New here

Introducing myself... Im Rachel im a mommy of two beautiful girls and I need to lose weight I joined up because my mother is on here and she really likes it so Im giving it a chance. Im new to the whole dieting thing calorie counting is not fun... I know now why i got so fat though lol I never would have thought there could be so many calories in one little thing say a cookie! its crazy! But so far ive made it a week! Taking it day by day until im where i need to be! :)


  • CatK15
    CatK15 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Rachel :) I'm new here too and like you, I'm taking it day by day. Sounds like you have a really positive attitude which will take you far. Good luck on your journey and I'm sure you'll be an inspiration to your girls.
  • Rachiekitty0506
    Thank you!! :) Im trying to stay positive about it lol some days are harder than others.. if food wasn't sooo good I wouldn't have this problem haha. Good Luck to you too!
  • lwheck
    lwheck Posts: 6 Member
    Hello there, I have been at this 261 days now and have lost 87 lbs. It is hard but worth it. I was 340 lbs and addicted to food and soda. I stopped soda all together and have went from 5000 calories a day to 2000. You can do this. Good luck.