What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • Sadness -> overeating -> increased awareness of fat body -> more sadness -> (devious circle)

    Stress causes it, too. Sometimes boredom. Sometimes "just because it's there" (for example when grandma bakes).
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hi, just joined the group.

    I overeat for all the emotional reasons stated above (bored, stressed, happy, sad, angry, etc.) but never in public. I behave like an addict and I'm ashamed of it, so I never never never pig out in front of others.
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    Stress. Avoidance of major decisions affecting other people. Right now my oldest son and the conflict in our house. Loneliness. Soooo many things!! Lack of routine/planning.
  • dorite7
    dorite7 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not entirely sure but I may be an emotional eater - I eat when I'm happy (to celebrate), I eat when I'm sad (to commiserate), I eat when I'm tired (all the chuffing time I work horrid shifts), I eat when I'm upset (wedding dress doesnt't fit as too fat so what do I do? Start on cake).... The reasons are ENDLESS!!

    I also eat more if I lose a couple of pounds.... And if I don't.

    My brain wants one thing but can't control my mouth/hands enough to allow my body to achieve what I want. Frustrating!!

    You are simply addicted to food......we are all one in the same.....we share the same thoughts and its kinda scary just to think about it......but then again its very comforting also.....just to know that I am not the only one dealing with the same struggles day in and day out!! We are all in the same boat.....and what a very LARGE boat it is too!!
  • unkeptwalnut83
    unkeptwalnut83 Posts: 33 Member
    I realized the other day that I talk and think about food in the same way that my boyfriend (a recovering alcoholic) used to talk about booze.

    Stressed, sad, happy tired, all of it. In the past year, my boyfriend and I have gone through a lot of ****, and I've gained 30 lbs. and I was 20-30 lbs overweight when I met him.

    But, what sparks the bad spirals is depression. I feel awful about myself, eating will make it feel better, then I feel awful about eating, so I eat more to make it feel better, and so on and so on. But, if I can maintain my mood, through whatever combination of physical activity, meditation, therapy, and medication, then I can do it. But when I hate myself, I have to destroy me. By overeating, smoking, drinking, sex, whatever. I've got a long way to go on that.

    And since I'm in between episodes now, I hope not only to lose all the weight but to actually find stress solutions that work. Pa
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    Today, I'm having one of those days where I don't want to do anything but watch tv and stuff my face. I don't feel depressed, more of a numbed, I don't care about anything day. The day is half gone and after I post this, I'm going to go get cleaned up and get out of the house....away from the TV...away from the TV....I'm not being much of a support buddy right now....Sorry guys. :embarassed:
  • kathyanne07
    kathyanne07 Posts: 21 Member
    When I overeat I know my mind will be busy focusing on the food, thus keeping my mind from dealing with the real underlying reasons I overeat. Beginning as a small child, my mom would give us food anytime we needed some sort of comforting. So - I use food to deal with just about everything good, bad, or indifferent in my life. I am trying to reprogram my mind and start new habits to put in place of eating all of the time.
  • amyjax
    amyjax Posts: 102
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    Completely agree with the list, but especially the last point on it. It's like there's a cognitive dissonance going on; I know the pizza/chocolate/wine I want is bad for me, yet I still feel like I want to reward myself with it. Emotional eating is so difficult to get over because it's so entwined in our lifestyles/personalities/emotions, so we have to change so many aspects of ourselves, not just our eating habits.
  • PlushHyena
    PlushHyena Posts: 28
    What makes me overeat:
    * my family ("We don't see each other that much!" ... 20x a year)
    * exams (I have too many of them!)
    * when I don't get enough sleep (very often)
    * breakups (it doesn't happen that often)

    Also, I'm addicted to muffins. I love them more than my social image.
  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 421 Member
    I tend to overeat when my boyfriend realizes so many depressing things in his life (which they are NOT depressing...he just wants so many things all at once and hates waiting)

    When he is down and depressed I have started to notice that whatever mood he is in is starting to rub off on me...

    I'm absolutely like this. I "eat" the stress of people around me. If my family's not doing well, I "let" myself eat more. If my fiance is depressed or not taking care of himself, I kind of go "well, if he's not taking care of himself, why should I?"

    I know rationally that this is not a good reaction. I understand that my stress is my stress, and other people have their own, and it shouldn't affect me. But unfortunately the impulses are NOT rational. And I feel terrible afterwards, physically and emotionally. And I get hard on myself, like "Why the hell did you just eat that, you weren't hungry, and you knew what you were doing!"

    It's hard. I'm clinically depressed, and so is my live-in fiance, so it's hard. I have good days and bad days - just trying to make the good days make up more and more of them!
  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 421 Member
    Hi, just joined the group.

