1st Trimester



  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 58 Member
    I'm ten weeks as of yesterday but i don't have my first ob appointment until the eighteenth due to switching from my regular doctor to an ob. So I'm kinda frustrated because i don't even know if on the eighteenth if i will get to hear the heartbeat or not since its my first appointment with her. My other doctor didn't have the equipment to do it. Ugh I'll be twelve weeks by then! Just wish i could grab a stethascope and do it lol
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Joining y'all in the first tri! Just got a BFP on Monday - yay! We've been trying for 13 months, so we were completely shocked to see 2 lines - just thought it would never happen. This is our 2nd go round with kids - my youngest will be 10 with this baby comes! I don't see my doc until August 1, but he did have my thyroid and progesterone labs drawn today as those both can be persnickety for me. And, as of last Friday, I'm officially of "advanced maternal age." Joy!

    I've had crazy cycles over the last year (thank you progesterone deficiency) and was having a period every 35 to 66 days! Finally, a couple of months ago, a friend suggested checking my progesterone levels, and lo and behold I was right at the line between normal and menopausal (I just turned 35). After starting progesterone cream, I got my period every 18 days for two cycles, then I had the cycle during which I got pg! Long story short - I have no idea how to calculate a due date. I'm guessing somewhere between February 25 and March 5, as my LMP was June 1, and I'd had two 18-day cycles in a row. Who knows!

    I think I'll be around 9 to 91/2 weeks for my first appointment. Hoping to hear a heartbeat!

    So, as far as MFP goes, I plan to continue running (3 miles, 4 times per week) and the occassional water aerobics class. May not keep up with Jillian Michaels because she kicks my butt!! Also plan to keep eating my 1330 calories, plus my exercise calories. I'm a bit "fluffy," so I have plenty to feed the baby for now. I would love to keep my weight gain to 15 pounds or less with this pregnancy. I'm currently 5'5", 165 (same weight from the day I delivered my youngest). Pre-pregnancy, my goal weight would have been 140, start weight was 180.

    Good luck to all of you - super excited to share this time with you all!!!
  • Coshie80
    Coshie80 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all,
    Joined MFP earlier this week now I'm wading into the community message boards. I am currently 9 weeks pregnant will be 10 on Tuesday. I've already seen its sweet little heart beat but we haven't told anyone, we are waiting till my parents anniversary near the end of the month.
    We were pregnant a few months ago but we found out at about week 6 or 7 there was no baby, I guess it just never formed. So with this one we are keeping it quite close and quiet. We are also hyper sensitive to every little cramp or feeling, but I guess thats to be expected, this will be our first.
    I am overweight and it does worry me about having a healthy baby, I want to do a home birth and I know I can only do it if I'm a low risk pregnancy, which I am right now. So staying fit and eating right is my biggest priority right now. I was doing a Wii Active workout before I got pregnant and I have continued with that and added a Prenatal Pilates program to strengthen my core for the road ahead. I'm excited to meet more expectant Mommies out there that are going through the same or similar conditions as myself.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Hey all, just had my first OB appt today which consisted of all the paperwork and labs. My first real appt to include hearing the baby's heartbeat will be 20 July. Currently 9 weeks, so I'll be 11 weeks for the next appt. Will be a great way to start our babymoon as we'll leave 21 July for Hawaii! July's been an exciting month for us and we're looking forward to more!
  • kc9lbd
    kc9lbd Posts: 9 Member
    I am 6.5 weeks roughly. I have yet to have any appointments. My big fear with this one as with my first 2 are that I will lose control of the weight gain. I only lost about 10# since my daughter 2 years ago. After I have my first appointment I will share more of my goals.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am about 6 weeks pregnant, confirmed this week with a blood test. I am in complete shock, we weren't trying and never thought after 10 years of being together that this could happen by accident. We are excited and in a decent position to take this on, but its still completely surreal.

    I am just adjusting to the idea at the moment and trying to work out what training I can continue to do. I did my first crossfit WOD this week since I found out and it was so hard to take it easy. My trainer has just had a baby and she knows what I should and shouldn't be doing, but its hard to put my competative streak aside and be sensible!

    I haven't tracked my food all week, I thinkg its all been too shocking! I will get back into it though, I don't want to lose all my good work!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome everyone and congrats!!!
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome and congrats ladies!!

