Stage 2



  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I use the machine that has a billion diff attachments and it also has adjustable height. I go side to side and definitely feel it, but I can barely do 20 lbs. 20 lbs seems low to me compared to my weights elsewhere. My core must suck :p
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I squat 115 and deadlift 105, but I can only do 22.5 on the woodchop, too. I think there are probably different cable pull machines, which would explain the differences in weight.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, 22.5 is the exact weight I'm on. I'm at 155 for Deads and 145 for Squats so 22.5 seemed really odd. But thanks, that makes me feel better.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I started with 22, then 27 and then tried 60 and found i could do it..

    I do it like this guy... Sort of lunged out instead of standing straight up.. i dont know if that helps..

    Definitely feeling it after now though.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Hmm. I may try doing it like this guy. That's the machine I use. I def feel it though. I tried the next weight up but I was already dead from the rest of the workout.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Finished up Stage 2 today. Here are my (not so impressive) results:
    Workout A
    Front Squat: bar only (25lb) - 30lbs (really struggled with this one, tried 10lbs on the bar, and it was too much. By the last workout, I was able to get my elbows up and arms parallel, which was impossible on the first day)
    Step-Up: 15lbs - 20lbs
    Dumbell One Pointed Row: 10lbs - 15lbs
    Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated: 20lbs - 40lbs
    Push-Up - really struggling! Working on going from the 5th bar up on the Smith Machine down to the 4th. Work in progress.
    Plank: 60sec - 90sec
    Wood Chop: 20lbs - 35lbs

    Workout B
    Deadlift (did the Stage 1 version): 70lbs to 80lbs (number includes the 25lb bar
    Split Squat: 25lbs - really worked on form with this, could not "rest" back foot on top of toes)
    UH Lat Pulldown: 60lbs - 75lbs
    Reverse Lunge: 16lbs -30lbs
    Prone Cuban Snatch: 10lbs - couldn't increase, by the end, those 5lbs dumbells are closer to my ears, but still not there. Another work in progress!
    Swiss Ball Crunch: 10lbs - 25lbs
    Reverse Crunch: BW - 6lb ball between knees
    Lateral Flexion: just made sure to feel the burn!
    Prone Cobra: 60sec (no change)

    Taking a couple of rest weeks for vacation and the husband being gone. Then diving into Stage 3! Looking forward to coming back to this set of workouts in Stage 4 tho!

    I haven't really taken photos or measurements, but I do feel stronger. It's easier to pick up my toddler and put him in a shopping cart, and it's *much* easier to just stand up from sitting on the floor. Definitely haven't lost any weight, but that's my own fault - I'm really struggling with food! Of all the places I don't really care about, my shoulders are looking better (not that I don't care, but I'd rather have a flat stomach and less jiggly thighs!) On to Stage 3!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Great job Ginny!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I did 3B today..

    Deadlift (no box) 95
    Split Squat 15 each hand
    underhand Lat Pull down 90
    reverse lunge - skipped it tonight
    Prone Cuban snatch 7.5lbs each
    swiss ball crunch 25 lbs
    reverse crunch yep
    lateral flexion hanna yep
    Prone cobra 60 secs...
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Did my last 2 A today!!

    FSPP - 45lbs i am struggling on these using the bar alone...
    Step up - 40 lbs
    one pt row - 5's
    static lunge - 15's
    push up - elbows in using 3rd rung of smith machine
    Plank - split the 60's into 4 30's
    chop - 32.5kg - which i had no idea how much it was because I don't know kg... its 70 something lbs.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I started with 22, then 27 and then tried 60 and found i could do it..

    I do it like this guy... Sort of lunged out instead of standing straight up.. i dont know if that helps..

    Definitely feeling it after now though.

    Reporting in. Tried this. DEF HELPED. I was able to move up to the next weight and felt it in my sides more. I held on better also.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I watched that video before. I always forgot by the time I arrived at the gym. I:huh:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I started with 22, then 27 and then tried 60 and found i could do it..

    I do it like this guy... Sort of lunged out instead of standing straight up.. i dont know if that helps..

    Definitely feeling it after now though.

    Reporting in. Tried this. DEF HELPED. I was able to move up to the next weight and felt it in my sides more. I held on better also.