    I overeat for all the emotional reasons stated above (bored, stressed, happy, sad, angry, etc.) but never in public. I behave like an addict and I'm ashamed of it, so I never never never pig out in front of others.

    Welcome! I'm guilty of this too. People don't believe that I overeat - they're like, but you eat so healthy! You always have leftovers! What they don't know is that I hide it - I'll eat later at night. I'll throw away fast food wrappers prior to getting out the car.

    At my lowest times - I'll be out picking up dinner for my fiance and myself, and I'll get a tiny bit extra for me and eat it before getting home, then have the regular dinner. That is also really unhealthy.

    I haven't done that in a while, but I know I have the capability and urge to do it, which is scary.

    So I understand. I'm a closet overeater too.
  • Hello. I am definitely an emotional eater. This usually happens when Im stressed. But I am also a late night snacker, unfortunately. So while I can maintain my portions during the day, once 10 pm hits, its a battle for me.
  • aggie65
    aggie65 Posts: 6
    I over eat when I am bored, and later at night.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    The better question for me would be, what DOESN'T make you overeat?

    A couple of days ago my husband and I got into a fight. Well the first thing I did was go to the kitchen and eat to comfort myself. All that did was make me feel worse. Makes me feel like that every time, but apparently I have yet to learn my lesson.

    I'm an emotional eater. The problem is, my emotional eating doesn't just cover the bad emotions. It covers ALL of them.

    In my family, for as long as I can remember, food was given to me for everything. When I was sad, I got a cupcake. When I got good grades, we went out to eat wherever I wanted. As a reward, I would get Little Debbie snacks. I used to suck my thumb ALOT (until I was 12 actually) and my mom used to give me jumbo suckers instead, so that I wouldn't suck my thumb. I have been trained like a puppy to associate food being able to make everything better.

    That, to me, is the hardest part of all of this. Learning to eat to survive instead of surviving to eat. I have trouble with that every day.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    Stress is definitely a big trigger for me! Also if I'm upset about something.
  • pennysocean
    pennysocean Posts: 12 Member
    I agree!

    I overeat for EVERYTHING. Emotions, all emotion- the biggest one is boredom.

    I saw this quote- you are not a dog, do not reward yourself with food. It really hit me. I realized I use food for EVERYTHING. Celebration for passing a test- lets go out to eat, catching up with my friend- lets go grab some apps and wine, shopping- lets take a break and grab a nice lunch. NO Why can't we do other things?

    I need to eat to live, and not live to eat. Personal struggle- but I am working on it.
  • juggalotus
    juggalotus Posts: 227
    His name is JOE!!! lol...Long story....

    Other things that make me overeat are : stress, work, being bored, sad...anything!
  • cuty133
    cuty133 Posts: 1
    When I am stressed and tired, I tend to overeat. Food helps cheer me up a bit. Therefore, to lose weight, I should lose stress first.
  • hippiebea
    hippiebea Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all! My name is Bea and I'm an overeater and I'm probably a food addict. I eat when I'm happy, celebrating, angry, stressed, sad, and when I'm completely bored! I just joined this group and as I'm typing, I've avoiding another urge to eat! Food is a staple in my culture. Get together's with friends - sushi night. Get together's at work - lunch out. Date night - dinner out. Food is just socialization.

    Sparing the boring history of why I have food issues now the bottom line is this - I never learned good food habits. So far, I have been successful in changing that. I know to watch food portions, I know to eat natural/organic foods, I know to cook it myself, and stay away from fast food joints, and don't eat out a lot. Just because it's called "food" doesn't mean it's good for you. Candy is not a meal, it's a treat. I'm also considering veganism.

    I do most of my overeating at home. I stuff down food with the best of them. My highest weight was 225. ONce I learned that I need to "eat to live" and not "live to eat" my attitude is changing. But in comes that addiction critter and I can relapse. I know this will be a process. I have a reason to stop and get to a healthy weight. I have an autoimmune disease and my body has seen 3 surgeries because of it. Not weighing so much, i may have been able to avoid the surgeries. Having two new knees that need to last, this weight has got to go for the knees, and for my life. I want to live a long time. I'm 38 now, weigh 210. I've been below 200 before coming in at 195 as my lowest .

    I love that this group is here, I don't feel alone in this. I hope to gain accountability to my diet and maintain good healthy eating habits. Please feel free to add me and lets share tips, recipes, and support.
  • ginabrandau
    ginabrandau Posts: 4 Member
    I overeat when I've had a hard day, because then I feel like I "deserve" it. I make it like a treat. The thing is I give myself endless excuses to overeat :/