utahmomof10 Member


  • Thanks, @DavidBB2018. Three of my sons (ages 16, 13, and 6) do TKD, too, but have been doing it longer. My older sons advanced rank the same time as I did - the 13-y/o to blue stripe and the 16-y/o to solid green. I am a teaching assistant for my 6-y/o's class. It's fun doing it with all of them.
  • Definitely go to a running store and have them help get you fitted. If you continue to have issues (like I did), go to a running lab (usually associated with a hospital that offers rehab services) and/or a sports medicine clinic and get a more thorough evaluation. If you like the Nikes, but need more support, try getting…
  • Per the instructions of my physical therapist, I wear my inserts only when running or doing CrossFit or other exercise like that. Because if I don't, I get pain. For everyday walking, I don't wear them, nor do I wear them for weight lifting. Also, I do my twice-a-week martial arts class in bare feet, which I think has…
  • Disclaimer: I am no expert. I have struggled with finding the right running shoes for me, including physical therapy, several running store assessments, and even a running lab evaluation. So I have some experience. Take my advice with a grain of salt. My guess is that the reason you have numb toes and no arch pain when you…
  • I take a tae kwon do class twice a week. I started last September and just earned my yellow belt, so I'm not sure I would count myself as a "martial artist" just yet, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
  • Maybe try a protein bar in a yummy flavor? I like the Quest ones and they have flavors like mint chocolate chunk and double fudge brownie. They help curb a sweet tooth, but have good stuff in them, plus it gives a nice boost to my protein intake.
  • Agree with this. I started with Starting Strength (similar to 5x5) and then progressed to Wendler after about 6 months. I switched because I was getting bored with SS, but I think if I had started out with Wendler, I would have become discouraged and frustrated at the slower progression.
  • +1. Also, making sure you get some protein first thing in the morning may help if you get morning sickness. I know that "conventional wisdom" tells you to eat some saltine crackers right before getting up, but I (and lots of my friends) have had better luck with protein than carbs first thing in the morning. Try eggs, a…
  • First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy! Secondly, yes, definitely increase your calories, starting now. During pregnancy is absolutely not the time to be restricting calories and losing weight unless medically necessary (risk of gestational diabetes, etc.). Put your weight loss journey on hold for now and…
  • Whether or not that is over training will depend on the individual. Are you fairly fit already, or are you new to exercise? You can definitely give it a try. If you feel like you aren't recovering between workouts, and you have no energy for the rest of your day/life, then you need to cut back a little. But if you feel…
  • I gave it a go at 16:8 for 3 weeks. I would wait until 1 pm after my workout to eat, and then be done eating at 9 pm. I was losing weight pretty steadily (7 pounds in 3 weeks), but by the end I was having some concerning issues. I starting having episodes where my legs would get numb and weak/dead feeling and I would get…
  • When I go to the gym, I will be doing CrossFit, weight lifting and/or using the treadmill, so in my bag I have: Skin salve/lip balm Lifting gloves (Barehand) Shoes for squats/Olympic lifts CrossFit shoes (also use for dead lifts) Running shoes Weight belt Knee sleeves Lifting straps Breathe-Right strips (I use these for…
  • I have a pair of Mpow Swift. They are comfortable, have great sound quality, and stay in place whether I'm running, lying down for bench presses, bending over for dead lifts, or jumping. The speaker is on the earpiece, but I've never had anyone ask if I was talking to them on a headset, even when at the gym, so they are…
  • Go to BarbellShrugged.com and look at their videos. They have a bunch on there that helped me tremendously.
  • I'll add you as a friend. I log most every day, at least I have been for the last 3 weeks. I was pretty hit and miss for a year or so before that. I'm 41 and working to lose 15-20 more pounds. I got down to 131 in August 2014, and then that winter I ended up having a hernia surgery and put 15 pounds back on. It has been…
  • It may not be the most accurate way to do it, but here's a calculator I have used in the past. Calorie Burn Calculator I created a custom exercise for the video I was doing (I've done it with 30-Day Shred, 6-Week 6-Pack, and P90X's Kenpo-X), as I found the burn that MFP assigned seemed too high. I would plug 30-Day-Shred…
  • I'm starting CrossFit on January 4, will continue with my martial arts classes twice a week, keep running as much as I can with plan for a 10K in June, and will likely do other supplemental weight lifting as well.
  • I have some Pendlay Do-Wins that I wear for squatting, overhead press, and Olympic lifting; and a pair of flat Tevas (very similar to Chuck Taylors) that I use for dead lifts. For bench press, I just wear whatever I'm already wearing. Barefoot/socks is also a very valid option. My husband does his dead lifts with no shoes…
  • I'm admittedly no expert, but the thing that sticks out at me the most is that the bar path is traveling in front of your ankles. You need to focus on keeping the bar going in a straight line up and down, staying over the center of your foot. A few cues to help with this would be: - Focus on keeping your weight on your…
  • 2.5-mile run followed by Wendler-structured pull day with dead lifts up to 159 lbs x3. New high for me. I am super sore today from doing Kenpo-X yesterday, so I opted out of my accessory exercises.
  • Kenpo-X this afternoon. Martial arts class tonight. Rest day from weights.
  • Wendler-structured leg day: Back squats up to 115 lbs x6 - This is the most weight I've ever had on the bar, so I felt pretty awesome about that. Assistance exercises: 3 sets of each (I was short on time, so didn't do the usual 5 sets) in a circuit Cleans: 80 lbs x2 Overhead squats: 50 lbs x1 (this is an increase for me,…
  • Today is rest day from the weights. But I did manage to burn 539 calories (according to my Polar H7 HRM) shoveling a foot of snow for 1 hour 25 minutes. I would ordinarily go to my martial arts class tonight, but it's 13 miles away from here and I have elected to not attempt the icy roads after dark tonight. There will…
  • Wendler-structured push day: Bench press up to 68 lbs x5 OHP up to 57 lbs x3 Accessories: 5 sets of each in a circuit "Wall balls" with 12-lb ball - 5 chest pass, 5 overhead pass per set Clean & jerk 80 lbs - 2 reps per set Triceps dips - 5 reps per set 1 mile tempo run on treadmill at 5 mph, then 0.25-mile cool down
  • I totally do! I had a great weight lifting session last Saturday and I was on a high the rest of the day afterwards. A good run will do that for me, too. It definitely makes me more motivated to go back and do it again. I have a personal philosophy of ending every workout on a high note. If I struggled on my run, I make…
  • Did 2 miles on the dreadmill at tempo pace, then worked on Oly lifts. Hit new highs on both clean (87.5 lbs) and snatch (52.5).
  • @Upstate_Dunadan - May I ask what cadence sensor you have? I have an M400 and am interested in getting one, and not sure which is best for running. Most of them only talk about using them for cycling. Thanks.