Important stuff will go here one day.
My time
Hello all, I'm Navy reserve 21 years.
Status/Military Branch/Job
Hi everyone! What's everyone's status/branch/job in the military? I'm Active Duty Air Force and a weather forecaster
Improve run time?
Hello all! I'm currently active Army and I've been in for almost three years now. Ever since I did my first 1-1-1 for MEPs (only had been working out for about a month at that time!) I've struggled with my run. My genes aren't helping me; I'm short (5' 5") and stocky and so have been the last couple generations on my…
PT Test
Well here I am a few months out from our annual PT test. I'm sure other members of the Guard understand that it can be hard to keep up with the correct eating plans and workout routines that being in the service requires of us. That's where I am now. I need to drop my extra weight for my run. I have always had problems…
Air National Guard
Considering joining the ANG in a few months, the weight is literally falling off of me. I let go of my reserve career because my husband (now former) was getting orders all the time to PCS, it was too difficult to move around from base to base. But now that our divorce is final, and I'll be relocating eventually, I'm…
Favorite MRE Food
To anyone who has ever had one of those coveted purple packages... Mine is hands down the Maple Sausage.
Workouts to help you prepare for your PT test!
Not going to get into the standards, you all should know what you need by now. Hell, you learn them in boot. This guide is a quick reference on what you can do to prepare for your PT test. You should be exercising an average of at least 30 minutes 3 times a week, every week. That is only a 1.5 hours of PT a week...totally…
What to do now?
Since my job is non-critical I think it is time to train harder during the shutdown.
Sick of the battle
Who decided on the height/weight chart and or body composition table? I have been at this most of my adult life, and I am just sick of meeting some arbitrary line someone else decided on. Sorry, having a bad day. End of rant...
Anyone out there have any good HIIT or TABATA workouts?? Looking for moderate and intense programs.