weeks for another ultrasound!!

    Awwwwww!!!!!!! That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Awesome!!!!!!!!! This is such an exciting time for you! I pray for an easy trouble-free pregnancy and delivery for you!

    I am glad the doc didn't act like I was totally off my rocker too LOL I am 9wks 2-4 days. I know when (within a 24hr window) conception was. It's kinda nice knowing which BC pills you missed LOL Thing is, my LMP was a couple days after conception (takes a week for the egg to make it way in there anyway) so all the drs do is go on that which would make me only 6wks according to them. *eyeroll* I can wait to hear those precious little heartbeats and tell all the doubters "Told Ya So!" LOL

    wow, quite a situation you have there. lol.. Of-course WE know better when it happened. Can't wait to hear what your ultrasound says so you can prove the drs all wrong. :) I have my first apt and ultrasound on the 20th, I am soo excited. I can't wait already.

    emswanson: how come they are doing another one in 3 weeks? I know its awesome being able to see your baby so much! with my daughter I had a ton of ultrasounds, not because I wanted them, but because they thought she was growth restricted so they wanted to keep an eye on her. I had a anatomy ultrasound every 2 weeks and every week they did the one on the small machine to check the fluid levels. It all ended up being quite expensive but thankfully I had good insurance that cover 90% of everything

    +2.6lbs :(
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    coco - I'm actually not sure why! They didn't mention any specific reason - I know they wanted me to come back to talk about the prenatal screenings and stuff, but I'm not sure what the reason for an ultrasound is. They said I should have them around 12 wks, 16 (gender, but we aren't doing that one), and 20, and then a few after 30 wks depending on if I have any issues. So I guess we will see!

    One thing I was super excited about yesterday was my blood pressure - in college I was on birth control which gave me high blood pressure (I was a college athlete and in amazing shape, so it happened out of the blue and was related to the BCP). As soon as I went off the BCP, it returned to normal, but ever since then I've gotten "white coat syndrome" at the doctor's office and it's always high there. Yesterday I asked them to take my BP halfway through my appt instead of RIGHT when I walked in because I was so nervous and excited and knew it would be high...it was 124/67, so I was excited it was much more normal. My OBGYN had said before that even though it's normal at home, the high BP at the doc made her nervous...so I'm glad I could help us all chill out a bit haha. let's hope it stays that way!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    coco - I'm actually not sure why! They didn't mention any specific reason - I know they wanted me to come back to talk about the prenatal screenings and stuff, but I'm not sure what the reason for an ultrasound is. They said I should have them around 12 wks, 16 (gender, but we aren't doing that one), and 20, and then a few after 30 wks depending on if I have any issues. So I guess we will see!

    One thing I was super excited about yesterday was my blood pressure - in college I was on birth control which gave me high blood pressure (I was a college athlete and in amazing shape, so it happened out of the blue and was related to the BCP). As soon as I went off the BCP, it returned to normal, but ever since then I've gotten "white coat syndrome" at the doctor's office and it's always high there. Yesterday I asked them to take my BP halfway through my appt instead of RIGHT when I walked in because I was so nervous and excited and knew it would be high...it was 124/67, so I was excited it was much more normal. My OBGYN had said before that even though it's normal at home, the high BP at the doc made her nervous...so I'm glad I could help us all chill out a bit haha. let's hope it stays that way!

    Great idea! I'll have to have them take mine in the middle next time too! When she took it, it was 158 over something! I told her I wasn't surprised because I was really anxious. Next time, in the middle it is!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    yeah - good call. my regular doctor used to take it at the beginning and end of the appointment for that very reason - always a HUGE difference!! it's just nerves :)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am so upset! I called for my results, they were "negative" (a little less than 3, but last time I think they were 2, so that's at the very minimal not falling- although HCG is apparently not a good indicator for me), BUT that was not the upseting part. They decided to cancel my appointment since the test was "negative."