    It wasn't until a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant that people started noticing my weightloss. Well this morning a coworker was eyeing my waistline before awkwardly asking if I was still trying to lose weight.

    I'm at a frustrating point. I don't want to tell people outside my close family and friends until the 2nd trimester and even though I've only gained half a pound, my waistline looks like I've gained about 10. Even the loose fitting tops aren't concealing it anymore. Thankfully, I only have 10 days until my next appointment and if all goes well I'll be able to be honest about it. Let's hope I don't completely snap before then!
  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    Name: Rama
    Hubby/Partner: Mo
    How many kids do you have: This will be our first :)
    Due Date: February 26, 2012
    How far along: 6 weeks 4 days
    Do you know the gender: Note yet
    Have you picked out the baby's name: Won't decide until we know boy or girl.
    Where do you live: UK
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, Pregnancy Yoga
    Pounds gained: none so far

    I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago after 1st IVF cycle after 3 years of trying to conceive.
    I am petrified of miscarrying and unable to enjoy my pregnancy. I don't have nausea as such but I definitely feel gross after a bigish meal.
    My first scan is 11 July at 7 weeks so hopefully that will put my mind at rest given it goes according to plan.

    How are you girls feeling? What symptoms do you have at this stage?
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    I'm ten weeks as of yesterday but i don't have my first ob appointment until the eighteenth due to switching from my regular doctor to an ob. So I'm kinda frustrated because i don't even know if on the eighteenth if i will get to hear the heartbeat or not since its my first appointment with her. My other doctor didn't have the equipment to do it. Ugh I'll be twelve weeks by then! Just wish i could grab a stethascope and do it lol

    Have you thought about buying a doppler? I think the sonoline B is under $60. I usually rent mine, but this time around Im buying one. I love hearing the heartbeat everynight before bed :) Last pregnancy I was able to pick it up at 9w!!

    How is everyone feeling?? I still dont feel pregnant at all!!! 6 more days until my 6 week ultrasound. Cant wait!!
  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 58 Member
    So my prenatal blood work came out fund but I'm a carrier for two genetic problems one being cystic divisive and the other being sma . My husband hasn't had the testing yet to see if he is a carrier but i was just wondering if anyone has had the same or similar news
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Not really feeling preggers yet, either. Tired, occassional boob tenderness, and I do think my nose is more sensitive, but no morning sickness yet. My hcg has been looking good so far - on 7/2 (evening) it was 720; 7/3 (morning) it was 1100; 7/5 (evening) it was 2200. Probably will try to get another one tomorrow morning and hope that it's over 4000. Doc wants to do a u/s on Tuesday to make sure the gestational sac is in the right spot - I'm a candidate for ectopic pregnancy because I had surgery on my tubes 13 months ago. While I will be thrilled to find the sac in my uterus, I would LOVE to see a little heartbeat too! I'll be somewhere between 5w5d and 7w1d on Tuesday. (5w5d based on a standard 28-day cycle; however my cycle is only 18 days, hence the potential for 7w1d.) Due date should be somewhere between 2/25 and 3/5.

    Congrats to all of you!!! Prayers for healthy babies and pregnancies for us all!!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am definately feeling pregnant, had a couple of days of morning sickness and I am insanely tired each night by about 8:30pm. I am experiencing weird digestive issues that aren't the norm for me too :-(
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member

    Have you thought about buying a doppler? I think the sonoline B is under $60. I usually rent mine, but this time around Im buying one. I love hearing the heartbeat everynight before bed :) Last pregnancy I was able to pick it up at 9w!!

    How is everyone feeling?? I still dont feel pregnant at all!!! 6 more days until my 6 week ultrasound. Cant wait!!

    Where do you buy these dopplers and where do you rent them? And what kind did you get that you were able to hear the heartbeat at 9 weeks. I would really need assurance, my first ultrasound is on Monday July 16th and I will be 11 weeks the next day, on that Tuesday. My waist has been widening, I am really tired and feel sick all day, plus I have a major family reunion this Friday (that I am organizing), it will be difficult not telling them and lying about it. Plus, having a miscarriage in October last year, has got my mind wondering and worrying ALOT!! Maybe the doppler would put my mind at ease?
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43

    Have you thought about buying a doppler? I think the sonoline B is under $60. I usually rent mine, but this time around Im buying one. I love hearing the heartbeat everynight before bed :) Last pregnancy I was able to pick it up at 9w!!

