Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • BlackLabel1803
    BlackLabel1803 Posts: 21 Member
    HI I'm Carolyn!
    Age 24
    RP? Yes.
    LARP? No.
    What are your weightloss goals?! 160
    How many pounds have you lost? 17.5
    Walk on the Beach? Rather float the river.
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    Who are you!
    My name is Christina but I'm known as duhblond or araceli
    immortal - or 29 if you go by my profile
    Female or male?
    yes please
    no, not really a fan, but I love how creative others can be
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Just to get to a size where I'm more comfortable being me
    Walk on the Beach?
    or run or swim or fake a jaws scene or lounge while holding something fruity with an umbrella in it
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Who are you!
    I'm a Christopher
    Female or male?
    Eh, I used to in mumorpugers but the whole playing pretend thing pretty much evolved into excuses for creative *kitten* and I got bored. I do ponder table top gaming again at some point
    *kitten* no
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    I've always been a fatty, but never unhealthy (if that makes sense). I used to do oly lifting and rugby in high school but this was in South America, so couple it with copious amounts of drinking and awesome partying. Its about time I get ripped
    How many pounds have you lost?
    20 since I started on MFP, but I've lost 45 total since September of last year. Stalled a bit and slacked off over the holidays into March before I got started again. Been going strong since.
    Walk on the Beach?
    Pants optional?
  • sky3z
    sky3z Posts: 190 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    Not really
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    I'm not really wanting to lose weight at the moment.
    How many pounds have you lost?
    I've lost over 30 ish in the past.
    Walk on the Beach?
    Weird question :) But okay.

    Currently playing Diablo! Waiting for Guild Wars 2
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hi all my name is Tai and I am a 32 year old female. I dont RP or LARP.... I do play all kinds of vid games from Xbox 360 to PC games. I had a severe EQ addiction for many years until I quit lol. I now play CoD, Skyrim and a few others. I use the Kinect for working out... :)
  • Jimmytwotoes
    Who are you! - Chris
    Age? - 38
    Female or male? - Male
    RP? - No
    LARP? - No
    What are your weightloss goals?! - 105 pounds to lose
    How many pounds have you lost? - Dunno, just started and only weighing on Monday's
    Walk on the Beach? - Yes as often as possible.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Who are you! im Rex
    Age? 30
    Female or male? female
    RP? yes
    LARP? only very drunk
    What are your weightloss goals?! 145
    How many pounds have you lost? a few
    Walk on the Beach? sure
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    Hello world.

    I'm Mari. I'm 21. I'm definitely a female. I used to fancy myself a pretty straightforward nerd - video games, comic books, documentaries narrated by Morgan Freeman, etc. Then one day, I was cosplaying at an anime convention, as one does, and had been groped particularly inappropriately by someone who wanted a picture (as tends to happen when one cosplays as a Final Fantasy XIII-2 character), and I felt angry. The next thing I know, I'm foam sword fighting the night away and almost missing the ScrewAttack panel. So, I guess there's more geekiness in me itching to come out and play.

    I've lost about 90 lbs and have about 40 to go until I'm in the healthy range. Not entirely sure what my goals are. Just kind of going until I get there.

    My video game obsessions at the moment:
    Arkham City - a friend of mine pointed out I'd never played Harley Quinn's Revenge, so I went back and played it, and... I then decided to get all of the Riddler's riddles but wasn't comfortable with the game anymore. So I started a new one, and here I am, replaying this damn thing trying to get 100% for the 4th time.
    Assassin's Creed: Revelations - AC is my favorite video game series of all time. I was ranked in the top 10 in the world for the Brotherhood multiplayer in both manhunt and wanted, but I play Revelations a lot more casually, trying not to burn myself out with the multiplayer, because I want to keep playing it until October when my dear sweet Connor graces my presence.
    FIFA Soccer 12
    Super Mario World

    Most looking forward to:
    Assassin's Creed 3
    Resident Evil 6 - RE4 is in my top five games of all time, and I'm looking forward to Leon's return. :D
    Bioshock Infinite
    Transformers: Fall of Cybertron - I played WfC obsessively. Holy crap am I looking forward to this.
    Watch Dogs - did anyone else see the preview for that at Ubisoft's E3 press conference? I was drooling.

    So feel free to talk to me about anything but FPSs. And WoW. I used to play WoW back in the day, and somewhere between BC and WotLK, I got fed up.
  • sbarron76
    sbarron76 Posts: 5 Member
    Who are you!
    My name is Sean, living in London, Ontario, Canada. Try to game as much as possible, tough when you have a 6 and 8 year old boys looking to do the same thing as dad. Right now, i have Max Payne 3, Kingdoms of Amular, Jax and Dexter on the go. I need to finish off my Mass effect trilogy with my 3 created characters, but waiting for GOY edition. Gaming isn't my only thing, i play baseball, golf (disc and clubs), tennis, and volleyball as well as hit the gym 5 days a week (3 days of weights, 2 days of spin!). I am not your typical geek, if there is one. I work as a business analyst for an investment/insurance company.


