utahmomof10 Member


  • Thank you! And yep, 10 kids. All from my body, one at a time. My oldest is 22 and my youngest is 3. The three older kids (they are mine from a previous marriage and were actually raised by their dad and stepmom) are all grown up (22, almost 21, and will be 20 in June), two are married and one has a baby daughter. So I just…
  • So far they're working just fine. I haven't lost any more weight really, but I also started having my meal replacement shake for only breakfast and only on workout days because I don't want a bigger breakfast than that before my workouts (I work out at 9:00 or a little later). Plus right after I started tracking again I…
  • I refined my macros yesterday (I've really just guesstimated them before based on lots of reading). They aren't a whole lot different, but I'm hoping the slight change will be enough to make a difference in both my body composition and performance in CrossFit. Had a good workout this morning, too.
  • I love my Instant Pots (I have 3)! As a homeschooling mother feeding a family of 9 (7 kids at home, including 4 teenagers), it's a lifesaver. I can put food in, turn it on, and not babysit it, so it makes cooking dinner so much easier for me. Plus yogurt, hard cooked eggs, proofing bread dough, and so much more. Yesterday…
  • Don't put too much stock into daily/multi-daily weight measures. Like the others said, weight fluctuates and there can be any number of factors. If it bothers you, try weighing only once a week and watch the overall trend so you aren't stressing about the normal fluctuations.
  • Another vote for protein powder to supplement, and I also recommend MyProtein.com. I hope they will ship to you. It's high quality protein with almost no fat or carbs, and the flavors I have tried have been very good.
  • 192 g of protein is 0.85 g per pound of body weight (225), which is not at all too high. That's right about the recommended minimum for women (0.8g/pound). It would be helpful to be able to see your diary to see what you are eating and we could help to offer some suggestions.
  • I weigh at least once a day, usually twice a day. However, I have learned to not worry about what it says. For me, it is merely information or feedback. I know it's totally normal for weight to fluctuate, so I don't stress if it bounces around a little. I'm very familiar with the weight fluctuations my body goes through -…
  • Every other month, some of my girlfriends and I get together and have lunch, which is almost always a homemade potluck lunch. Today was that lunch. We had Cafe Rio copycat salad. One of my friends made homemade tortillas. I had only 1/3 of one of the tortillas to limit my carbs and did a really good job of constructing my…
  • I'm feeling that way today, but I'm also still trying to get rid of a cold and didn't get enough sleep the last couple of nights. So I'm guessing for me it's a combination of all these things today.
  • Thank you! I'm sorry you're sick, too. It stinks, especially for us moms! My macros are set at 40P/30F/30C. I did do a lot of research to settle on this, but there are so many conflicting opinions out there, it's hard to say what is the "right" thing to do. You just have to do what works for you. I do find that if I get…
  • My Monday weigh-in was down as well. I was 145.4 this morning, which is exactly 7 pounds down overall from my peak weight of 152.4. I went to CrossFit this morning for the first time in a week since I was sick last week. I'm still only about 85% back to healthy, but I was going stir crazy. The workout was pretty tough and…
  • Way to go! We are right about in the same weight range.
  • I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd love to join for some support and accountability. I'm 42 year old, 5'2", and currently 146 pounds, working my way down to somewhere between 120 and 130. I have 10 kids ages 3 to 22, with 7 of them at home (ages 3 to 17) and we homeschool them all with the help of a local homeschool…
  • You are definitely eating a large volume of foods with a nice variety - heavy on the veggies. It looks good. It makes sense that you are quite full after meals. If I may ask, are you hungry again within a couple of hours? I find that when I'm eating tons of veggies and not enough protein and healthy fats, I feel very full…
  • It appears your diary is not public. If you can make it public, then people will be able to look at it and try to help. :)
  • You're welcome! Have you tried this jalapeno pepper chicken chili? It's AMAZING.
    in Soup Comment by utahmomof10 January 2017
  • I'm not arguing all or nothing. I like simple carbs as much as the next person, and especially love them after a tough workout. The OP was expressing that she felt like the carb counts for the MFP formula were high because she has the idea that bread=fat. I was trying to explain that it is a false notion, and also…
  • Technically speaking, yes. If all you're interested in is the number on the scale, then it truly doesn't matter what foods those less calories are. A person can eat nothing but 5 donuts a day and go for a 30-minute walk and lose weight, but they're not exactly going to be healthy, are they? If you're interested in overall…
  • I made this chicken noodle soup the other day, and made this beef & barley soup last week. Both were super yummy. I love making soups in my Instant Pot (along with about a hundred other things, LOL).
    in Soup Comment by utahmomof10 January 2017
  • Can you open your diary? What does a typical day of meals look like for you?
  • Different types of carbs act differently as they are digested and metabolized. Simple carbs convert to sugar on digestion, and so too much of those (even if they are within your caloric range) can thwart weight loss efforts. However, complex carbs found in whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, as well as in low-glycemic…
  • My husband and I both use Impact Whey Protein Isolate from MyProtein.com. It's high-quality protein for a lot less money than the name brands. Before that I was using Combat from MusclePharm and I liked it, but I like the Impact at least as much and the price point is a big win for me. I use it with just water or in my…
  • For what it's worth, I am 42 and have mild carpal tunnel syndrome due to spending 12 years typing for a living. I started doing barbell strength training two years ago, and then started doing CrossFit this past January. I've never had any issue with either of them causing my CTS to flare up at all.
  • I have the Challenger ATR trail shoes that I use for both road and trail running. I tried running off and on for 10 years and kept having pain until I finally discovered that I need a lower drop shoe (The Challengers are 4mm) and custom orthotics. The Hokas were the first shoes I ran in without pain. I like the rocking…
  • I would recommend logging it as circuit training. The strength training exercise is geared more for straight weight lifting, which burns far less calories than CrossFit because of the major cardio aspect of CrossFit. For me, personally, I wear my heart rate monitor during CF and use that number, but in the absence of a…
  • This is exactly what our local box is like, too (small town - only one CF box). Our coaches are amazing and proper form is of the utmost important, as well as not pushing yourself beyond safety. I know that there are a lot of questionable boxes/coaches out there, but I know there are great ones, too. CrossFit isn't…
  • I'm guessing that you are referring to dedicated lifting shoes like Nike Romaleos or Pendlay Do-Wins, etc., and not Chuck Taylors or basketball shoes. Correct? I own a pair of Do-Wins and my husband lifts in Romaleos for squats, OHP, and Oly lifts. I also have a pair of Chuck-type Tevas and a pair of Innov-8 235s that I…
  • @DavidBB2018 - That's awesome that you've come back. There are a couple of people in our classes that have done the same thing, including one of the black belt instructors. Now his wife is almost a black belt, and his 12-y/o son just advanced to blue stripe as well. @fitnforward - Good for you! I started this last fall…