Stage 7 Questions (the final countdown)



  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    I really struggled with Stage 7! It kept discouraging me that I couldn't do all the sets/reps with 30 second rests.

    Do you think it's more important to complete 4 sets of 15, regardless of the weight? Or do the bets you can with weights that you want?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    jlhudy, I think the intention is to drop the weight down to one you can just about manage for 4 x 15. It's more cardio, and it's called 'the final cut'- it's a bit of an ego-dent to have to reduce the weights, I know, but the higher reps/lower weights seem to trim us down. Anyway you can go heavy on the moves in the A section (squats/DLs etc)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I like your plan, Jenlwb....I'll have to think on that.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I start Stage 7 tomorrow and have been excited about it but after reading through the comments here...WOW! Sounds like it is going to kick my butt!!

    Still looking forward to it but at least now I know what is in store for me!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I started into my *repeat* of Stage 7.

    I made the conscious decision to change it up - because, as written, I cannot get through a Stage 7 work-out! (I was taking longer than 30s rests. Often, I could not get in 4 sets. My racing heart-rate had me feeling quite ill through the work-outs. I had to take 3- and sometimes 4- days of rest BETWEEN work-outs. And, I was starting to AVOID the gym - very bad for me, mentally and physically.)

    I'm going to do 4 sets of the BIG lift, at the beginning of each work-out. And then, I'm going to do 4 sets of the circuit-style exercises, but only 8 reps (no more 15-20 for Beeps!). I've accepted that I need 60s rests between all the sets, and I'm taking it.

    My work-out 1 was MUCH better, with this new plan in tow. I probably shouldn't post on this particular thread, anymore, because I'm not properly completing Stage 7. But, I just wanted you to know the sitch, with me.

    Good luck to all of you!

    I expect to be done NROL4W within the next 2 weeks. I'm moving onto NROL4Abs!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Beeps I never thought of reducing the reps, that's a good idea. I messed with the sets instead.

    For Stage 7 round 2 WO1 I did:

    4 sets :happy: of 6 reps Squats 84lbs

    3 sets :happy: of 15 reps:
    rear elevated static lunge 22lb a side
    DB row 22lb a side
    BB RDL 75lb
    full push ups
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    I guess I'm confused about Stage 7. So is it only like 3 different exercises for each day. When I read the instructions, it seemed like you do the first exercise in each workout, then pick 2 of the next four and alternate. I'm almost done with Stage 5.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I guess I'm confused about Stage 7. So is it only like 3 different exercises for each day. When I read the instructions, it seemed like you do the first exercise in each workout, then pick 2 of the next four and alternate. I'm almost done with Stage 5.

    Nope, stage 7 is different, there are only 6 workouts and each one is different. They're laid out completely in the book, so for example your first workout you will do squats (2 sets of 6-8), then superset 4 sets of 15 reps for each of these-
    static lunge,
    push up,
    DB bent over row.

    Then a couple of days later, do the whole of workout 2, and so on
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    while I don't have my NROL4W book in my hands, I don't recall the same information that you have posted, Rikasue....

    I thought it was the 1st exercise, on each day, that rotates (among 3 of them....well, 4 of them because the incline bench press day also includes the seated rows), and then 2 different circuits that rotate each day - with each circuit containing 4 different exercises, which 4 sets are to be done, with 15-20 reps of each.

    So, if you think of it like this - with the BIG exercise at the beginning being number 1, 2 and 3 and the CIRCUIT exercises being A and B, the 6 work-outs are:

    1 A
    2 B
    3 A
    1 B
    2 A
    3 B

    That's 6 work-outs - and you can repeat it to make it 12, if you choose.

    1 = back squats
    2 = incline bench press + seated row
    3 = BB deadlift

    A = DB static lunges, push-ups, BB romanian deadlift + bent-over DB rows
    B = DB squats w/ heels on plate, DB shoulder press, DB step-ups and underhand lat pull-down.
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    I guess I'm confused about Stage 7. So is it only like 3 different exercises for each day. When I read the instructions, it seemed like you do the first exercise in each workout, then pick 2 of the next four and alternate. I'm almost done with Stage 5.