    Female or male?



    What are your weightloss goals?!
    sub 200 lbs

    How many pounds have you lost?
    33 lbs, currently at 201!

    Walk on the Beach?
    if there was one close, sure!

    I have just discovered groups after being on MFP for a few months, feel free to add me if you feel like it!
  • Solosesso
    Solosesso Posts: 103 Member
    Who are you! Sophie
    Age? 23 years old
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Yep!
    LARP? Nah
    What are your weightloss goals?! 130 lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? 20 lbs
    Walk on the Beach? Only when I'm on vacation or at my parent's place

    Games of the moment :
    - Tera Online
    - Sims 3
    - Harvest moon : Tree of tranquility

    Anime of the moment :
    - Fairy tail
    - One piece

    Feel free to friend-request me! =)
  • alanray81
    alanray81 Posts: 13
    Hello Everyone. My name is Alan and I am a 31 year old Male from Michigan. I've always been BIG into video games. Growing up, I have pretty much played just about every type of console system that has been released in the U.S. Right now I mainly play games on my X Box 360, PC, and on Facebook. One of my favorite types of video games are FPS. I also like/love Fighting/Wrestling games, Music Games (Like Rockband & Guitar Hero), and RPGs. I don't have weight loss goals per-say (Since I am kinda skinny to begin with) but what goals I do have are to try to live/eat healthier, gain at least some muscle mass, and to eventually quit smoking.

    My favorite video games series are: Resident Evil (I even liked/enjoyed RE 0 (Zero)), Rockband, Guitar Hero, Doom, Left 4 Dead, Mortal Kombat, Bioshock, Diablo, and Silent Hill.

    Other than video games, some of my other interests are: Technology, Music, Horror Movies, Guitars, Basses, and Body Art.

    I do play the guitar and bass. I also have 14 tattoos & 7 body piercings.
  • ncwall
    ncwall Posts: 64 Member
    I am nick, 28, male. I played mmo since 2002 and been gaming forever since the nes was a new system. I have played many rpgs and have been introduced to rp Love earth dawn and savage worlds. I played anarchy online until wow came out played wow for about 5 years and then tried tor. Played all 3 mass effects and slwoly working on re playing with the new ending * here is praying*

    do not larp dont plan to not my cup of tea ahah

    I have lost 23 lbs over the last year and my weigh in i have set for my self is on monday 7/9 bit nervous. i AM last i checked at 307 @ 5'8 and want to be down to 180 to possibly join the reserves.

    My ultimate goal is not what the scale says but to have the functionality of my body to do things like jump my back fence if i want or pull my self out of the pool at the side instead of the steps. I have a amazing 6 month old daughter ( see pic) who has made me want to change being a larger guy.

    Would love walks on the beach if i lived near them and would love to be able to run on the beach daily ( some day)

    Feel free to add me if anyone wishes

    I am happy to not have my gaming on right now so i can focus on my daughter and my health but sometimes do miss my wow tanking time

    Love ren fair and dressing up for it used to be in theater

    and black ops love it but stopped playing once i hit prestige 11

  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm cara. 30, typical cancer.
    i have lady parts, and i grew 2 children in them!
    i've been known to rp (and even erp on moonguard!)
    never larped, don't think i would be good at it.
    i live on a lake, and i have a teensy beach. i love the feeling of sand between my toes, but i don't like going to beaches at oceans. too crowded.

    a few years ago i lost 40 pounds doing low carb.. then i got comfortable, gained it all back (i blame wow and all dressed chips)
    so i'm ready to lose it again! except maybe 50 pounds this time. i'm exercising now - i didn't last time.

    i would much rather stay in and play video games than go out and *gulp* socialize.
    my parents bought the original nintendo for me when it first came out and i've been hooked ever since!
    i really liked d3 but now it's a bit stale.
    wow was my life for 7 years. i'm just super casual now. mop will be fun. my panda is cute!
    i've played swtor and rift. i love zelda games. chrono trigger is one of my faves, along with dragon warrior.

    i love tv. and watch too many series. doctor who especially (and lots of bbc stuff). i also love whedon. basically if its on tv, i've seen it. unless it sucks. but i've seen a lot of things that suck.
    okay i'm done rambling. feel free to add me!
  • digitalodin
    digitalodin Posts: 23 Member
    Hey hey!

