Hello from a happy MFP user.

Midn12e Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,

I would like to say hello and also express just how MFP has helped me successfully loose and, so far, maintain the the weight lose.

I'm 6'3" tall and have been overweight for the past 20 years. Having such a large frame and fairly even fat distribution I could always hide the fact I was overweight relatively well.

However, I have never really been toned/defined and I have never really liked the spare tyre I used to carry around my middle. After many failed 'quick fix' attempts that resulted in yo-yo weight lose/gain, I decided to take a long haul strategy to healthily drop some weight and completely change my relationship that I had with food whilst significantly increasing my exercise output.

I have used MFP religiously since the beginning of August this year and so far lost 8kg (17lb) -

Was 108kg (238lb) - Currently 100kg (220lb)

I estimate by Christmas 2014 I will be were I want to be.

MFP has given me a greater understanding of the cause and effect of not taking control and being in charge of food. It also gives the freedom of dieting with the occasional treat of eating out - the beauty being that I now instinctively choose healthier options.

Speaking from experience - there are many out there who use too many excuses for not achieving the goals that they set (I have been one of those people) and first of all understanding why I had such a love hate relationship with food was paramount to combatting it. Setting realistic/achievable targets with a healthy dose of reality mixed in is key to making those changes whilst allowing time for those changes to integrate with your life so they become second nature.

Thank you for reading,



  • CatK15
    CatK15 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Steve, I haven't been on MFP for that long and will admit that I've used every excuse in the book too for not reaching my goals. Instead of focusing on achievable short term goals I kept looking at the big picture which seemed almost unattainable. With your positive attitude I'm sure you'll reach your goal by Christmas.