Important stuff will go here one day.
Dec 24, last day parting words of encouragement
Mindfulness! Being mindful of the moment. Take a deep breath. Whatever we are doing, FOCUS on just that one thing. Yes, it can be overwhelming this time of year. A million things tugging at our attention. Let's practice being mindful. Whatever we are doing, focus our mind on this very moment. How does our body feel? Any…
Dec 23
Truthfully logged all food and drink today? (Yes/No) Logged at least 20 minutes of exercise? (Yes/No) Here's something to try, as we become more mindful. I'm going to try this today! Really taste what I eat. Eat one thing mindfully -- focus on its taste, texture, temperature. Stop chewing and feel it sit in my mouth. Do…
Dec 20
Wow! Five more days on this challenge! Thank you for sharing this mindfulness journey with me. Here's an inspirational quote for today: "There is no one as strong as a person whose heart is always filled with gratitude." -- Daisaku Ikeda How was your day today? Did you truthfully log all food and drink? (Yes/No) Did you…
Dec 22
Mindful! Enjoying the moment, for this present moment is truly the only thing we have. The past is gone. Poof! The future is but an ephemeral dream. Right here, now. This is it! Savor it! Count our blessings. Love ourselves. Notice beauty. Listen and soak in the beauty all around us. Thank you for being in this group with…
Dec 21
Happy Solstice! "Sometimes we complain without thinking much of it, but the frightening thing about complaining is that every time we do, a cloud descends over our heart, and our hope, appreciation and joy gradually wane." -- Daisaku Ikeda. So, we are learning to appreciate everything, be here now, savor the moment. This…
Dec 18
"Anyone who has ever made a resolution discovers that the strength of their determination fades with time. The important thing is not that your resolve never wavers, but that you don’t get down on yourself when it does and throw in the towel." -- Daisaku Ikeda A fresh start each moment! Yay! Learning to become more mindful…
Dec 17
How are you doing? Here's a mindfulness quote of the day -- "It is this time and this place that matter—not some other time or place. What matters is here and now—the people here and now." -- Daisaku Ikeda Happy enjoying of each moment. Each new moment a fresh new start, a whole new glorious universe. How deeply can we…
Dec 19
Here's some super inspiring words I copied and pasted from Wifeyy (Thanks Wifeyy!) It talks about emotional eating. I believe what she wrote also relates to developing Mindfulness. What do you think? "Emotional eating is a behavior that we have the power to change. The key to getting past destructive eating habits is…
Dec 16
That day 1, day 2, was tricky for me to keep track of. So now I'll just post the date. Dec 16 Truthfully logged food and drink? (yes or no) Logged at least 20 minutes of exercise? (yes or no) How are you doing? Here's a quote for today: ""(S)he is a (wo)man who never gives in to defeat and who greatly values (her)…
Day 2
Day 2 Truthfully logged food and drink? (yes or no) Logged at least 20 minutes of exercise? (yes or no) Quote for the day from Daisaku Ikeda -- "Anyone can hit a wall. The anguish felt then is proof of one’s desire to move forward. But all is for naught if you falter at that moment. Action—that is the key to breaking…