    How is everyone feeling?? I still dont feel pregnant at all!!! 6 more days until my 6 week ultrasound. Cant wait!!

    Where do you buy these dopplers and where do you rent them? And what kind did you get that you were able to hear the heartbeat at 9 weeks. I would really need assurance, my first ultrasound is on Monday July 16th and I will be 11 weeks the next day, on that Tuesday. My waist has been widening, I am really tired and feel sick all day, plus I have a major family reunion this Friday (that I am organizing), it will be difficult not telling them and lying about it. Plus, having a miscarriage in October last year, has got my mind wondering and worrying ALOT!! Maybe the doppler would put my mind at ease?

    This is the one I am buying http://www.fetalharmony.com/Sonoline-B-Fetal-Doppler-p/sonolineb-bl.htm

    Here is a youtube video of someone at 8 weeks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8XXn9oRnBA

    This girl does a wonderful review of it. Explains the features. I think she was 9 weeks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yijrz4S7Di8

    I usually rent mine from bellybeats. Back then dopplers cost like $300, so I rented. But now this one seems to be a great quality and is affordable, so I will be buying this time. Not everyone can hear at 9 weeks, (they say 100% by 12 weeks) but I used mine throughout my whole pregnancy, up to delivery date. I loved loved loved it!!
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Ultrasound looked great today! Too early to see a heartbeat (5 weeks, 4 days), but the gestational sac and yolk sac looked just right. The tech even found my corpus luteum and showed me how it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. She said everything looked just as it should in a good, healthy pregnancy!

    Woke up with nausea this morning - couldn't get peanut butter on my son's english muffin for the life of me - the smell was overwhelming!

    Congrats to all - and prayers for happy, healthy babies!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    13 weeks today!! wow time is sure passing by now! when does 2nd tri start? I've heard different things, some say at 13, some say at 13 and 4days and some say 14wk. I am confused yet again. lol

    Well I am up about 6lbs :(( not fun
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    JillSandm: I'm so glad you received such good news so early on! Congrats on the good news!

    Cocolo: I've heard the second trimester ends after 12, 13 and 14 weeks. So I think you can just take your pick!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi yummy mummies to be!

    I found out I'm pregnant on Sunday (EDD 7th March), bit of a shock, but a pleasant one once the dust settled! I have two kids 6yrs and 4yrs, and will be turning 39 on Friday .... I reckon that makes me of advanced maternal age too!! This one was conceived in a moment of madness a few weeks ago when we had such a relaxed weekend, kids off playing with friends, we got to spend lots of time together, talked about having another, husband agreed to try ... we tried (ahem!) and voila!

    Before finding out I was pregnant I had a pretty full on exercise schedule ... running (5 - 7km), plus running the kids to school and back every day (2km each way), biking (40km), bootcamp 3 mornings a week and hot yoga ... I went for a run on Monday and had spotting right after, the midwife has said no more running, which means no more bootcamp, as there's just no way I could take part in that and not run ... :-( ... she also said hot yoga wasn't a good idea in the first trimester, probably too hot for developing fetus ...so that leaves me with my bike ride, so I'm planning to start swimming again. I do triathlons over summer (it's winter here in New Zealand right now), so swimming will be good, and I guess I have to try power walking, but I know I'll find that frustrating and want to run. I'm thinking if I do some regular power walking, I might be able to work up to running and maybe even bootcamp after 12 weeks ...

    As for feeling pregnant, I'm feeling tired and nauseous. Craving carbs which, alongside not running, doesn't bode well for minimising weight gain.

    I've changed my settings, but am going to change it back now I know what my maintenance calories are ...
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    I just got back from my first appointment. We'll get an ultrasound on Friday. It went pretty well. I had quit using MFP a few weeks ago. I had an awful stomach bug, then nausea and fatigue from the pregnancy got me low. I was trying to eat healthy but vegetables and nutrient dense food made me terribly ill. All I want is salty food and bread. Not good. I have even been craving the nasty brown sauce lo mein from the chinese buffet. I never eat that stuff. I'm one of those Pho or Thai folks who likes flavor. I tried telling the ob that everything has "too much flavor."

    I think I've adjusted my calories out appropriately and I'm planning on doing the 6 meals (1 every 2.5-3 hours). I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day.