    Nope, stage 7 is different, there are only 6 workouts and each one is different. They're laid out completely in the book, so for example your first workout you will do squats (2 sets of 6-8), then superset 4 sets of 15 reps for each of these-
    static lunge,
    push up,
    DB bent over row.

    Then a couple of days later, do the whole of workout 2, and so on
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input. I can't wait to get started!! No, really. :-)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I have just done my first Stage 7 workout and I need to vent a little here. Apologies if you haven't started yet, although it might be as well to know what you are letting yourself in for.

    I now realise that I have sailed through the first 6 stages. In all honesty, I have never done anything as difficult as this. I didn't listen about dropping the weights, but just had to go down after the first set. No way could I cope with just 30 seconds - I needed a full minute between exercises, and after sets 2 and 3 I had to go and have a lie down for a few minutes because the room was spinning and I was close to vomiting! I am shaking now. Normally I go and do some cardio after lifting, but I'll be lucky to make it to my bed this evening without being carried.

    I swear that if the military were to start using this, they'd have no trouble extracting information from the most hardened of international criminals.

    Go easy girls!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Maggie, you have now had the *same* experience that I did with Stage 7....which explains why, when doing the 6 work-outs again (yes, I *chose* to repeat them!), I have replaced the "15-20" reps with 8 and I have replaced the "30s" with 60s. Now I can handle the work-out.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    "Told ya so" Maggie! At least it's quick..... the nausea fades after a while, just stay away from the light!

    I def recommend a second go around with fewer reps and more weight. Although I rushed my last one, did it in 35 mins and now have killer DOMS. Damn olympic sched, probably the only time I've actually stuck to the 30sec breaks!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Thanks Beeps. It's the morning after now, and I feel a bit better. I'm already thinking that I'll repeat the stage too actually, but I'm going to try this first attempt with higher reps just to see if I can get any better. I'm too stubborn for my own good! And I'm sure its my imagination, but I seem to have lost weight overnight, hahahaha!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I did the first 6 work-outs with 15 reps. But, after 2nd work-out, I started taking 60s breaks, because I couldn't handle the nauseau, etc., with the 30s breaks.

    It is only for the second 6 that I decided to even cut the reps down to 8.

    Continued good luck! It is a great stage, I believe, for fat loss.
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    oh my goodness! I didn't believe you all when you wrote about about how hard this stage is . . . Did workout 1 today and I couldn't/chose not to do 4 sets, only 3, and after the first set there was no way I could possibly only rest for 30 seconds. So disappointing! I skipped stage 6 because I am really feeling like at this moment I needed the fat burn more than trying to do the chin up . . . after fininshing/quitting the first workout I had to come home and lie down for an hour, literally. :( I need to really re-think my weights for workout 2. I remember feeling this way after the first work out in Stage 3 (I think) when the raised static lunge was introduced. I don't know what it is about that exercise, but it always raises my heart rate so much and gets me breathing so hard. :( I will trust those of you who say Stage 6 does get better (with modifications if necessary!).

    On a happy note, I was able to squat 105 bls. (2 sets, 8 reps) relatively easily. Although that's probably what did me in for the rest of the workout! :)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Thank goodness it isn't just me!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    OK, just did workout 2. Brought the weights right down, and coped fine. Managed 20 of everything with 30 second rests. Was sweating, but only slightly aware of my muscles working. Felt like a bit of a wimp, truth be told. But the room wasn't swimming, I didn't need to lie down, and I didn't vomit. think I'll build up from this low base over the rest of the stage then repeat with higher weights. It's a plan, anyway. :bigsmile:
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    MissMaggie -- I am just behind you! Today did workout 2 and felt really good. I was able to stay with the 30 sec rest because I lowered my weights enough. Still felt great -- lots of sweating and didn't feel like a wimp at all! ;) Usually do some cardio after and felt good enough to do some some interval training, but couldn't due to a lack of time. Looking forward to seeing how you did with Workout 3 so I know what to expect!