Additional Readings
Hi Team, In this topic, I am going to post articles I think you will find informative, useful, interesting, or that will challenge your diet & exercise paradigms. I had a totally awesome, formal post written up before I started linking to articles, but I clicked "back" on accident and it was deleted :( If I had the time, I…
Tiffany's Exercise for week 3
My goal for exercises this week is to attend our strength training classes on Monday and Friday. Monday- Kickboxing at Kosama 1 hr class Tuesday - Zumba at the rec center or bodyweight blast, KosamaStrong at Kosama Wednesday- TNT at the Rec center Thursday - Zumba at the Rec Center Friday- KRock at Kosama My other goal for…
David's exercise log
I generally bike to campus M-F, avg 13-16 mph, 3.5 miles each way if I take the Campus connector from/to the St Paul campus or 6.5 miles if I don't. In addition to our regular group training M and F, I usually do in-door rowing at least one other day, using the Concept E2 machines in the old section of the Rec Center. I…
Meredith's Exercise Log
30 Sept - 15 minutes of interval biking- 60 sec on, 90 sec rest; 40 minutes of strength circuit total body o [18] felt really fresh, like my muscles had finally had a break to rest a bit, it was actually exciting 31 Sept - (PT) 3 one mile runs for time, 20 diamond pushups, 40 regular pushups, 20 wide pushups o [18] Running…
Marissa's Exercise Log
I'm a little behind at posting my exercise to this message board. Week 3: September 30: 12WWL Training Session (75 mins) October 1: CSI group fitness class (60 mins) October 2: Volleyball PE class (90 mins) October 4: 12WWL Training Session (75mins)
Here are my fitness goals for the future. Short Term: I would like to see some sort of change on my next BodPod assessment. I feel like it has come so soon, and I am worried nothing will have changed. So, any sort of positive change (decrease in body fat, or increase in fat free mass) would be great. Medium Term: I would…
Charlie's exercise log
Wednesday, Oct 9th: today I ran two miles on the track (that's one more mile than I usually run!) I feel that I'm either improving my oxygen exchange system or I'm learning good pacing (or both!) Then I went through our strength circuit and increased on every weight except the shoulder press which I maintained. Good cardio…
Peggy T's Exercise for 12 Week WLP
Week 1 Completed - M/W/Sat - 60 Min Water Aerobics - Th - UMN Rec Center Aqua Motion 60 Min - 30 Min Weights - same machines as WLP M/F - 12 Week WLP Week 2 Completed- M/W/Sat - 60 Min Water Aerobics - 30 Min Weights - same machines as WLP M- 12 Week WLP. Missed 9/28 WLP session due to illness Week 3 Plan - M/W/Sat - 60…
Tiffany's Exercise for Week 2
I go to another club called Kosama. What this club is a group fitness exercise class type club. They are open 6 days a week and closed on Sundays. There are 5 classes each week. One class is taught twice within the week which is the kickboxing class. My favorite class is the kickboxing classes. I…