    Who are you! : Jesse
    Age? : 27
    Female or male? : male
    RP? : I run a 4th ed and Pathfinder campaign and play in a 3.5 campaign. I'm also looking to join a 4th ed Encounters group. So maybe just a tad.
    LARP? : Nah, nothing against it just haven't had the opportunity to try.
    What are your weightloss goals?! : I arbitrarily picked 165lbs as my end weight but I just want to be small. Nothing too specific.
    How many pounds have you lost? 27 so far since joining MFP. I was at 410lbs a couple years back. Now I'm at 359 lbs.
    Walk on the Beach? : If it's a mid 70's day with overcast sky and the sand isn't scalding hot and there's no trash or other crap on the beach... sure!
  • LadyAshes
    LadyAshes Posts: 19 Member
    Yup. It happened.
    I failed.
    But alas I had another life. Quel Suprise!!! (gods i love video games)

    So heres the rub. I was a faithful member of this site for over 8 months. I was happy here, met some great people and even started seeing results doing Jamie Easons LIve Fit program. Well around the beginning of May I went on vaca with my hubby and fell off the wagon. I even tried so hard while i was on vaca to eat right and stay within my calorie range and went for a run every morning. So 2 weeks pass and I finally get home thinking that it was going to be easy for me to get right back into the swing of things. And heres where the EPIC FAIL comes in. I got lazy, side tracked, busy, depressed and just down right stopped careing.

    SOooo May goes by, as does June and I have gained back the few llbs that I lost. *SIDENOTE* I was never really trying to lose alot of weight in the first place, it was just sad to see it come back so fast * Somewhere near the end of June, I had gotten really low on myself and was looking at my MFP account and looking at a pic I had put up that i thought looked really good and had been proud to put up. Then I saw it... the delete account button... and I pressed it and then imediately regretted it.

    It has now been a couple weeks since this tragic event and I have come back with a vengence. As of today I have logged everything I have eaten and started Day 1 of P90X. I am slowly realizing I should always be proud of what I have and now I need to make sure I am held accountable for my actions. I had some amazing people on my friends list before, and if I could have remembered everyone I would have re-added you as friends. So this is a cry out to all my OLD buddies who havent abandoned me and to a whole range of NEW ones I am hoping to gain from this inspirational website. I am here to stay so scooch on down the couch( and or make room in the gym ) and pass me that controller cause i'm gonna whoop some dragons this time around...
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies and gents. I have been on this site for a while now and been a member of the group about a week but never said hello. My name is Jennie, I am 29 and from NJ. I am currently working on getting healthy after years of weight gain after being medicated in my teens and then just eating too much while gaming in my 20's!

    My first memory of gaming came when I was like 6 and my parents got me a puppy. After a couple months of me sneezing and coughing nonstop and a doctor telling me I had allergies to dogs. My parents softened the blow of giving up said puppy by buying me a brand new NES. I was thrilled.

    Over the years I went from kiddy Mario games to FPS like Halo 1 2 and 3, into MMOs like WoW, Aion and SWTOR. I was a hardcore raider for a couple years and after playing WoW for 6 years I decided to quit and try out SWTOR. Recently I haven't played much but pretty excited that we have a casual WoW guild going in here. I might signup for a month and see what happens.

    Always looking for more gaming buddies. If I join the guild I'll have the same username for my toon. My XBOX tag is Sphyxy as well.

    Hope to meet some more awesome people.
  • xSinfulUndeadx
    Hey, I'm Bri. I'm 21. Im a criminal justice major in college and i am married. I currently weigh 180 and am wanting to weigh 120-125. I play Xbox 360. I'm really into shooter games and RPG's. Just to name a few of my favorite games: Dead space, Gears of war, Skyrim, Resident evil, Mortal combat, Borderlands, Dead rising, Saints row, Ect. Btw, I'm kinda obsessed with zombies. Lol. My gamer tag is xSinfulUndeadx. You can add me if you want. I basically want to lose weight to be healthier and look better. I'm not wanting to be too skinny. I'm currently a size 14 and would like to be a size 8. Nice to meet everyone. :)
  • tiffeh345
    tiffeh345 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello guys. My name is Tiffany. I am 22 years old. I haven't lost any yet but I am hopeful. :)

    The Legend of Zelda are my favorite games ever! I have played all of them. My favorite has to be Ocarina of Time. :D Anyone else like LoZ?
  • TheAshpie
    TheAshpie Posts: 62 Member
    Hey all! My name is Ashley, I'm 22, about to be 23 at the end of this month. I'm female, I've lost 17 pounds so far and a bunch to go (Roughly 60). I'm a PC gal myself. I enjoy MMORPGs mostly, but have played lots of other stuff. Definitely a RPer. ;P Anyways! Great to see all this gamers getting in shape and sexy!
  • Moratu
    Moratu Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I am 29, and turning 30 soon. I enjoy video games and Dungeons and Dragons. I am currently down 85 pounds, and my first goal is to reach 220, with a secondary goal of 185. When I reach 185, my final goal is to drop my body fat % to a level that allows me to live comfortably, but still have an aesthetically pleasing figure (and hopefully a six-pack!). I used to play MMO's quite heavily, but I hardly have time for that anymore with my job, let alone Dungeons and Dragons. I play mostly on PS3, and would love to hang out there with anyone who has the same aspirations.