Kell2912 Member


  • GUESS WHAT?????????????? I WON THE FITNESS COMPETITION!!!!!!! I made a 1 minute 3 sec improvement on my time and the person nearest to me made a 56 sec improvement on their time. I was the slowest person to complete the fitness test but i made the biggest improvement. I'm so pleased with myself tonight. I have put in a lot…
  • Thanks guys. You are all awesome. I saw my nutritionist yesterday. He was stoked that in the last 2 weeks I have lost 6kg (13lb). He has set me new goals for the coming fortnight. So I'm aiming for: 450 cal burn at each training session training 4 x per week plus at least one active recovery walk per week Weight at 102kg…
  • Here's the pic I forgot
  • hey Lottie glad to see some of the fighting spirit come back. You know a good mood is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the bigger it gets and easier it is to maintain. That's not to say you can't have days when you're feeling lousy not at all but on the days you're feeling good run with it and do as much as you can…
  • Well the fitness challenge is officially over and I made it out alive. And with a nice drop in my times for an overall drop in 1 minute and 3 seconds. See pic below. I'm really happy with that give i started the challenge with a calf and hamstring tear. I just have to wait for the others to do their last fitness test now…
  • So June is definitely starting off well. My nutritionist set me a task of being perfect with my nutrition for 2 weeks. Well sadly I haven't been perfect but close to. Only 1 really day where i fell off. And the challenge seems to be working. Since 30th May i have lost 5.4kg (12lb). Most of it is junk bloat but hey a loss…
  • Hey Mate good to hear from you. I wouldn't necessarily say you haven't been working out. Ok you might not have been on the tready or doing your T25 but hauling around wood and working in the garden and at the lake has got to be up there. I'm really glad you have taken some positives out of this past couple of months and…
  • always a good dilemma to have to go and buy new clothes cause the other ones are too big. Hope the goodwill comes through
  • moving wood trumps beer any day of the week in my book
  • I'm not making any goals for June. It seems everytime I make a goal something happens and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. So I will just say i am going to try my best this month. ONe thing I have committed to is Junk Free June. IN an effort to cut out the garbage I have been eating I am going junk free this month…
  • Well I have committed myself to no Junk June to raise money for cancer. My nutritionist has also given me a challenge (cause we all know i love them) to be on point with my nutrition for 2 weeks. And i gotta say in just 2 days i have dropped 2.4kg (5.3lb). Mostly bloat from eating garbage but its gone none the less. I have…
  • awww Lottie. I wish i could come over and give you a great bit hug. Its ok to feel like this. Actually its quite normal. The important thing is you recognise it and accept it and then pick yourself up and keep moving. Cherish the memories you have of your husband and let them motivate you to be healthy.
  • 1,000 is pretty low calorie intake. Your body is probably going into starvation mode and holding on to everything you eat rather than burning it up
  • Hey mate. Slow is good. Just little steps at a time. You got this. I have every faith
  • you got this hon and we're all behind you rooting for you
  • always looking for motivated buddies to share the journey with . Feel free to add me anytime
  • I have lost 26lb so far with another 88 to go. Looking for motivated friends to share the journey with
  • hi Tara I too and seeking motivational friends. I have sent you a friend request. If anyone else wants to add me thats fine
  • Thanks for the adds guys. Always looking for motivated people to share the journey with
  • I love how you guys go all out for 4th July. It's so big that even in some parts of Aus people celebrate it. I remember going to a 4th July part one year and it was the best party i've been too. Hope you have an awesome time. Sorry to hear about your Aunt. ALS is is the pits
  • I was very despondent after the second one but after I worked out the reason or my nutritionist did I kept going. If this one had of been the same yeah the towel possibly would have been tossed. But I've pretty much been sticking to my nutrition plan and working my kitten off and it's paying dividends. As for the watch and…
  • Hey mate really sorry to hear you're in a funk. Perhaps the incident with your friend affected you more than you think cause that's when things really seemed to go down hill. Even if you're hearts not in it just try to do one thing healthy each day until you're feeling better. You know the old saying fake it til you make…
  • After a pretty hideous weekend last weekend, I have had a pretty awesome week. Granted i didn't get to train until Thursday but I also had some other pretty interesting things going on. On Wednesday I had my third body comp scan. I won't bore you with all the details but I have lost 3% body fat and gained 1.5kg (3.3lb) of…
  • Yay for joining the gym. Don't be scared about going near the weight machines, they wont make you into a hulk and a little extra muscle will help you increase your metabolism for losing weight. Nice news about the new job for hubby. The extra 8k a year will certainly help the house hunting coffers as well.
  • It doesn't matter how slow you go. You will always be lapping those who are sitting on the couch.
  • Can you send some of that rain down to Aus please? We are desperate for the stuff here. We're all a bit excited because tomorrow there is a 60% chance of rain and we might get about 0.15inch. I'm glad you got down to your holiday house and got some quality down time. I think your plan for sustainable healthy eating is…
  • ahhhh the ongoing saga of my knees and legs is truly getting a bit weary. I went to the physio on Saturday to get some work done on my torn calves. They aren't fully healed yet but are progressing ok. There are still some tears so I just have to baby them. I'm still having my knees fill with fluid every 10 days and this…
  • Way to go you for sticking with things. Shame about not feeling so well though. Hopefully the weekend has been good to you and you have had a good rest.
  • I was just scrolling through Facebook (i love FB) and found this pic and thought it very appropriate given what i just wrote