    Awesome!!! Great job!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Workout 4B tomorrow :)

    This stage seems so short. Only 4 A's and 4 B's for a total of 8, right? I guess Stage 1 just got us used to everything with there being 16 workouts. I'm reading this right, correct?
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    This stage is killing my Hammys...

    All the split squats and rear foot elevated squat...

    They are painful!! Anyone else get a lot of pain from these moves?

    Thank goodness today is my last Stage 2 workout!!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Im Done Stage 2!! Very little progress at all...

    Workout A
    Squat Push Press 45lbs - no improvement
    Step Up - 40 lbs pre-weighted barbell
    Dumbbell one - point row 15lbs dumbbells
    Static lunge bw only - 15lbs dumbbells
    Pushup- 3rd run smith with elbows in proper form - no improvement
    Plank on floor 60 seconds > no change
    Wood Chop - 22 lbs to 72 lbs

    Workout B
    Deadlift box - 85 lbs to 110
    Split Squat - 12lbs dumbbells to 15lbs
    Underhand Lat Pull down - 90 lbs - no progress
    Reverse lunge - 10lbs no progress
    Prone Cuban snatch 5lbs to 8lbs
    swiss ball crunch 25lbs plate
    reverse crunch - fine
    lateral flexion - yep did it.
    Prone cobra 60 seconds
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Finished Stage 2 :)

    I made some mods, I did a reg deadlift because of how short I am, and did squats instead of the push press which I was NOT comfortable doing.

    Workout A
    Squat: 135 to 150
    Step-up: 25 to 25 in both hands (lol. The step is 2 ft off the ground)
    Dumbbell One-Point Row: 25 to 30 in both hands
    Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated: 30 to 35 in both hands
    Push-Up: Floor to...floor :p
    Plank: 60 seconds broken up to a full 60 seconds
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: 12.5 to 27.5 and boy do I feel these.

    Workout B
    Deadlift: 135 to 155
    Bulgarian Split Squat: 25 to 35 in one hand
    Underhand-grip lat pulldown: 75 to 100
    Reverse lunge from box with reach: 25 to 30 in both hands
    Dumbbell prone cuban: 10 to 15 in both hands
    Swiss ball: I did 15 every time, no weight.
    Reverse crunch: Regular ones to the ones in p90x ab workout
    Lateral flexion: vs 2
    Prone cobra: 60 seconds. Did 90 seconds once but I shake really bad, I'm worn out from everything else.

    HIIT done on a treadmill. 0.5 incline 3.5 walking up to 0.5 incline 3.7 walking as my start and end "easy" to 1.0 incline 5.0 to 1.0 incline 5.2 for my "hard"

    I will be weighing and taking measurements in about a week after my rest week and my 'time' gets gone. This stage, looking at the weights, doesn't make me feel as strong as I remember being in stage 1.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Just did 2/1A last kicked my butt! I'm a little nervous about the front squat push press but I think my balance will get better. That move really works my balance more than the quads, but I think that's a good thing. Wrists are gonna be challenged by this stage I think but I think that's a good thing too!

    Unfortunately I will have to take another really long break (traveling) so I won't be able to be super consistant, but that's no reason not to start. We'll see how B goes...
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Finished Stage 1 AMRAPS today. Looking over the next stage has me a little worried. Squat push press looks hard....
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Good morning all,

    congrats to Juice and DrG for completing stage 2, well done ladies indeed and some impressive numbers.

    BMS34b - my wrists hurt as well when doing the front press so a trainer advised me to use dumbbells instead of the bar or NOT roll the bar back to the fingers - I will be trying that tomorrow.

    Chubbycowgirl - congrats on finishing stage 1. I too was nervous about stage 2 but now that I have completed one exercise in both A and B I LOVE stage 2. I am a little sad actually that there is only 4 workout days for each side. But I guess all good things must come to an end!!

    Last night I did stage 2 B1 and even though it was tough, I really enjoyed it and I didn't even mind that the entire workout took about 75-80 minutes and I was really sweating - I just think of all the fat that this is burning and I ahve to smile!!!

    have a great day all
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    cushygal - that's good to know! I will have to try that.

    I just did Workout kicked my butt too. Feeling good though!