    They set up another appointment to discuss "why I'm not getting my period." Um... Because I am PREGNANT!!!!!!!! And the appointment is with a guy to boot. So I'll probably end up with the "I know my body better than you, you aren't even a woman" fight! LOL The one plus side is that I will be 11 weeks along. I know the uterus doesn't move up until 12 weeks typically for one baby, but maybe it will move a little earlier with twins and I'll be showing??? Maybe? Please!

    I never thought I'd be fighting so hard for a pregnancy that I didn't necessarily "want" at the time. I mean, as soon as I realized that I could be pregant (almost 2 weeks and 6 negative tests before the positive test on Mother's Day at 6wks-- it took a little while to figure out exactly when conception was/how far along I was.) I WANTED them, but I didn't have this planned myself.

    I just wish they wouldn't act like I am crazy because I'm not.
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    My1985Freckle you should take another home pregnancy test to really make sure or better yet go to a different clinic or hospital for a 2nd opinion. With my daughter the lines were so faint on the home pregnancy test that I couldn't believe it so I went to the emergency room complaining about leg pain (which I did, but I believe it was from all the walking had done that day). I didn't tell them about my test result they just gave me the test and it came back positive and then they did an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok, I was 5 weeks and a couple of days at the time.
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    My1985Freckle I'd wait a few days and take another test. Each week the hormone levels increase. Take a digital test and it will tell you how many weeks you are. Sometimes the doctors tests are not as sensitive and maybe your weeks are slightly off.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    My1985Freckle - I would do like SaraJo16 said and take a digital. What you're going through is so frustrating! The doctor is not always right.
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    freckle - sorry for what you are going through.. a few months before my pregnancy I was so sure that I was pregnant.. got the bloodtest and it was negative, every home test was negative, but I was so convinced.. my period was 11 days late, and every day and negative test was agony. I thought I was going crazy. Every day seems to drag on. In my case, it turns out that I wasn't, and I still don't have an answer for the symptoms I was having. I feel less symptoms now with a positive pregnancy test than I did that month lol. Just keep on trucking. Eventually you will have your answers.. with my pregnancy I had a very faint line, and I started taking tests twice a day to see if it would darken, it took close to a week for the line to be really strong.

    I had my dr appt on friday - it went really well - definately feeling 100% better.. baby is in there swimming around like crazy.. the dr had a hard time getting it to keep still to get the heartbeat lol. Dr told me not to count cals, but if I must 1800, but I am cleared for exercising - she said run a marathon if I want.. so I'm excited to get back into my life without worrying so much all the time! I was thinking that I was 12 weeks and 1 day, ultrasound measured at 11 weeks 6 days.. with a 4 day margin of error, so she said we would keep the original due date of Dec 20.. so, looks like I'm off to 2nd Trimester!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Baby Bump is on the way!!!! My uterus popped above the pelvic muscle line yesterday! The Doc will have a hard time denying this one.

    Also, it is completely 100% IMPOSSIBLE for me to have the DOC wrong by more than 24hrs. Logisticly impossible. Also, all my symptoms are right on track based on my DOC. It's only a matter of time until the docs do an U/S and we get to see these marvelous little ones. Some women just don't produce HCG (or not much of it). The HCG tests are only accurate in 85% of women and it is not even considered an accurate measure in Europe. I'll be holding my twins at Christmas. :-)
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Hey everyone!! Glad to see everyone is doing well, outside typical pregnancy worries :) My first appointment is next Monday, so hopefully that will alieviate some of mine. I'm so glad I found this group so I know I'm not alone in them! Sometimes I feel like a crazy person with all these thoughts running through my head.

    I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one terrified of babycenter!! My boyfriend asked me to stay off the site until after my first appointment because of all the MC talk. It almost makes me feel like its inevitable!

