Oct 30th
Well this challenge wasn't a complete failure I did not gain weight. I have dropped a few lbs from the beginning. Where am I going? What are my long term goals? I don't know. I have made some major changes in my life and I guess i need to get things settled before I can say Ok this is where I want to go to next. I guess…
Please fill in information on the spreadsheet here: I will be going in and fixing the codes, so don't worry if things don't add up correctly. All you need to add is screen name (and real name if you like) and (if…
Oct 23rd
Ok I crashed and burned last week. I have a cold and am barely making it through the day So I am not going to make any goals this week except to try and get over this cold.
Oct 16TH
Good Morning Everyone!!! :) Well I would love to say hey I am getting the hang of things but this past week I pretty much psyched myself out a few times and had to take a lot of deep breaths. I keep having to remind myself that my old job I knew so well I did it on autopilot. when You do something for 24 years that happens…
Oct 9th
Well this was party week at the bank. We celebrated our 100th anniversary and there was food non stop for customers and the lunches and a dinner party for the employees. I did really well I am tired as I am not accustomed to going out and socializing I am use to coming home putting on my pj's and just chilling and going to…
Week of October 2
This week looks better. Sleeping better, eating better and being more active. This week's goals: 1. Sleep 7 to 8 hours per night 2. Eat only real foods (no processed) 3. Exercise 5 of 7 days 4. Completely clean/organize my home office
week of Sept 25th
Well lets see my training is pretty much over with. So I am a real person. You know you look at things and say why didn't I do this sooner and then you look at your life and think because at the time it wasn't convenient. This weeks goals. I need to up my protein. Keep exercising 1st thing in the morning and maybe do…
Goals for the week of September 12
First weekly goals go here!
Week of Sept 18th
Morning everyone!!! :) I made it through my first week of training at the new job. Things I need to work on this week. Food options. There is a vending machine at the new job I need to take fruit to work. Exercise!!!! :# New job is a sit down job I need to up the exercise I'm just going to keep it simple and work on those…
Welcome to the new challenge!
How's everyone doing? What are your goals for Halloween? Post them in the spreadsheet (should be added soon) and/or post them here.