Important stuff will go here one day.
Weight Loss = Less pain?
Many of you have lost weight. I'd like to know if it has helped your pain?
Been having back pain again lately for the first time in a blessedly long time. Couldn't figure out what was going on at first. Wasn't I thinner? Healthier? Taking my vitamins every day? Then I realized: Since I've lost so much weight I have way more flexibility and room to slouch. I collapse in my office chair with an…
Threw my back out :(
Not happy at all this pass Sunday I slipped in a pothole and now my back is killing me pain shooting down my left leg, it's hard to walk now. I feel like crying and screaming all this hard work I've been doing and I have to stop it now :( its been 5 days and I haven't been to the gym I'm hoping that Monday I can go. I hope…
Epidural Lumbar Injections
I go for my first injection on Friday. Anyone with experience have tips? I will go for two rounds. If they don't work, then I'm a surgical candidate for my L5 herniated disk.
Back-friendly Strength Training??
Does anybody do any lower lumbar-friendly strength training? I've never been able to do any (trust me, I've tried a lot of methods) because my back would go out. However, after I have the surgery and recovery, I'm ready to slowly get back into gaining some muscle- I lose weight so much faster if I gain muscle first. Anyone…
I'm New to My Fitness Pal and The Back Pain Group
Hi everyone! My name is Denice and I have 100 lbs to lose. I've been overweight all my life. At first I had just decided to deal with it, but now I'm sick of it and want to make a change. My biggest stumbling block to losing the weight is that I hurt my back 8 years ago and have been pretty sedentary ever since. I can't…
Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back? "...a core exercise program should emphasize all of the major muscles that girdle the spine, including but not concentrating on the abs. Side plank (lie on your side and raise your upper body) and the “bird dog” (in which, from all fours, you raise an alternate arm and…
anti-inflammatory medications
I can't take pain killers or muscle relaxers. I can't take anything those things that will "impair my judgement." Does anyone have experience with anti-inflammatorys? Right now I'm just on Ib. Thanks!
Positive messages
Please add your success stories here. My success story for today. I felt like **** this morning, but I got up and exercised anyway. Now I feel better! And...I'm on MFP getting help, so yay for me!
I'm New and I'm Having Surgery
Hi, My name is Jill. I was getting started on creating a group for back pain when I came across this one and said perfect someone else has done the work for me! :) I work full time, I'm newly married to my wonderful husband and we have a daughter who is 14 months now and as cute as can be. I'm 29 and have been told several…