    My1985Freckle: I'm glad to hear you're progressing so quickly!! I'm sorry you've been getting the run around, but I'm crossing my fingers you'll have some straight answers soon!
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Hey ladies!! Just wanted to give an update before I moved into the second trimester!!! :happy: Had my NT scan today baby is looking great Heart Beat at 143 suppose to be 14 weeks on Thursday but the baby is measure a couple of days behind, 13w 1d. The doctor gave me a 90% chance that it looks like I'm having another lil Girl!! :love: So excited!!! Have to wait 7 weeks for confirmation. Well ladies wish ya all the best and see ya soon in the second trimester!!! Ohhh NT Scan came back low risk for down syndrome will have the blood work results next week.:bigsmile:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    thats great to hear pcedano! and wow, they were able to see the gender already? thats awesome! Im hoping for another girl, but we shall see! I'm getting anxious! Good to see NT scan came out good! \

    lou-ann- I have a hard time staying off babycenter, I am on edge now cause of all the mc talk on there. makes me second guess myself.

    I am 9 wks now and started feeling like a burning sensation in my lower abdomen. I slept on my tummy and I wonder if that has something to do with it or maybe its ligaments stretching? I had cramps throughout my pregnancy with my daughter, but it seemed normal then and I was carefree. Now I am more aware of things and every pain freaks me out. LOL I haven't really had cramps this time around and I am guessing I'm at the point where my uterus is probably pushing itself up from the pelvis area?? hmm hmm. I also have lower back cramps. I heard its normal so hoping for the best. I have an appt on wednesday! yey, hoping to get all my questions answered.

    9wks today
    +3.9lbs :((
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not a fan of baby center either!! But I find BabyZone.com great!!! the December Due Date Club has their own FB group page!! is much like this and everyday is a new activity!!

    Yeah I was surprise too but the hospital I go to uses 3-D sono's
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    hey ladies havent posted in a few!

    Had my 1st US yesterday, thought I was 7w2 days but came back 6w5d but thats okay so the tiny bean and had a HB of 117 us tech said it was normal for so early! She did say that I have a subchronoic hemerroage though! and the drs office called me today and want to do another US in 2 weeks to make sure it has gone away or not gotten worse! oh yeah and 7 tubes of blood later lol

    I m on babycenter but I just dont read the miscarriage threads! I've had 4 live babies and 3 miscarriages so I know the risks I dont need to read it from someone else LOL

    Oh yeah got zofran not sure how much its helping and phenegran makes me sooooo tired!

    ANyway hope you all are hanging in there....and congrats to the mommas moving to 2nd tri!! cant wait to meet you there!
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Emily here popping in from the 3rd trimester board to ask you all a huge favor!

    I have an assignment to do for my Pysch class and the topic I picked was "Do women change their health behaviors in pregnancy". I just have a quick survey that needs taking, it will only take a couple of minutes to do. It's anonymous and doesn't ask for any personal info that would identify you. I apologize in advance for the format, I didn't realize I only got 10 questions for free, so had to get creative in fitting them all in!

    Here's the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GJZ8S92

    I really appreciate it ladies!

    Thanks in advance!

  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Me again! Please ignore my post, I got enough replies so had to close it!

    Hope you are all doing great!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    ok ladies it is time for me to say goodbye and move on to the 2nd trimester. I will be 14 weeks on Saturday and I think I overstayed my welcome here. I hope to see you all over their soon and to have a great 1st trimester.
  • dls0516
    dls0516 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies! I had my 10 week appointment this week and heard a heartbeat! I was so anxious that we wouldn't hear anything but it was a strong heartbeat at 176 bpm. It took her a minute to find it but it was an such a sweet sound when she did.
  • toiharold
    toiharold Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all, I am new to the group. Found out last week we are pregnant with our first little one! Any advice is welcome. Still trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating? I have been on a wt loss plan since Jan 2012 eating about 1290 Cal a day. I bumped.up to about 1900 but still unsure if this is enough. I am perpetually starving. Any advice??