CatK15 Member


  • You've come a long way and are now an inspiration to others to keep going, myself included. I bet you have a lot more energy now to do things with your kids.
  • What a great introduction and I agree, great goals. As far as your fear that people won't like you, you have to be yourself!! You know that old saying "Those who matter don't mind and Those who mind don't matter" Feel free to add me and we'll motivate each other along the way.
  • 45 and could use the encouragement, especially in regards to exercising. Good with my food intake but not so much with the exercising. Will send you a request and feel free to add me.
  • You can do this!!! We all need supportive people on this journey. Sending you a request :)
  • Congrats, what an amazing transformation and inspiration!!
  • You have a good attitude and if you keep that mindset you'll go far. You deserve someone to share your life with and that person should accept you no matter what size you are. Like you said it isn't all about the good looking body. It should be about what's inside that counts. If you need support and motivation feel free…
  • I'm on day 22 of my login streak and hope to continue. I have 100+ lbs to lose so it's vital that I log on everyday to keep track. I'm not a workout nut either but trying to keep active. Feel free to add me and we can try and motivate each other to reach our goals.
  • I have over 100 to lose as well so feel free to add me and we'll motivate each other along the way :)
  • lol, I couldn't resist. I thought maybe you meant to type hi so I thought I would finish it for you.
    in h Comment by CatK15 November 2014
  • i
    in h Comment by CatK15 November 2014
  • Go to My Home, Check In and then Edit Previous Entries. You can select the date and add an entry.
  • Hi Charles and welcome :)
    in Charles Comment by CatK15 November 2014
  • Hi Natalie and Welcome :) I haven't been on MFP for very long but really liking it. You'll find a lot of support and motivation here to help you reach your goals. Good luck :)
  • Hi Steve, I haven't been on MFP for that long and will admit that I've used every excuse in the book too for not reaching my goals. Instead of focusing on achievable short term goals I kept looking at the big picture which seemed almost unattainable. With your positive attitude I'm sure you'll reach your goal by Christmas.
  • I agree with Timothy, you can't skip meals. You're body needs fuel in order to burn fat. By skipping meals you're making it worse. When you feel like you want to eat, try to keep your mind occupied by doing something else. Go for a walk or clean or anything really that you enjoy doing. Under My Home, go to Profile and…
    in Help! Comment by CatK15 November 2014
  • I've tried a lot of diets but never heard of the 5-2. I'm curious to know what it is too.
    in Hi! Comment by CatK15 November 2014
  • Hi there and welcome :)
  • Hi Ashleigh, congrats on your weight loss so far. I've only recently started and have a long way to go. I think its fantastic that you've entered the Tough Mudder, it will definitely give you something to work towards. I'm a Mom and a Grandma and not only want to be more active in my grandkids lives but I'm debating…
  • Hi there, you'll find a lot of support and motivation here :smiley:
  • Congrats on losing the 50lbs, that's awesome. I have 100 to go and it's nice to see someone who is half way to their goal :)
  • Hi there, sounds like you've had rough go lately. You'll find a lot of support, motivation and tips on the site. Good luck meeting your goals :)
  • Great Job and a good inspiration!! Sounds like you have your hands full with your kids. I have 4 grandkids that are motivating me. Feel free to add me, I could use all the support and motivation I can get :)
  • Hi Teresa, very sorry to hear about your Mom and Dad. Sounds like you're off to a great start though and very committed. Feel free to add me, we can use all the support and encouragement we can get :)
  • Nice to see you on here and I love the positive attitude. I'm sure it will get you far :)
  • Hi Damon and welcome. Nice to meet you as well. I've been on the site a couple of weeks and really liking it. Lots of support and great people.
  • I'm definitely not close, from Canada but feel free to add me :)
  • Hi there, I have 104 lbs to lose now and can definitely use the support and motivation. Will send you a FR and anyone else is free to add me :smile:
  • Hi there :) You're not alone, I have over 100lbs to lose and it seems daunting but we got this. Just take it one day at a time and feel free to add me :)
  • Hi Rachel :) I'm new here too and like you, I'm taking it day by day. Sounds like you have a really positive attitude which will take you far. Good luck on your journey and I'm sure you'll be an inspiration to your girls.
    in New here Comment by CatK15 October 2014
  • Hi there :smile: I haven't been on here very long but find it really does help. There are a lot of understanding and motivating people on here. You can do this, and when you need support make sure to log on. Feel free to add me and we can help each other along the way.